Well this is it. The last chapter.

Normal P.O.V.

Three days after the visit to Kuroko in the hospital from Aomine, Kuroko died. His lungs gave out, his heart stopped beating and he died.

And after this particular death the Generation of Miracles fell apart like no tomorrow. Kise had ended up quitting basket ball.

Same goes for the rest, but Aomine seemed to take it the hardest. Every night it was a spiral of endless dreams about him.

Endless thoughts of playing basketball with him. Finally when the time had come they all met up. The whole generation of miracles.

Akashi looked like he hadn't slept for days. Kise looked like a dead skeleton. Murasakibara looked like he hadn't eaten in years. Midorima looked like was a zombie. And Aomine looked like death. All looking as if they had lost a part of there soul.

"Have you ever heard Tetsu laugh? " Aomine pipes. "Yeah, it was so cute. Kuroko-Cchi got mad cause I said I would treasure it.

Akashi smiled softly. "Tetsuyas laugh was the cutest." Murasakibara being the big baby he was he began to cry.

"AHHHH KURO-CHIN WHY DID YOU LEAVE US?!" Midorima sulk ed into his chair. "Nanodayo..."

"Tetsuyas funeral is tomorrow." They all nod. "Dress the best you can in his honor." That was all that was said that day.

And the next day...

Aomine stood on the podium a sad smile on his face and tears streaming down his face.

"Let me tell you about my friend, Kuroko Tetsuya,"

That's the end, shitty ending I know. Well there may be a sequel. But yeah. Byeeee