Last chapter guys, thanks so much for all reviews/ favourites/ follows. I hope you've enjoyed reading and will like the ending. Huge thanks for the support :D Xx

Previously; "Sorry Chickpea, time's up. Your man let you down." he apologised without any feeling. In fact, he looked gleeful.

"No he didn't." Letty turned to the all too familiar gruff of said man.

Letty would have smiled, if the duct tape had allowed such motion.

"Letty, you okay?" Dom's eyes gave her a glance before lancing into the three that had held her. Dom had never been pro-gun, but the one his father had kept hidden in the house was now in his hands, lined up to the leader with a deadly finesse.

"M ine." As usual, Letty's mumbled attempt at responding to be fine fell to deaf ears.

"Where's my drugs, Toretto?" Leader snapped, his own gun raised with his temper.


"Where?!" Scars yelled, his own gun pulled from his jeans and pointed to Letty's head. Things changed then.

The tension in the room wound a hell of a lot tighter. Even the brothers seemed to realise their dog was a loose cannon when their heads were on the line.

"Shoot her, you lose them forever." Dom spat back, his aim lined straight for Scar's black heart. In a beat things could change. Death could claim either one of them.

"I don't think so. The drugs, now. Or you lose her forever." he countered with a smirk. He was enjoying it. Getting off on the tension, on the thrill that he could kill.

Letty had never seen Dom look so angry before. "Gun down now." The mad man commanded, his own still trained on Letty.

Letty watched Dom's eye twitch as he gave her a pleading look, then slowly lowered his gun. "Good." But the word was filled with malice and his eyes went straight to Letty, his hands curling tighter around the gun.

"No!" Dom called, foreseeing as Letty had. He had no intention of letting her live.

A gunshot sliced through the air and Letty slammed her body weight to the side, rocking the chair past balance and to the floor.

Her arm tied to the chair took the brunt of the fall, shooting pain fast and hard through the nerves. But a breath later, there was no bullet wound in her skull.

Two more gunshots rang out.

Return fire.

Shots again.

Then silence.

Letty slowly opened her eyes, expecting a world of blood and pain to greet her.

Her arm cried with the pain of a thousand knives, but the rest of her… it was solid. No bullet holes, no dripping blood.

The same couldn't be said for the others.

Leader and Scars were on the ground, blood spilling from their chests. Instantly, her eyes searched for Dom.

It didn't matter than Ryan was crying in the corner.

It was Dom she needed to know about.

"-OM!" she cried behind the duct tape.

"He's okay." A new voice came from behind her, she struggled to identify it, but the chair, her bindings and the splintering pain from her arm stopped her. "My name's Brian, I'm with LA PD."

"LETTY!" There was the gruffness she missed.

"-OM!" she tried again. His bulky shadow came around from some crates and rushed towards her.

"We gotta move, Let." He greeted her with a kilowatt smile and pulled a knife from his back pocket.

"No time. They're breaching." Officer Brian stopped him, a nod to the door. "Get her out of here. I'll deal with this." Brian took the gun from Dom's hand, and made his way to open the security door from the office.

Dom gripped the chair and pushed it back to its wheels.

Letty cried out with the jostled arm, odds said it was broken and that meant a damn cast. She should have risked getting shot.

"Sorry, Let." He pushed his weight behind the chair and the wheels shot her forward through the back office and past Officer Brian where he held open the fire door.

"Your guy's at the back of the block, he followed them here. Go quickly." Brian spoke in passing and slammed the door shut after they left, locking him back inside.

A few minutes of fresh air and police sirens later, Letty could just make out Leon's car. But Dom pulled her out of sight at the last moment.

"-Aat eh ell?" What the hell in non duct taped speech.

"Not my girlfriend?" he questioned with a laugh and turned her around, crouching before her. "See, I came to save my girlfriend… and if you're not her…"

"Oo un ob a itch." You son of a bitch. Somehow, Dom heard that one clear.

"And this is you trying to get me to untie you?" he chuckled, completely relaxed.

She kicked out with her bound ankles and managed to get him a little off balance but that was all.

"You know, you look nice, if you ignore the blood." He reached out and ran a thumb ever so lightly over her reddened jaw where she'd taken a punch. "Thanks, Letty." And he sounded so sincere it blocked her retort of where he could shove him 'thanks, Letty'.

"aht or?" What for?

"For playing along." Again she frowned, not following. "I know you would have preferred Sam's Diner and a long night parked at some hill peak." He smirked when she pulled a face as close to 'so why didn't we do that' as duct tape would allow. "But sometimes, you gotta let me treat you like a girl, you know."

"Oo eateh ee ike a url ast ight." You treated me like a girl last night. Which, was a damn good night. It always was when Dom won big at the races. Something about extra testosterone made him extra… attentive, in the bedroom. She'd be damned if he did that with any of the guys.

He shook his head slowly, laughter bubbling in his chest.

"I just wanted you to know I appreciate you getting your girl on." He stood up. "Now, am I saving my girlfriend or leaving you here?"

She didn't offer an answer, just stared daggers into him. "I'm serious, Let. I've had enough of this 'not my girlfriend' bullshit. You either are, or we aren't anything at all."

Sirens were still wailing, blue and red lights spinning colours over nearby buildings. Neither of them paid them any heed. The ultimatum he'd thrown down had been a long time coming.

Letty had never wanted the term for them for one reason, she was terrified.

Being without labels meant it didn't matter if he ever crossed the line and slept with one of the girls that caught his eyes. Not that he had… but… what if he did. What if she had to stand there one day and be the ex-girlfriend while he moved on? "Jesus Letty, is it that much of a damn question?" he asked, patience running short. What they were now, without the labels… it meant she could stay away from taking that leap of faith and trust. "Fine." he huffed and turned, already walking away from her.

Her heart sank. She was losing him anyway. Over a damn stupid name!

"OM!" she called through the muffling and he hung his head over his shoulder for a second. Just a second to see her nodding at him and he spun on the balls of his feet, the rubber of his shoes grinding the tiny gravel.

"You're my girlfriend?" Like a child, he grinned wide.

Reluctantly, she nodded twice, her eyes still stabbing at him. "See, that wasn't so hard." He gleefully smiled and came closer, the penknife cutting at her ankles and then arms. Pain shattered through her nerves as he touched the broken one, crippling her. "Let."

"I'm fine." she breathed, after ripping the duct tape off.

"They do this?" But she stepped back from him, cradling the broken arm and storming her path to Leon's car. "Letty!" Dom called, following her.

"Let, you're alright!" Leon greeted her, going in for a hug. Letty stepped back again, she wasn't risking her broken arm for a bear hug. "We were worried, girl."

"Just drive." She was tired, drained and now, thanks to Dom, pissed.

"A'ight." He nodded and slid back into the driver's seat.

Dom slid into the back with Letty, but the silence wasn't welcoming.

"Knock Knock." Eyes lifted to the garage shutters where a blue Skyline stood, its driver in the doorway searching for Toretto.

"Well well well, dust off boys, there's an Officer of the law present." Dom's voice came from behind the Pontiac he was working on. "Officer O'Connor, you here for business, or pleasure?" he asked, his eyes roaming the Skyline.

"Little bit of both. But, I'm actually not an Officer anymore."

"They promote you for the drug bust?"

"Suspended actually…" he confessed. "Apparently, there's a big deal about following strict orders."

"I'm sorry." And Dom meant it.

"Don't be. It's only two week. But… I'm considering a chance of career anyway."

"Oh yeah, got something in mind?"

"Something hands on. No strict rules… a lot of engine oil." His eyes roamed the garage leisurely, his point clear.

"I happen to know a place… if you know what you're doing." Dom smirked and followed Brian as he popped his hood. Dom let out a low whistle. Impressive work. "And the business side?"

"I need you and Letty to come down and submit a statement at some point. I also need the location of the drugs."

"You'd have to ask Letty." Dom leaned in, his hands on the bodywork as his eyes devoured the imported car. "What's the story?"

"Letty freed herself, found you driving around looking for her."

"Anything specific we need to stick in?"

"Few things Letty could add in about who led it, but otherwise it's pretty open and shut. Well once we get the evidence in the car. Which, the judge is overlooking how it was acquired, so you can be honest."

"This isn't just about the kid is it?" Punk drug dealers didn't get this much fuss. Not in LA.

"It went right to the top of the chain, they followed a lead right back to the head of the drug ring. They've got him hanging himself on criminal charges. But, you didn't hear it from me."

"Letty's next door." Dom nodded to the sandwich shop. "When you finish there, you can fix the damn radiator hose on the Buick!" Dom called, already heading back to his current work.

"Officer Brian, right?" Letty spoke, her voice soft and relax as she cut up lettuce on the countertop.

"You break it?" he nodded to the cast solidly on her left arm tattooed with well wishes and the occasional obscene drawing, no doubt courtesy of the boys next door.

"Yeah, which means I'm on kitchen duty." She struggled to place the tomato with only her fingers free to hold it, but after a few slips, she began to slice that too.

"You sure you shouldn't be at home resting or something."

She smiled and lifted up her head. Brian winced, seeing the black bruise across her jaw that foundation didn't make much of an attempt to cover. "Seriously, you've earned bedrest."

"I think I speak for the sanity of the group," Mia's voice sailed in from behind Brian, they both turned to greet her, "-when I say it's not worth the fight." She smiled. "And really, Let, put down the damn knife before you end up back in A and E."

"Mia." Brian greeted, a kilowatt smile lighting up his face. "You look beautiful." The day dress was just another favourite from Mia's wardrobe, Letty had seen it a thousand times, but Mia still blushed and thanked him sweetly.

Uh-oh, Dom was gunna kill them if he found out Mia had turned up early.

"You looking for Dom?" Mia asked, taking the closest seat next to him.

"Nah, just found him." He turned to Letty again. "When you're feeling up to it, the station needs a statement."

"Saying?" she prompted and picked up another tomato.

"You broke free from the guys, ran out and found Dom driving around." Brian paused watching Mia battle the one armed girl to try and claim back the task she didn't want to give up. "They, ummm, just need a few more details about the guys, but it's going down either way, so… should you really be doing that?" he asked as Letty grabbed another knife when Mia claimed hers back.

"I broke my arm, I didn't die." she retorted.

"Still, that can't be fun." It was then he noted the twitches in her features as she gripped the cucumber with her fingers of her broken arm. It hurt like hell, but she wasn't giving it up.

"I'm fine. Mind your own damn business." Letty grunted.

"What she means is, thank you for saving her life last night. And, thank you for answering when I called." Mia offered, her best smile flashed his way, her hand rested softly on his bicep.

"Yeah, well, anytime."

"I mean it. There's not a lot of people who would come through, no questions asked."

"It sounded important." Brian replied.

"What he means is, anytime you call he'll answer because you might be offering an invitation to your pants." Letty supplied, the constant judgement of her ability and the shooting pain making her grumpy.

Mia turned bright red but didn't step back.

"That's not. I mean, I didn't… that's not why I-"

"So, you wouldn't mind if I called you again some time." Mia asked, batting her eyes, chewing her lip.

"Not at all. You know, I've uh, actually got some time free now if you wan-"

"Don't even finish that sentence." Dom's deep tones boomed at the entrance to the sandwich shop. Letty grinned, but he soon turned on her. "We agreed you'd be stocking the machine and nothing else." She frowned but set the knife down. Satisfied with the latter battle he returned to the former. "You better hope your half as good under the hood as you think you are with chatting up my sister."

"You won't regret hiring me."

"I'm already regretting it. Now get your ass to that Buick before I kick it down the street." Brain offered an apologetic smile to Mia and a nod to Letty before scarpering to work. "Really Mia?"

"Please, like any guy will ever meet your approval." She barged her shoulder past him and round the counter to where Letty left the half done chicken salad sandwich order.

"She's got a point you know." Letty offered smugly.

"Get in the car, you're going home."

By the end of the week, Letty and Dom had decided to go and sort things out with the local PD. A quick phone call was all it took to invite far too many officers to one of the old railway warehouses she'd 'borrowed' to stash the drugs and the car. Now, they wanted the full statements.

Much to Dom's displeasure, Brian had worked out well at the garage and Mia had taken that as an invite to personally hand him lunch every day and spend all his lunch hour as flirtatiously as she could. Things hadn't worked out fantastic for Letty either, she'd been banned from the sandwich shop and the garage but for answering telephones. A job which she loathed more than anything. But worse than that was sitting on her ass with stupid tv, so she sucked it up and took the sucker punch until her arm healed.

But last night, things had changed.

Dom had come back in after what had to be a grease fight with an old engine and instantly jumped in the shower. When he'd returned to his bedroom Letty and her cast were lounging on his bed, one of his old car mags holding her attention, while his was focussed entirely on the red lace lingerie adorning her top and bottom… nothing else but red heels, which were clearly bought for that exact occasion.

"Letty." he greeted, swallowing his surprise loudly.

"Boyfriend." she gritted out, showing her displeasure with the moniker.

"It's not my birthday." Yet his smile was as wide as if it was.

"Nope." She folded the magazine closed and dropped it to the floor. "This is just because I know how much you appreciate me, getting my girl on." she repeated his words from earlier.

"I do. I very much so do."

"And, you did save my life." Honestly, she had no clue whose bullets had been whose in that fire fight, but the point was, everyone on her side lived, those on the wrong side weren't seeing much of life anymore. "So, I figured." She stood from the bed, crossed the room to him, her heels putting her at the same height as him. "Perhaps I should express my thanks."

"You have a broken arm." he noted.

"Don't need it working for what I had planned." She smiled sweetly, her free hand moving down to unhook the towel from around his waist, it dropped slowly to the floor.

"Planned huh?" he questioned, his hands exploring her curves, the new height putting her breasts higher into his eyeline, begging him to release them from the red lace. His fingers reached to unclasp the bra but she wriggled into him and away from it.

"You can unwrap me later." Finally, her fingers curled around his stiffening length and gave it a smooth stroke back and forth. "First, I just want one thing."

"Anything." he promised, his lips pressing against her neck, his hands palming her deliciously curved ass as she played him.

"Remember when you… saved my life." She ground her hips back further into his hands, the mimic of sex potent to stir him.

"Best day ever." Because he'd won a long fought title.

"M'hmmm." She brought her lips to nibble on his earlobe, the way that sent him mad with desire. "Remember when I was tied to that chair and you said you wouldn't let me go unless I agreed to be your girlfriend?" Warning flashed in his mind, the tone far from friendly. Dom's hands stopped their erotic motions and Letty tightened her grip on his favourite appendage; he wasn't going anywhere. "Well, here's my counter proposal. You let the title slip back to how it was… and I'll fulfil whatever twisted fantasy that was running through your mind when you saw this lingerie. Or… you force this name, and you kiss goodbye to seeing this ever again."

Dom groaned.

Letty grinned at the noise. She'd caught the tiger by the proverbial tail and she wasn't letting go until it cried.

"Fine." But this time, the tiger sank its teeth in too deep. "If my girlfriend wants to play dirty, she can. But that's because she's my girlfriend." He grinned.

Letty released her grip, huffed out a breath and spun on her heels out the room like a demon.

And thus, she was currently on a vow of silence to Dom. Even as he walked with her into the police station.

She followed him to the window as he drew the attention of the woman working the reception.

"Hey, Dominic Toretto." he introduced himself. "We were asked to come give a statement, case number NC9654." The woman tapped the keys.

"Mr Toretto." she confirmed and he nodded. "Fantastic, the officer will be down in a few minutes, if you and your wife would like to take a seat."

"I'm not his wife!" Letty snapped quickly, her eyes wide in alarm. But Dom was smiling. It was a smile of realisation. Realisation that he'd found his newest goal with Letty.

After all, girlfriend was so… flexible.

Wife had a much better sound.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. I seem to be unable to shake this Dotty phase i'm in so you may see more soon, haha.