Fellow Readers- I have ANOTHER story to give you lovely people. This one is my best by far, or that's what I think anyway. Please read and enjoy.

I dont own any sonic characters.

Amy's Secret

Like an open flame, I feel exotic, light and dangerous. The hot sweat drips from our bodies, his tight embrace overwhelming me, making my blood boil from his delicate touch. He strokes down from my ear, leaving sweet kisses down my neck till finally reaching my breasts. I'm mesmerized by his bright eyes and his peach coloured lips, as his hands drift to my hips. His muscles flex with every thrust and pound he gives me. More, more. I beg, his grunting echoes my soft moans as we collide together. He collapses on top of me and breathes heavily before kissing my neck.

He's happy. That makes me happy.

After a moment's pause, he gets up, regains his structure and collects his abandoned clothes from the floor. I watch with amusement as he slips them on and exits the room without a word said. As if it never happened.

Chapter One

"Oh Amy, I can't wait!" the excited bunny bounced on her seat beside me, giggling and squealing about her new college course, which acquiescently means she will be leaving her home for 9 months to study.

"I know, but don't forget, you still need to pack" I warned her, scolding at her like a mother to a child. She shrugged this off, and smiled.

"I'll be fine. Mother has already packed most of my belongings. All I need now is equipment for my course" before I have a chance to speak, she pulls a white piece of paper from her pocket and unfolds it out onto the little coffee table in front of me. "See. I need a computer, printer, books, pens, an A3 folder and a sketchbook"

"Didn't Tails make you a new computer?" I wonder idly.

"Yes, but it's not finished. I don't think it will be ready in time for when I leave" Oh. "But-" she starts again. Taking a quick sip of my tea, I glance up at her to continue. "But when I was at Tails' workshop, Sonic came by and said he could buy me a new one as a college present. Isn't that great?"

"That's good news then"

"So, all I need now is the rest. I was hoping you could take me shopping next week and help me get the supplies I need?" she flutters her eyelids at me, and I acquiescently give in.

"I doubt I'll have anything better to do" I shrug at her.

"Oh thank you! I forgot to mention, how are you doing lately?" her sudden interest pulls me in, as I almost choke down my tea. After the whole conversation she had not once asked about me, but I believed it was understandable as she was just too upbeat about her college road trip.

"I'm…fine" I say.

"You sound lost in your own world? Something on your mind?" she sits properly back in her chair and gleams at me, waiting for the beans to spill. But I had nothing to say, nothing in which I wanted to say.

But in fact there was something on my mind, or shall I say someone. Our last imitate session happened yesterday at Blaze's house party. Our eyes connected and next, we were upstairs, getting hot and sweaty beneath the covers. I admit that it was a silly mistake, but for some reason whenever our eyes meet, I get this strange warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. I end up blushing, avoiding his green eyes immediately. But he still manages to unwind me.

"Amy, you know you can tell me anything…right?" Cream disturbs my thoughts, obviously distracting my moment's imagination.

My eyes flicker back to her, and gleam brightly.

"I know Cream, I just have a lot going on" this was a lie. But I needed to perfect it. "After Blaze's party…and Rouge's new apartment, it becomes quite stressful" this part was true. I had arranged Blaze's last house party, and was helping Rouge move into her new apartment in town.

"Oh Amy, why do you put so much on your plate?" the rabbit whispers. She shakes her head and rolls her eyes at me, while slowly drinking the rest of her hot chocolate.

"I don't mind" I say with a shrug. "I like helping out"

"If you say so"

There's a long pause, as we continue to finish our drinks. But I can sense something as Cream begins to fidget under the table, swaying her legs back and forth on the chair. Slowly, I cock my eyebrow at her.

"What are you doing?" I question.

She stops, bites her lip and flushes red.

"Nothing" she giggles. "Nothing…" she repeats. Her legs sway again under the table, and I glare with amusement. She has a secret! I know this, after being best friends with this young girl for so long, I can automatically tell when she wants to spill a secret. But I play it cool.

"So Cream…" I start.

"I don't fancy Charmy!" she snaps randomly, before I could even say another word, she heats up bright red.

"I didn't say you did" I tell her. "But now…I'm intrigued" a playful smile appears on my face as I lean across the table, staring dead in her eyes. "Charmy hey?"


"I won't tell"

"But, I thought maybe you could…help me?" her eyelashes flicker at me.

"Help you?"

"Yeah, I want to tell him, but I'm leaving. And even if he liked me too, we couldn't do a long distance thing…it wouldn't work out" she takes in a deep breath. "Or what if he doesn't like me…I don't want to end up like" she stops, her eyes wide after cupping her mouth with her gloved hands.


"Like me and Sonic?" I finish, gritting my teeth. Saying his name made my lips dry and my heart pound. "But we're fine" I admit.

"But you're not…together. Like you wanted" she mumbles. I laugh at this, but not for the reason she thinks.

"Welcome to the love life Cream" I snigger. "Relationships aren't everything, just wait and see what happens…maybe soon you'll get what you want"

She looks puzzled at me.

"Are you still waiting for him then Amy?"

I shake my head.

Oh Cream, you have no idea.

Later on in the evening, I had finished my tea with Cream, bid goodbye to her then took a quick walk up to Dolly Avenue, where amongst big houses and flats, was a large chrome building with 'Dame Dolly Apartments'. Stepping up the clean stoned staircase, I made and made my way to the giant silver framed door, and pressed the third button down on the call box beside it.

"Hello?" the speaker muffled.

"Hi, you letting me in?" I ask.

"Keep ya knickers on Pinky…doors open now" a low buzz came from the door, allowing me to open and enter inside. I grinned, the place was so spacious and posh. The hallway was quite large, with a pale blue coloured sofa to match the silver walls, along with a chrome tv. I awed at it. But this was obviously not my stop. The staircase was to the left, leading me up to floor one, floor two, and then finally to my destination. Floor three.

Luckily the door was already swung open for my entrance. But as I walked, I wasn't taken away by its elegance.

Boxes. Boxes everywhere. Some open, some closed and some destroyed and torn apart. I stared with my mouth wide.

"Finally what took you so long?" a familiar voice called out.

"I'm sorry, I was admiring the beauty of this place. Didn't realise it occupied a dumping ground" I joked.

"Oi pinky, zip it" a white bat popped up from the clutter, pointing her long pink gloves at me. "It's took me 2 days to get everything straight" she admits.

"Straight? Looks like Knuckles was here"

"Well come and help me" Rouge flickers her wings up, and flies out of her organised mess, approaching me with a wide enough smile. "Once it's all done, I'll have a party" Oh no, not another one. My smile drops.

"A party? But Blaze had one yesterday" I pipe up.

"Yeah but when Blaze has a party it's all about tea, coffee and biscuits. You're lucky if you get wine" she sticks her nose up into the air with disgust.

"We did have wine. And whisky…" we both tear our faces at the thought of whisky. What a disgusting drink. Yet, the lads quite enjoy it. No idea why.

"My party will have booze! And plenty of it! Vodka to Jägermeister" her smile widens and her eyes shine brightly. "And the alco-pops for the youngsters"

I roll my eyes, drifting further into the room to inspect. The kitchen was rather small, but easily concealed away from the living room, with pale pink walls and oak countertops. It looked very posh with the diamond like lights flickering from the ceiling and the matching handles and sides on the cupboard doors. If anything, I was impressed. Yet not something I imagined Rouge to be living in.

But I suppose that's what she gets for breaking up with Richard.

"So have you spoken to Richard at all?" I question, curious to the fact that his name chimed in my thoughts.

"Richard?" Rouge groans. She speaks his name like a bad taste to the mouth. "Of course not" she growls. "He kicked me out of my beautiful home, made me give up my expensive diamond ring and even those fashionable clothes he bought me" she quivers slowly.

"Well it was his house" I mutter.

"Mansion" she corrected. "A massive, gigantic mansion! With gold and platinum lining! It cost him a fortune"

"Not surprised" I whisper. "But you gave that all up for…what was his name? Um…" I try to pinpoint the name, but she groans once more, feeling utterly ashamed.


"That's it! Bet you wished you never had done it now" I shrug, merely surprised that she slugs down onto one of the cardboard boxes, her head in her hands.

"I just can't help it though Amy. Every time I find the right guy…I always get…distracted"

"By cheating?" I wonder idly.

"It's what I've always done, I get too comfortable…bored…sometimes even tired of the same sex" I roll my eyes at her. "I would love to just settle down or even get married"

"Really? Never thought you was that type of girl?" I admit.

"No one does. But it's finding that right guy" she says. "How's your love life going?" her quick change of subject brings me to a halt.


"Come now Amy, I'm not daft. I know when you've had some!" she barks, her blue eyes greedy for information. "How long has it been now?"


"Is it the same guy?"


"Oh it is the same guy!" she perks up her ears, tapping her feet rapidly to the wooden floor with excitement. "I knew it! Well who is he?" my face heats up by the interrogation. "You can't lie to me now Amy"

"I have no one" I say, shrugging her eyes from me. "I told you before, I don't need anyone" I quickly avoid her eye contact, but she's like a vampire on blood- eager for the gossip.

"When was the last time you did it?" she questions. She pounces in front of me, causing my body to tense up by her surprise. "Yesterday? It was yesterday wasn't it?" she growls.

"What…no" I lie.

"Amy, come on now. Don't lie to me" she flutters her eyelashes and grins wildly. "I bet it was at the party wasn't it?" I blush. "Amy Rose! I don't believe it!" she laughs. "You're getting too many dirty habits…so who's the guy?"

I say nothing. The fact that this was supposed to be my little secret affair, made my blood trickle. I couldn't give any more signs away. I remain still, and straight faced.

"Fine, if you won't tell me" she mumbles. She taps her finger to her chin and begins naming every guy at Blaze's house party. I try not to smirk. "Silver? No, he's too high up for Blaze. Knuckles? Pfft…he wishes. Manic? Too much of a metal head. Vector? Too old. Espio? Too dark. Charmy? Too young. Tails? Hmm…you and him have been close lately?" I pull my face with confusion. He's like my baby brother! "Ok, maybe not. Sonic? Ha. Shadow? Yes Shadow!" her eyes dart at me, and I roll my eyes.

Me and Shadow? Could you believe Sonia's face if I had? She'll be heartbroken. Not to mention she would never trust me again. Especially when I'm the only one that knows about her little love affair.

"No? Hm…you're making this extremely difficult for me Amy" she points out.

"I'm not telling you anything Rouge, get over it" I shake my head away from her and turn to open the remaining closed boxes, pulling out furniture and bits and pieces that she requested to keep. Picture frames, candles and even pillowcases.

There's silence afterwards, and as time goes by, the apartment suddenly seems to look more controlled. We attempt to unpack most of the boxes, until Rouge finally speaks up.

"What's the time Amy?"

"Time? Um…" I look over at the silver clock I placed up on the wall. "6.40" I tell her.

"Ok they should be here soon" she mumbles to herself, dusting her trousers as she gets up from the floor. I'm confused.


"Yeah, Sonic and Knuckles. They're bringing my sofa over" she stops, smiling warmly. "And Tails has my tv, and I think Sonia is tagging along"

I roll my eyes.

"You didn't tell me that earlier?" I say, gritting my teeth.

"Did I not?" Rouge mutters, as she darts into the little bathroom. "I'm sure I did" she shuts the door behind her and I'm left in the open space in silence.

And as if right on cue, grunting noises from the red echidna himself appear, as he and the blue hedgehog struggle to bring the sofa up stairs.

"Lift it higher!" Knuckles growls. "I can't get it round the corner!"

"Well if you wasn't so slow at pulling it up" the other snaps. At first I'm curious how they managed to enter without Rouge pressing the buzzer for the door, but until I see Knuckles' with a silver key around his wrist, while holding up a giant deep blue sofa. I say no more.

"Hang on, let me pull it through! Stop pushing!" Knuckles snaps, as he walks backwards into the open door. He still hasn't realised that I'm sat on the ground surrounded by what was left of the many boxes. Yet I was amused by the entertainment of the two lads bickering with one another.

"I'm not pushing!"

"Yes you are, I can feel the sofa moving!" Knuckles snaps once more.

"Hurry up then!" the two of them continue to argue, pulling and pushing this lovely fabric sofa into the room before slowly placing it down to the ground.

"There. See wasn't hard at all" the tall blue sniggers.

"I could have done it without your help anyway" Knuckles grumbles. They both cross their arms, before suddenly blushing at the sight of me.

"Amy" they greet, surprised of my appearance.

"How long have you been there?" Knuckles wonders, rubbing the back of his neck. I smile, shrugging my shoulders.

"A few hours now" I say politely. "Is Tails not with you?" I keep my eye contact straight at Knuckles, who smiles warmly. But it's Sonic that pipes up next.

"He'll be over soon. He wanted to go and see Cream first" I glance over at Sonic, awing at the answer.

"Oh, fair enough" before I even keep eye contact, I move back to my job of emptying the boxes. While the lads stand, observing the room and waiting for Rouge to appear.

Breaking the awkwardness, she does.

The bathroom door springs open and Rouge stomps out in long glossy black boots, and skin tight trousers. We all glare at one another, before attempting to admire her looks. Frankly I'm taken away by how slutty she looks. But then, when hasn't she been?

"Boys! You're here!" she flutters her eyes and flaunts across the room, holding her head high. "Did you want a refreshments?" she twinkles at Knuckles, and he blushes.

"Sure. What do you have?"

"Anything for you" she flirts. I snigger at this, receiving a stare. "Amy, be a darling and show them around my new apartment. I'll open some champagne" she struts into the small kitchen, but is quickly followed by Knuckles. I giggle.

"Did you want me to show you the bedroom and bathroom?" I ask, looking up at Sonic. He smirks evilly at me, before holding out his hand for me to take.

"Sure, lead the way" as I take his hand, I instantly receive a spark. And my whole body goes into lock down. I growl at this, but shrug it off. My hand slaps out of his and I quickly dart for the bathroom, opening the door for him to see inside. He takes a quick peek, nodding his head positively. "Looks good" he says. "Now where's the bedroom?"

I shut the door and turn to another closed room, allowing him to enter. He again, peeks inside and smirks. "Looks…nice"

"It's not completely done" I tell him, noticing the nightstands are missing and lampshades.

"I gathered"

I pull the door too, and move back into the living room where Knuckles stands, eyeing me with a grin.

"Rouge tells me you have yourself a toy boy" he chuckles. Instantly I freeze.

"A toy boy?" Sonic chokes, watching me.

"Um…" I can't speak.

"Don't hide it Amy, tell them" Rouge shouts from the kitchen. "Tell them about Blaze's party"

"What happened at Blaze's party?" the boys mutter. Before I even get a chance to confess or defend myself, Rouge buts in.

"She got down and dirty!"

"Rouge!" Sonic snaps, obviously realising my distress. I feel cold and pale, like colour has drained from my face.

"It's true Sonic! You're little admirer has gone wild!" the drunken bat flaws back into the room, holding an empty bottle of wine in one hand while smoking a cigarette in the other. I'm distraught.

"Come on, Rouge. That's enough now" Knuckles tries to take her burning fag from her hand, but she slaps him away.

"Mine, naughty" she whispers, toying with it with her hands. "I'm depressed. I'm jealous" she growls. "I wish I had a sexy little fling" she glances over at Sonic, and he shivers under her gaze.

"Don't even bother" he groans, turning away.

"No one loves me!" she cries out. As if it could get any more embarrassing, she drops to the floor and cries.

"Perhaps you two go, I'll keep an eye on her" Knuckles whispers. "Tell Tails not to bring the tv over till tomorrow"

Sonic automatically nods, taking hold of my arm.

"We'll get out of here. Good luck" he gives a wink, and pulls me out of the apartment, shutting the door behind us. "Did you have a bag on you?" he asks, looking at my attire. I shake my head. "Ok, let's go"

He takes my hand and we head down the stairs. My inner self twitching as grips tighter to my delicate hand. The moment we reach to the exit. He stops, catching me off guard.

"Oh Amy" he poises, embraces me and looks deep into my eyes causing my stomach to flutter. And before I know it, our lips entwined. Our tongues dancing, my heart melting.

Oh Sonic.