Here's the second installment in this series of six stories! And my last AS exam is tomorrow so I should have the others up soon as I'll have more time :-)

Jac, the lead surgeon, was in theatre with Mo assisting, Jonny standing in for a scrub nurse, Adele observing the procedure as part of her training and Jesse, the on-duty anaesthetist for the unconscious patient, who had his thorax cavity wide open on the table.

"Who's looking forward to the trek tomorrow?" Jesse asked with a hint of sarcasm as he sat by the head of the patient. It was the last scheduled operation of the day, after which the staff in the theatre would go home to prepare and rest, and they were nearing the end of the operation.

"I can't believe Mr Self wants us to walk 34 miles in two days." Adele declared.

"I don't know, I think it sounds like a lot, but in reality it's not that really that far." Jonny replied. "The average walking speed is 3pmh, that's just over 11 hours of walking to cover 34 miles and split between two days it's only 5 ½ or 6 hours of walking."

"If you wouldn't mind, could you stop blabbing for one minute and pass me the diathermy scalpel?" Jac asked sarcastically.

"Of course Ms Naylor." Jonny grinned as he passed her the tool.

"And not only do we have to walk that far but we have to meet at the hospital at 7am. I'll have to get up at 5am just to get there on time." Adele huffed.

"Ms Effanga if you're going to persistently moan throughout this procedure you're going to have to leave." Jac declared.

"I second that." Mo added before her sister took a deep breath and then stepped back from the operating table slightly.

"Aren't you a bundle of joy today?" Adele muttered under her breath when suddenly, blood erupted from an artery and it sprayed all over Jac's face.

"Right, we've got a bleed." Mo announced. "I'll take over." She added whilst Jonny grabbed a swab from the equipment trolley and assisted his partner as the crimson liquid had obscured her vision and she had her eyes squeezed shut. Her face mask was splattered with blood as was her surgical gown. "I've got the bleed stemmed." Mo stated as she kept her finger firmly on the rupture site.

"You alright?" Jonny asked after Jac had wiped her face and she blinked several times as she opened her eyes once more.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She sighed.

"You're covered in blood Jac, you can go and wash up while I finish here." Mo stated. "And that doesn't mean you can follow after her Maconie." She added sternly.

Zosia was sat on the sofa in the living room of the junior doctors' flat, checking her emails on her laptop when Dom leant over her shoulder and glanced at the screen.

"Ooh, why have you got an email from a dating website?" He teased.

"It's just spam. Shut up."

"Yeah sure it is." He laughed before the front door flew open.

"Zosia you absolute idiot." Arthur declared as he entered the room with a washing basket filled with damp pink clothes that he had just retrieved from the communal laundry room downstairs.

"Uh-oh." She muttered.

"You thought nothing would go wrong if you put this in my white washing?" He demanded as he held up a brand new red skater dress that she had snuck into his washing, and it had turned everything a shade of baby pink. "All of my white shirts, my socks, my white tie, my t-shirts, my towel and my underwear are now pink!" He shouted. "I take it these are yours as well, are they?" He questioned as he held up a pair of low top pink converses by the laces

"My new shoes!" Dom shrieked. "Zosia these were white an hour ago." He moaned.

"I didn't know, I'm sorry." Zosia apologised but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't help but let out a smile at the humour of the situation – everyone else was suffering but her brand new dress was still bright red and there was no harm done to her possession. "On the bright side, it serves you right for putting your shoes in with Arthur's wash Dom." She quipped.

"Ooh trust me, I will get you back for this." He threatened. "This weekend is going to be an absolute disaster. First my shoes get 'pinked' and now I have to go on some stupid expedition in a forest filled with animals that I'm allergic to!" Dom groaned.

"You claim to be allergic to the horses but really I bet you're just scared of them." Zosia teased. "Right, I'm going shopping to get food for tomorrow." She declared as she closed her laptop and placed it on the coffee table in front of her.

"If you get a takeaway on the way back for dinner I might forgive you for dying my shoes pink." Dom stated as he remained deadly serious.

"We both know that you'll wear the shoes – pink or not pink – so stop moaning about it." Zosia quipped as she grabbed her purse and handbag from her bedroom.

After making love, Jac and Jonny were laid in bed in Jac's apartment staring up at the ceiling whilst their heart rates slowly returned to resting rate.

"Before we did this, I wasn't sure if it was a good idea because of all the walking we'll be doing tomorrow but after that, I'm glad we did." He grinned. "How're your eyes?" He asked.

"Fine." She sighed. "Just remind me to wear goggles next time I operate on Mr Watson." She quipped. "His INR was fine but he was bleeding like someone on warfarin."

"You know Guy told us that we're going to follow the Avon Valley Trail in the New Forest tomorrow?" Jonny began. "Well I've been researching the route, and I've found a shortcut that's miles shorter. So if we get put in a group without Guy Self in it, then we should have only a couple of hours walking as opposed to like 7 hours of walking that he's proposed." He explained.

"And if we do get put in the same group as Guy?" She frowned.

"Then we'll be back to square one." He remarked.

"Well with that useful insight, I'm going for a shower." She declared as she sat up and then disappeared into the ensuite.

"Not without me you're not!" Jonny grinned as he swiftly ran in after her.

It was a Friday night but Zosia, Dom and Arthur were missing out on a multitude of partying simply because they didn't want to walk 17 miles the next day with a severe hangover or deprivation of sleep. They were sat on the sofas in the living room watching a film together when a thought occurred to Dom.

"How did Jesse finish it in Albie''s when you were with your Dad the whole time?" He asked curiously.

"My Dad was playing darts when he arrived. He said what he wanted to say and then I made a quick escape." Zosia replied simply.

"Do I have permission to anonymously make his life a living hell for the next 48 hours?" Dom asked.

"By doing what?" Zosia frowned. Personally, she hated the man's guts but for the sake of professionalism and pride she hadn't let her guard down at work and had remained seemingly unscathed by the break up.

"Oh, just leave that bit to me." Dom smiled evilly.

If anyone has any general ideas, please let me know :) I've planned what they're actually going to do on each expedition I just need some suggestions of what happens/they get up to!