Just for everyone, a second chapter for today. A bit short and low on the violence, but a chapter nonetheless. Hope you enjoy it.

Vivdena was lying on a table. But she sees herself from someone else's perspective, not her own. Candles, burning and shining away some of the darkness, were placed around her body. She never breathed, nor open her eyes. Her face was calm, not scared of what is happening around her. Golden-Mask stepped out of the shadows and into the light, looking towards the person that Vivdena was looking through. As if he could see Vivdena through them.

"There are many rooms in the house of the Master. Be easy, for from the hands of your enemies I have delivered you." Golden-Mask said.

'Has this one died?' Vivdena thought.

The hands, which Vivdena saw as her own, reached out and touched her corpse. She drew breath and her eyes snapped open. But they were dead, focused yet not. Her corpse sat upright, ready to get off the table.

Vivdena opened her eyes and sat up in the cot. It was still dark, obviously not too much time has passed.

'Maybe the mor'ja-khaj hasn't forgotten about this one.' Vivdena thought.

She left the small shack and sat down in the rough Morrowind night. She looked up and stared at the two moons that shone bright in the centre of the sky. She took the Moon Amulet out and looked down upon it, lifting the face as well.

'Maybe this one deserves it.'

"Masser. Secunda. Help this one. Please." She whispered, looking towards the sky once more. Her voice was amplified in the silent streets, save for the occasional moan of the silt strider.

A tear escaped her eye, which soon resulted in a flood of tears.

"Please. This one needs your help." She whispered, tears still flowing down her face.

She felt the comforting glow of the moons, but they never answered. Not directly, anyways. They illuminated the streets, showed what cannot be normally seen, yet never told. The Amulet around her neck started to hum.

The hum was both there and wasn't there. Heard by one and unheard by many.

"Peace, my child. You have done the right thing for most of the time." Vivdena heard a distant voice say. It was female, yet still noticeably Khajiit.

'Was that Azurah?' Vivdena thought, eyes wide yet still brimming with tears.

She heard footsteps coming from her right. She looked over, but her sight was hazy. And the darkness of the buildings weren't helping her case. The footsteps were coming closer, and so the figure was as well. Argonian. That one Argonian.

She looked away and placed the biggest scowl upon her face. The Moon Amulet hummed once more, still only able to be heard by herself.

"Peace. The Argonian shall not be insulted. Listen to what he has to say." The voice told Vivdena before disappearing.

Vivdena grudgingly removed the scowl from her face. The Argonian, who she now recognised as Tee-Lei, sat down a fair distance away from her. Not too far, yet not too close as to receive injury.

Vivdena looked over, seeing the Argonian looking at her, motioned her hand for him to come closer. He did so, but still kept a fair distance between him and her.

"This one is sorry, Lizard." Vivdena said.

She heard a chuckle. 'Is Lizard a smart-ass?' She thought.

"I thought I would never see the day. I should thank the Nine for that." He responded.

Vivdena widened her eyes and looked over. "Not going to thank jajo's Tree-Gods for that?" She asked.

"I never knew the Argonian religion, Dunmer. I grew up revering the Nine. And what about you? Not going to worship the Temple?"

"This one grew up as a Khajiit. Not a true one, but as one nonetheless."

"Better beginning than myself."

'How curious.' Vivdena thought.

"How is this one better in beginnings?"

"I grew up as a slave on Vvardenfell. Then onto the mainland. I escaped north, and took up shelter with the Imperial cult. I recently joined the Fighter's Guild to protect myself from arms and the Mage's Guild to be able to heal myself." Tee-Lei explained.

He heard sobs coming from beside him, to his left. He looked over to Vivdena, seeing her shoulder's wrack with every sob or breath she took. He moved over, but still far enough so that he wasn't rude.

"This one... This one..." Vivdena said, but she couldn't form a sentence due to her state.

"It's ok. You had your reasons, Khajiit-raised." He interrupted.

Vivdena smiled, yet nodded. They just sat there in silence.

But it didn't last long. For about five minutes later, they heard another set of footsteps. Quick, heavy and with malevolent intent. It was far away now, but it was coming closer with every second.

Tee-Lei handed Vivdena his mace, which she took with questionable intent. He took his axe out and held it. They waited for the person to come. When the person did come, it wasn't who they expected.

It was a Dunmer. Male, slightly taller than average for an elf. Yet, he only wore pants now. He held a dagger in his right hand. His eyes were focused, but they were also devoid of emotion.

He ran past Tee-Lei, who stood to stop him, and ran straight to Vivdena. She swung the mace, yet the Dunmer dodged it with ease. He clutched Vivdena's throat with his left hand and held her up with an extreme amount of strength.

"Dagoth Ur wants you to join the Sixth House. Come quietly, or come as a corpse." He said, his voice distorted.

Vivdena looked down. "This one shall not." She said, struggling to speak.

She kicked out a foot and caught the Dunmer in the face. He recoiled, letting go and clutching where Vivdena kicked him. He looked back at Vivdena, his eyes still devoid of emotion.

"As a corpse it is then." He said, before charging at an impossible speed.

He slammed into Vivdena, making her body slam against the wall of Caius' shack. She yelped in pain and fell to the ground. She heard a hiss and saw a scaly mass leap into the fray, hacking away at the Dunmer. The Dunmer stabbed at Tee-Lei as well, but the lizard was able to move quick.

Her vision cleared and adrenaline began to flood her systems. She stood once more and ran into the battle. The Dunmer hit Tee-Lei across the face and out of the fight with his left fist and got into yet another quick movement fight with Vivdena.

Swipes and stabs were the primary attacks. Stabs as attacks or stuns, swipes to crush or cut. Both were unyielding in their attack and defence. Both wanted to live and wanted the other to die. The male Dunmer got through Vivdena's defence and stabbed her in the gut. He pulled the dagger out and punched Vivdena in the face.

The shadow enveloped her sight rather quickly.

She awoke to find herself lying on the cot once more. She tried to sit up, but hissed at the pain in her stomach.

'So it wasn't this one's imagination.' She thought.

She saw Tee-Lei slumped over the table, sweat forming on the scales. He was breathing heavily. She tried to sit up further, but was stopped by a furry arm.

"Lie back down, sister. It is better for jajo's health." She heard Dar'anir say.

"What happened to this one?" Vivdena asked.

"Attacked by a crazy person. You were stabbed and knocked out. I had to face the crazy person with the skooma addict and killed him." Tee-Lei explained, breathing heavily between each sentence.

"That one said something about Dagoth Ur." Vivdena said. However, when she did, Caius sucked air in heavily.

"Does that name mean something?" Vivdena asked.

"Dagoth Ur is a demon to the Dunmer people. The arch-enemy of the Tribunal and God of the Sixth House Cult." Caius explained.

Vivdena looked down. 'Maybe this one has been seeing Dagoth Ur in dreams.' Vivdena thought.

She saw the bandages around her waist, still soaked with blood. She looked up at Tee-Lei, who walked over to her and knelt down once more. He placed both hands, side by side, over the wound and a soft zwintho glow came from his palms. She instantly felt better from all of the magic being given to her. She felt better for every second that rolled by. The magic started to wane and Tee-Lei looked ready to faint. He stopped using his magic and stood. However, he almost fell to the side when he did. Luckily, he caught himself and stumbled back over to his seat. Vivdena, feeling better, sat up and, eventually, stood up. She made her way behind the divider and changed from her bloodstained robes and into the gift from Dar'taba. When she walked out, Dar'anir and Tee-Lei stared while Caius breathed out in surprise.

"By the Nine." Tee-Lei breathed out.

Vivdena smiled and sat back down. Whenever Tee-Lei looked over to her, he looked away embarrassed. Not that the clothes were revealing anything. Quite the opposite, in fact. It covered most of Vivdena's body, the forearms and around the base of the next were exposed for room and the skirt was down to her knees. It must be how Tee-Lei was perceiving her.

Vivdena reached down and grabbed her claymore.

"Come, Lizard. Ahzirr must get back to the Guild Hall." Vivdena said.

Tee-Lei widened his eyes, only to snap back to reality. "Right. Right." He answered, standing up rather quickly.

Vivdena smiled to herself, only to chastise herself for it. Together, they walked over to the bridges that crossed the Odai River, only to see the smeared bloodstains streaked along the cobblestones and dirt. It ended on the stone, where the stone was charred.

"This is where we dragged the crazy person to. In true Dunmer fashion, we burned his body and sent it to the Temple." Tee-Lei explained.

Vivdena nodded and both continued. They went up the hill, but Vivdena couldn't shake a feeling that some thing bad would happen. They climbed the stairs to the Fighter's Guild and Vivdena placed her hand upon the door. However, the feeling was so strong that it couldn't be ignored. And by the looks of Tee-Lei, he fel the same way. Despite the feelings, they pushed the door open and saw the reason why they had the feelings.

Seven people stood there, apart from the usual Eydis. Seven people in Bonemold armour accompanied by black cloth. From the shapes of the breastplate, four were female and three were male. The front-most one turned and looked at the two newcomers. By the armour, the person was female. She pointed at Tee-Lei, who tensed up.

"Seize the Argonian!" She ordered.

Two of the soldiers ran, pushing past Vivdena and clutching Tee-Lei by the biceps. The Argonian struggled, hissing and trying to fight back desperately. The leader calmly walked up and held a gauntlet that looked familiar to Vivdena. She opened it and placed it around Tee-Lei's resisting wrist. She closed it and locked it. Tee-Lei immediately stopped struggling and his eyes became unfocused and dull. His features flattened out.

"Good slave." Vivdena heard the leader say quietly to herself.

The leader turned to Eydis and handed her a large pouch. She whispered something to Eydis, who took the pouch eagerly. The soldiers left and the door was closed behind them. Vivdena turned to Eydis, her eyes ablaze.

"Aren't jajo going to help Tee-Lei?" Vivdena asked.

"Who's this Tee-Lei you're talking about?" Eydis asked back.

Vivdena groaned and left the Guild Hall. She looked around to sight the seven soldiers in black. She saw them heading towards the southern exit. She ran down the stairs and chased after them. She ran in front of the group, stopping them in their tracks.

"Where are you renrijra taking Tee-Lei?!" Vivdena demanded.

"Where all slaves go. To the plantations." The leader replied calmly.

"This one demands where!"

Vivdena was hit across the face with the back of the leader's hand. "Don't demand anything of me ever again! Remember, I have the power to make you a slave right here and right now! And you cannot say goodbye to your friend here, because he cannot hear you! Now, move out of the way before we either kill you or make you a slave for House Dres along with this lizard!" The leader responded. She removed yet another bracer, identical to the one on Tee-Lei.

Vivdena stood and moved backwards, allowing the soldiers to move past. Tee-Lei followed them, his eyes blank and with his head down.

"You know, I bet it would rain tonight." One soldier said out loud.

"Where should we put the new slave, if that's the case?" Another asked, also out loud.

"Where all slaves should sleep. On the hard ground without shelter." The leader answered.

After the answer, all of the soldiers laughed and continued on their way. Vivdena was angry, but she felt tears threatening to escape her eyes.

'The mor'jo-khaj have a sick way of getting to me.' Vivdena thought, a single tear escaping and landing on the ground.