Chapter 54

The President was still being briefed on the Mediterranean incident. The terrorist cell had been identified and its base had been raided and Intelligence was now threading the pieces together to determine which of America's enemies had financed the murderers. The Taliban had basically been decimated but what had formed in its stead was just as deadly. They were out there planning their evil convinced that only they had the answers. The world remained an ugly place because of it. Fitzgerald Grant III was sitting in the SIT Room listening to the Generals and heads of Intelligence tell him exactly where they were in this thing. Someone whoever it was that named these incidents had come up with the name of Operation Medcap. He didn't like it but that wasn't even the issue. Someone had killed Americans and they would pay for it. All he wanted to know right now was how they intended to collect the payment.

He had a hard job but he was equipped to do it. He was a seasoned soldier himself. He had seen battle and he had been part of an elite intelligence force so he knew what was up. The animals that had perpetrated this attack were in big trouble. He had known they were out there planning and that it was a matter of time before they struck again but he still wasn't ready for it. He doubted any President ever was. He closed his eyes just for a minute to take all he had heard this far in and then he reopened them to grim reality.

He was going to have to go to the scene of this atrocity and then he would return home to greet the bodies of the fallen. Cyrus had suggested in his ear that they postpone the Mexico-Cuba trip for at least six weeks. It still need to be done but it couldn't be done right now. This incident would cover at least three news cycles. He was going to have to leave his family anyway but under these heartbreaking conditions where American soldiers had been murdered abroad was the worst. This was what being President was about, responding to crisis and leading the nation through it.

His family was put on a backburner for the moment. There had been other crises in his presidency but somehow it all seemed different now that Olivia and Fitzgerald were in his life. Not to minimize the love he had for his other children before this but now his protectiveness of his family was tenfold. He had the love of his life by his side. They had a baby, a son that was a product of the intense love they had for one another. His other children were being nurtured and loved by a woman that truly loved and cared about them. They were happy. He was truly happy for what he suspected was the first time in his life. However he was the President and he had to put country first for the moment and he didn't like it. Once before he had an option involving Olivia and he had made the wrong choice. It had wrecked devastation on his life and had imperiled the country. He wouldn't make the same mistake twice. Nonetheless with Olivia and his family he never intended for such an occurrence to happen again. Olivia was now under his protection.

He had learned a dire lesson when Olivia was kidnapped several years ago. It was a lesson he would never forget. Since their marriage they had revisited the most tenuous areas and consequences of their relationship. Their mistakes had been many but they had learned from them. What they had found together and had now bonded into a marriage for life and was too precious to err again. He was a President but he was also a man with other responsibilities. Olivia had made clear what she expected of him as her husband and as the President. He had no intention of ever failing her again. With her standing beside him he would succeed as President as well.

He had sought out his current job and he had made a solemn oath to the office. He had secured a second term and he had a second wife. He had also made a solemn oath to his wife and he intended to honor it. Olivia understood what the Presidency was about. He was the President but he also was a husband and a father and she understood the hierarchy. She understood clearly that nothing came before her and their children but she expected he him to be the President but not to forget that they were there. God Olivia was his rock. When she became his wife he became a better man and certainly a better President. That night on a road trip in Georgia when he asked what kind of a man was he not to have waited for her, he meant every word. She was the other half of him. He only became whole when she had said I do.

As the briefing came to an end he took a deep breath and looked at Cyrus. "You know how I intent to proceed. Let's get the ball rolling. Send me the particulars of what we have gone over in a summary. Have Jonathan send me a rough draft of what the two of you feel is most important that I say in my televised statement. I will get with both of you no later than eighty-thirty tomorrow morning for revisions and necessary rewrites. I want to go over there as soon as possible. I want my return to coincide with the return of the bodies. I want to talk to any family member that wishes to speak with me Cy. Make sure that is an option for any family that wants it."

"I assume we are going with the Brussels contingency? Consider it done Mr. President. I will see you tomorrow morning in conference room one at eight-thirty sharp. Good-night Fitz."

Finally he could get back to the residence and his wife. He would tell Olivia of his plans tonight. Assuming Olivia and the baby were doing well he envisioned himself taking off either tomorrow or the next day. If for some reason his wife wasn't ready for him to leave her Sallie would have to go to Brussels and the Med. He knew what Olivia expected of him he could read her pretty well. He would be watching for signs that she wasn't ready to go at this thing alone. If she was ready he wasn't going!

Fitz entered the residence and had gone straight to the master suite. Olivia was sitting in the middle of the bed waiting for him. She looked up at him and smiled that smile that was reserved for only him and his heart nearly burst. God she loved this woman. She was his life's blood, without her surely he wouldn't or couldn't live in this world.

"You're back. How are you? I know how these things drain you. The world can be such a terrible place at times and then I remember us, our family, and the tremendous joy we have amongst us. Oh Fitz why can't we all just live in peace and harmony. What in the world does murder and mayhem prove to anyone? Get comfortable and come sit with me. Tell me what you can."

She was fully covered in a two piece pajama set but she looked sexy as hell. Her breasts were still overly plump and filled with milk, her waist was basically back to normal, and her legs were complete perfection to him. He loved the way she would sometimes lock them around his back and hold him where she wanted him. God he wanted to bury himself inside her but that wasn't going to happen tonight or any other night until she was cleared by Dr. Morse. He wasn't a sexual ogre ready to pounce on his wife every time he saw her but she did excite him like nothing or no one had before. He took a calming breath. Olivia deserved better than a raunchy husband on the make. She had waited up for him to come home. She wanted to share what was going on in his life. She knew the burdens on his plate as President and she was the best of partners. She was always thinking of him.

She had zoned into his thoughts. "Fitz please don't think you want me any more than I want you. If I could I would jump your bones right here and right now. It's mutual with us Babe, don't ever forget that. Talk to me first. Pleasure will come for us tonight I promise you. Now how many of our people were killed and who is responsible?"

"I love you Livvie with all my heart. Whatever in this life did I do to deserve you?"

"You were born Fitzgerald Grant; you were born just for me. Talk to me Mr. President."

Fitz talked to her for almost a solid hour about what had happened. It was a devastating set of events. There had been a purposeful attack on a US war vessel. There hadn't been a full crew on the offending vessel and it was a suicide mission. Four perpetrators were found on the ship all dead from apparent overdoses from unknown chemicals. Thus far they had not been linked to anyone or any particular country. They were on it though. The perpetrators would be apprehended and they would pay for their crimes. He thanked her for waiting up and had just pulled her into his arms when Little Fitz started to cry. Olivia started to rise from the bed and the President stilled her.

"Let me get him Livvie. I would like to feed him also. It has been a while since we have made the father son bond. I'm part of this too you know. You can come and watch if you like but tonight I want to do my part."

"Of course, I don't mean to ever shut you out. You go ahead and feed him. I will pump and join you shortly." Olivia smiled to herself. Fitzgerald only had one mama but he had a daddy too. She was glad to see Fitz jump in to feed his son. They were in this together however she was the one that had the baby all day. Just like tonight sometimes Fitz was here and others he didn't get back to the residence until all hours of the morning. She was accustomed to it. There wasn't a doubt that their son knew her best but Fitz was pulling his weigh. He hadn't left her side for a minute during his maternity leave and she loved him all the more for it.

Olivia pumped and literally drained her breasts before she joined her husband and son. She stood there watching for a few minutes before she entered the picture. It was an awesome sight watching her gorgeous husband feed his baby. He was good at it. Fitzgerald had sucked up three to four ounces and his father was burping out excess air. Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III knew the drill. She sat down in her chair. Fitz looked up at her and smiled. She listened for the required burp and she closed her eyes. She drifted off to sleep knowing her baby was in good hands

Fitz gave the baby the second half of his bottle. Fitzgerald had taken about two more ounces before turning away from the bottle. Fitz sat there holding the contented baby talking slowly to him until he was sound asleep. He then swaddled him and placed him in his bed. He placed a kiss on the infant's forehead and then he turned to the baby's mama. She was dead sleep. She looked so beautiful and content. He really didn't want to awaken her. It was almost three o'clock in the morning. Nonetheless she needed to be in her own bed. He lifted her from the chair like she was a feather. Olivia stirred in his arms and nestled close to his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He placed her in the middle of the bed and she had no intention of letting him go. She was pulling him down to her. Her eyes were now open and focused on her husband.

"Our son is asleep isn't he? Come lie with me Mr. President. Let me take your mind off of your troubles. Let me rock your world."

He closed his eyes and he blew out a deep breath. He reopened them to the worried eyes of his wife. She had unclasped her arms from around his neck and was now raised up on her elbows looking at her husband sensing all wasn't well.

"What is it Fitz, what's wrong?"

"I need to go over there Olivia. I need to bring those men and women back home. There is going to be a summit in Brussels that Sally was going to attend however I need to be over there to addresses this Mediterranean incident. I can incorporate it with this visit with little fanfare. My appearance is essential to showing strength and determination to whoever did this. I want them know they will quickly be brought to justice. I need to leave tomorrow or the next day Olivia. It isn't much notice I know and I'm sorry. We have been working toward the goal of you being on your own with help from Nanny and Nurse and I had planned to be with you every step of the way for the next several weeks. However this emergency has come up and quite frankly other issues were pending that would eventually take me away from you. I won't call you fragile Olivia I know better than to go there, but you have just adjusted to an unusual case of postpartum blues. You were getting back on track, you were yourself again. I don't want you to take a back a step. I'm hesitant to leave you."

Olivia lowered her eyes and held her head down. She took a calming breath. She had to word this just right or he would never leave her to go on this trip and she knew it. If he thought for a moment she wasn't ready he wouldn't do his sworn duty.

"Of course you are hesitant to leave me Fitz. You love me and I just had a baby. I know I went through a bout of depression and I have taken some baby steps to being my old self again. Therefore you are uncertain if you should leave me. I'm okay Fitz. I won't lie and say I want you to go. I don't want you to. I would keep you by my side forever if it was reasonable and feasible but it isn't. You are the President of the United States and you have a country to run and a world that sees you as its leader. You must go Fitz. I will be fine. I have help and I was planning out a schedule just this morning. Go with my blessing my love, just hurry back to me!"

She raised her head just a little so he couldn't see the fear in her eyes. He knew that. He knew his wife. What did she fear? He was watching the pulse in neck. It was beating so fast and it shouldn't be. She wasn't in the throes of passion and she wasn't doing a workout. Olivia was anxious and filled with anxiety. He pulled her into his arms.

"Livvie talk to me. Someone else can go. If you need me here with you just say so. Stop trying to hide your thoughts from me. I need to know truthfully where your head is on this. I can see you are anxious and afraid. Stop trying to hide your true feelings from me. Let me in Olivia. Talk to me."

"When you went back to work it wasn't a problem. You were only a wing and two floors away. All I had to do was call you or go to you myself. Having continents between us its frightening Fitz. We haven't been apart since we were married. I just overreacted to the news is all. You spoiled me for all these weeks waiting on me hand and foot. You have been a great father to Fitzgerald. I don't know what I would have done without you. You have pulled me out of an extreme funk. Again I overreacted. Of course I don't want you to go. It is pure selfishness. I know what I have signed up for. You are the leader of the free world and you have obligations. I know you have to go. I promise you I will be fine. Go with my blessing Fitz just come back to me as soon as you can."

"Are you sure Olivia? I don't like the vibes you are throwing at me. They make me uneasy Babe. I am the President but you come first surely you know that."

"I do know that. It shouldn't be like that Fitz but I do understand. We love each other and our family is our utmost concern. Don't worry Fitz we aren't going through another incident like a couple of years back. I will never walk away from you again. I was wrong all those years ago. I hope you know that. Love makes us do foolish and sometimes reckless things. Let it go Fitz, I have.

"Are you sure Olivia? All you have to do is say the words and I won't go."

"Fitz you are going. I insist that you go. The children and I will be fine. I promise you I'm not going to fall apart. I had planned to take on several of the initiatives I had talked to you about. I'll get started while you are gone. We can skype or something right? Unfurl that perfect brow of yours and get on board with what I have in mind for us right now." She kissed him then passionately and pulled him atop of her. Next she whispered in his ears her plans for them. She wanted them to forget about everything but the pleasure they were going to elicit from the other. She ordered him to undress and rejoin her in the bed. Olivia divested herself of her pajamas and she waited for husband. As he approached the bed Olivia zoned in on his most private part.

"Mr. Grant I see you now have the proper thoughts in your head. I'm impressed. Come lie down with me and let me show you how much I love you."

She had let her hair down and she was completely naked. "You are so beautiful Mrs. Grant. I can assure you at this moment I have nothing but improper thoughts in my head." Her husband lay down and Olivia straddled him and whispered in his ear what she planned to do. He took a deep breath and he waited.

Some hours later Fitz awakened first. The baby had slept through the rest of the night. He and Olivia had slept like babies themselves after a very gratifying sexual encounter. His wife was an extraordinary lover and so was he. He had been taught that sexual intercourse was the ultimate goal but to be honest sexual actuation was limitless if only one knew what to do. And he did. His wife was still sleeping contently with a smile on her face. He had a contented smile as well. His wife had superior oral skills. Oh my sweet Jesus did she! And to be sure he wasn't speaking of her oratory skills which were also superior. He looked down at his wife and his subconscious warned don't even think about it Fitz! He had to get up, shower, and get dressed. It was all ready after seven thirty. He looked in on Fitzgerald and he was still sleeping. He jumped in the shower.

Twenty minutes later he came out of the bathroom looking like new money. He was dressed and ready for his day. Both of his precious jewels were still sleeping. He gently shook Olivia to awaken her. She insisted that he not leave in the morning without awakening her.

"Livvie I'm headed to the office. I love you. I'll give you a call after the first meeting okay?"

"Okay. Have a good morning. I love you back."

Olivia lay there with eyes open staring at the ceiling. How in the hell did she get so lucky. She has a man that loves her to death and he is a master of sex. She remembered what he had done to her last night and she involuntarily closed her legs. How could he elicit such pleasure from her and he hadn't even been inside her? He was always amazing but last night had been different and so intense. Enough of that she thought. She had things she wanted to accomplish today. She suspected that Fitzgerald would awaken at any minute. She picked up the phone and pushed a button.

"Nanny would you come over to the suite and attend to Fitzgerald this morning please? He is still asleep but his last feeding was hours ago. I expect him to wake-up any minute. I want to get a bath, get dressed, and go into my office this morning. In fact I anticipate being gone until after lunch."

"No problem Mrs. Grant I will be right down."

"Thank-you Nanny." Olivia pulled on a robe and tip-toed over to Fitzgerald's bassinette. He was still sleeping soundly. She sat down in her chair and waited for Nanny. She rubbed her fingers across her nipples. They were tender. She had drained her breast last night specifically so her husband could have his way with them and he had. It had been so long since he had touched them in a sexual way. He had deemed them exclusive to Fitzgerald. He had made her come from his ministrations to them alone last night. And then he had done things to her nubbin that had her screaming out loud before she stopped herself. Oh my sweet Jesus! What in the world would she do when they could go full throttle again? She knew what she would do and she couldn't wait.

Olivia arrived at her office at eight thirty. She was dressed to impress. She had called Miracle in to see if the Senators she had spoken with recently had contacted her. They had. She would return their calls. She also wanted that research she had requested on the old Head Start Programs that had been dismantled in District. She was planning on bringing them back. Virginia had a strong Insurance plan for their children attached to their Medicaid plan. She wanted to study it and see how many other states she could persuade to enact similar plans. Also she was expecting a call from Oprah Winfrey. Her husband was going away for a few days to do his job as President of the United States. What she was going to do while he was gone was to resurrect Olivia Pope!