
Why can't I ever do anything right…

This became Italy's thoughts more and more as he failed again and again in his attempt to learn the skills of battle. He just couldn't get it right! Still, he was determined to do it right, for Germany. So one of the days when he escaped from training, he didn't go to hide or sleep or eat, he went to where Germany kept his grenades…. Grabbing as many as he could hold, he ran to the nearby field and started to practice. Unfortunately, he still couldn't remember which side to throw! After a few times of holding the wrong end and then releasing and throwing it, Italy threw the wrong end again. While he was doing this, Italy was lost in his own thoughts. I wonder if Germany would be proud if I could do this right, he wondered. A few miles away, Germany was freaking out. Unable to find Italy, and a large amount of his grenades missing, he was worried about what would happen. Germang was running around the acres he lived on, when he suddenly heard a large boom that didn't sound like it had exploded on land. Sprinting toward the location of the sound, Germany was horrified at what he found. Italy, limp at the base of a rock, blood gushing down the back of his neck, looking like he's not breathing.

Germany ran to Italy, quickly picking him up and using his jacket to put pressure on his head. He ran all the way to the hospital a few miles down the road, barely making it inside before collapsing on the ground. Please, please be okay… Germany thought before everything went black, barely noticing the nurses running over to him.

Huh? Where am I…no…WHO am I? These where the only thoughts going through Italy's mind as he continued to stay in his little world of quiet and darkness, not wanting to leave for fear of what's out side of his wonderful little world. Every once and a while a small prick, or a little squeeze would come but would leave just as quickly.

While all of this was happening, Germany was slowly regaining consciousness. As the bright lights flooded his vision, as started to panic, not seeing Italy. "Where is he!?" Germany screamed out when he woke up enough to speak, horrifying the nurse who was watching over him. The nurse simply asked who he was talking about and then pointed him to the correct room after she made sure he was well enough to get up from the bed without harming himself.

Germany quickly dashed to the room Italy was in, finding him not moving but at least breathing, an emotionless expression on his face. He cautiously walked to his bedside and collapsed in the chair next to it, sobbing at the fact that he had been unable to protect his only real friend this time, and didn't notice Italy's hand twitch. As Germany continued to sob, Italy opened his eyes, and looked at him, gently tapping his shoulder. Germany looked up at him, relieved that he had woken up so quickly. Unfortunately, his happiness quickly turned to fear and horror as Italy uttered the one phrase he had hoped he would never have to hear from the small brunette.

"Who are you…?"