M.M walked down the lonely street, the rain gently pattering on the ground. She opened her umbrella and raised it above her head to shelter herself. She was about a few kilometers away from Kokuyoland, when she heard a voice behind her.

"M.M" the voice called, sending shivers down her spine.

"Wh-who's there?" she stuttered, not out of cold, but out of fear.

Turning around, M.M saw a man, about her age, with wild black hair and a face as white as a ghost.

"Don't you think this is rather late for a girl like you to be walking around?" he mused.

"Who are you!?" she shrieked. "Leave me alone!"

M.M reached inside her bag. "Shit!" she cursed in her head. She forgot her clarinet/nunchucks!

"I got something better for you to do." he said, holding up a bucket full of some sort of white substance. M.M couldn't figure out what it was.

She winced as the boy lifted the bucket of the white substance and doused her. Then, to her shock, he brought out a lighter out of his pocket. He threw away the bucket that clanged off the grey asphalt, and landed beside her.

He whispered in her ear:

"I'd say you... go to sleep"

And threw the lighter next to M.M's boot. The flame caught and fire instantly spread.

She wanted to cry, but the flames have burnt her eyes.

She wanted to scream, but the flames have burnt her throat.

She wanted to run, but she was paralysed by the pain.

And soon after, she felt the bliss.

The bliss of death.