
It had taken days for the Professor to return his hut to the regimented order he preferred. But slowly, he seemed more and more his old self.

Whatever was said between Mr. Howell and the Professor remained a mystery to the others. They just knew that it somehow helped snap him from his depression.

He was once again taking his meals at the community table and not remaining isolated, even occasionally joining in the convivial banter among the others, though still not as often as before. It would, no doubt, be slow going, and everyone remained cautious about what they said.

"Mary Ann, that smells wonderful. What is it?" he asked, as the delicious aroma wafted on the breeze.

"A coconut and pineapple cream pie," she replied. "I hope it tastes as good as it smells."

"I'm sure it will."

"I'll get it," said Gilligan, happy to be of help, and also hoping to have the first slice. He got up from the table and hurried to the kitchen area.

Racing back with the pie, he tripped, and it unceremoniously landed in the Professor's lap.

"Gilligan!" yelled the Skipper. About to let loose with a tirade at the first mate, he was stopped abruptly by uproarious laughter. Laughter that was raucous and heartfelt.

It was the Professor. Trying to salvage his dignity, as best he could, as the tears of laughter rolled down his cheeks, he scooped the remnants of the pie off himself and onto the table. His laughter was infectious, and the rest of the castaways couldn't help but join in.

"Little buddy," whispered a smiling Skipper, "you've done it again."

~ Finis ~

© 2015 Dash O'Pepper

Disclaimers: Gilligan's Island is a registered trademark of Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), Gladysya Productions and MGM/United Artists Television. This work of fanfiction is not meant in any way to infringe on copyrights already held by these companies, their subsidiaries, and/or their estates. The original characters and plot of this fanfiction are the property of its author.