Chapter 1

Summary: Kikyo and Kagome are the princesses of the Southern Lands ruled by the rare species, Demons of the Seasons. When their mother dies during Kagome's birth, Kikyo immediately blames Kagome. Her hatred for the young princess grows as Kagome becomes the pride of the Southern Lands, ultimately being ignored by her father and everyone else. When she learns of Kagome's new power, she becomes angry and jealous beyond belief. Enlisting the help of the half spider demon Naraku, Kikyo seeks revenge on Kagome, changing everyone's lives.

A/N: This story revolves around Kagome, Sesshomaru, and Kikyo.

It was a day of celebration once again for the Southern Lands of Sengoku Jidai. Lord Hikaru and Lady Etsuko had given birth once again to a beautiful baby girl that they named Kagome. She had stolen the heart of the kingdom in only a few hours, making Kikyo jealous of the newborn. While the baby was getting cleaned by the nurses of the castle and Hikaru was talking with his advisor, Kikyo walked up to her mother who was sickly pale.

"Mother? You don't look so well." The eight year old said, putting her hand to her forehead. Her mother was sweating and breathing heavily. She opened her eyes to look to her eldest daughter.

"My sweetheart..." She trailed off, resting her clawed hand against Kikyo's cheek. "I'm afraid that I am not longed for this world." She told her. Kikyo's eyes widened, tears gathering at the corners of her eyes.

"Wh- what happened? Surely you should live for much much longer?" Kikyo questioned, desperation in her voice. Lady Etsuko shook her head.

"I'm sorry my child. The birth was too much for me. I am slowly slipping away from this world, to live with our God."

"The Kamis?" Kikyo asked her. Her mother shook her head once again.

"Not the fake ones, the one and only God, the one who actually created us demons and humans." Lady Etsuko never believed in the Kamis. Kikyo always thought that they would punish her mother, but it seemed that they were punishing Kikyo with her mother's death and that cursed child who caused it.

"I must see my child before I leave." Lady Etsuko said.

At that moment, Lord Hikaru walked in with Kagome in his arms, cooing softly at her, playing with her finger as the baby gurgled softly, amused. He looked up and gasped at the condition of his mate. He rushed to her side, holding out his hand to rest on her cheek while the other one cradled Kagome close.

"My darling..." He trailed off, desperation and dispair evident in his deep, baritone, yet soft voice. Even he knew that she would not make it. Lady Etsuko smiled.

"Let me hold my baby." She said, reaching her arm out. Lord Hikaru gently set the baby in her arms and she held Kagome close. They all leaned in close, even Kikyo, admiring her beauty.

Kagome sported short black hair with a blue hue, just like her father and a small, cute, button nose like her mother. The most beautiful thing that they noticed about her were her eyes that were just like her father's that seemed to hold the depths of the ocean. Or maybe they were a cerulean color? Kikyo nor her parents couldn't decided. But her beauty even as a newborn only made Kikyo despise her more. Kikyo scowled and her mother noticed it.

"Kikyo, sweetheart." Her mother called for her attention. She took a deep breath, her death coming to a close.

"Promise me that you won't hate your younger sister for this as this is not her fault. Promise me... that you will care for your younger sister, watch..." She paused for a second to catch her breath. "watch after her. Be the mother that she cannot have." Lady Etsuko was becoming paler as the seconds passed. Her eyes were dimming and her breath was becoming ragged.

"Promise me Kikyo." Her mother begged. Kikyo only stared at her mother, then looked to her father who looked at her expectantly. She looked back at her mother when she grabbed her arm.

"Pr- promise me." Kikyo continued to stare at her mother as the breath slipped away from her, a distraught look permanently etched across her face. Kagome began to wail loudly as she felt the soul slip away from her mother and her heart stop beating. Lord Hikaru gathered her in his arms, then looked to Kikyo with a dissapointed look, only to see her walking out of the room.

"Kikyo." She did not turn around, leaving Lord Hikaru to mourn the death of his wife alone. As she walked to her room, a tear slipped out her eye and rolled down her cheek. A hard look embeded itself on her features as she cursed Kagome for killing her mother, stealing the attention causing her to be ignored, and ruining her life.