A/N: Because I'm tired of all the abusive twins in Tsuna's life, even the ones who eventually redeem themselves.

Jesus, guys, give the bunny some love!

FYI: Religious Things Here Are Not There To Upset You. They Are An Integral Part Of The OC And Have No Affect On Anyone's Personal Beliefs.

Dearly Beloved

My Grandma taught me to love.

My name was once Miranda, you know. I was a twenty-seven-year-old woman of mixed race, struggling to keep onto a crappy job at the local shopping center, while paying my way through Community College. I died when a drunk driver jumped the sidewalk and crushed me between his truck and a tree.

I hope he's okay, because my Grandma raised me to love those who are flawed, because God gave them something extra so they could get stronger and overcome it if they truly believed in themselves. Most don't, because the bullies of the world can smell their insecurities, and will feed on them until their victims are nothing more than broken glass and dried tears.

My Grandpa taught me to fight for that love.

That doesn't mean I'm not horribly angry at the man who killed me, however. He was stupid; he could have killed a child! It was three o'clock on a Saturday, why was he drinking in the first place?!

It didn't matter anymore. I was dead, and, from the pulsing gray mist around me, aimlessly floating.

Well then.

My Uncle taught me the most important lesson of all, however.

The pulsing grey began to go faster, little flashes of light, like miniature lightning bolts, skittered through it, drawing my eyes even as they disappeared again, leaving nothing but after images behind. The pulsing grew faster and faster, and I began to feel like I was being compressed, my body dissolving before my eyes into bright, glowing blue light. I wasn't scared, though. I felt safe and warm, and so I watched as my glowing body became a ball, hovering in the thunderstorm of grey around me.

With a sudden, blinding flare, I disappeared.

I reappeared in time to breathe my first breath in what felt like ages, to a shock of cold and massive-feeling hands cupping my weak, wet body. Instincts surged, and I opened my mouth, and began to wail.

"It's a girl!" A voice declared happily, the words sounding foreign to my ears, but turning into English in my brain. Distantly, I could hear another crying, a baby?

As I was cleaned and cuddled into a pink blanket, I figured out what had happened.

I'd been given a second chance.

I'd been reborn.

My Uncle taught me how to adapt to any situation, and go with the flow of God's Will.

~(Line Break)~

My new name is Sawada Sorako, and I am the younger twin sister of Sawada Tsunayoshi. I am the Daughter of Sawada Iemitsu and Sawada Nana. We live in a small town in Japan called Namimori.

I like my new name (Which translates to "Sky Child", I found out), my new family, especially my new brother. I've always wanted a brother or sister. Growing up in my previous life, with only my Grandparents and Uncle, had been pretty lonely.

I love my smooth blond hair and my golden brown eyes. I love my lightly tanned skin and my long fingers. I love my silly brother, who's afraid of seemingly everything, with his super fluffy hair and big brown eyes and his bright smile. I love how, in the last three years, he's taken to calling me "So-Chan" and likes it when I call him "Yoshi-Nii" because only Kaachan calls him "Tsu-Chan".

I don't love how our Tousan left almost as soon as we were settled into the house.

I don't love how I can sometimes hear Kaachan crying herself to sleep because of how much she misses him.

I don't like how other kids our age make fun on my brother for his adorable clumsiness.

I don't like how lonely it gets at night when I'm left all alone with my memories and heartbreaking questions about my old family.

I love and hate this world.

But I will adapt.

~(Line Break)~

We're six when Tousan comes back, bringing with him an older man who he calls his boss, named Vongola Timoteo. Yoshi looks so thrilled until I pointedly hide behind him. I'd taken to doing that whenever there were strangers around, and it had, surprisingly, done wonders for my older brother's confidence and sense of self. He could be incredibly protective, after all and, watching that delight on his face sharpen into wariness, his brown eyes gleaming orange as his shoulders stiffened, I mentally applauded myself. He shifted fully in front of me and glared at the two men sharply, before grabbing my hand and quickly leading me to the backyard, ignoring Kaachan's and Tousan's calls as he herded me to "safety."

"Imouto?" He asked softly, petting my hair with carefulness as we sat in a patch of clovers. I gave him a small smile and pointedly squeezed the hand he'd left in mine, and he smiled and squeezed back.

"Yoshi-Nii, let's find a four leaf clover!" I suggested brightly, and, beaming, he nodded enthusiastically, and the two of us started to carefully brush aside the clovers surrounding us, occasionally picking one only to find it was a three-leaf and tossing it aside. We did this for a good hour before I noticed Tousan and his boss silently watching from the back door.

As if summoned by our happiness, there was a high-pitched growling noise, and I froze with my brother as we looked to the side to stare at the neighbor's Chihuahua. It was a mean little dog, and had bitten both me and my brother hard enough to bleed several times, and I found myself instinctively scrambling away.

Usually, Yoshi is right there with me, tearfully "HIEEE"ing as he was wont to do when startled, but, today was different. He stood up and stepped right in front of me, that orange light in his eyes, and glared at the mean dog.

"No," he told it sternly, pointing at it with one finger. "You will not bite my Imouto. Bad dog." The dog froze, bulging brown eyes wide, before it whined and lay down, head resting on its paws. Yoshi eyed it narrowly for several moments, before nodding sharply and turning to me with a sweet smile, eyes still gleaming orange as he held out a hand for me. "Come see, Imouto," he urged; I trustingly put my hand in his, because if there was one thing Yoshi wasn't, it was a liar. I watched uncertainly as he put my hand out towards the nasty dog, and then gaped as the Chihuahua proceeded to meekly lick at my fingers and wag its tail.

"Puppy?" I whispered; Yoshi beamed at me, and we both pet the dog for a moment.

"Tuna-fish~!" Tousan called, his bright smile strained as he bound over, Vongola-san sedately following as Yoshi turned his orange-brightened eyes on him. "And Sora-hime!" I gave him a weak smile, but I just couldn't forgive him for the nights Kaachan spent crying herself to sleep. "What have you got there, hmm? A puppy?" He was smiling, but there was something off with his eyes that had me pressing closer to Yoshi, not sure if I was moving to protect or be protected.

"This is Ichirou, he's the neighbors," Yoshi told Tousan seriously, face serene. "He's usually a very bad dog. He bit me and Imouto really hard last time, but he won't anymore." He smiled, and Tousan smiled weakly back as Vongola-san kneeled down and smiled sadly at my brother.

"You're a very special boy, did you know that, Tsunayoshi?" He asked sagely; Yoshi tilted his head curiously, and I felt something in me rise up as Vongola-san reached towards my brother's forehead, and soft spark or orange on the tip.

Instinct reared its head and had me yanking Yoshi back and snapping forward.

Three things happened.

One: Yoshi fell down onto his butt in the clovers with a startled grunt, orange leaving his eyes.

Two: Ichirou yelped and ran away back to his owners yard.

And three: I bite down on Vongola-san's finger.


"Sora-hime!" Tousan yelped as Vongola-san said something in what sounded like Italian and tried to yank his finger back instinctively; blood spattered over my mouth and face as my teeth tore skin. I fell back with a grunt, panting, and glared furiously. I wouldn't know until later, but my own eyes had gleamed a bright yellow, much like the orange my brother's eyes did at times.

"You don't hurt my Nii-san!" I snapped scrambling to my feet to glare at the old man who was tightly wrapping his finger in a handkerchief. My piece done, I whirled around, grabbed Yoshi by the hand, and dragged him quickly into the house, ignoring Kaachan's alarmed questions as I ran up the stairs, all but dragging my brother along as well, and locked us in my room, pushing a chair under the doorknob and stacking pillows and books in front of the window. Panting, exhausted, I flopped down on the floor next to my brother, and closed my eyes.

I don't really understand what happened.

One minute, I wasn't too worried about Vongola-san or what he was going to do, the next something in my head screeched and said he was a threat and I'd just reacted accordingly. There was no thought about consequences, no thought about explanations or trying to work it out. Just pure, irrational action. I hadn't had even an inch of control and that, more than anything, scared me.

A soft rag rubbed over my cheeks and I flinched, eyes opening to stare at the concerned face of my older brother, and it was at that point that I remembered that I had blood all over my face.

I started crying when I remembered that.

"HIEE!" Yoshi squealed, waving his hands frantically about. "So-Chan! Don't cry!" I couldn't help it, though, my child's-body crumpling as I buried my bloody face in my hands and cried. Yoshi fluttered about, before finally wrapping himself around me and hugging tightly, petting my hair and rocking me like Kaachan did the few times my old memories and worries gave me nightmares.

Don't cry, Imouto," he whispered into my hair, and I hid my face against his tiny shoulder. "A-ah… Um…" He cleared his throat carefully, and, to my surprise, began to sing, voice high and slightly off key, like most small children, but, in that moment, it didn't matter.

"You are my Sunshine,

My only Sunshine…

You make me happy,

When Skies are grey…

You'll never know, dear,

How much I love you…

Please don't take,

My Sunshine away…"

I took a slow shaky breath, and, whispering, sang with him.

"The other night, dear,

When I lay sleeping…

I dreamt I held you,

In my arms…

When I awoke, dear,

I was mistaken…

So I hung my head,

And cried..."

Our young voices harmonized, the off-key hitches gone, as we curled around one another on the floor in my barricaded room, eyes closed, and sang your lullaby.

"You are my Sunshine,

My only Sunshine…

You make me happy,

When Skies are grey…

You'll never know, dear,

How much I love you…

Please don't take,

My Sunshine away…

"I'll always love you,

And make you happy…

If you will only,

Say the same…

But if you leave me,

to love another…

You'll regret,

It all someday…

"You are my Sunshine,

My only Sunshine…

You make me happy,

When Skies are grey…

You'll never know, dear,

How much I love you…

Please don't take,

My Sunshine away…"

Slowly, we trailed off, and sat in silence.

"…Love you, Yoshi-Nii," I whispered into his shirt; his arms tightened.

"Love you too, So-Chan."

By the time we leave the room, Tousan's boss has already been fixed up, and he waves my apology away with a sad, fond smile.

"If you think a little bite is enough to make me angry, you've obviously never been told about what happens when my youngest son throws a fit," he chuckled, patting me on the head. He doesn't try to poke Yoshi again, but, when he and Tousan leave the next day, he watches my brother with sad, considering eyes.

I'm happy to see them go, even while I hate it that Kaachan will be crying herself to sleep tonight.

Life is better when Tousan isn't around.

~(Line Break)~

The first time someone calls my brother "Dame-Tsuna" is when we're eight. He'd failed most of his subjects, and the teacher had posted everyone's over-all percentages on the board. I'd passed all of mine (of course), and Yoshi had failed all his (Also unsurprising).

Seeing my brother's face fall, and his big eyes shine wetly under the jeering laughs of our classmates, however, pulls that part of me that bit Vongola-san up. The part that snarls at the idea of people hurting my brother, in any way. What happened next, I will never regret.

"Shut you fat face, you piece of trash," I'd told the instigator, and promptly punched him in the face.

The detention and resulting parent-teacher conference was worth it, to see that small, hopelessly grateful look on my big brothers face.

It's actually a godsend, that detention (and the many that came after it for similar reasons over the next few years) because Yoshi always stayed after with me, pointedly showing his support the only way he could, bringing mostly-burnt cookies he'd made for me in the Home-Ec classroom. Because of this, I made him show me his failed homework and tests, and we painstakingly went over each and every problem, using scrap paper to go over them and the proper formulas or words.

Slowly, but steadily, my brother's grades rose over the next six months, until he was getting steady C's with the occasional B and D. I still had to punch people in the face, and I still got plenty of detentions for it, but it was all worth it.

~(Line Break)~

"SAWADA-CHAN, JOIN MY BOXING CLUB TO THE EXTREME!" the white-haired boy my brother and I affectionately called Onii-san bellowed after he saw me punch a bully in the face.

"What?" I asked, startled, but, before he could answer, there was a telling growl.

"Herbivores," the frigid voice of Hibari Kyoya stated ominously; without even pausing to glance back, my mind screaming in instinctual, primal terror, I latched my hand on my frozen brothers wrist and, reminiscent of that day when we were six, I took off, pulling him behind me (not that he struggled much).

As we ran, the chilling voice followed behind us, just as we were reaching the Middle School doors.

"For disturbing the peace, I will bite you to death!"

What a horrifying way to start the new school year.

~(Line Break)~

"Ara, Tsu-Chan, Sora-Chan!" Kaachan cried enthusiastically at my brother and I as we stumbled downstairs. Normally, I would have had us both up and gone by this time in the morning, but we'd spent a late night going over math and science, his biggest problems. "I have a surprise for you!" I blinked up at her, absently accepting the bento Yoshi handed me (his cooking had drastically improved since the charcoal-burnt-cookies of long-ago detentions).

"Oh?" I asked as Yoshi yawned hugely beside me, blinking his honey-brown eyes curiously.

"Hai!" Kaachan chirped gleefully, before pulling out a piece of paper with a flourish. "I hired a Home Tutor for you!" I stared, even as Yoshi slowly lowered the hand that had moved to rub through his fluffy, gravity-defying hair.

"…But, So-Chan doesn't need a tutor…?" He slowly said; I nodded, confused.

"And I've been tutoring Yoshi-Nii for years," I reminded her cautiously; she smiled brightly at us.

"I know, but this Tutor is going to be able to, ah," she glanced at the flier, and read out loud, "'Make you child the leader of the future!' Doesn't that sound wonderful?!" Kaachan beamed, hands cupping her cheeks as she all but sparkled happily. "And all he wants for payment is to live here while tutoring you both!"

"Ah, Kaachan," I started uncertainly; Yoshi threw his hands up in the air.

"Kaachan! He could be a criminal or something!" He complained, shaking his head. "You shouldn't just invite strange people into the house! What if he's a murderer or thief or something?! We've been scammed!" He declared; I could only shrug helplessly, in total agreement, and Kaachan looked thoughtful, frowning slightly.

"…I didn't think of that before I called him," she mused; Yoshi face palmed while I just winced. As much as I loved my Kaachan, she was pretty ditsy and naïve.

"You already called him?!" Yoshi complained; Kaachan smiled sweetly.

"Hai!" She beamed; I shook my head but, before I could say anything, a high-pitched, squeaky voice piped up from behind my brother and I, making us both flinch, startled.


I would quickly learn to both fear and be exasperatedly fond of the baby who said that one word.

~(Line Break)~

Reborn the Worlds Number One Hitman was my brother's tutor. Yoshi and I were descendants of the first Vongola Mafia Boss, and Yoshi was Heir now because the other three were murdered, and I'm the emergency back-up, apparently.

"So, wait a second," I interrupted Yoshi's rant about how he couldn't be a Mafia Boss. "Does this mean Tousan is in the Mafia?" Reborn-san tilted his head forward so that his fedora shadowed his eyes.

"Sawada Iemitsu is the leader of CEDEF, an independent intelligence organization attached to the Vongola." I crossed my arms and stared at him narrowly.

"And he couldn't be promoted to Vongola Head because…?" Reborn smirked.

"He declined," he answered; Yoshi flailed back into the conversation.

"I decline!" He snapped; Reborn shrugged nonchalantly, his chameleon, Leon, transformed into a gun, which he used to push his fedora back up into its proper position.

"Than your sister will take you place," he informed us easily; I stilled, eyes wide.

…I did not want this.

Turning, I looked at Yoshi, making my eyes as huge and frightened as possible, which was actually easy considering I'd gotten Kaachan's dolefully large eyes.

"Y-Yoshi-Nii?" I stuttered uncertainly; like a wet piece of paper, Yoshi folded.

"I'll be the Mafia boss," he muttered; I threw my arms around him in a show of relief, and hid my slight smirk in his shoulder.

It would be good for him.

"Ano, Yoshi-Nii," I started after I pulled back; he gave me a long-suffering look. "If you're going to be the Vongola Boss, does that make you Tousan's boss?" I asked "Innocently"; instantly, a vindictive gleam entered my brothers eyes, and I sat back, satisfied, as he threw himself into the Mafia History lesson Reborn decided to give him. Silently, I pulled out my homework, and looked up to meet the large black eyes of the Hitman.

The smile we shared was closer to a smirk than anything.

"I'll go and get some snacks!" I declared, setting my homework in a clear space on the small table and leaving the two alone for a moment.

As Kaachan gathered some cookies and drinks for us, a series of screams and explosions echoed from upstairs, but since the Super Protective Rage Monster in the back of my head stayed quiet, I didn't worry.

It was good for Yoshi, having a different point of view on such things.

I'm a great little sister.

~(Line Break)~

There was a silver-haired boy stalking my brother like some sort of adoring puppy. I couldn't help staring at him as he snatched up the empty seat on the other side of my brother, glaring at me with pretty green eyes, before turning an ecstatic look on my brother when Yoshi smiled at him.

"Ano, Yoshi-Nii?" I asked; when he looked at me, I pointed my chopsticks at his puppy. "Who's this?" Yoshi blinked, and then his face cleared.

"Oh, yeah!" He laughed, rubbing a hand through his hair sheepishly. "Sometimes I forget you're not in my class anymore, Imouto!" I smiled at him easily, and he gestured to the boy. "This is Gokudera Hayato; he transferred from Italy a few days ago. Gokudera-kun, this is my little sister, Sorako!" I blinked, making the quick connection to Reborn, and offered the silver-haired boy a bright smile.

"It's very nice to meet you, Gokudera-san!" I told him cheerily. "I hope Namimori is treating you well~!" I very purposefully channeled all of Kaachan's attitude, and was gratified to see the relatively cute boy flush, eyes huge as he just stared for a second, and Yoshi, completely immune, seemed to instinctively follow me, and the two of us beamed at the Italian boy with every bit of sparkly cuteness that our Kaachan trained us for since infancy.

"Eh, Gokudera-kun?!" Yoshi yelped a few seconds later, big brown eyes wide as he peered over the table edge. "He's unconscious!" He cried; I just took another bite out of the bento my brother had made me this morning.

My work here is done, I decided sagely as Yoshi flailed and fluttered around his unconscious friend.

If the silver-haired boy started to become a more frequent fixture in the Sawada Household, well, Yoshi could use an extra Tutor, and I did need some help in Chemistry.

~(Line Break)~

"Yamamoto Takeshi's on the roof!" A boy gasped aloud nearby; I paused, blinking.

"What?! No way!" His friend cried; the boy shook his head.

"No, man, he says' he's gonna jump!" I flinched, dropped my bag without care in front of my locker, and took off for the stairs, heart in my throat.

In my previous life, I'd had friend named Cynthia. She was a big girl, and people were constantly degrading her and making fun of her, until she'd had enough of it and had thrown herself off of a bridge. Unfortunately for her, there had been a heavy rain earlier that week, and she'd landed face-first into water and had been rescued a mile down the river, half-drowned and badly injured, but alive… If you could call it that.

The force of hitting the water face first had not only blinded her, but it had broken her neck, paralyzing her from the neck down. She'd still been alive when I'd died, permanently crippled and blind and more miserable than she'd been before.

I burst through the roof door in time to see my brother coaxing Yamamoto back over the fence, and hurried forward, relieved, to help out.

But, as he moved, the rusty fence broke, and three things happened.

One: His eyes huge, startled and frightened, Yamamoto started to fall backwards off the roof.

Two: My idiot brother jumped off after him.

And three: I lunged forward, my hands hooking around Yoshi's ankles as I smacked down onto the roof on my belly, the breath being forced from my lungs and my knees dug into a slight lip in the rooftop.

I screamed through gritted teeth as my actions jerked the two boys to a stop, my brother clinging to Yamamoto's good arm as I held onto his ankles. My knees, shoulders, and elbows shrieked at the combined weight of the two boys and gravity, and my back spasmed as I strained, half over the edge myself.

"Help her!" Came a shout from the gawking idiots behind me, and, suddenly, dozens of hands were there, helping me pull the two boys up. Once the three of use were on solid ground, my limbs shaking in pain and exhaustion, I managed to slowly sit up, reach over, and smack both boys, hard, over the head.

"So-Chan!" Yoshi yelped, turning to give me a wounded look, only to freeze as I glared at him, knowing that there were tears falling down my face.

"If either of you, ever do something so stupid again," UI whispered hoarsely, voice tight and cracking from tears. My lips trembled as they thinned. "I will beat you so bad, Hibari-Sempai will be impressed, do you understand?!" Yoshi stared at me, eyes wide and guilty, before he reached towards me and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry, Imouto," he murmured into my golden hair; my breath hitched as I weakly clung to him, ignoring the pulsing pain in my body as I turned my head and stared at Yamamoto. Slowly, I held a hand out to him, and, uncertain, he took it cautiously. I squeezed his hand firmly, and hid my face in Yoshi's shoulder again.

"…He's coming to dinner tonight," I managed to declare hoarsely, words muffled in Yoshi's shoulder. "He's coming to dinner, and bringing his Tousan, and you're both going to explain what happened to Kaachan and his Tousan, understand?" I felt the two boys wince and grimace.

"Hai, Sunshine," he murmured into my hair; I nodded against his collarbone as he kissed my head.

Sometimes, I have the best big brother, and, other times, the absolute worse.

~(Line Break)~

"Lambo-Sama has come to kill Reborn!" The adorable little boy dressed up like a cow declared loudly from the doorway; I stared down at him, eyes wide as my hands slowly raised to cup over my heart.

"Kawaii," I breathed as the little boy grinned.

Kaachan and I both enthusiastically welcomed Lambo to the family; Yoshi… Sort of did the same, with lots of long-suffering looks between the cow-child and his Hitman Tutor. A few weeks later, I-Pin, the adorable little girl from China, joined the family and, a week after that, so did cute little Fuuta, who used his magical book to Rate me as the Number Two Out Of (Insert massive number) Most Likely To Help Someone In Need.

Yoshi was number one.

Life was very good and interesting…

And then Mukuro came along.

~(Line Break)~

I stared at the blue-haired boy in front of me blankly for several seconds, tilting my head as he smirked at me. I'd been kidnapped by a boy with a yo-yo obsession and another one who could mimic animals bizarrely well, and was, apparently, the bait to get Yoshi to the abandoned Kokuyo Land.

"…I like your hair," I told him simply, and beamed, purposefully channeling every ounce of Kaachan that I could; the boy, Mukuro, blinked his heterochromatic eyes (they were so pretty~).

"Kufufu," the blue-haired both laughed; I just continued to beam.

When Yoshi came and fought the boy, Reborn was the one who cut me free of my ropes. When the strange bandage-wrapped people called the Vendice came to take Mukuro and his friends back to their prison, I couldn't help but speak up.

"Excuse me, Vendice-san?" I called to the apparent leader, stepping up closer without hesitation as the three 'Guards' turned their dark attention on me. "What age do you have to be to be arrested for breaking Mafia Law?" I asked him, curiously; he continued to stare.

"Sixteen years of age is the minimum age that one can be for the full punishment to land on them, Little Sun," he slowly said, voice hoarse and deep, rattling like death in his chest; I smiled brightly up at them.

"And what is the punishment for those younger than sixteen?" I asked him; the Guard tilted his head.

"The perpetrator is placed under the jurisdiction of a Neutral Famiglia Head, or under the power of the Famiglia they attacked. Why do you ask?" Beaming up at him, channeling Kaachan as brightly as I could, I shrugged easily and pointed at Mukuro, who was staring at me with wide, stunned eyes.

"He's fifteen," I told the Guard easily, then pointed at the yo-yo boy, Chikusa. "Fourteen." Animal-Mimic, Ken. "Fourteen." The redheaded girl of their group was next. "Fifteen." Finally, I pointed at the oldest member, a man named Lancia, who was staring at me, looking exhausted and grim.

"And, while he is twenty-five, he was under the influence of a mind-control substance, which means that any and all actions performed under said influence automatically exclude him from repercussions of said actions, therefore making him an innocent victim of circumstance…" I clasped me hands together in front of me and rocked back and forth on my feet as I smiled at the room at large, taking in all the gaping, stunned faces with pleasure.

"And, wouldn't you know it, Vendice-san? The Heir of the Vongola Famiglia is the last one these minor's attacked, therefore putting them within the jurisdiction of the Vongola, hai?" Cocking my head cutely, I beamed up at the Guards and watched as, slowly, the chains that had wrapped Mukuro and his group up tightly, unwound and slunk away, leaving the four boys and one girl kneeling on the floor, staring.

"Know that should the minors break Mafia Law again, Little Sun, that the Vongola Heir will take responsibility for it," He told me; I gave him the proper ninety-degree bow in response, still smiling.

"Of course, Vendice-san! Have a nice day, and thank you for upholding the Laws!" I chirped; the Guard stared for several long seconds, before he and his fellow Guards slunk away into the shadows with the older, and guilty, captives, disappeared from sight and sense a few moments later. Once they were gone I slumped in place with a relieved sigh. "Thank goodness!" I declared, shaking my head as I dragged a hand through my golden hair. "I wasn't sure if the parameters for Mafia Law were similar to Civilian Law!" Letting out a relieved laugh, I turned my eyes on the Kokuyo Gang, and offered them a bright smile. "You owe me so big your great-grand kids will still be in my debt," I cooed at them, and clapped my hands twice before turning my eyes on my gawping brother. "And you get to tell Kaachan all about why they're going to be staying with us until they can get a house of their own," I told him; he sputtered.

"What, why!? You're the one who got them free!" I beamed up at him, and held up a finger.

"One: You skipped out on our study session, which lead me to trying to find you, and therefore made me an easy target to get kidnapped," I told him cheerfully, and help up a second finger while he flailed inarticulately. "Two: You're the Heir, which makes you in charge of them, and," I held up a third finger, "three: That one," I pointed at Mukuro, "has a high powered and highly controlled Mist Flame, which makes him an ideal Guardian prospect, and, since you hate the Mafia nearly as much as he does, you two can bond over that!" clapping my hands together, still channeling Kaachan, I twirled happily in place.

"Ha ha!" Yamamoto laughed uncertainly off to the side, smiling at me. "You're really strange, Sora-chan! How did you know how old those guys were, anyways?" Everyone glanced at me, even Reborn looking curious, and I sheepishly scratched my nose.

"Being kidnapped is boring," I told them awkwardly, "so I played Quid Pro Quo with Mukuro-kun until you guys got here…" My brother promptly facepalmed, while Reborn smirked and tilted his fedora forward slightly.

"Kufufu, you're so devious, Sora-Chan," Mukuro purred as he rose gracefully to his feet, his gang members, except Lancia (was he even a gang member?) scrambling to do the same, while the older man just rose slowly. I beamed at the blue-haired boy.

"Arigato~!" I chirped, all sparkles and airheaded smiles; he smiled back, sly and sharp, but his eyes told the relief he felt at being free, as well as the amusement and wariness at the situation he found himself in. Meanwhile, my brother groaned and covered his face with his hands again.

"You're really scary some times, So-Chan," he informed me through his fingers, making Yamamoto laugh, Gokudera rant, and everyone else in the room react accordingly. I just laughed and hugged my brother tightly in response.

Everything was going to be just fine…

Though, I could have done without Onii-san bellowing "EXTREME" and demanding I join his Boxing Club, but, well, you can't have everything you want, right?

A/N: Just a random Idea I had. Not sure if it turned out quite like I wanted but, you know, whatever.

I will most likely not be continuing this, but you guys are free to grab the idea and run with it if you'd like? I eventually kinda wanted Sorako to be paired with, like, Bel or someone equally surprising (Freaking love the Prince! XP) so, you know, if you want you could do that.

Anyways, read and review, tell me what you think!