Chapter 3

"Spiderman, we're going to need you to come with us."

Peter's spidey sense had went from a dull throbbing to an excruciating pain; it felt like someone had slammed his head against a brick wall several times. "You seem like a very nice person Mr. Cyclopes, but I'm going to say no." With that, Spiderman fired a web at a nearby building and swung away.

Natasha put her hand to her earpiece. "Captain, he's coming your way."

"Roger that."

As he swung away, Peter's enhanced hearing picked up the redhead calling in for back up. Great. Peter didn't have much of a chance to think about who the Captain was because moments later, a red and blue Frisbee slammed into him, knocking the breath out of his lungs. Stunned, Peter fell to the ground. The Frisbee rebounded like a boomerang into the owner's hands. The figure walked over to Spiderman who was sprawled out on the ground, gasping for air. "Son, back down. I don't want to hurt you." Spiderman turned to get a better view of his attacker. Peter saw that the Frisbee was actually the famous shield of Captain America.

"Captain America?" Peter was taken aback. Were all of the Earth's Mightiest Heroes attacking him? The man bent over the hero and reached down to help him up. Unfortunately, Captain America let his guard down, and Spiderman took the opportunity to swing his leg and knock Cap's feet out from underneath him. Nimbly, Peter stood up and shot multiple webs at his opponent, thoroughly sticking him to the ground. "No, you stand down, solider," he hissed as he webbed the Avenger to the ground.

Peter, once again, swung away. He couldn't go home or to Gwen's; there might be more people who would track him there and endanger them. Peter only had one option left, and he despised it. The sewers.

Captain America watched as Spiderman swung down the street and out of his sight. He couldn't chase him – the webbing was too strong – and he couldn't move his hand to turn on his earpiece. "Well, you're in quite the sticky situation," a mocking voice said from behind him. Tony.

"Just get me out of here without the sarcastic comments, or else the webs won't be the only thing breaking."

"Spoilsport. Why do you suck the fun out of everything?" Tony whined. "JARVIS, execute command 167, Rip One Lose." A tiny laser from the tip of Tony's finger cut the strands of webbing restraining the Captain. Once he was free, Cap took a moment to admire Spiderman's handiwork.

"His technique was amazing. I've never seen anything like it. No one has ever been able to beat me before," Cap told Tony though he wasn't paying much attention.

"Not to mention the webbing. It seems to be real spider's silk. JARVIS, take a fiber sample and analyze the chemical structure," Tony said distractedly.

"Avengers, we're going to need backup. Meet us here at the coordinates I'm sending you now. This guy is much harder to catch than we thought," Captain America spoke into his earpiece.