A/N: Huge shout out to Meldz! Lol, yeah, I didn't really feel like doing a full on sex scene in that chapter. I've always liked woman breaking gender norms. That's why I have a few ideas in mind that have to do with Hermione taking the 'place of a male role' type things. No, there is no ring yet. But, you'll just have to wait until the sweet scene of the ring proposal. Thanks again for the wonderful reviews!

Sorry for such a late update you guys. I've been super busy and I haven't had all the time in the world to update. The next update will be Wednesday. I promise. I would do it earlier, but my aunt is forcing me to do things with her Monday and Tuesday. Sorry.

Here's your chapter, you heathens XD

Tuesday. 15 Weeks. Apple.

I laced my fingers with Charlie's before I gave a slight nod. He pushed his chair out and stood up. Charlie helped me to my feet and I gave him a small smile. We turned our attention back to the dining table full of Weasley's staring up at us.

"We have an announcement to make." I said while trying to contain my smile.

"Well duh." Ginny teased with a smile.

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at her. She returned the gesture with enthusiasm. I laughed and leaned into Charlie a bit more.

"Just tell us what it is. I want some cake." Ron grumbled.

I took a big breath and blew it out. "Charlie and I have decided to get married. We're engaged."

Ginny let out a squeal and launched herself at us. She wrapped Charlie and me in a tight hug while talking a mile a minute. I saw Fred hand George five galleons while looking slightly depressed. Bill got up and clapped Charlie on the back. Harry stood up and shook Charlie's hand and then giving me a peck on the cheek. Molly was laughing and had happy tears running down her face as she hugged Arthur.

We all went through the typical 'I'm getting married' celebration. Molly even brought out a bottle of wine to go with the cake. I, of course, did not have any of the delicious alcohol. I ate my strawberry cake and sipped my grape juice like the responsible soon-to-be mother I am.

Ginny and Molly threw out wedding ideas all through dessert. Some were admittedly not that bad. Others, well, let's just say I said no to the ice sculpture Fred and George suggested.

Eventually, we moved to the sitting room when all the cake and pie was finished. I plopped down next to Charlie on our usual love seat. He slung an arm around my shoulders while resting his other hand on my bump. He rubbed soothing circles on my neck while The Clan shot ideas to us.

"When do you want the wedding to happen dear? Did you have a month or season in mind?" Molly asked.

"Uh, I was thinking maybe November. It's not too cold yet and not as humid."

Molly nodded in agreement. "November is a good month. You'll have a nice fall wedding. So next November it is."

I looked at her in confusion before I asked her what she meant. "What do you mean Molly? I had this November in mind."

Molly gave a quiet laugh. "I figured you'd want to wait until after the baby was born."

"Why would I want to wait until the baby was born?" I asked in genuine puzzlement.

Molly looked a bit flustered. "Well, it would look as if you're only getting married out of desperation. That it was a shot gun wedding or something."

"But it isn't. Charlie and I will be getting married because we love each other. I know it, he knows it, we all know it."

"Well yes, but what would the media think? Most of the wizarding world is still old fashioned. Children were never born out of wedlock when I was your age. And if one was, the woman was, well, a harlot." Molly said with a flush that started from neck and turned into a light pink by the time it reached her cheeks.

"That is so unfair. The male has just as much to do with pregnancy and the act of sex as the female does. Besides, this isn't the sixties anymore Molly. It shouldn't matter if a child isn't born inside a marriage. As long as that child is loved, nothing about the marital status of the parents is important." I defended.

Molly looked shocked and somewhat aghast. "Any good family with kids should have a mother and father that's married. Or married partners. And preferably, they should be married before the child is conceived."

I sat up straighter in anger. "It shouldn't matter if the parents are married or not. As long as they love each other and the child, nothing else matters. It shouldn't matter if the parents are dating, engaged, or married. All that matters is love."

Molly huffed and was about to retort but was interrupted by Charlie. He leaned forward and intertwined or fingers. He gave me a peck on the temple and turned back to his mum.

"Mum, you and Mione clearly have different views. But she is the bride. She's about to become my wife. If she wants to get married in November of this year, then we get married then. I know how you feel about this, but you aren't the one getting married." Charlie said calmly.

Molly was about to protest yet again, but Arthur grabbed her hand and gave her a look. She huffed instead but didn't say anything else. I glanced over at Charlie to convey a silent message. I wanted to leave before it got extra tense and awkward.

He nodded his head in understanding and got up. He offered me his hand to get up. I accepted gladly and was pulled to my feet. I rubbed my belly and turned to face The Clan.

"Alright, we're going to head on home. It's been a long night for all of us. Ginny, I know you want to plan out pretty much the entire wedding," Ginny snorted but didn't deny it. "So, why don't you come over Thursday? I have work till 5:30, but Mione has that day off." Ginny nodded after I shrugged my shoulders.

He looked to the twins. "You two savages will not pester my soon-to-be wife with anymore ridiculous wedding ideas. And seriously, how did you even think of the ice sculpture of our baby in her womb with us gazing down 'lovingly'?"

I was about to protest that I could threaten them myself, but the horrid reminder of the ice sculpture stopped me in my tracks. You don't understand. They drew pictures of what it would look like. I had to suppress throwing my fork at them when they said that. That drawing will haunt me for a long time.

We said the last bit of our good-byes before stepping into the fireplace. Charlie threw the powder down and we whirled away from the Burrow. We landed in our bedroom fireplace that we had charmed a few days ago.

I stepped out and made a beeline for the bathroom. I closed the door and urinated with a happy sigh. I wiped and flushed the sparkling toilet. I washed my hands and grabbed my toothbrush. I applied a generous amount of minty fresh toothpaste and stuck the brush in my mouth.

I opened the door and let Charlie do his business while I rummaged through the clothing drawers. I picked up a camisole and decided it probably wouldn't fit how I like. I sighed and tossed it back into the pile before moving to my shorts drawer. I paused in my brushing when I picked up a pair of volleyball shorts that would stretch to accommodate my swell.

I continued brushing as I walked over to Charlie's dresser. I pulled out the drawer that was labeled 'shirts.'" I pushed the clothes around until I found his old Gryffindor quidditch jersey. It had his last name on the back and the number nine below.

I tucked my clothes under my arm and walked to bathroom door. It opened just as I was about to knock. I gave a muffled laugh around my occupied mouth. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I walked to the sink and spit my toothpaste out. I rinsed it down the drain after I rinsed my mouth from the foamy mint. I wiped my mouth and reached for the mouthwash.

I swished around the gross liquid before spitting it into the sink. I cleaned up the sink a bit. I pulled my wand out and charmed my hair into a slightly less poufy state. I ran my hand through the now gentle waves. I put in a French braid that I would redo in the morning before work.

I finished and began to strip. I pulled off my flowing tank top and removed my jeans with a stretchy waist. I tossed them into the hamper and tossed my bra into it as well. I looked at myself in the mirror and a small frown worked its way onto my delicate features.

Over the nearly four months of pregnancy, my breasts, abdomen, feet, and knees have swelled. My face got a little rounder as well. Well, it would have regardless. Before, my cheeks still had a bit of a hollow look to them. You could no longer count the numbers of ribs I had. Sure, I was glad that I was eating healthier than before, but deep down, I felt a spark of annoyance that I looked chubbier. I never cared what people thought of me. I actually liked my bushy hair and plain brown eyes. I liked my average breast size and moderate curves. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with my body now, just the small insecurities wormed their way into my brain. I blamed the media personally

I sighed and looked away. I slipped on my spandex shorts and picked up Charlie's old jersey. I slipped it on and it nearly fell to my mid thigh. It was big on me and felt comfortable. It smelled like Charlie; the scent of sandalwood and forest wafted up. It relaxed me and made me feel comfortable. It smelled like home. I don't know when Charlie's smell triggered my brain to think home, but it had. The best part was that I didn't mind.

I picked up my wand and charmed the contents in the hamper to the laundry room for washing after work tomorrow. I glanced at the mirror one last time and stopped in my tracks toward the door. I saw the still angry lines of 'mudblood' etched into my skin. The words were still cruel and made me angry whenever I heard a pureblood elitist mumble them on the streets of wizarding London. But it held a new anger. It made me angry they couldn't except that the light side won. They couldn't retrieve their head from its spot up their ass to realize that blood doesn't matter. But it also brought back other feelings. It brought back the pain of torture in her hands. My nightmares still happened most nights. Good thing Charlie was such a heavy sleeper.

The scar brought me back to that night in Malfoy Manor. The feeling of pain as it coursed through me. The feeling of my lungs letting loose loud screams. But most importantly, it brought back Bellatrix. It brought back her crazy face hovering over me and casting the Cruciatus Curse. It brought back the even more painful feeling of being carved into with the lettering of the very thing I am.

I looked into the mirror harder and I could have sworn I saw Bellatrix standing behind me with that crazy glint in her eyes as she laughed maniacally behind me. I whipped around and pointed my wand at the empty place where I thought she was.

I exhaled and quickly shut the lights off. I opened the door and walked into my room. I was glad Charlie had dimmed the lights down. I was positive that I looked deathly pale. I placed my wand on the nightstand and turned abruptly when I heard a quiet laugh from beside me.

"What?" I questioned him.

"Nothing. Just, I think you may have stolen something of mine."

I blushed and looked down. "I didn't feel like rummaging through my tops until I managed to find something that fit moderately well."

He chuckled and grabbed my arms to pull me down flush against his bare chest. I curled into him and intertwined our legs. My head was resting at the top of his pectoral and my swell was pressed into the left side of his own stomach. I slung one arm over his waist and closed my eyes. I felt him press a kiss to the crown of my head and rub slow circles into my back.

"You okay? You look a bit pale and you usually fight me for dominance when I pull you down." He said quietly.

My memories of Bellatrix came back and I tensed a bit. I relaxed when I felt him put a bit more pressure on my back. I sighed and decided I could tell him later about what was really bugging me.

"Yeah. I was just thinking about that small row Molly and me had." I said instead.

I felt him exhale and move his free hand to softly caress my bump. He stayed quiet for a few minutes. I thought he wasn't going to reply. When I felt his voice rumble from his chest I was a bit surprised.

"She's just from a different time. She just hasn't realized that things have changed since then. Changed for the better. I'll talk with her this week about it. Don't worry about."

I nodded and leant up to press a kiss to him. I put my head back down on his chest and closed my eyes."

"I love you Charlie."

"I love you too, Hermione."

My eyes slipped closed and my breathing began to even out. Charlie was warm and comfortable. I snuggled in closer before slipping into sleep.

I screamed as she cast the curse again. All I could feel was the pain shoot through me in waves. It felt as if someone had lit a fire inside of me and was waiting for me to succumb to my injuries. I felt like I was dying.

"Where did you get that sword! It's meant to be in my vault at Gringotts!" Bellatrix screamed the last part at me.

"I-I don't kn-" I cried out but was interrupted as she cast it again.

I screamed as agonizing pain shot through me again. I felt my limbs start to contort in odd angles as the spell was kept in place. I felt my back arch up and hot tears escaped the corner of my eyes as well.

Slowly, I could feel the spell being lifted. The pain didn't ebb away like the first time. It morphed into an even bigger pain. I felt emotionally numb. Every now and then sprigs of fear would course through me if she got closer though.

She leaned her cruel and cold face closer to mine. I could see her mangled and yellow teeth. She had a demented look in her eyes. I knew if I didn't come up with something she would kill me and then Harry and Ron.

"Now tell me, where did you get that sword! I know it was in my vault at Gringotts. How did you get it!" She screamed in my face.

"I didn't!" I sobbed out. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

She growled and put her wand away. I knew this couldn't be good. She left me and walked over to the ginormous fireplace. She reached up and plucked an elegantly carved knife down. She twirled it in her fingers before circling around me like prey. She closed in on me and knelt beside me. She looked at me with mock sympathy.

"Now, mudblood, you will tell me how you got my sword. Or, I'll be forced to do something we both don't want to happen." She said the last part with a fake sweetness that made me shiver.

"I don't know how we got that sword." I whispered as tears continued to trail down my cheeks.

She got an angry look on her face before she stopped spinning the knife. She gave me an evil smile before she bent down even more and gripped my arm where it was. She brought the knife down and pressed into my skin sharply.

I let out a scream as blinding pain shot through me. It hurt even more than the fucking Cruciatus Curse. All I could see was the ceiling and small black dots beginning to form. I felt my ears begin to ring with white noise. That goddamn knife was dark magic.

My head lolled to the side somewhere through all the screaming. I may have blacked out at one point. Time seemed to slow down and speed up all at the same time. It all meshed together into one continuum that I couldn't understand.

Somewhere through all of this, I managed to get a good look around the room. I could see the snatchers who caught us. I could see Peter Pettigrew and his new hand. I could see Lucius looking at me with disgust written on his face. I could see Narcissa looking anywhere but me. She had a distant look on her beautiful face. My eyes settled on the youngest Malfoy. He was staring at me with an unreadable face. His eyes held something akin to disgust as well though.

I felt Bellatrix let go of my wrist and point her wand at me again. She had an evil glint in her eyes and a somewhat proud one too. My eyes lazily turned downward and my breath caught in my throat when I saw it. The very words that had been used to taunt me all through school. The same words that defined me to these disgusting purebloods. The word that caused some to look down on me like, well, like mud. There, carved into my forearm in messy letters was the word I despised the most. 'Mudblood' looked up at me mockingly.

"So tell me, Hermione, where did you get my sword! No one but me can enter my vault!" She screeched.

I didn't answer immediately because I saw her raise her wand again. I couldn't go another round of that. I didn't have it in me to fight it anymore. I didn't have anything else to hold on to. I knew that the next curse she hurled at me would most likely be my last. So, I did the only thing that came to mind. I lied.

"It's fake! It isn't real!" I sobbed out.

She smiled wickedly. "I don't believe you Hermione." She said my name loudly yet it seemed far away.

She leaned closer and pointer her wand at my throat. The next thing she did surprised me. She began to shake my shoulders while screaming my name. It all sounded distant and far away. It was odd. It didn't feel painful. It felt frantic. I looked up and saw the corners of my vision begin to turn black and soon, everything was black with tints of light coming through the windows.

I looked frantically around the room and saw wisps of a shadow above. I immediately thought that it was Bellatrix and began to wiggle beneath the dark shadow. I tried to reach for my wand when I felt someone bring me into a hug. I tensed until full realization hit me; I was in my bedroom with my fiancé cradling me in his arms.

My eyes felt swollen and sore from I could assume was crying. My arms felt achy from where Charlie had been holding me down. I relaxed into his strong hold and let the tardy tears fall from my eyes and onto Charlie's firm chest.

We stayed there for what could have easily been minutes or hours. Slowly, I extracted myself from him and sat up. I leaned my frame against the headboard and felt Charlie do the same after turning on the light. I felt him wrap an arm around my shoulder and draw my body closer to his. He kissed my temple while rubbing small circles on my arm.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"No? Yes? I don't know." I sighed.

"It's fine. You need time. I won't push."

I silently thanked the stars for giving me such a wonderful fiancé. I rested my head on his chest and waited for my breathing to even out. I got flash backs from both my dream and the actual torture. I could almost still feel the pain from the curse and the knife. I knew I wouldn't be getting anymore sleep tonight. Or, this morning.

I looked up at Charlie and wondered how our lives would have played out had Bellatrix actually killed me. I frowned at that thought. Somehow, Charlie made me feel safe and loved. But in a different way from Harry, Ron, and even Molly. He made the butterflies appear. He made the 'domestic life' seem appealing. He made me want a wedding and pretty dress. He made me want a future beyond becoming the most successful Healer. I found myself wanting more each day. Each adventure we have is better than the last.

I looked back down before sucking in a breath and preparing to let him in on my dark memory. "We were kidnaped while we were running." I started. "Snatchers found us when Harry said Voldemort's name in the woods. They had put a spell on his name. We were the only one's who would ever say it.

"Anyways, they took us to Malfoy Manor to be further interrogated. We got there and they tried to identify Harry as 'The Harry Potter.' I had cast a stinging charm on his face before they actually caught us. Malfoy didn't identify him and Bellatrix got going. Blamed me for casting the charm on him. That's when she saw the sword.

"She told the snatchers to put Harry and Ron in the dungeon so she could torture me first. I was a mudblood and she hated me the most because of my blood status. She asked me once where we got the sword before casting the Cruciatus Curse."

I felt Charlie tense beneath me. "I still refused to answer any of her questions and she kept using the curse. Eventually, she gave up on that and moved on to something that was physically scarring instead." I said as I showed him my scar. I'm sure he had seen it before, but he never asked.

"She carved it into me and used a knife laced with dark magic. Madam Pompfrey said it would never go away. I could charm it and conceal it, but I can never magically get it removed." I finished off.

Charlie looked down at me with understanding and sadness. He didn't pity me or feel the need to be sorry for me. And for that, I was really thankful. I hated when people showed me pity for it. Pity didn't remove one of the worst days of her life, and it made me feel weak.

Charlie picked up my forearm with the mudblood scar on it and gave it a chaste kiss. "I couldn't care less if you were a muggle, muggle-born, halfblood, or pureblood. And this scar? This scar gives you a history and a story that is unique to you. I love that." He whispered the last part.

I smiled and could feel happiness swirl through my body. I hugged him even harder and snuggled down. We laid there chatting about nothing in particular as the sun slowly rose above the sky. Sometime around ten, my alarm went off and we went downstairs to make breakfast and start the day. I felt marginally better by the time my shift rolled around.

Thursday. 15 Weeks. Apple.

I returned to the couch with the bowl of chips. I placed it in front of Ginny who was sprawled out on my comfy couch with a look of concentration on her face. She had been here for three hours already. She had brought two big binders with her and a bottle of wind for just herself. It was gone within forty-five minutes. She had been shooting wedding ideas at me with a seriousness that I hadn't expected from her. I had to change the subject. I just had to.

"So, how are you and Malfoy?" I asked. I internally cringed at my blunt question.

She raised a perfectly sculpted brow at me. But she soon broke in a genuine smile that was contagious. I gave a smile back and she leaned against the arm of my leather masterpiece.

"He took me out on Sunday. We went on this picnic and spent hours just sitting and talking. He took me to a cute little muggle diner in London for dinner. We went back to his apartment and watched some movie about an American ship that hit an iceberg and sunk. I had such a good time." She stated somewhat out of breath and a new flicker of light in her amber eyes.

"That's great Gin. Think you'll bring him to the wedding?" I teased.

She turned red and huffed out a laugh. "We've only had like, three dates Mione. Besides, I don't think he would make it past the gates before Ron either cursed him or straight up punched him."

I snorted in agreement and looked through a binder of hers. I was happy for her. She deserved happiness. We all did. After every we had been through, we deserved any slice of happiness that was shoved our way. And grudgingly, I had to admit that Malfoy made Gin happy. He didn't seem as bad as he was before. But all I could remember was the disgusted look in his eyes as Bellatrix carved the very name he called me into my arm.

I shook my head from the morbid thoughts as I heard the fireplace roar up. I turned and saw Charlie walk out and brush the soot off. He walked gingerly to the couch and gave me a quick peck before turning and greeting his sister. He walked to the kitchen with a slight limp and I frowned in his direction.

"Charlie? What happened to your leg?"

"Uh, one of the dragons was in a mood today. I jumped to avoid a ball of flame and landed on my leg funny."

I rolled my eyes and beckoned for him to come sit on the couch. He sighed but complied anyways. I had him stretch out and I took my wand out of my pocket. I aimed it at his troubled leg and muttered a spell. I told him to bend it and he did with ease. He gave me a goofy smile and stood up again.

"Alright ladies. It's time for dinner. I was thinking some pork chops and mashed potatoes."

We agreed and decided to help him cook. Ginny pulled my to my feet with her Quidditch toned arms. She laughed and gave my stomach a pat before running up behind her brother and poking him in the sides.

He turned around and gave her a smirk before picking her up and throwing her onto his shoulder. She squealed and he spun her around in the spacious kitchen. I smiled and watched on with a genuine happiness spreading through me again. I hoped one day that my kids would be able to be that close. As a matter of fact, I would be happy with even half the sibling love between them as the Weasley Clan offered each other.

Authors Note- I know I've not updated in forever. I am so sorry. I have not abandoned this story. Not in the slightest. So send me reviews on names and don't forget to read and review my other fic, A New Family. Thanks! Love you all dearly.