Chapter Fourteen:
Dreams Do Come True

A/N: Thank you for reading and reviewing! This is the last chapter of this story and I hope you love it!


Harry glanced around the table and felt his tummy warm as his adopted parents smiled back at him.

Harry dropped his eyes to his empty plate. He couldn't help but let his smile grow as he thought about how much his life has changed. My tummy is full, my clothes fit, Max is happy and I am loved. What did I do to deserve this kind of life? I was always told how bad I am and then I ran away and my life got flipped upside down. Max and I should have ran away a long time ago if this is the outcome.

"Do you want more breakfast, Harry?" Albus asked as he re-filled Severus' glass of milk.

Harry gave a shake of his head and looked toward his brother. I also never thought I would have a brother. He's kind of a jerk sometimes but other times he's great. The other night he even let me sleep in his bed with him!

Finishing the last bite of his breakfast, Severus leaned back and gently patted his full belly. "What is the run-down for the day?"

With a flick of his wand the table cleared. "Well, now that we are done eating we need to go to the Ministry of Magic."

Severus sighed, "I know all of that. What about after the trial?"

"We are going out to eat and then home." Minerva eyed her son curiously. "Why do you ask?"

"Well I was thinking that, as a present for winning the trial (because obviously those monsters are guilty) we could go to the magical animal center and adopt a pet." He leveled both of his parents with his best begging face.

Harry's eyes lit up at the idea, "Please?"

Minerva and Albus exchanged identical looks.

Albus gave a small shake of his head, "We have already discussed this boys. We do not have time to care for a pet. If you want to play with a dog then you may go to Hagrid's."

Hearing that, Harry immediately gave up the idea.

Severus, on the other hand, fought on. "I read in a book last night that it is statistically proven to help children gain responsibility. Can we get a pet if we are completely responsible for it?"

Minerva and Albus exchanged another look and then Minerva said, "We will think about it." Changing the subject, she pointed towards the loo. "Go clean your faces off, we need to leave very shortly." Once both boys disappeared into the loo she smirked at Albus, "If he wants responsibility we could always give them chores."

Albus chuckled, "He has a point, Min. The boys have asked a few times now if they could get a dog."

Minerva frowned, "Are you actually thinking about this?"

Albus nodded. "It would do them good. They are six, I believe they could handle the responsibility. When I was six my parents gave me my first owl."

Sighing, Minerva gave him an annoyed look. "And if they cannot handle the responsibility?" She didn't wait for a response, "If they become lazy or cannot handle it then on top of everything else we already have, we will have a pet to take care of too."

Albus gave a small nod, understanding where she was coming from. "I honestly think the boys can handle it, Min."

Giving up, Minerva muttered, "Fine. But if they cannot handle the responsibility then you will be hte one taking care of it."

Albus smirked, "Yes, love."

They fell into a comfortable silence as they waited for Harry and Severus to finish cleaning themselves up.

Hearing the boys returning to the kitchen, Albus grabbed Max and stood from the table. He gave them both warm smiles when they arrived. "Are you ready?"

Harry gave a nervous nod. Seeing Max in his father's arms, Harry hurried over and clutched Max tight against his chest.

"We're ready. I was telling Harry to not be afraid because if they try anything I'll beat them up for him," Severus explained with a satisfied look on his face.

Albus forced himself not to smile, "You, in particular, will not beat them up, Sev. The authorities will take care of everything. You are very safe, Harry."

Standing from the table, Minerva double-checked to make sure she had all of Harry's paperwork in her bag before heading toward the living room and called over her shoulder, "We need to leave."

Harry and Severus hurried after their parents but just as they were about to enter the fireplace Peeves flew in through the front door.

Albus stopped himself from dropping the powder. "Yes, Peeves?"

Peeves hurried to Harry's side, knowing they needed to leave soon. "I just wanted to tell you good luck and I will see you later."

Harry smiled, "Thanks Peeves."

Peeves nodded, a satisfied smile on his face. "Also, don't be afraid or nervous either. You have a lot of people who love you and will take good care of you."

Albus and Minerva exchanged smiles.

Harry felt his father gently squeeze his shoulder. "Thanks Peeves. When I come home later hopefully we can play."

Albus gave a small nod, "We really must be leaving though. I do not want to be late." As soon as Peeves said his goodbyes, ALbus held on to his family and dropped the floo powder.

When they exited the fireplace, Albus immediately scanned the crowded hall looking for the red hair of Arthur Weasley. He spotted him standing near the center statue. "Boys, take one of our hands."

Harry immediately took hold of Minerva's hand, hating crowds.

Severus frowned, "That's embarrassing. We're too old to hold your hand."

Albus turned and leveled him with a stern look. "You would be more embarrassed if I warmed your bottom right here in front of everyone."

Taking the threat seriously, Severus grumbled under his breath and took hold of his father's hand.

Albus immediately started pushing his way through the sea of people. When they reached Arthur he gave him a firm handshake and a welcoming smile. "Thank you again for doing this, Arthur. We really appreciate it."

Arthur waved his thanks off and smiled at the boys, "I'm happy to do it. Besides, I know the boys would be more comfortable around someone they know instead of a random worker."

Kneeling down, she pressed a gentle kiss to both of their foreheads (ignoring Severus' groan and blushing cheeks). "Alright boys, I want you to behave for Mr. Weasley. Your father and I will see you in a bit."

Arthur waited patiently for the boys to say their goodbyes and then, taking both of their hands, led them away from the busy room and toward a staircase. "You're going to love the playroom there are many toys that I just know you'll enjoy!"

Harry looked around himself in awe as he hurried to keep up with Arthur's long strides. Both the walls and the floor is a grey marble. Decorating the walls are paintings of elderly people (most of whom are sleeping). Harry assumed these people must have done something important for the Ministry.

"How much further is the playroom?" Severus questioned as they took a right turn.

"Not much further, Severus." Arthur opened a set of double-doors and waited for the boys to enter.

Harry sighed as he looked at the huge staircase. "How come these stairs don't float like the ones at Hogwarts?"

Arthur smiled and started up the stairs, "Because Hogwarts is cooler than the Ministry."

The boys exchanged amused looks and followed on quietly until they reached a bright blue door with rainbow letters that spelled 'PLAYROOM'.

Placing his hand on the door, Arthur watched as his hand started to glow red. After a few moments of keeping his hand firmly on the door, it unlocked and gave them entrance.

Severus stared at the door curiously, "Why did it do that?"

"This room is the safest room in the Ministry. This morning I had to go to the Minister and he had to put my hand in the registry. My hand then became the key to open the door. After your parents sign you out of the Ministry then my hand will no longer work to unlock the door." Arthur held the door open for the boys to go in.

"That is so cool!" Severus exclaimed. He waited for Harry to enter the room first before following him in.

Harry stopped in the center of the room and looked around himself. His heart started to hammer away with excitement. This is the coolest room ever!

Each of the walls are a different color. The floor is a soft green carpet. A lounge chair sat on one side of the room and the rest of the room was filled with every toy imaginable. Plus, much to the boys' excitement, on the far side of the room is a real tree with a tree house and a rope swing hanging off a branch!

Severus immediately ran over to a huge bookshelf and started scanning the spines. Grabbing a book, he crawled on top of a huge stuffed turtle and laid down.

Arthur smiled as he watched Harry running from toy to toy, eyes huge with excitement.

Harry finally settled on a coloring book and motioned for Arthur to join him. "Will you color with me?"

Nodding, Arthur walked over to the small table and sat down to color.

Coloring and reading only lasted for a little bit before both grew bored. Harry started playing in the tree house while Severus and Arthur played wizarding chess.

Arthur went silent when he heard a knock on the door. He couldn't help but frown. The trial had only started about twenty minutes ago so they're definitely not at a recess nor a verdict.

"Who is it?" Severus asked as he took Arthur's pawn.

Arthur didn't answer, instead he tapped his wand on the door causing it to become see-through. "Who are you?"

Looking through the door, Harry and Severus jumped to their feet. "It's Professor Reynes!"

Arthur eyed the man. He personally never met Severus' replacement. "How can I be sure?"

Zachary had anticipated this and smiled at the boys. "You do not have have to give me entrance, Mr. Weasley. Thank you for protecting the boys. I just wanted to stop by and check on them before I leave to go get Luna."

Severus frowned, "Why are you going to get Luna? I thought she only came on the weekends?"

Zachary smiled, "That is why I came to the Ministry of Magic. Today I was given Luna's temporary guardianship." His smile grew as he watched their eyes light up with excitement.

"So we get to see her all the time?!" Harry exclaimed, too excited to say anything else.

Zachary gave a nod, "Of course. She will be living at Hogwarts with us, after all."

Severus smiled softly, "Congratulations, Professor."

"Enough of that title, boys. You may call me Uncle Zachary, if you want?" Zachary offered.

Severus and Harry exchanged smiles.

"Okay!" Severus beamed. This is the best day ever!

Smiling at them through the door, Zachary turned to face his attention to Arthur. "Keep them safe for me. I need to retrieve Luna now." Looking only at Harry, he added, "Keep your head up, buddy. Today is a good day."

Smiling, Harry waved his goodbyes as Zachary disappeared and Arthur returned the door from being invisible.

They all returned to doing what they had been doing before the visit from Zachary. They remained content for a solid hour before another knock on the door interrupted them.

Standing from his sitting spot on the floor, Arthur stretched out his muscles and walked over to the door. Making the door invisible, he smiled in welcome at Alastor. "Password."

"Fizzles," Alastor answered with an amused smirk on his face.

Satisfied, Arthur placed his hand on the door and waited patiently for it to glow and open for Alastor.

Harry held Max tight against his chest as he stared at the Auror with a scar across his face and a spinning eye. He could feel Severus inch closer to him as they listened to Arthur and the man whisper at the door.

Feeling eyes on them, Arthur turned and offered the six-year olds smiles, "Boys, this is Alastor Moody. He will be escorting you down to the courtroom."

"You're not coming with us?" Harry asked, a tinge of sadness in his voice.

"No. I have to return to work. Mr. Moody is a nice guy though and will keep you safe."

Alastor tried to keep his smile soft and encouraging, "The court went into a ten minute recess boys. I was told to come get you. When the recess ends it will be time for the verdict to be announced." Seeing that they both looked uneasy still, he added, "I know you've never met me but I know your parents very well."

Severus gave a nod toward Harry, almost as if giving permission to go with the man.

Harry quietly followed the mad-eyed man out of the playroom. He felt Severus right next to him and couldn't help but feel safer. He gently rubbed Max's belly and mentally told himself that everything was going to work out.

As the walk continued on, Harry slowly began growing uneasy.

Alastor stopped in front of the courtroom doors. Looking down at Harry he asked, "Are you ready?" At Harry's nervous nod, Alastor gave him a small smile, "That'a boy."

As soon as the door opened Harry felt nauseous and it felt like his legs were frozen in place.

Severus looked around the crowded courtroom for their parents. He spotted them in the front row, his father stood and beckoned toward them.

Taking Harry's hand in his own, Severus whispered, "Don't be afraid."

Taking in a shaky breath, Harry squeezed his brother's hand in response and allowed Alastor to escort them to their parents. When they reached their parents, their father helped them sit down and their mother immediately placed a loving kiss to their foreheads.

"Recess is almost over. As soon as everyone returns the Minister will be giving the verdict," Albus explained to them in a whisper.

Holding Max on his lap, Harry felt his breath catch in his throat as he watched the doors open. The Minister returned to his seat at the front of the room and two aurors escorted his aunt and uncle to their seats.

Harry could feel their eyes burrowing into his head and he knowingly kept his head down, clutching Max tight against his chest. They can no longer hurt me, Harry mentally reminded himself.

"And the verdict is. . . " The Minister started saying, catching Harry's attention.

Harry felt Severus squeeze his hand harder and Harry forced himself to look up at the Minister, waiting for him to say the life-changing word.

"Petunia Dusley and Vernon Dursley, the court has found you guilty on all accounts!" The room erupted in applause and the Minister immediately tried to silence them. "Petunia Dursley: you are charged with neglect and putting a child in danger. You are hereby sentenced to twenty years in Azkaban. Vernon Dursley: you are charged with child abuse, neglect, putting a child in danger and for the attempt of trying to destroy a wizard's magical core. You are hereby sentenced to life in Azkaban."

As the cheers erupted again around him, Harry stayed silent. With all of his courage he moved his eyes from the Minister and looked between his aunt and uncle. He could practically feel the rage radiating off them. Part of him immediately wanted to look away but another part wanted to show them that their glares could no longer paralyze him.

He remained keeping eye contact as two aurors flicked their wands, shackling their arms and legs. "Move," The one auror barked at his uncle.

Harry watched on in awe as the auror started walking them toward the exit.

Vernon struggled with the auror as he glared one last time at Harry, "You deserved everything, Freak! You better pray I don't ever escape because if I do I'll kill you!"

Harry leveled him with a calm look, he could feel Severus' death grip on his hand. Keeping his voice from shaking, Harry responded, "I'm no longer afraid of you." This statement only seemed to enrage his uncle further and Harry watched on as the auror put a silencing spell on him and forced him out of the courtroom. Harry continued to watch on as the door swung shut behind them.

Leaving go of Harry's hand, Seveurs turned to look at his mum and dad. "Can we go get lunch now?" Severus asked as his tummy grumbled hungrily.

Minerva smirked, "Yes. There is a restaurant in Diagon Alley that I have been craving."

Noticing how silent Harry is, Minerva knelt and gently squeezed his hand. "What is wrong love?"

Harry nibbled on his bottom lip and whispered, "I feel like I stole Dudley's mum and dad from him."

Minerva gave a firm shake of her head. "No, they did that to themselves son."

Harry dropped his eyes, "Yeah I guess but that doesn't make me feel less bad for him."

Albus rubbed Harry's back. "I know son. Just know that Dudley is better in his aunt's hands. Come on, let's go eat."

Harry gave a small nod, "Alright." Taking his father's hand, he walked with his family out of the courtroom and into the corridor. He immediately felt blinded by a thousand flashes. Hiding his face against his dad's side, he clenched his eyes shut and trusted that his dad would lead them away from all the flashing cameras.

When they arrived at the restaurant they chose a booth hidden in the back in an attempt to avoid any more nosy press members.

"What can I get for you today?" A waitress came up to them and asked, a huge smile plastered on her face.

Severus blushed and immediately hid his face behind Harry.

Smirking, Albus answered the waitress. "I need two kid's meals. Both will get the chicken fingers with mashed potatoes and brussels sprouts. I will get the salmon with mashed potatoes and asparagus and she will take the grilled chicken salad, house dressing and a baked potato on the side please."

Minerva smiled warmly at her husband, "I love how you always know my order." Looking at the waitress, she added, "Four waters and two hot teas please."

"I want coffee too!" Severus added.

Albus chuckled and shook his head at the waitress, "Four waters and two hot teas will do fine, thank you." He watched as the waitress left before turning to Severus, "Why were you suddenly so shy when she first got here?"

Harry smirked, "He thinks she's pretty!"

Severus glared at him, "Shut up, Harry!"

Minerva held in her groan, "How do you know if someone is pretty, Sev? You're six."

"Well, I think you're pretty mum. I'm smart! I know if someone is pretty or not," Severus told her knowingly.

Minerva's heart melted, "Thank you love."

Changing the subject, Severus asked, "Did you think about whether we can get a pet or not?"

Minerva and Albus exchanged smirks. "Yes, we have thought about it," Albus told them.

Severus and Harry's eyes lit up with excitement. "And your answer?" Severus pressed.

Minerva gave a nod of her head. "We will go to the shop after we eat if you both behave yourselves." Both cheered with excitement and, holding back her soft laughs, she motioned for them to quiet down, "A pet takes a lot of work though. I want to make sure the two of you are willing and ready to take care of it."

Both nodded their heads firmly and Albus took over. "You will need to feed the pet every day. You will need to clean up after it. Bathe it and play with it. Any destruction the pet creates will be yours to clean up. Are you willing to accept that responsibility?"

"Yes sir!" Harry and Severus exclaimed at the same time.

"Then it is set. We will go pick out a pet after we eat." Albus watched as the waitress brought their drinks.

"There is a man with a camera who wants to come back to you. I told him no but he insisted that I asked you," The waitress explained.

Albus smiled at her thankfully. "Thank you for not allowing him to come back. We would like to eat and celebrate in peace."

The waitress nodded and disappeared.

Once they were alone again, Albus looked over at Harry and noticed him playing with one of Max's ears. "Would you like us to fix Max for you?"

Harry shook his head and looked up from Max. "Thank you but no. Max is perfect just the way he is."

Severus rolled his eyes, "If you say so."

"Behave or we will not be going to the pet shop," Minerva firmly reminded Severus.

Sitting straighter in his seat, Severus immediately apologized to his brother.

When the food arrived they all began eating. The boys loved their food except the brussels sprouts, neither wanted to even touch one of those!

"I order them because I want you to try new things," Albus explained softly as he watched their noses turn up in disgust. "Eat three of them and then you may be done."

Groaning softly, Harry stabbed one of the brussels sprouts with his fork and popped it in his mouth. He chewed quickly and swallowed. He did this with all three brussels sprouts and then gulped down his water. Looking over at Severus he noticed he still hadn't touched his vegetables.

Nudging him, Harry whispered, "Eat them or we won't be going to the pet shop."

Acting as if he were being murdered, Severus followed Harry's directions and ate them quickly.

The waitress re-appeared, "Are you ready for your desert now?"

Severus and Harry's eyes lit up with excitement.

"We get desert?!" Severus questioned, no longer feeling full.

Albus nodded to the waitress and watched as she went to the back and brought out the cake.

The waitress placed the cake in front of Harry and lit the one candle. "I just wanted to say, congratulations on winning the trial." Looking to Albus and Minerva, she added, "You have an adorable little family."

Harry smiled as he looked at the the scrumptious looking cake.

"Make a wish, son." Minerva directed him as she began handing out the plates. She handed Albus the knife, letting him be in charge of cutting the cake into pieces.

Harry nibbled on his bottom lip as he stared at the dancing flame. "I don't have anymore wishes though. All of my dreams have already come true. . ."

Minerva's eyes immediately stung with happy tears. "We love you, son."

Before Harry could reply, Severus leaned forward and blew the flame out. "I still have tons of wishes left!"

Albus and Minerva stared at Severus, stunned. Not knowing if he should reprimand Severus or let him be, Albus simply pulled the cake towards himself and started cutting it into little slices.

Harry couldn't help but laugh and shake his head, "I hope your wish comes true, Sev."

Giggling, Severus smirked, "I stole your wish, Harry."

Glancing at his mum, Harry replied, "You probably needed it more anyway."

Minerva shook her head in amusement and leaned back, watching her small family interact. Life cannot get better than this.

And they all lived happily ever after. . .

A/N: I'm so glad you have followed me on this journey. I've never written a "age under 11" story and multiple times I debated giving up on the story but with all of your support, I can now proudly say that My Own Family is complete.
