Chapter 8

Harry noted two things when he jolted awake.

One, he was back in the temple quarters.

Two, he was on a bed.

The last time he'd slept in one was when he'd still been human.

"Hm…about time you woke up."

He grunted noncommittally, pushing himself to a sitting position.

It was then he noticed he was dressed in a simple pair of breeches. His swords along with his shirt and armor were stacked up in a neat pile on the table.

"How long have I been out?" He asked, getting to his feet before glancing at his companion. She was curled up in a chair off to the side, a book on her lap although it seemed to be forgotten as she was staring unabashedly at him.

She too lacked her regular clothing.

"Not long."

"Oh." He was reaching for his shirt when he paused, memories of the night before surfacing. He gingerly touched the spot where he could remember getting hit.

It was clean. There was some kind of salve applied there as well.

"I tended to it." This made him turn around, gazing at her in bemusement. He was not expecting that.

His surprise increased further when he noticed the way she avoided his eyes, picking at the pages of her book. "I hope you don't mind." She added.

"No I…I would've healed either way." He said quickly before shaking his head. What possessed him to say that?

"Thank you." He added, making her smile briefly. "I guess you found me then?" He asked quickly, trying to cover his embarrassment.

"Yes. I saw you fighting those men before one of them tried to run away. I got him but by the time I turned around you were already on the floor." She paused. "What happened? Way you were handling those three I doubt any of them could've gotten to you."

"No. I'd already taken care of them." He muttered. "I don't…I can't remember what happened after that. I would've known if someone had come up behind me as well…"

"You didn't get hit on your head did you?" She asked, getting to her feet and moving towards him.

"No I…what are you doing?" He asked, backing away almost reflexively as her hand came up to his face.

"Calm down." She said patiently. "Let me have a look…" She was already leaning up on her toes, brushing aside his hair with one hand while the other was now grasped firmly on his arm, holding him in place.

He was firmly aware of their proximity as she leaned into him. Usually he had a tighter grip on himself, but he wrote it off as a side effect of sleeping after so long.

Besides, it was a pleasant sensation, having someone so close to him. Ever since he'd started on the path as a Witcher, well…certain things became a luxury.

An unbidden smirk crept up on his face as he closed his eyes at the feeling of the hand carding through his hair. She was taking her time it seemed, making no effort to move from him.

Was it strange that he was only able to experience something like this after everything that happened? And in a world that was not his own?

He wasn't allowed to dwell on it for long however as the sound of the door creaking open directed their attention towards it.

"Oh! My apologies." A startled voice said hurriedly.

The door was slammed shut.

"Well…" Enid commented as she gingerly removed him from her grasp, stepping away from him. "I guess this will confirm their suspicions…even if it was not at all what seemed."

"Nenneke will be so pleased." He said dryly making her laugh before they both turned away.

Feeling slightly better he moved to don his shirt and the rest of his garb while she did the same behind him.

"There was something else." He heard her say. "The soldier's encampment…it burned down last night."

"What?!" He rounded on her.

"It was after I found you. I was bringing you back here when I saw the fire."

"How?! Is anyone-?"

"Dead." She said without a hint of emotion. "Most of them at least."

"Do you know how it happened?"

"Not sure. I-" She hesitated. "Do you know why you were attacked?"

"No." He growled, dropping to one of the seats with his hands clasped. "I don't suppose you do?"

"I was attacked as well." She said. "I feel that might be reason enough."

"You're not hurt are you?" He asked, looking up at her.

"No. I only had to deal with 2 of them…I suppose they took me for an easy target." She paused. "I want to apologize."

"For what?"

"For my hand in this." She said quietly. "I fear we were targeted because of my affiliation. It was a mistake for me to come here…to this city-with you. I didn't mean to cause you unnecessary trouble."

"Why would you think they were after you?"

"I'm an elf." She said bitterly. "And yes, I fought for my people before. I fear what I've done is catching up to me."

She fell silent after that, but Harry couldn't shift his gaze from her.

For the first time since he'd met her, he felt like he'd finally learnt something about her. He knew that what she'd just said was probably the most honest thing he'd heard from her since they'd met.

"Then we'll leave."

"What?" Her eyes met his, surprise evident in them.

"We'll leave. It's about time we set off either way." He closed his eyes. "I fear I've caused enough trouble for the priestesses as well."

Nothing was said between them for a few moments.

"The men who attacked you, did they die in the fire as well?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"They died before that."

He frowned slightly but didn't make any further comment. He didn't need to voice what he was thinking. From the way she was looking at him, she'd already guessed what he wasn't voicing.

"Why did you not raise your sword against them?" She asked.

He turned away from her, choosing not to answer her question. He could feel her gaze on him as he silently gathered his effects.

She followed suit shortly after as well. Nothing more was said as they dressed.

Before he could head outside though, he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"Henryk…don't forget that you and I are not so different to them."

With that she strode forward, leaving him staring blankly in her wake.

"Should I ask if you had a hand in what has happened?" Nenneke asked, gesturing towards the window. The column of smoke still hadn't died down.

"No." Harry said shortly.

The priestess sighed before pouring herself some water.

"I'm not surprised." She said, handing the water to him. After a moment's hesitation he took it. Her gaze was fixed on him as he drank it.

"I'd advise you to make haste and depart." She said softly.

He simply nodded.

"Where will you go?"

"I don't know." He muttered. "Onward."

"Are you not bound for Novigrad?"

"In due time."

She nodded, looking towards the entrance.

Enid was there, leaning against the wall with her back turned.

"Go. You have my blessing…do not forget what I've said."

He bowed his head in acknowledgement before getting up.

"And Henryk?" She got to her feet as well. He looked at her questioningly. "Do not return."

Enid was waiting by the door as he strode towards it, but he ignored her as he strode past, leaving just her and the priestess inside.

"That was unnecessary." She said after a few moments.

"Perhaps." The priestess uttered in a faraway voice before turning to look at her. "But my mistrust is not placed on him."

Enid smiled coldly before slamming the door shut behind her.

"Where did you get those?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow, standing up straight as his companion approached the city gates.

"Dear Witcher…" She said in an overly exaggerated tone, glancing behind her before meeting his gaze with an impish smile. "Whatever do you mean?!"

Harry sighed audibly.

Behind her were two horses; a mare and a stallion.

"Fine horses you've got there." He muttered, inspecting both of them. The mare he noticed, had a white stripe on its face that was a stark contrast to its black coat.

They looked far too well bred to be something she'd nicked off of the local stables.


"I take it you've borrowed them."

"Well…" She stroked the white horse lovingly. "I 'relieved' them of active duty seeing as their owners are not going to be around much anymore." She glanced at him. "The mare seems rather taken with you as well…would've been a shame to not bring her to you."

A ghost of a smile slid across his face as the mare nuzzled into his hand expectantly.

"So." Enid probed.

"Thanks." He replied, favoring her a quick smile. She seemed slightly taken aback by his response, but nevertheless, recovered quickly.

"Nay Vaat'ghern, it is my token of gratitude."

Geralt's eyes snapped open, immediately picking up the hooded figure standing in front of the door.

"You're late."

"No. You're early." She sounded amused. "Did you spend the night here?"

"A bed every now and then never hurt anyone." He replied before getting to his feet. "It's good to see you Yen."

He was rewarded with a gorgeous smile as the dark haired sorceress moved to embrace him. The flame that had been lying dormant in him sparking to life at the contact.

"The feeling's mutual." Yennefer said quietly, lingering in his embrace. "Ciri sends her regards."

"She giving you trouble?" He asked as she drew away.

"No more than she always did." She smiled faintly. "I don't have much time, so I'd rather get to the matter at hand Geralt…if you don't mind."

He nodded before gesturing towards the bed while he propped himself down on the chair.

"What have you learned?"

Yennefer didn't answer for a few moments, a troubled expression marring her features.

"Before I answer that, I need you to tell me how you found him. And where." Her violet eyes narrowed as they met his. "Leave nothing out."

"Not much to say." He began, watching the last few dying embers of the fire. "Found him during a contract…was supposed to be lifting a curse off of a Striga. Found him in the crypt with it. He was almost dead but defended himself with magic. Afterwards I took him to Kaer Morhen...the trial seemed the only way to save him given the wounds he'd sustained. After that, well…you probably know the rest."

"You left something out."

He looked at her questioningly.

"Geralt. You're no fool, nor are you one to get yourself involved in things that don't concern you. Why did you not leave him there to die? The knowledge that he's a source should've only deterred you more."

He sighed audibly, clasping his hands together.

"I've seen him before. In dreams…well, more like nightmares."

"Visions?" She asked curiously. "Akin to what you had with Ciri?"

"No…I don't know. I recognized him the moment I set my eyes on him."

"You mentioned nightmares...what exactly did you see?" She asked, eyeing him closely.

"A storm…I remember a storm. The seas were raging, lightning in the skies…" He murmured, trying to recall more details. "The floor turning to fire…" He smiled humorlessly. "You know what I'm getting at."

"Ragh nar Roog?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.


She gave out a long, exasperated sigh. "The one you found? Where does he come in?"

"It's not just him I saw." He muttered. "Ciri, you, me...I keep remembering flashes of it. One thing I know for certain is that we were there. All of us."

"Then what?"

"I can't remember much else."

"I see." She murmured in a distant voice. "Geralt, is it possible what you saw was an omen?"

"What do you mean?"

"You described Ragh nar Roog…but is it truly in the literal sense?" She asked. "Perhaps it's a warning…about the boy."

"Not going to rule out the possibility. But…"

"But you trust him." She finished for him. He looked up, meeting her piercing gaze. "Why?"

"I don't know." He said truthfully. "Even now I ask myself why I took him with me…why I wanted to save his life. Why I took it as far as to turn him to a Witcher when I had no reason to."

"You are many things Geralt, but you are not without compassion." She said softly. "I don't think you have to explain your actions." She smiled. "Besides, our Cirilla seems to care for him. Between you and her, I don't think I have any reason to doubt the trust you've placed in him."

He chuckled to himself, remembering watching the pair together at Kaer Morhen. Even Ciri had played a part in training Henryk. The memory of the girl yelling about Henryk's footwork during one such session had been a cause of great amusement for all of them.

Except Henryk. Lambert made sure he never forgot it.

"I've told you all I know. Now tell me what you've learned. How did you learn of him?"

"I never knew." She added, her voice growing cold. "How the Lodge found out about him I can't say. I doubt I was supposed to know in the end either, it was by chance I overheard a conversation that lead me to Triss."

"By chance or…?" She gave him a look making him fall silent.

"Please. Let's not mention the fact that you seem to trust Triss so much so that you-"

"She was the only one I could get a hold of. In case you've forgotten, I cannot contact you or find you on a whim. I have to wait to be graced by your presenece." He added, a bit of venom seeping into his voice.

"There will be a different time for this conversation." She said stiffly. "Right now there's only one thing that you need to know."

He shook his head but remained silent.

"It's Francesca. How she found out I can't say, but my hands are tied for this one. I cannot oppose her even if I tried…she's far too powerful and has a lot more influence than I do. That's why I need you to find him before she does."

"And you?" He asked. "You're not going to be acting in the Lodge's best interests?"

"I do not think Francesca is acting out of the Lodge's best interests either." Yennefer sighed. "It's not that I don't trust her Geralt…but you know who she is."

Geralt grimaced, a wolf howling in the distance as a memory surfaced.

Behind the couple, walked an attractive woman with very long, dark golden hair, and a grey-green dress decorated with lace, which rustled as she moved.

"Francesca Findabair, also called Enid an Gleanna, the Daisy of the Valleys. Don't goggle, Witcher. She is widely considered to be the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Is she a member of the chapter?" He whispered in astonishment. "She looks very young. Is it also thanks to magical elixirs?"

"Not in her case. Francesca is a pure blooded elf." (Excerpt from Time of Contempt, Andrzej Sapkowski)

Harry glanced to his side to find Enid pointing forward.

There, in the distance atop the hillside was a village.

"We can stop there for the night."

It wasn't a suggestion. The tone of her voice made it clear that she fully intended to stop for the night no matter what he chose to do.

Any other time he would've just waved her off and gone on, but the weariness he could see on her was reflected on him. They'd been on the road for the past three days with barely any stops.

It was mainly due to their mutual desire to put a noticeable distance between them and Ellander. They had to avoid the main roads as well after the first night owing to an increasing number of soldiers and checkpoints, it was only after they'd left a significant distance between them and the city that things seemed to have calmed down.

He nodded tiredly in response, returning to his silent stupor that he'd carried on for a vast majority of the journey. One of the perks about finally having mounts of their own was that it meant sleeping while journeying was a possibility. For him it mostly meant he could lapse to his meditative state in peace. As an added bonus, Enid fell prey to the weariness of their journey much faster which meant she surrendered to sleep much quicker as well.

While sleep was something that wasn't as necessary now due to his mutations, it didn't mean it wasn't a luxury he'd like to indulge in every now and then. So Enid's suggestion did carry some merit.

The thought of a warm fire and food after so long helped strengthen the argument.

"Henryk." She said again making him look wearily at her.

This was something rather new. Her using his name.

It felt strange not having her address him the way the general populace usually did anymore. It created an odd sense of familiarity between them.

It wasn't uncomfortable. But there was still some tension between them.

"I have met Witchers before you." She began. "I was alive when your kind were as plentiful as there were soldiers…and yet, never did I meet one who is quite like you."

"What do you mean?"

"You are not emotionless. You hide it well, but I have seen that you are more human in more aspects than not."

"An astute observation." He said dryly.

Her lips quirked upwards briefly. "You are strange. You've intrigued me a lot more than I care to admit."

"The feeling's mutual."

"I'm sure it is." She said humorously. "But…It is the reason I wished to honor the debt I owed you. I know I never had to be here…and I know you question why." She paused. "This is my answer."

He gave her a brief nod of acknowledgement and silence fell for a few moments as they slowly trotted down the rough path

"You don't owe me anything anymore." He murmured.

"I don't?" She asked, her eyes meeting his for a few moments. He held her gaze for a few moments before looking away.

"When I set off on the path, I didn't think it'd be anything more than a solitary journey." Allowing a rare bit of vulnerability to seep into his voice he added; "I am grateful for your companionship."

She seemed to pull back into herself, her face hidden behind her cloak.

"It is of no consequence." Her voice was softer than he was used to hearing. "I suppose that means I have no more reason to be here."

"This was always your choice." He said after a few moments. "I did not help you back then for you to be indebted to me."

"I know." She suddenly peeled back the hood of her cloak, allowing her hair to cascade past her shoulders. The tips of her ears were rather red, a warm contrast to her pale complexion.

He was well aware of her elven heritage; her beauty was unmatched. Even among the fair elven maidens he'd seen.

It had never been something he'd paid heed to before, but now, with her piercing blue eyes fixed on his, he was made all too aware of it.

"I would like to continue to travel with you." She smiled. "At least until the inevitable parting of ways."

He allowed her a brief smile before the two continued onwards in amicable silence.

AN: Well shit. Not only did I miss Christmas, but New Year as well.

But I'm sure you guys are used to me being flaky by now so it's nothing new right? Moving on. (Long note coming up.)

That cat's out the bag, more and more of you are catching onto who Enid an Gleanna is. Was hoping to keep it a secret from the non Witcher fanatics but it was stupid of me…it's people who're into that world that'd read this rather niche crossover.

There's a legitimate reason why I took some time to publish this new chapter this time actually. I still haven't given up on trying to follow a similar style to how Andrzej Sapkowski wrote and had a draft that was more akin to that. But I decided to scrap it and start over for two reasons.

It probably wouldn't work here as a crossover since I've literally dragged in a character who's completely out of touch with this world. I can't just jump all over the place and tell different tales about the many exploits of a character who isn't fully established as a character or even in the world he's in yet.

This is actually something a reviewer said ages ago when I talked about something similar in the earlier chapters. If he wanted to read Sapkowski's writing style, he'd stick to them rather than read my pathetic recreation of it. If he's reading my story, it's because of the way I write it. Well that and I think I'm one of a very small handful of people writing a crossover involving Witcher and Harry Potter.

It stuck with me, what he said. So…yeah. Oh, and if you think the reviewer was a bit dickish, he wasn't. I remember him being really nice about it. I just can't remember the review word for word so I filled in the gaps with my own pessimistic take on things. Yay me.

That's all I wanted to say…Oh, and I finished Final Fantasy XV and laughed myself silly at the ending. (Spoiler alert for those who haven't seen the full ending, do not read what's coming).

So you know how we can take a snapshot of whatever we want before Noctis goes in for the final battle? Yeah, I chose a picture of Aranea Highwind. Because why not? She's the perfect waifu. Got all the right characteristics for me to perv on. Oh, and Gentiana as well.

I digress, but you can probably guess what had me in stitches. That ending with Noctis and Lunafreya looking at the picture of Aranea together was just…

Other than that, the game was a ton of wasted potential. I'm more disappointed because I'm seeing the possibilities of just how great it could've been.

And lastly, I got accepted into the school I was hoping for. Classes start this week. It's gonna ruin me (it's an art school that's notorious for overworking their students). This story will get updated sometime. Hopefully sooner than later.

Next chapter will be a traditional Witcher Contract. Been itching to write one of those.