Different Dimension Distortion

North Academy vs Duel Academy

In the Island of North Academy

Darkness covered the land as the students of the north academy were getting ready to hear who would be duelling in the annual duel. All the students had gathered around the academy with their Chancellor at the top.

"Students of North Academy! I present to you, our academie's new top duellist. And I present to him the North Academies' tough duelling cards!" said Chancellor Foster as he gave Chazz the deck. With them, you will triump, you will CHAZZ IT UP!"

"Chazz it up! Chazz it up! Chazz it up!" cheered all the students. Chazz accepted the cards and grinned as his need for revenge was burning within him.

"DUEL ACADEMY IS TOAST!" said Chazz as he raised his new cards into the air. All the students were still cheering on.

Duel Academy – Blue Dorm

Reiji was awake at 6 am in the morning going over his deck, he was unsure of the cards he should use. Whether it be the Blue Eyes cards he received or his own deck but they both had their own disadvantages. If he would use the Blue Eyes deck the people wouldn't need to know of his other cards but the duel would become more difficult as the deck is completely different and more difficult to use. Using his own DDD cards will only limit him to fusion unless he shows the world about his other summoning methods.

"This is bad, the day of the Academy duel is today and I still don't know what to use. I want to use the Blue Eyes but these are really risky to use. My Demon deck would reveal to the world of the different summoning methods. I don't know what to do." said Reiji as he was observing both his decks . He just sighed and picked up one of the decks. "No point in wondering now, the representatives of the North Academy will arrive in a few hours and I may as well get ready." said Reiji as he left his room and headed for the academy.

Reiji kept on heading towards the academy but as he was walking, he saw the students of duel academy with Chancellor Sheppard and Crowler heading towards the docks.

"Ah, Declan! Just the person I was hoping for." said Chancellor Sheppard. Reiji kept on walking forward until he caught up with them.

"Morning Chancellor Sheppard, mind if I ask why you're all going to the docks this early in the morning?" said Reiji.

"Of course, we were all going to welcome the North Academy to our academy for the school duel. We were also going call you over to see if you wanted to join us." said Chancellor Sheppard.

"(This could give me the opportunity to see my opponent's attitude) Very well, lets go." said Reiji.

"Good, lets go." said Chancellor. All of the students and Reiji then started heading towards the dock. They all started waiting for the boat but nothing turned up.

"So uh...where are they?" said A red Slifer Student. But then just as they were talking, a submarine popped out of the ocean and landed near the docks of the academy.

"There they are." said Chancellor. The hatch of the submarine then opened with Chancellor Foster being the first to get out. Chancellor Sheppard quickly wet over to greet Foster.

"Foster, it's been far too long. How have you been?" said Sheppard.

"I've been well. Ever since I got over the defeat you handed us in the last year's school duel." said Foster.

"It was a close duel." said Sheppard.

"Not really but this year might be different." said Foster. Reiji just watched as the two Chancellor's kept on interacting but then he noticed the other students who were coming of the submarine. They had a punkish look to them, wearing dark clothes and having angry expressions.

"So then, where's your representative?" said Chancellor.

"Oh he's right here." said a voice that everyone recognized. It was Chazz who finally came out of the submarine and stepped forward. Everyone besides Reiji was shocked to see that one of their old students had joined the enemy.

"Chazz?! What are you doing here?" said Jaden who randomly arrived.

"What else? I'm here for the duel!" said Chazz.

"The duel? I think they're sold out." said Jaden.

"No, I'm in the duel!" said Chazz.

"As a referee?" said Jaden. Getting impatient with Jaden, Reiji walked in placed his hand on Jaden's shoulder. "I think he means that he is the representative of the North Academy." said Reiji.

"You mean...it's you? But since when did you transfer?" said Jaden.

"Since I stopped getting the respect I deserved here." said Chazz.

"That's right!" said two North Academy students.

"Now you will give him respect! Because you won't give him respect, he will take it!" said another bulky student.

"He will "Chazz" you up" said a student with sharp dark spiky hair.

Just as they were finished speaking, a strong gust of wind then flew over to both groups. Reiji and the Chancellors look up to see the source of the wind, only to see two helicopters flying close on them.

"Who are those guys?" said Jaden. Just then the door opened for one of the helicopters and they met two guys in suits.

"Hi Chazz!" said guy in navy suit

"What's going little brother? Mind if we drop in?" said guy in dark suit.

"Slade?! Jagger?! Why are you here?!" said Chazz

"Why else? To celebrate you big duelling victory!" said Jagger. The helicopter then started descending and landed on the ground. the two then left the helicopter and stood together. "You are going to win, aren't you?" said Slade.

"That's it, keep rolling!" said the camera director.

"What's going on?" said Chancellor Foster.

"What's going on? I think you mean where are you going on? After all this school duel is going to shown live in tv!" said the Camera Director.

Everyone then decided to head to the academy and started getting the preparations and the camera setup for the big duel. Reiji however was just sitting down and thinking over his plans again.

"(This isn't good, I didn't predict these camera's to be here. If I duel with my demons then the world will know my deck. I guess I have no choice but to use the Blue Eyes.)" thought Reiji as he was about to leave but then Jaden, Syrus, Alexis and Bastion came over to Reiji.

"Hey Declan! You excited for the school duel?" said Jaden.

"I'm okay." said Reiji.

"Pretty calm aren't you Declan." said Bastion.

"I wonder whose going to be representing Duel Academy? I forgot that they haven't even announced that yet." said Syrus.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it's Zane. He was the representative last year too." said Alexis.

"Oh man! I should've done it. I could've taken down Chazz without a problem!" said Jaden.

"Sorry everyone but I need to go." said Reiji as he got ready to leave.

"Where ya going? Aren't you going to stick around to get seats?" said Jaden.

"It's fine, as a teacher. I'll get one of the best seat in the house." said Reiji as he left.

"He sure does have it lucky being a teacher." said Syrus.

Reiji was walking through the hallways getting to the preparation room.

"(Seem's like I should probably start getting ready, after all I need to get in my uniform.)" thought Reiji as he almost reached the room but then he heard a voice.

"Come on! Show them that Chazz Princeton is no slacker! That you're worthy of the Princeton name! That...that you can win! And you can keep winning, over and over! That your the best! You've got to do your part Chazz! You've got to show them that you're supreme! It's your duty!" said Chazz as he fell on his knees.

"(I see)" thought Reiji as he left the room. (Now I know what I have to do.)

Back to the arena

Everyone was cheering for the annual duel.

"That's it everyone, bring out your energy! This is live for the world!" said the Camera Director. All the students kept on cheering but the North Academy students were still cheering on Chazz by saying "Chazz it up!".

Jaden, Syrus, Alexis, Chumley and Bastion were all sat down on their seats. They were all excited to watch the duel.

"Alright! I can't wait to see who our representative is!" said Jaden.

"Me too, Chazz looked like he really changed." said Syrus.

"Don't worry about it guys, with Zane as our representative. There's no way we would lose." said Chumley.

"Except I'm not the representative this time." said Zane. The group then immediately turn their head to see Zane who walked over to get a seat next to them.

"Big bro?! What are you doing here?" said Syrus.

"What else? Watching the duel." said Zane.

"But if you're here? Then whose representing us?" said Bastion.

"I don't know but I'm sure we will find out soon." said Zane.

"Attention Students! Welcome to the school duel! And now, let this years annual competition! BEGIN!" said both Chancellor Sheppard and Foster.

"Alright keep it down! Today we are here to begin the annual dual between the North academy and the Duel Academy!" said Crowler which caused the students and the cameramen to cheer. They were ready to see the duel between the two rival schools ready to duel.

"Now then, introducing from the north academy! Originally our studen..." said Crowler but then Chazz interrupted.

"Get off the stage." said Chazz in a cold tone. Crowler then turned to Chazz who was walking up to the dual arena. Crowler was obviously giving off an angry expression for being interrupted.

"I'll introduce myself...you scrub." said Chazz.

"I beg your pardon! Scrubs do not have a PHD in duelling!" said Crowler but little did he know that as he was speaking the wire from the microphone was tangling his legs which was causing him to bounce around until he fell of the stage.

"Now then! It's Chazz Princeton's turn now! But then I don't really need an introduction, after all everyone here knows who I am. Or do you? See Chazz Princeton has changed, sure I use to be a class mate of yours but when I left here, I left my old self as well. Now your looking at the new an improved Chazz. The North Academy Chazz! And I am here to..." said Chazz but then the students of the North Academy started cheering for Chazz again by saying "Chazz it up!".

"No mercy! Show them Chazz!" said the students of the North Academy.

"Alright! Go time, lets see who I'm gonna be taking down!" said Chazz.

Crowler then finally got back into the stage after untying himself. "Sorry for that, now then. Let me introduce you to the representative for Duel Academy this year!" said Crowler as all the dual academy students started cheering. Just then Reiji started walking towards the field causing all the girls to scream in excitement and the North Academy students to feel confused.

"No way! Declan is gonna represent Duel Academy fpr the school duel?" said Syrus.

"Awesome! If there's anyone I know who can handle this, it's gotta be Declan." said Jaden.

Reiji kept on walking towards the stage and just as Crowler was about to announce Reiji's name to the audience, Reiji grabbed the microphone.

"I am proud to announce, that this year's representative...is JADEN YUKI!" said Reiji as he pointed at Jaden from the crowd causing everyone to have giant shocked face. Jaden, Sheppard and Crowler all had their mouths hanging after what they just heard.

"So are you coming Jaden?" said Reiji. Jaden then quickly snapped back to reality and started running down to the stage.

"Woah, seriously! I'm gonna represent Duel Academy for the school duel?!" said Jaden as Reiji passed him a school duel disk.

"Sorry Jaden, it was originally meant to be me but once I realised it was Chazz we were facing, I knew that there was no one better than you that to take him on." said Reiji.

"Thanks Declan! I won't let ya down!" said Jaden as he jumped onto the stage. Reiji then started walking towards the teachers seats. As he was walking he could see Chancellor Sheppard giving him the stare of disapproval. Reiji knew he had some explaining to do so he went over to Sheppard.

"Declan! What is the meaning of this? I thought you agreed to duel for us?!" said Sheppard.

"I understand that you're concerned regarding the outcome of this duel but it this was the best choice. After all, it was always meant to be the students who were supposed to participate." said Reiji as he left and went towards Jaden's friends.

"Declan! There you are, what was going on? Since when did Jaden become the representative for the school duel?!" said Syrus.

"Since two minutes ago, after all I know that Jaden can handle it." said Reiji as he sat in Jaden's empty seat. "Well I guess the duel has now begun."

"I'm gonna make you pay for what you did Jaden!" said Chazz as he got his duel disk ready.

"What did I do?" said Jaden as his duel disk turned on.

"You humiliated me infront of everyone! You made me lose my title as the best in duel academy and now it's your turn! It's go time! Let's see what you got!" said Chazz.

"With pleasure!" said Jaden.

"No, the pleasure will be all mine because you're going down!" said Chazz.

"DUEL!" said both Chazz and Jaden. The north academy students then started cheering as the duel finally began. " TAKE HIM DOWN CHAZZ!" said the students.

"Ask and you shall receive!" said Chazz as he drew a card. "I summon a monster with some bite! Rise, Masked Dragon!" said Chazz.

"That will do for now!" said Chazz.

"Not once you see what I got for ya!" said Jaden as he drew a card. "I play elemental hero Burstinatrix, in attack mode! Now go and slay that dragon!" said Jaden.

Burstinatrix then created a giant fireball and blasted it at masked dragon.

"Alright, Jaden got the lead in this duel!" said Syrus.

"Wrong Syrus, Jaden just took the bait." said Reiji.

"What?" said Syrus.

"That's right! Cos now my Masked Dragon's ability activates which allows me to summon another dragon monster my deck and I choose the Armed Dragon Lv 3!" said Chazz as a tiny dragon with spikes arrived to the field.

"What the?! Isn't that one of your school's top cards?! No Foster, you didn't!" said Sheppard.

"I did what I had to! The prize is all mine!" said Foster.

"Well, I guess I'll set a card and end my turn." said Jaden.

"Great cos I can now end you! I activate the effect of my armed dragon level 3, during my standby phase I can send it to the graveyard and summon forth an even stronger monster. Come forth, Armed Dragon level 5!" said Chazz as the armed dragon level 3 went to the graveyard and a bigger red dragon arrived to the field.

"Woah, maybe he could be friendly." said Jaden.

"I don't think so! Cos I activate the effect of my Armed Dragon level 5, by discarding a monster from my hand! I can destroy one monster who attack is less or equal to the one I discard! So by discarding flying kamakiri! Your burtinatrix is gone!" said Chazz. Armed Dragon then sent tiny sharp missiles towards Burstinatrix which destroyed her. "And that was just his ability, now he's gonna attack you directly!" said Chazz. Armed Dragon level 5 then started spinning his fist and punched Jaden.

"Oh man, Jaden just took a huge amount of damage in one turn!" said Syrus.

"Not bad Chazz, but it's my turn now and I've got a few moves of my own! I draw and now I activate, polymerisation! I fuse Elemental Hero Bubble man, Avian and Sparkman to create the Elemental Hero Tempest!" said Jaden.

"Alright, now you got him Jaden!" said Syrus.

"You put too much faith in his moves Syrus." said Reiji.

"What do you mean?" said Syrus.

"True Jaden may have the stronger monster but look at him, 2 cards on the field and 1 card in his hand. All the things he had to sacrifice to get a strong monster but will it be enough? Knowing Chazz, he will definitely find a way to get around Tempest." said Reiji.

"Come on Declan, don't you have faith in Jaden?" said Syrus.

"I believe he can win but he should just be careful since he has a lot to go against and something tell's me that the Tempest will not stay there forever." said Reiji.

"Now go, attack that dragon!" said Jaden as the Tempest sent a blue energy blast from his cannon.

Chazz : 3600 LP

"No matter, my dragon will rise again! I play Call of the haunted! With this I can bring back the Armed Dragon Level 5!" said Chazz.

"I had a feeling that Dragon wouldn't stay down." said Reiji.

"It's all good, after all Jaden's still got the stronger monster." said Chumley.

"Yes but don't forget he still has his ability." said Reiji.

"He's right, as long as Chazz has a monster with enough attack points, he can destroy anything Jaden has." said Bastion.

"I set a card and I end my turn." said Jaden.

Jaden LP : 1600

Set : 2

Monster : E. HERO Tempest 2800 Atk Def 2800

"That flyboy won't be lasting for long Jaden cos I now I discard the despair from the dark and destroy Tempest!" said Chazz. The armed dragon then blasted his spikes towards Tempest.

"I don't think so! I play De-fusion, so my monsters gonna split!" said Jaden. Tempest then defused into Elemental Hero Bubble man, Avian and Spark Man.

"Not bad, he saved his monster and got defence." said Syrus.

"Yes but none of his cards can stand up to that dragon. Like this, Jaden's a walking target." said Reiji.

"Now armed Dragon! Attack his Sparkman!" said Chazz destroying the sparkman.

"There goes Sparkman." said Jaden.

"And here comes my new dragon!" said Chazz.

"WHAT?!" said Syrus amd Chumley.

"When my Armed Dragon destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the graveyard, I can then send my Armed Dragon Level 5 to the graveyard and summon the ARMED DRAGON LEVEL 7!" said Chazz. Just then Armed Dragon level 5 tranformed into a bigger monster with shark blades covering its body.

"Now that is a powerful monster." said Bastion.

"And unless Jaden can think of something, he won't last long." said Alexis.

"Now that is a cool monster!" said Jaden as he was hopping on the spot.

"What is wrong with you?! You're always treating duels like they mean nothing! In this world, duelling is all about winning! And with duelling, I intend to show the world that I'm the best and nothing can stop me! I have the sense od duty and nothing will stand in my way to become the best!" said Chazz.

"Dude, calm down. Duelling is suppose to be about having fun and making friends, there's no ned to turn it into a weapon." said Jaden.

"I duel to win! And I intend on winning now!" said Chazz.

"Well, I summon wroughtweiler in defence and I guess I'll throw a face down and end my turn." said Jaden.

"Then I draw! Now I activate the effect of my Armed Dragon Level 7, by discarding a monster! I can destroy ALL monsters you control who have less or equal Atk to the card I discard. I discard armed dragon level 3 and destroy all monsters who have 1200 or less!" said Chazz. Armed Dragon then sent out three blue sonic disks towards Jaden monstes dstroying them.

"I activate wrought weiler's ability! I can now add a polymerisation and an elemental hero burstinatrix to my hand!" said Jaden.

"Like it matters! Cos now my dragon's gonna attack you directly, finishing this duel!" said Chazz.

"OH NO! It's over!" said Syrus

"It can't end like this!" said Bastion.

"It won't." said Reiji shocking everyone else.

"But he's wide open." said Chumley.

"Chumley, notice the face down caintercepted the attack.

"Tch, dumb luck. I'll get you soon enough." said Chazz.

"Well I still plan on winning this. I summon Winged Kuriboh in defense mode and that should do it." said Jaden.

"Lame card Jaden! Here I thought you planned on winning this!" said Chazz but then Wing Kuriboh was a bit angry. Just then a spirit showed up next to Chazz.

"I don't like that thing too boss. They creep me out, I mean where the heck is that thing's mouth?" said Ojama yellow.

"I don't care what you think! Just beat it!" said Chazz.

"Hey Chazz, who's your friend?" said Jaden. Chazz then whacked Ojama Yellow off the stage.

"Nothing you need to be concerned about." said Chazz.

"(I noticed it too, Chazz has a duel spirit? Interesting, maybe I can use this to advantage.)" thought Reiji.

"Now then, attack that fur ball Armed Dragon!" said Chazz as the dragon punched the Kuriboh.

"I don't get it? Why not use Armed Dragon's effect?" said Syrus.

"It's because during the turn kuriboh is sent to the graveyard, the controller takes no damage. If Chazz had used his monster effect then he would've wasted a card for nothing." said Reiji.

"I see." said Syrus.

"Now I play pot of greed to draw two cards! And man are they worth it! I discard one card to activate, SPECIAL HURRICANE! With this, all special summoned monsters are now destroyed!" said Jaden as a giant tornado came in and destroyed the Armed Dragon Level 7.

"Awesome! Now Chazz's field is completely open!" said Syrus.

"Giving Jaden a chance for a free assault!" said Bastion.

"That right! I summon the E. Hero Wild Heart!" said Jaden.

Elemental Hero Wild Heart : 1500 Atk 1600 Def

"Now you're in for some HEART BREAK!" said Jaden.

"…..." then entire audience went silent.

"Actually that doesn't make any sense!" said Jaden causing everyone to fall anime style except for Reiji who just face palmed himself.

"Just attack!" said Jaden. Wild Heart then grabbed his giant sword and slashed Chazz.

Chazz : 2100 LP

"My turn! I play graveyard from the fourth dimension! With this I return Armed Dragon Level 3 and 7. Now I summon the Armed Dragon Level 3! But that's not all, I now activate the spell card, Level Up!" said Chazz.

"What does that do?!" said Syrus.

"Judging from the name, I'm guessing that Chazz can summon a monster with a higher level from his deck." said Reiji.

"I summon the Armed Dragon Level 5! Now go and destroy that Wild Heart!" said Chazz as the Armed Dragon punched Wildheart.

Jaden : 700 LP

"I'm not going down like this!" said Jaden.

"You will soon enough! Cos now I send my Armed Dragon Level 5 to summon Armed Dragon Level 7!" said Chazz as the Armed Dragon Level 7 arrived to the field.

"Looks like that thing is back." said Zane.

"I can't believe it, now Jaden doesn't have any monsters and Chazz has that Armed Dragon again." said Syrus.

"There's no need to worry, I know that Jaden can win." said Reiji.

"What are you saying? Jaden has no monsters and Chazz has his Armed Dragon! How the heck can he turn this around?!" said Chumley.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." said Zane.

"What do you mean Big bro?" said Syrus.

"Look at Jaden, I doubt he's even worried. In fact, he's already planned his method of victory now." said Zane.

"Chazz, I know you had your plan of winning this duel but I now know that I have to defeat you." said Jaden.

"What?! What are you talking about?" said Chazz.

"I know why you're duelling and it's all for the wrong reasons. Duelling is meant to be about fun and making friends." said Jaden.

"I only duel to win." said Chazz.

"Is that your goal? Or your brothers? Chazz I know that you're duelling for your brothers instead of duelling to have fun. I know they are the ones putting all this pressure on you." said Jaden.

"You don't know anything about my brothers or what I have to go through. I have always duelled to win and to become the best, that is my goal and my goal alone." said Chazz.

"Be it so, I need to defeat you to show that there is nothing more about duelling except having fun." said Jaden as he drew a card.

"(So naïve Jaden, you have yet to face the real world. In this world, duelling is power and without it, you're nothing. Chazz can understand that being in a high class family.)" thought Reiji.

"Now I'm gonna show you the power of my deck! I now activate the spell card, FIFTH HOPE! With this I can return 5 elemental hero monsters from my graveyard and draw two cards. I return avian, Sparkman, wild heart, tempest and bubbleman." said Jaden as he drew two cards. "Next I summon the Elemental Hero Bubbleman and activate this effect. Since he is the only card I control, I can draw two new cards. I set three cards and that should do."

"Dumb move Jaden! All you did was make Bubble Boy there a walking target for my Armed Dragon! I now activate the effect of my Armed Dragon to destroy your bubble man!" said Chazz as he discarded a card. Armed Dragon Level 7 then sent spikes to bubble man completely destroying him.

"Nice try but that won't be enough! I activate my trap, Elemental Mirage! When an Elemental hero is destroyed by a card effect, I can re-summon it to the field! So say hello to my bubble man once again!" said Jaden as bubble man re-appeared onto the field.

"Doesn't matter, I'll just burst his bubbles! GO! ARMED DRAGON, attack his bubble man!" said Chazz. Armed Dragon Level 7 then started spinning his arms towards bubble man.

"Don't think so Chazz! I activate my trap, hero barrier! With this I can negate your dragons attack!" said Jaden as a strong wind pushed back Armed Dragon Level 7.

"You just don't know when to quit do you! Fine, I end my turn!" said Chazz.

"That's right Chazz! I won't ever give up, not until the last card is drawn! With this, I'm gonna finish this duel!" said Jaden.

"WHAT?!" yelled all the North Academy Students and the Chancellors.

"There's no way! My monster is far stronger then that stupid bubble man." said Chazz.

"Yeah I know, but as a wise man once said. When a stream comes upon a boulder blocking it's path, it doesn't panic or freeze. Instead, it simply goes around it and that's what I intend on doing!" said Jaden.

"And how do you plan on doing that?!" said Chazz.

"With two cards I like to call polymerisation and Avian! I fuse bubble man and Avian to summon, the elemental hero MARINER!" said Jaden.

Elemental Hero Mariner : 1400 Atk 1000 Def

"Are you kidding me?! That thing doesn't stand a chance against my dragon!" said Chazz.

"As I said Chazz, my monster won't take on the obstacle but instead he's gonna go around it! I set one card and equip my Mariner with Assault Amour! While this is equipped, he gains an additiona 300 Atk." said Jaden.

"But that's not gonna help. 300 attack points won't be enough to take down that dragon J!" said Syrus.

"Syrus, were you not paying attention. As Jaden said, his monster doesn't need o defeat the dragon. Just go around it and with his Mariner's special effect, he can do so." said Reiji.

"I attack!" said Jaden as his Mariner then got his chains swinging.

"Bring it on! My dragon's gonna burn your monster! Go Armed Dragon destroy that monster." said Chazz. Armed Dragon was about to attack Mariner when suddenly the chains flew past the Armed Dragon.

"What the?! What's going on?" said Chazz.

"Simple, I went around the obstacle! See when I have a set spell or trap on my field, Mariner can attack you directly!" said Jaden.

"WHAT?!"said Chazz.

"Oh no! Chazz is gonna lose! Cut the transmission, cut it right now!" said the Camera Director.

"NOOOOOOO!" cried Chazz as his life points went down to 0. All the Duel Academy students started cheering for Jaden for his victory against Chazz.

"And that's game." said Jaden.

"You loser, you dog! You disgraced the princeton name!" said Slade

"You are no brother of ours." said Jagger.

"Please just give me one more chance." said Chazz.

"Another Chance?!Do you have any idea how much money we spent on this duel?! The Cameras, the rare cards! None of which you used!" said Jagger.

"I'm sorry, I thought I could win on my own." said Chazz. Jagger then grabbed Chazz by his collar.

"By yourself! Since when could you do anything by yourself? You're nothing without our power or our name. You're a nobody!" said Jagger as he was about to punch Chazz but then Reiji quickly grabbed his arm.

"What the?!" said Jagger.

"Let him go." said Reiji as he tightened his grip. Jagger seeing that Reiji was serious let go of Chazz.

"Leave him alone! I mean sure he lost but how could he not, with you two jerks breathing down his neck." said Jaden.

"Jerks?! Who do you think we are?! We can have you crushed!" said Jagger.

"Why defend Chazz anyway? He's a nobody! Disowned by us and the world. The cameras caught his pathetic defeat and by what, a slifer red!" said Slade.

"That's right and worst of all he got beat!" said Jagger.

"Wrong! There was one fight he did win! And that was the fight against you two, he may not have won but at least he did it on his own terms! He used his own cards, not with what your money could buy!" said Jaden.

"Exactly Jaden, a simple loss doesn't make a duellist quit. Instead he gets back up and learns from his mistakes, pushing himself to become stronger. And that was what Chazz did, he came back to Duel Academy and showed how much he improved. Chazz you are a strong duellist and there is no doubt you will get stronger." said Reiji.

"You two are just saying that. I mean no one else is gonna believe that." said Chazz.

"Are you sure?" said Reiji. The North and Duel Academy then started cheering on for Chazz.

"I don't have time for this!" said Slade as him and Jagger left the academy.

Later at the docks

"Well Chazz, time to say good bye." said Jaden.

"Jaden...I'm not leaving. I'm staying here." said Chazz.

"But you're our best duellist Chazz, are you sure?" said Foster.

"I'm sure, if Chancellor Sheppard will accept me back." said Chazz.

"You were one of our top duellists Chazz so of course we will." said Sheppard.

"Guess it's time to say good bye." said Foster.

Just then Crowler announced the prize which was a kiss from Miss Duel Academy. Everyone was gathered around to see her but Reiji had enough time wasted so he left for is dorm.

At Night

"(I now realise that Chazz can also see duel spirits. I need to learn more about them first before I can make a move. Right now Chazz is the only one I can talk to about this so it's better if I go to speak to him.)" thought Reiji as he left his dorm but just as he got outside, he was able to see Chazz standing on the docks. Chazz was staring out into the sea.

"Improve to get stronger...I'll show them. I will show my brothers that I don't need their help, that I can become the best." said Chazz.

"And I might be able to help with that." said Reiji as he walked towards Chazz.

"What do you want?" said Chazz.

"I came here to give you a choice. Chazz I know that you're a great duellist but I know of your flaws as well." said Reiji.

"So what?! Like it matters, I can become the best on my own." said Chazz.

"Can you now? I am here to give you a chance, become my student and I will teach you how to become the best." said Reiji.

"Did you not hear what I said?! I don't need your help." said Chazz.

"Is that so? Look at what happened? You came back improved but it wasn't enough, Jaden defeated you again. I am telling you now, if you agree to study under me. I can make you stronger, even stronger then Jaden." said Reiji.

"Stronger then...Jaden?" said Chazz.

"That's right, I can even offer you the cards to do so." said Reiji.

"How is that?" said Chazz.

"As a teacher, we gain access to new cards before the students. Just like how Crowler gave you the new cards." said Reiji.

"So you're offering me become stronger and give me new cards?" said Chazz.

"That's right. After all, you have duelled me to know how powerful I am and I can keep my end of the bargain." said Reiji.

"If I can become stronger then Jaden...then fine, make me your student." said Chazz as he fell on his knees.

"Very well but before we begin, I have a demand." said Reiji.

"What is it?" said Chazz.

"Tell me what you know about duel spirits." said Reiji.

Chapter End

(A/N Oh my god, not only did this chapter take twice as long, it's not even as good. I would like to apologise to everyone who had to wait so much longer than needed.

Peter Kim – Thank you for the review and I gladly appreciate the criticism. I was honestly trying to make him into a "Great Teacher Onizaku" but of course, if you want him to stay in his character from the anime. then I will definitely stick to it. Once again thank you and hope you stick around for future chapters.

N – I honestly appreciate the criticism and thank you for reading. I understand that Jaden is the main character of the show but my intention was to show Declan his dominance over the foes of Yugioh GX. Just like in the first chapter, I was trying to show how powerful Declan was compared to others.

Also to all my readers, I apologise for the long wait and hope you can forgive me for the delay of this chapter. As you know my college will start soon so I had to get some stuff ready and obviously re-write the chapter due to these reviews. I honestly write these chapters because of your reviews, I try to do my best to make the chapter to your liking. Of course, give me more criticism and improvements for the story. Cos next chapter is the beginning of the Shadow games. I thank you all for reading and hope you stick around for future chapters. Have a good morning/day/evening/night.