Disclaimer: I don't own Inside Out. It is not my intellectual property, and I make no financial gain from this story. This is for entertainment purposes only.

A Good Night's Sleep


A familiar whiny voice broke through Anger's slumber. The crimson emotion peeled open his eyes to glare at the ceiling.

"Can I..." There was a long pause as footsteps crossed the room.

Anger didn't have to turn his head to know that Fear was now hovering next to his bed. It didn't take long for the silence to become infuriating. "WHAT?!" the volatile emotion finally demanded.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Why don't you sleep with Disgust?" Anger fumed.

"She says I'm too clingy," Fear admitted. Even in the darkness, Anger knew that the other emotion's hair-like antenna was drooping as he spoke.

"Ugh, fine. Get in – and Don't hog the covers," the short-tempered emotion stated. In moments, there was a tall, lanky body next to him on the bed. Grumbling under his breath, Anger tried to get back to sleep. As he was finally drifting off, Anger thought he heard a soft, "Thank you, Anger."

"Yeah, whatever. Go to sleep."

Note: Can be seen as general, or pre-slash.