Title: Kasamatsucchi

Rating: K+

Genre: Friendship/Humor

Word Count: 1,661

Time Period: Mid/late Spring, Kise's first year of High School.

Summary: Kasamatsu decided that he hates Kise, but how long will that last?

"Um... Kasamatsu?"

"What do you want, Kobori?"

"Why is Kise balancing a balloon on his finger?"

Kasamatsu growled, slamming the basketball in his hands down on the smooth, polished surface that was Kaijo's court. "Is this really important?" he demanded, and Kobori blinked in alarm. Clearly, the steely-eyed captain's temper was running very short that day.

"Well, I'd like to know," the brunet said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "I am the vice captain. We're supposed to be practicing, and Kise's standing over there with a balloon. Is it some type of new training technique you found?"

"Nope. But he thinks it is, so if you talk to him, make sure it stays that way."

Kobori arched one eyebrow and watched Kasamatsu take an impressive three-point shot. "Why?"

Kasamatsu sent him a glare that made chills run down his spine. "Because he's an idiot, and it's safer for him to stay over there, far away from me." He turned back to the basket and aimed another shot. He clearly thought their conversation was over, but Kobori was a bit concerned. While Kise was, in fact, an idiot, Kasamatsu didn't generally lose his temper with the model so early in their practices.

He usually waited until at least an hour in before he started getting quite this angry.

"What'd Kise do to get you so mad?" Kobori pressed, crossing his arms and waiting for the captain to explain.

Kasamatsu made two more shots before taking a deep breath and walking over to sit on the bench, indicating for Kobori to take a seat beside him. "It's kind of a long story."

"I've got time to listen."

"Okay," the captain sighed. "So, first off, he called me at three a.m., just to ask me if I knew how to get chocolate milk stains out of a white t-shirt. Then, when I hung up, he texted me thirteen times before six. Then, when I got to school, he ran into me like a linebacker and fell on top of me." Kasamatsu shuddered at the memory. "I got mud all over the back of my jacket, and I didn't have time to get it off before the bell rang."

Kobori nodded his head. "I can see why that would upset you."

"That isn't all!" the black-haired young man exclaimed, his eyes wide and furious. "We have math together, you know? So, that idiot sat right beside me, and proceeded to slide notes onto my desk. Eventually, I wrote him one back and the teacher caught me. I got sent to the principal's office."

"Just for a note?" Kobori questioned, knitting his eyebrows together in confusion. "From what you've told me before, that teacher really likes you. I'm sure if you explained that Kise had been writing you notes first, he would've understood."

Kasamatsu hesitated. "It... wasn't really the fact that I wrote the note in the first place, but more of what was written in the note that concerned him."

"What did you write?" Kobori wasn't exactly sure that he wanted to know.

The other young man exhaled through his nose before replying. "I told him that he needed to stop writing me notes, or I would ensure that he died a slow, painful death. Maybe not in such nice wording," he admitted sheepishly, biting his lower lip. "But I didn't really mean it. He was just on my nerves."

Kobori bit back laughter, for fear that the other, slightly-insane, boy would hit him. "Well, death threats are generally taken seriously."

"Apparently." Kasamatsu crossed his arms sharply. "The principal asked me a ton of weird questions for, like, half an hour, and Kise was called in. And this is the worst part."

"It is?" For some reason, Kobori couldn't quite believe that.

"Mhm. So, the idiot started bawling - literally, crying his eyes out - and begged the principal to let me go. He said a ton of crap about how he knew I would never hurt him, and that I was his best friend, and stuff like that." Kasamatsu's fists clenched so hard that his knuckles turned white. "The principal ended up letting me off the hook."

Kobori blinked slowly in thought. "So... he helped you out of the situation?"

"Glad to know you're paying attention, Kobori," Kasamatsu said, voice filled with dry sarcasm. His expression implied that he wasn't up for any unnecessary questions.

"Why are you so mad at him? It seems to me like he's just trying to be friends with you."

"I have literally no reason - no reason at all - to be friends with him," the captain replied, glaring over at Kise, who was still trying to balance the balloon on his finger. The first-year seemed pretty determined. "I've only known him for a few weeks, and I've already decided that he's a cocky, idiotic brat and that I hate him."

Kobori couldn't let that one slide. "Kasamatsu, the only thing that he's said that was really overconfident was when he first joined the team, when he said that he was more important than us or better at basketball or whatever. But after you talked him down, he hasn't done anything like it again. In fact, I think he's been trying to get on your good side ever since."

Kasamatsu scoffed. "By tackling me into the mud and keeping me up at night? Yes, that sounds like he's trying his best to make me happy," he deadpanned, narrowing his eyes at Kobori. "Face facts. He's completely stupid."

"I'm just saying that you could give him a chance." Kobori chuckled softly. "He's kind of like a dog. You keep kicking him-" or punching him, or throwing things at him, or threatening him, "-but he keeps coming right back to you with his tail wagging."

The captain growled lowly. "That's only because he's an idiot. You're giving dogs a bad name."

"I think you're being a little harsh-"

It was at that moment that Kise decided to come bounding over, his head tipped back and the balloon balanced precariously on his nose. "Kasamatsucchi!" he trilled gleefully, peeking down at his senpais with a bright grin. "Look at what I can do!"

Kasamatsu's reaction was instantaneous. He leaped to his feet and planted a foot directly to the blond's stomach, causing the latter to flail before falling flat on his back. The balloon drifted down after. "That isn't what I told you to do, you idiot!" he snarled viciously, practically looming over Kise. "I told you specifically to balance it on your finger and..." He broke off, mid-rant, and his eyebrows suddenly furrowing in confusion. "What... what did you call me?"

Kise's eyes were filled with fake tears as he looked up at Kasamatsu reproachfully. "What do you mean?"

"When you first ran up to me, moron! What was the name you used?!" he demanded, clenching his fist in a threatening manner. Kobori was actually getting a little nervous himself, and he wasn't even the one on the receiving end of Kasamatsu's fury.

The golden young man's eyes widened and a smile suddenly broke out on his face. "I called you Kasamatsucchi!" he replied happily, and Kasamatsu's eyes darkened dangerously.

Kobori decided to step in, putting his own life at risk in place of the first-year's. "Kasamatsu, maybe that's just something he calls his friends. You probably heard him call that one Seirin guy Kurokocchi, right?"

The suggestion had the exact opposite effect than Kobori had originally intended.

"You've got no right to call me anything apart from what I tell you to call me!" Kasamatsu shouted furiously, his face turning a bit red. "You stuck-up first year! I don't want to be lumped in with people you consider your friends!"

"That's not what I call my friends."

"What?" Kasamatsu demanded, still seething but clearly caught off-guard.

"That isn't what I call my friends," Kise repeated, looking slightly hurt. "I only called you that because I respect you. As a person, a player, and a captain." Before Kasamatsu could speak again, he continued, "You probably won't believe me, so you can ask anyone else from the Generation of Miracles. They know."

Kasamasu fell silent, staring down at the first-year with frigid blue eyes, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking. After a moment or two, he knelt down so that he and Kise were eye-to-eye before he slowly replied, "You'll call me 'senpai' or 'captain' from now on. Then I'll know you respect me enough to do what I say." And then, the captain rested one hand on top of Kise's blond head.

The contact lasted two heartbeats at most, but it spoke volumes. Kasamatsu soon turned his back on the first-year and headed over to the bin to pick up a fresh basketball.

Kobori took a second to get over the shock of seeing the raven-headed young man's sudden change, before he followed him to the bin. "What was that all about?" He couldn't help but ask. He was too curious.

Kasamatsu turned the basketball over in his hands, as if contemplating what to say. Finally, he nodded his head decisively. "I guess he's not completely horrible," he said. He stuck his nose up a bit higher than necessary, as if to regain some of the pride he'd lost because of the statement, and turned to line up a shot.

If one knew just who Kasamatsu Yukio was, they'd know just how big a compliment that had been.

Hello, everyone! Welcome to my Kaijo one-shot collection! This is mostly going to be centered around Kasamatsu and Kise, though. Just a small warning.

There will be no yaoi whatsoever, but I do broship them. The genres of this collection will be random - some will be funny, others fluffy, others darker. The rating will range from K to T. I may or may not take prompts. I most likely won't, but if you have an idea, don't hesitate to PM me!

I have no idea how long this thing will be. I'll update incredibly sporadically. Whenever my inner Kasamatsu decides he wants out, I guess xD

So, please drop a review if you enjoyed, or if you'd want to see more! You can also read my other KnB fics if you'd like!

Disclaimer: I definitely do not own KnB or its characters. Tadatoshi Fujimaki does.

God bless all of you! Have a wonderful day.
