
The god of the forge Hephaestus was busy hammering away making a fine set of gold earrings and a necklace to match. Who you may wonder he is crafting it for? It is for his future wife. Not for Aphrodite, Zeus nullified that marriage pretty quickly after Hephaestus caught her and Ares in the metal net.

However, this was for his future bride. The fates came to him only about 1 day ago and with what they told him he was having inspiration to create new things.


Hephaestus was busy hammering some swords for Apollo when the 3 Fates came to him.

"What may I do for you?" He asked them wiping the sweat from his hands and brow.

"We came to tell you to have hope for true love." replied Clotho

"No one can love me. My appearance sees to that everyday." whispered Hephaestus getting ready to return to his work

"Your bride isn't born yet but she will be everything you need." Atropos told him

Then Lachesis said, "She will be small for her size, warm and soft will be her body to hold. Her eyes kind and blue like the sky, lips full and lush like ripe apples, her hands soft, breasts ample, but her heart is gold and pure. She will be kind, gentle, loving, and also accepting. She will be created just for you but some things will be just purely herself."

Hephaestus turned around with a small light of hope in his eyes. Could there be someone out there for him even in the future. The Fates never lied but could only tell half of what they knew.

"I accept your words Fates but realize I am still heart sore and weary." replied Hephaestus carrying his hammer

"Then let some of these images help you." replied Clotho and with that they allowed their eye to glow and a few images appeared; a young woman whose face was hidden but showed her in his own bed beside him sleeping, them walking together, talking, her helping him when he got hurt in the forges, and them making love.

"That is all we will show but know that you have to be patient for she won't be born for about 2,000 years or so." replied Atropos

Hephaestus nodded stunned and then the Fates left him and soon his mind was over taken to create new works of art.


Hephaestus finally started once again on the necklace and images of them making love and her taking care of him, not even caring about his appearance all poured out of him and he created the most stunning necklace of gold, diamonds and emeralds was completed. "This necklace will be my first gift to her as my wife." Hephaestus said and then started to craft an engagement ring of gold and a few small diamonds.