The only rights I own are the kids!

Hello my name is Grace Jackson and I am thirteen and I have crazy curly dark brown hair and storm grey eye with flecks of green in them and this is my story.

I have a good life, two loving parents, an older brother named James, a younger sister named Trinity and a goldfish named Sir Bobithon the Mighty, a previous member of the Knights of the Round Table. I know, super long name. We just call him Bobby.

"Grace, time to get up." My dad says while shaking my shoulder. I grunt and roll over.

"Grace, come on." I get a pillow and throw it him. "Now you've done it." We had a full on pillow war. It ended with me on the floor laughing and dad tickling me. I used my water powers to spray him with water from my glass. He threw his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, you got me. Now let's go get some blue pancakes."

"That's sound good!" We walk into the kitchen still laughing. Mom looks dad up and down,

"Why are you wet? Go change your clothes. Grace again? Am I going to have to ban water from your room again?" She looked at me with a serious look but she was smiling.

"It was Dad's fault he was tickling me!" I said,

"She threw a pillow at me!" Dad said while pushing his hair out of his eyes making it even more messy than it already was. He when over to mom gave her a quick kiss and went to change his clothes.

"Grace since your father never made it to James and Trinity can you go wake them up."

"Sure." I walked down the hall way to Trinity's room. She was only seven.

"Hey Netty, time to get up." She rolled over and extended her arms. She had blonde hair and grey eyes. She looked exactly like mom. I picked her up and walked to the next door. I knocked loudly and yelled,

"James, come on! We are going to be late for camp." Today is the day that we go to Camp Half-Blood and it will be Trinity's first year there. James and I first went there when we were seven and so did mom, dad was my age. James looks like dad dark brown hair with sea green eyes.

"Fine!" I hear from within the room then a bang.

"I'm alive!" He yelled. I just rolled my eyes.

Then I feel myself and Trinity being picked up.


"I thought you might need a ride!" I look back and he winked at me. He carried us into the kitchen.

"All kids sit down for blue pancakes, that includes you." Mom said and pointed her spatula at dad and started to serve the pancakes.

"What? I'm not a kid." He said sarcastically.

"You act like one." I said with a mouth full of pancake. When we all were finished eating mom sent us to get dressed.

We loaded up all our stuff and I got the map. Other than mom (who was driving) I was the only other person who could navigate maps (we did not know about Trinity because she could not read yet). Then we headed off to camp.

Hey guys!

it would be awesome if you could give me some Demi Gods to use. here is what you need to make for them! Just put them in the review or PM me! Thanks!




Godly parent


weapon of choice




roman or greek