DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto or halo characters

Legacy of The last Shinobi

Help from a legacy

(12 march 2532 Military calendar on board spirit of fire location unknown)

It's been a whole year sets the battle at the forerunner shield would with the crew of the spirit of fire in their cryogenic chambers we see the spirit of fire trajectory was to a planet flowing in space with Serine on her holotable with a hopeful look ''well this is good news hopefully'' Serine said and cutting the power to the holotable.

Captain James Cutter awoke with dull red light filled his blurry vision and choked on the slime in his lungs and throat ''sir sit up captain cutter'' a disembodied female voice said ''sit. Take a deep breath and cough, sir. You need to clear the bronchial surfactant.'' Captain cutter felt in his old bones as he peeling his back of the formfitting gel bed.

Wisps of fog overflowed from the cryogenic tube. As he clumsily climbed out get out the last of the slime out and taken a deep breath for the last time ''status serine? Are we under attack?'' asked captain cutter and was about to walk out of the cryogenic chamber and head to the bridge of the Spirit of Fire when Serine's image came up.

"Negative, Sir but I have detecting anomaly nearby" Serine stated at this made Cutter sigh as he adjusted his UNSC cap, Turning and continue to the bridge that taken five minutes to get their as he faced the holotable with a woman that looked to be about twenty and had a long sleeved white shirt with black pants.

''ok Serina bring all necessary programs online and begin wake-up protocols of crew including Red Team and how long have we been frozen fore?'' asked Captain cutter as he sat in his command chair and reading the crew states and making shore all offer programs running smoothly ''sir you and the crew have be a sleep for 12 months and… Odd, picking up a UNSC signal" a puzzled tone sounded out while Cutter looked at Serina "Explain, the UNSC doesn't go out this far, at least know of" stated captain cutter

"It's an older code sir" informed Serena "Much older, searching database." She paused for a moment before responding "A colony ship" surprise on her normally stoic features.

Cutter's eyes widened a margin, this meant that he had a chance of getting an FTL drive and getting back to Earth! Not to mention that it would increase humanity's hope against the onslaught of the Covenant.

He looked thoughtful for a moment and asked "What about Covenant any Ships in the system?" he asked next as he narrowed his eyes in the slightest. Serina paused "None detected, sir"

At that, he let out a sigh of relief "Wake up the rest of the crews, this may just get us home" he muttered the last part and went to greet the "Good Doctor"

(Ten Minutes Later)

Cutter entered the cryogenic chamber that held the crew he lead, making his way with slow steps, he stopped on one that said "Professor Anders" with a heavy sigh, he pressed in the code and stepped back as the sleeping casket awoke and hearing a groan as she stumbled out of the cryogenic casket as well coughing her lugs out.

"Easy Doctor" he greeted, balancing her a bit with a slight smile that tugged at his features. Anders wiped her eyes "Captain..." she started then taken a long intake of breath "How much time has passed?" she asked first while Cutter shrugged "An about 12 months" he remarked while Ander's looked at him oddly.

"12 months, sir-"

Cutter held up a hand, stopping her from talking "Go to the bridge, Serina will tell you what you need to know. I'll be getting Red Team out, this one is serious" he informed her while Ander's paused and nodded before walking out of the chamber.

Cutter turned his attention to three lone cryogenic chambers as they opened up, three green figures stumbled but straightened out, it was Douglas-042, Jerome-092 and Alice-130. Red Team was made up of three Spartan II's.

"Sir" greeted Douglas with a salute, and a stiffened spine as Jerome and Alice did the same.

"At ease" Cutter signalled as their stances relaxed, he spoke up "I have quite some news for you all, follow me, Serina, what's the status on the rest of the crew?" he asked through the Battle-Com. The AI answered "Most on the upper levels are already up and about, getting started with the lower levels just now sir"

Cutter nodded as he began to lead them out and to a hallway "Not just minutes ago, serina detected an anomaly nearby that later turn out to be a distress signal, weak but there. A UNSC colony ship" he explained as they reached an elevator "An early one in the 2100's, we still can't get a positive scan what with what damage we now have on the Spirit of Fire".

"Possibility of an FTL drive, sir?" questioned Alice.

Cutter nodded while the Spartans contemplated, having a chance to help the UNSC fight the Covenant. Something like this was too good to pass up.

Exiting the elevator, they passed by personnel getting ready for orders at their stations including battle in necessary.

Entering the bridge, Serina appeared with a slight smirk on her face at the sight of Red team "Captain" the AI greeted while Cutter gave an acknowledged nod "Serina, you've had enough time for a more through scan, what did you find?".

Serina started "sir from the long rang scans of spirt of fire the planet was first set of the scanners that interfere with the Low level energy signatures from the colony ship, not enough for a fully functional ship, but the FTL drive might be intact".

"What about Covenant presence?" was the next question from Cutter, looking at her with sharpened eyes despite his age.

"Relatively small, sir I'm currently detecting three drop ships, more than likely a scout patrol. But the only downside being that a Cruiser be returning for them and we don't know when sir" stated serina

Cutter frowned for a moment and looked thoughtful for a few moments, Serina image flickered as he spoke up "It's a risk we'll have to take" he said finally, looking at a Lieutenant "Tell several squads to suit up, taking out the bases is our first priority".

The Lieutenant saluted and nodded before rushing out of the room, Cutter turned to Red team "You'll be down there within the hour, god speed" he got salutes were given before they left the room and he sighed aloud at the situation, Serena quirked slightly "Something wrong, captain?"

Cutter paused his thoughts and glanced at the glowing hologram "Just that I have a feeling I just can't shake" he muttered to himself, he couldn't be more right as he watched the planet, ever safe from the Covenant.

(12 march 2532 Military calendar Planet Surface half an hour later)

It's been over a year of fighting and I'm still alive. Kami, how I hate that. Over a year and I'm the only one left on this godforsaken rock of a planet.

Oh, so you know that I know about the existence of other worlds? I do, yeah. Back when I was younger bout six or eight if I remember correctly, I was hiding from a small group of villagers that wanted to kill me. Had to admit, scared the living shit out of me.

I discovered a vast metal home underneath the Hokage Monument. It was surprising also when I met the Kyuubi no Kitsune, at first I was scared of such an immortal being but then I learned that the fox was a guardian of the countries, a sort of buffer of power that balanced out the chaos in this world. He deigned to teach me different jutsu as well as the technologies that it had learned of over the vast amounts of millennia it had both learned and taught.

During this time, I hid most of my strength and began to act like a fool that loved ramen. But over time, I couldn't take all the insults and the degrading looks and the scarce attacks. I confessed to the Hokage that I wanted to leave, at first the old man was reluctant to let me go, but I pointed out why should I defend a bunch of fools that want me gone and dead rotting in a ditch? That stuff hit him hard.

With some farewells and a few gifts, I left Sarutobi Hiruzen. Over time, I learned of fuuinjutsu under Kyuubi-sensei and set up a summoning array in the ship that was left behind in the Hokage monument, supposedly left behind hundreds of year ago.

I mostly travelled across the Elemental Nations and learned jutsu and practiced hand to hand combat styles. I worked as a mercenary for most of the time and claiming bounty's and never really used the technology on hand.

But that all changed after the day I killed Pain, the leader of the Akatsuki. While Konoha was left in rubbles, they attacked, they did so with no provocation. The alien alliance known as the Covenant. We were given no quarter as most of the world was scoured for our kind, like a god damned hunted animal. I hunted them back.

During my travels, I visited Yukigakure no Sato. Here I learned mechanics and designed my own exoskeleton base of their chakra armour that would assist me in battle, it would be able to "Disappear" and sealed into a special tattoo that was on my back. The exoskeleton had an array upon array of seals, many were strength enhancers and when added with my body increased it tenfold. Next it had a HUD (Head up Display), capable of analysing enemies and weapons used, I also combined it with some technology on the ship to make Nano machines that would repair the suit. It also consisted of a light bending seal that would make me invisible as good as the Covenant. It also had a language translator in case I wouldn't understand any others, even the Sangheili as their called. I also made my own weapons, such as a sniper rifle (Think the M40A3 from CoD4)

For my name, is Naruto Uzumkai Namikaze, last Shinobi of Konohagakure no Sato. And Hanyou (Half Demon), last Knowledge Keeper of Kyuubi no Kitsune, and this is my story.

Naruto sat in the rain, under a tree as a trench coat clung to his being, it was hooded hiding his face but let his eyes dimly be seen. He thumbed a necklace between his fingers with a sad smile, it was the necklace Tsunade had given to him when he convinced her to become Hokage during his travels.

The green crystal reflected some light for a moment. Naruto also had some bodysuit under it as he wore the exoskeleton that clung like a second skin. It had a black design with a dark red shoulder section along with a dark red section on his thighs (if you want to see what it look like theirs a link ant the bottom). He had strapped to his back a daito that had the manji symbol for the hilt and a chain that hung off of it, it also had a black handle with bits of red in it.

His M40A3 sniper rifle had a silencer and was decaled with a dark green design, the scope could be switched with an ACOG scope.

His helmet with a single red visor was set to the side as he sighed aloud, he had spiky blond hair with two chin length tufts that framed his face along with a slanted face, no whisker marks and he had canine teeth that jutted from his upper lips along with slit blue eyes. Next, he stood at a height of 5'9 and had his hair fall down to his shoulders.

When he learned that his Otou-san was the Yondaime hokage, he was quite angry at the man for ruining his life. Had to admit, while he understood the actions, he was still angry at the man, but deigned to focus on other problems to ponder his thoughts on his parents.

Naruto shook his head before getting up from the log, he heard several ships coming down and raised a brow as he picked up his helmet and went to the edge of the cliff to hear and see three drop ships come down.

He raised a brow in surprise, humans. He looked to the sky as the Pelican drop ships took off into the atmosphere, he zoomed in using chakra enhanced eyes to see three armoured individuals at least seven feet tall.

They had green design but the leader appeared to be the one with the red stripe.

Naruto put on his helmet with a slight hiss sounding out, with a click it was on straight and he smirked under it "Game on" he rasped in a metallic tone as the visor glowed red.

As he disappeared in a leaf shunshin, he decided to observe the humans for now.

(Red Team Base Camp)

James idly pondered why the Area his team and Marines were dropped off into a ruined village area, granted it looked like 1980's style buildings, but hey, buildings that were small enough for a village. He glanced at two Warthogs dropped off with Fifty Calibres machine guns on the back.

Next he looked at a group of Marines setting up some defensive positions, he had to admit they were lucky that the Covenant didn't detect their arrival.

He called up a small squad of marines consisting of six members. "Alright everyone, listen up!" he spoke loudly and calmly "This'll be a routine scouting mission, no enemy contact. Is that understood?"

"SIR YES SIR!" they chorused before suiting up with either M7SMGs or MA5b's for their main weapons along with the usual M6C Side arm, two had at least SRS99 C-S2 sniper rifle in case for long range. The last member had a M19 SSM Rocket Launcher just in case for vehicle encounters.

"Fuck man, why can't we get any action?" whined a new recruit by the name if Chris Sand, he was from New York by the look of it as he checked his pistol a few times and holstered it.

"My friend, if you haf not forgotten, ve have no FTL drive for te ship" pointed out a female of Russian descent, she had pale, creamy skin and seemed to be a bit experience Dominika Bovia was her name as she put on her Ch252 helmet and turned on the black polarized visor, running her checks on the sniper rifle, she looked content.

"Get it through your head green horn" remarked mat Remin, he looked to be a mixed nationality of American and German from the UNSC stronghold, Reach "We're not on a pleasure cruise boyo, if you wanted action, go kill rebels like the rest of the grubs" the last part was gruff a little while he frowned at that jab to the past.

"Meh, so much tension" muttered one as she sat on a box of ammo and adjusted the sights of her M392 DMR (designated marksman rifle), she appeared to be of South American descent with a slight hint of Hispanic.

"Alright, I'd rather not piss off the jolly green giant over there" remarked Paul jones, named XO of the current mission, he was an experienced ODST who had a scar on his lower lip and appeared to be in his late thirties to forties.

James rolled his eyes while Paul chose to ignore his rolled eyes "Gear up, we go in two. And I want to get off this planet as much as you all do" he sighed before slipping on his Helmet and turned on the polarized visor.

John shrugged and checked the ammo for his MA5B before inserting it and with a click, he had a content look on the face before they piled into two Warthogs and drove off.

Jerome knew that they would need more support later, he shook his head before walking over to Douglas to query of some Falcons that could assist. His motion sensor caught some movement as he swiftly looked to the left side of the forest, he noticed some rustling but it died down. The motion sensor went silent as he paused.

"Jerome? You alright?" questioned Alice, taking in his body language and interpreted it as tense for combat.

Jerome paused and said "Nothing" he turned away and began to report to his fellow Spartan.

(Forest Outskirts-Ten Minutes Later)

The two Warthogs went silent as the team crept through the forest, moving in a spread formation to cover their flanks.

James tensed a bit as they came upon a cliff edge overlooking a Covenant base.

"Holy shit" muttered John to himself, staying calm for the most part as he watched several vehicles stop a patrol and park.

"Huh, might need a Spartan for this shit" the recruit said quietly as Paul took out a pair of binoculars and eyed the main base, some infantry along with Elites, Grunts and he even spotted a small pair of Hunters, a small frown built on his face as he contemplated how much assistance they'd need here.

None of them noticed a shimmer coming up behind them and silently, an Energy Sword came on, showing it was an Elite, the Major growled slightly at these humans trespassing.

The Elite was about to run his blade through the one known as James, he was then yanked upwards by some unseen force. Just as James turned and brandished his MA5B, scanning the vicinity.

"Hey rook, what the hell are you doing?" Paul whispered as James looked over his shoulder "I heard something, a damn elite" at this, the ODST rolled his eyes muttering about delusional rookies.

"Alright, let's get back to base camp, I'd rather not rumble the hornets' nest" he got agreed nods while James tried pleading about the elite he heard, as they leaving the clearing to report what they seen, as an Elite was dropped softly to the floor as Naruto landed silently on the forest floor.

The throat was slit open cleanly as purple blood stained the grass, Naruto stood and hugged to a tree as he watched the base, he glanced at the direction of the Marines and smirked under his helmet, a plan forming in his mind already.

(UNSC Base Camp – Fifteen Minutes Later)

Paul sighed as he reported to Jerome, the leader of Red Team as he was called. He opened up a holographic map "As you can see sir, most of the base consists of a small contingent of Covenant Elites along with a big number of Grunts" he glanced up seeing no change in body language "The main problem will be the Wraith's they've set up, three by the most but our Rocket Launchers can deal with that".

Jerome nodded slowly before looking at the towers "The sniper towers will be the main problem, we'll move in on there and take them by their flank" he informed Paul who nodded, mentally getting together the proper people for the assault.

"I can take down the first Wraith's, Douglas, Alice, you two handle the sniper towers" he got agreed nods, but before he could say anything else, a massive explosion tore through the air as head's snapped and weapons were readied.

"Holy shit!" exclaimed one Marine, Paul's eyes widened slightly "That's the direction of the Covenant base!" he blurted out, Jerome turned on his radio to contact the Spirit of Fire "Captain Cutter, did you order a MAC blast?"

Cutter's voice responded a moment later "No, in fact, it looks like someone else did the job for you" he informed while wry looks crossed Red Team's faces.

"Energy discharge?" asked Douglas, had to admit that was enough to take out an entire Covenant battalion.

"None detected until moment of detonation" responded Cutter, a frown pictured on his face as one could imagine "That's not the way UNSC explosives work as far as I'm concerned."

Jerome nodded as he gestured red team to a Warthog "Captain" he got the ODST's attention "You've got command of the base, we'll check out Ground Zero" he got a salute from Paul as they drove off, wondering who or what has done their job for them.

(Covenant Base Camp)

asze 'Gosamee saw much in his life time, for over fifty years he had lead his brothers in battle with great ferocity and honour. That much was true for the Special Ops Elite as his beady eyes scanned back and forth for the figure that had taken down the entire base in less than a few minutes.

Asze activated his Energy sword and eyed the area, it was charred and debris of both vehicles and body parts that was scattered from the few vehicles they had brought, the Shipmaster had stated he would return with the promise of more forces to hunt for the last human that had escaped their warriors and existed on this planet.

Asze heard nothing but his breath as he stepped through the blood of a Grunt, with a grunt of degust as weapons were thrown on the ground as well as their cartridges.

"Where are you, a coward that fights in the shadow has no honour!" spoke the Sangheili, loudly enough across the desecrated area.

"Oh?" mocked a metallic toned voice that was cold, as the Elite smashed down any shiver in his spine and concentrated "You've killed thousands upon millions of humans from space, do you call that "Honour?" comethe sarcastic tone of the last Shinobi as asze growled at the blatant insult.

"It is decreed that you are to die by the Hierarchs, Heretic" shouted Asze still looking around for the last Shinobi The voice snorted, amused "So shall it be to you" Naruto countered as all went silent.

asze felt something behind him and swung with his energy sword at air as a human dropped to the floor, wearing some sort of suit as he felt a kick to his stomach, Naruto swept up his right arm and pointed at the Elite's chest " Lightning Release: over charge "

At this a blast of yellow energy consumed the Elite, vaporizing it to nothing more than blood as it appeared to be a mist. Naruto dusted himself off as he got up and chuckled, glancing over the area he tapped his chin in thought "Eh, might as well check the database" he murmured to himself before entering the purple coloured building, he found that when you learn about cultures, or in this case aliens you tend to be able to point out certain things.

Red Team arrived at the area of the explosion and was quite surprise to find the entire base, dead, devoid of life.

"Wow" Douglas uttered "At least we don't have to fill out the paperwork for this one" he muttered to himself while Jerome chose to ignore that remark but did mentally agreed with his teammate on this one.

Jerome got out of the driver's seat of the M12 LRV (light reconnaissance vehicle) or known as the warthog as they stopped in the carnage "Spread out, see what you can find" he got nods as he saw Alice place her sniper rifle on her back and took out a pair of M7/Caseless sub Machine Gun.

Douglas took out dual M6C pistols and scanned the area, cautious of any ambushes. Jerome prodded a Hunter's body, he saw slash marks over the entire things being and raised a brow beneath his helmet, and whoever did this was no Covenant or UNSC. Reserving his thoughts, he took a closer look into the pit stop for vehicles and found nothing but burning wreckage as well as ones that were cleanly sliced through, how odd indeed.

"Jerome" cut in Alice through the radio "We've got company" she remarked as she gestured her two teammates over "Motion sensor went off, there's someone in the main building" she glanced at the once artistic base that now looked heavily damaged.


Alice frowned though no one could see it "We'll find out" she said simply, setting up for breaching, Jerome took one ending of the door and Douglas nodded, he tore it open in a swift movement like paper machete, Douglas went in first, scanning the halls, finding many Covenant Elites and Grunts dead with their blood pooling around them with scorch marks with bullet cases on the floor and cuts on the walls.

Douglas crouched down to rubbed the teal coloured blood between his index finger and thumb "This is recent, not a minute or two ago" he got ready as he took point to scout the rest of the base for any covenant alive left in the base.

Eventually red team made their way towards the command sector to reach the computer room where they heard a very unique conversation on the over side of the door.

Gurgling of blood was heard as the Elite coughed "devil ….we shall burn your world…" the other scoffed "I don't care what you do to this planet, whatever" a shrug was heard "Sides, your bloody "Hierarchs" are a bunch of bad door to door sales men, you know that right?" asked Naruto

"Be silent devil! You know nothing of the great journey!" earning a heavy slap to the face

"Wow, those girl scouts sold you some nice shit, eh?" amused Naruto with his head tilted to the side with a grin under his helmet and went back to working on their computer mainframe to get any and all information.

Douglas snorted, much to his amusement at this conversation. "The Great Journey…tell me, does that consist of genocide? Sounds to me like this is an extermination rather than a holy war" stated Naruto as he was all most finished with the computer and turned to the Sangheili again.

With the three Spartans waiting for a tensed second waiting for something to happen "Misguided fool, die or not, I don't care, just tell me how to hack your systems" there was a pause "They don't teach you jack shit about the very technology you use, do they?" stated a nay angry Naruto

More silence ensured "Fuckin classic, keep the population dumbed so they can't find out the truth, wonderful" the sarcasm was clear as the Elite protested "You know... nothing..." it trailed off and slumped dead with a knife in its head.

At this, the Spartans burst into the room, Naruto glanced over his shoulder at them as he continued to download the data in the Covenant base.

"Step away from the computer" warned Jerome while Naruto raised his hands slowly behind his head and reached for his helmet, much to their slight surprise as a hiss was heard and a slight click. The helmet was removed and Naruto sighed aloud, setting the helmet down on the table "So… you're the Spartans or daemon's I've heard so much of" he turned as the weapons were prepared to fire at him just in case.

"Who are you?" asked Alice, moving closer.

Naruto chuckled as he turned his attention back to the computer "It's rather interesting that you know almost nothing despite having fought the Covenant for more than a decade" he heard clanking of feet and determined they were no more than ten feet away.

"I believe the question is, how much you know about their technology" countered Douglas.

Naruto rolled his eyes "For Kami's sake, you can't kill me" he smirked while answering the unasked question "I'm currently downloading the database, and as far as I can tell, you probably can't reverse engineer their tech, am I right?"

Silence came once again "I'll cut you a deal" Naruto remarked, he could tell they were exchanging wry glances "Take me to your leader and maybe we can help each other out on this situation".

Hearing a beeping sound coming from the computer He turned at last, holding a flash drive and he slapped an exploding tag onto the keyboard "Catch" he tossed it to Jerome who caught it, glanced at the odd bluish eerie glow it gave off.

"Now" he picked up his helmet and snapped it back on making the single visor to glow red "Shall we?" he asked in his metallic tone paining to the only exit of the room.

"One last thing" started Jerome as he pocketed the flash drive "Who are you?"

Under the mask, Naruto smirked "Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, last Shinobi of the Elemenat countries and technology expert" he gave an exaggerated bow as the three Spartan's exchanged silent messages.

This was goanna be a long fucking explanation.

Authors Note

Hey everyone, as you might know I'm a new writer and have come to find that most crossovers of Naruto and halo to be lacking in ideas and after reading Huntersshadow story the spirit of the fox I find the base line of the story was great and I was gutted when he stop so I decided to base my story of his and this is my first story and to let you all know I'm dyslexia so if you see a wrong word or spelling and if you want a batter idea of the armour the link below lead to what I was thinking. discussion/173804/how-power-armor-exosuit-exoskeleton-should-be-implemented and go to level 2