So, welcome to my first OHSHC fanfic! This was based off an idea that I've had for a while now. It's also a tribute to how I fell in love with Host Club. It's a bit of a personal journey in a way, but keep in mind that Kohaku is much more violent and aggressive than I am. A lot of the story may seem a bit cheesy, but it's fun to write. Really though, Host Club itself is a bit on the cheesy side. Well, I hope you enjoy the story anyway! Operation Kuro

Chapter 1: Welcome to the Host Club! Part 1

"N-O, NO!" I emphasized yet again to my best friend Yukiko. "I will not go! There is no way I'm to that sexist place!"

"Oh, come on Kuro! It's not like that! Just come for one afternoon! All I ask is one afternoon!" Yuki begged me.

I took out my phone and looked at my calendar. I had many free afternoons, but I wasn't about to let her know that. "I'm too busy!"

"Kohaku Kurosawa! Stop lying to me! Either you willingly give this club a chance, or I will drag you there and make you try it!" Yuki was dead set on this.

"Um, let's see…NO! And you know as well as I that you couldn't drag me if you tried." I stood firm.

"Ugh! I'll get you there eventually! Well, I guess I'm off all on my lonesome then! Later Kuro!" Yuki and I went our separate ways as always after school; she to her precious host club, and me on the walk home.

It's not that I can't ride one of the family limos home, but I prefer to walk. It helps me to organize my thoughts. I don't have anyone bugging me, and I can cool down after a rough school day.

I honestly didn't know why Yuki wanted me to go to that stupid club in the first place. She knew quite well what my opinion was of things like that. They're fake. They just flatter you in an attempt to get attention themselves. Not only that, but they make it seem really sexist. It's utterly degrading and disgusting.

I was so lost in my irritated thoughts, that I didn't see the boy running down the sidewalk. With my hands stuffed into my shorts pockets, I couldn't catch myself in time when he ran into me. I landed right in a puddle left over from the night's rain. The boy was leaning over me holding out his hand when I looked up. It was difficult to see his features because the sun chose that moment to shine directly behind him, casting his frontal features in shadow.

I completely ignored his hand and got up on my own. He retracted his hand out of complete surprise and took a step back diagonally. "I'm so sorry I ran into you, princess. I was just in such a hurry that I didn't see you. Are you all right, princess?" I could see the boy clearly now that I was standing. He had handsome features: flowing blond hair, vivid violet eyes, and an almost royal air to him. He was nice to look at, but he was also getting on my nerves with all that "princess" shit.

"I'm fine." I snapped. I took a few steps over to my bag which luckily landed in a dry spot. I slung it over my shoulder and continued walking home.

"Wait!" I heard him call after me. "You can't just walk away sopping wet, princess!" I had a severe urge to punch his pretty face.

I turned slowly on the balls of my feet, and said through my teeth "Yes. I. Can. I don't live far from here. What were you going to do about it anyway?"

"I was on my way back to Ouran Academy, when I bumped into you. I was going to lead you there where you can dry off and borrow a uniform. I would then call a driver to take you home. Just what any good gentleman would do." I had just noticed his Ouran uniform. I thought he looked slightly familiar, but I don't pay attention to a lot of people at school. Regardless of his uniform though, he was aggravating me even more. I thought we would both appreciate it if I went on though. I doubt he would want blood to ruin his "gentleman" look.

"I'd rather not. Thanks for the offer though." I gave him my most smug smile and turned back around.

"But princess, you look so miserable dripping wet like that. Besides, wouldn't you rather replace these" he gestured to my red t-shirt and gray cargo shorts, "with a pretty dress? It would suit you well you know." He whispered all that into my ear while keeping a gentle hand on my shoulder. I didn't think I'd be able to make him give up. I let him guide me back to school. Besides, if he tried something, I could take him easily.

"I'm Tamaki Souh by the way." So that's why he was so familiar. He's the director's son. Well that explains everything. Well, except why he was running. That's still strange. "What's your name, princess?"

"I'm the one who's gonna punch your pretty face if you don't stop calling me princess!" I answered in place of my name. He looked so shocked, that I thought he was going to cry. Then he quickly got over it and instead focused on the positive of what I had said.

"You think I'm good looking?! Well, thank you, prin-….um…" He looked momentarily at a loss of words, and then quickly went on. "It's not often one as beautiful as I, am born! So, what's your name?" He changed fast.

I let out a sigh and said "I'm Kohaku. Most people call me Kuro though."

"Kuro? That's awfully dark. Why do they call you that?"

"It's the beginning of my surname. Plus, I'm kind of a dark person."

"Oh. Well, I wouldn't expect one as beautiful as you to be that dark. Your long dark hair and bright blue eyes remind me of-"

"Would you shut up?! You know as well as I that that is just a bunch of bullshit!" I cut him off in a fit of rage. "It doesn't make me feel like a beautiful person, it makes me feel like I'm thought of as an object!" He gave me a wide-eyed, shocked, and slightly hurt expression.

"I…I'm sorry, princess. I just assumed that…" He stuttered in his shock.

"That what? That all girls are so sweet and innocent, and automatically in love with any handsome stranger that compliments them?" I said in a mocking tone. "Oh, and this," I swung my fist back and came forward hitting him square in the jaw. "is for calling me princess again!"

I heard some enthusiastic clapping ahead of me. I looked up and two more Ouran boys were standing there. They both had ginger hair, and hazel eyes. Obviously, they were twins. They looked down at Tamaki and said in perfect unison "Looks like you've done it now, boss. It was bound to happen sooner or later." They then looked at me and said "We're so sorry about him, he's an idiot." I just stood there a little shocked about what I did, and about the reaction I got.

Tamaki then jumped up quickly and started pointing his finger at the twins. "How much of that did you two see?! Why are you here?!" I became even more shocked at this completely different change in him.

"Oh, we saw what we wanted to see. Kyoya senpai sent us to find you and Haruhi because you're taking so long. So, where is Haruhi?" They looked down on Tamaki with an evil-looking glare in their eyes.

Tamaki then changed yet again. He practically shrunk, downcast his eyes, and poked his two index fingers together repeatedly.

"Ooooh. The boss lost her! So, did you make her angry again?"

"No! I would never do that to my little girl! She…she just decided to get the coffee on her own is all!"

"Oh, is that right" The twins let out a mischievous grin.

"Uh, excuse me?" I'd had enough of that. "I'm sorry to interrupt your fun, but who are you two and what's going on?!"

"Oh so sorry." One of the twins said. "I'm Kaoru Hitachiin, and this is my brother Hikaru. Say, Hikaru, isn't she in our class?" Kaoru looked at Hikaru.

They both scrutinized me for a few seconds, and then Hikaru said "Hey, you're right Kaoru. She is in our class. She's that quiet one that broods in the corner. What was your name again?"

"Kohaku, but-"

"Oh yeah, she's the one with the dark nickname. What was it again?" Kaoru said to Hikaru.

"Kuro, I think." Hikaru replied.

Then Tamaki jumped back in. "She attends Ouran?!" He asked the twins, like I wasn't there. The twins nodded in response. "I thought Haruhi was the only commoner!"

"Haruhi is the only commoner, boss." The twins replied.

Tamaki ran up to my face and grabbed my shoulders. "Then why were you walking?!"

"Finally, someone knows I'm still here! For your information, I happen to like walking! I can be alone with my thoughts when I'm walking! Well, normally anyway." I don't like being ignored like that.

Tamaki looked horrified and went and huddled up facing a nearby fence. I gave him a confused look and turned back to the Hitachiins. "Culture shock" was all they said as they shrugged.

"Now, can you please explain wh-" I was cut off when they wrapped their arms around my shoulders and started speaking.

"Now why don't you come with us and we'll tell you everything you want to know on the way back to Ouran. Boss, are you coming?" Well, if that was how they wanted to play, then fine. That's how we'll play.

So, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! And for those of you who don't know and were a little confused, kuro means black in Japanese. I hope that clears that up for you! Well anyway, I have no idea how long the fanfiction will last, but I hope you enjoy every chapter! I know this chapter got a little dark (I was going to end the chapter after Kuro hit Tamaki, but realized that makes a really dark chapter), so I decided to brighten it up a bit and make it scream Host Club. I'll get the next chapter out as soon as possible!