If this is how it is being a junior, I can't imagine what it's like to be a senior...Though I also have a job and like the worlds worst case of writers block. -_- So everything has been working against me. Though, I finally managed to find some time to write this chapter for you guys!

Disclaimer: IMAA, as always, doesn't belong to me. Now, I present to you, the 6th rewrite of this one chapter...

Tony's room has never been so clean. Perhaps it was even cleaner than when the house was first made, or clean enough to pass even the strictest of health inspections, then, he could even open up a little restaurant in his own bedroom. Though, he'd never be able to produce anything edible, so he decided to toss the idea out the window, besides, he's had way better ideas than that.

There was one reason and one reason only to explain this super, mega, rare occasion that's probably never happened before in his life. This reason was the same exact reason why every other room in the house was just as clean as his room. The same reason why his dad's room suddenly got a surprise remodeling—one that Tony was still unsure whether or not his dad liked it or not. Not to mention, the hundreds or upgrades—useless ones according to Rhodey—to the Iron Man armor. In his defense, a snack compartment to hold peanuts actually sounded pretty genius. One could never be sure when one might get hungry during the nightly patrols around the city or in the midst of a fight. Though why he decided to put peanuts inside the snack compartment, was a complete mystery to him.

This reason was all for one person. A certain redheaded girl, who had managed to steal his heart—though she would argue that he left it vulnerable enough that he basically gave it to her. It was no question that this girl was none other than Pepper Potts. Who, at the moment and every moment since six previous to this day, was the single most person who resided in his thoughts.

All because he got a little, a lot, gutsy and asked a very important question that likely would change their lives. It surprised him how much a single question could eat at him like this. Especially when she was taking so long to answer. It wasn't like he was being impatient—which, he'll admit, he was a little impatient—it was just that today was the day after the last day of school and a day before the grand graduation ceremony. Meaning, Pepper had the rest of this day, tomorrow, and the following morning to give him his answer before she headed out.

Looking at the clock now, it was around 6:30 P.M. Like several times before, he's been tempted to rush to Pepper's house to see if she had her answer yet—especially when he requested if she could give him an answer before graduation. Though every single time he told himself that it both wasn't worth it and wouldn't help his case anyway. He had to respect that she was taking her time to give him the best answer, even if that answer wasn't to say yes to his important question.

A knock at the front door distracted him from his next goal. Rearranging the cabinets and fridge would have to wait, though in all honesty, he wasn't complaining about getting a little sidetracked.

"Hey, Tony!"

Her sweet, almost angelic voice was a pleasant sound to hear. Seeing her was even more so. The sun was beaming down at just the perfect angle as it set, giving Pepper brown eyes and red hair a golden glow that stole the breath straight from Tony's lungs. He almost missed it when she almost dropped one of the three full bags of groceries that he somehow managed not to notice before.

After grabbing two of the three bags for her, she invited herself in as if it was only second nature to do so. "So, what brings you here at this time of the night?" he inquired of his girlfriend as he followed her to the kitchen.

She ecstatically turned around and gave off a blinding smile. "I'm going to cook you dinner," she announced without hesitation, as if randomly coming to his house to cook him food was only natural. At his look, she threw a hand to stop any interruptions or protests that Tony might have voiced. "I promise, I won't set your kitchen on fire again and this time my food will be completely edible and won't send you and your dad to the hospital again."

Tony shuddered at the memory, before letting out a laugh. "I'd hope not."

Pepper's response was to toss him another heart-stopping smile combined with a light laugh before turning to empty the bags on the table. Her determined energy was contagious as Tony was already moving to help in any way he could—that is, until she kicked him out of the kitchen claiming that she didn't need his help. Which, Tony couldn't agree more. Even though Pepper set his kitchen on fire and sent both Stark's to the hospital with food poisoning, Tony knew that he'd somehow manage to top that and make matters worse.

He waited at the kitchen table as he watched her cook with evident skill that she hadn't had the previous time she cooked at his house. The effort she must have put into teaching herself how to cook must have been great, because from what he could see—and smell—she was cooking like an expert. Either that, or he couldn't bring himself to say anything but the best about his favorite redhead. Probably both.

As he watched, his mind drifted to thoughts of his question. He wondered if that what why Pepper decided to drop by. If she had her answer ready for him and wanted to make a celebration out it. At least, that was what he hoped for, because his other option was that she was buffering the blow that would inevitably happen would her answer be no.

A conversation with his dad only yesterday had come up, distracting him from the current smells that were filling the air.


"Are you sure about this?"

It had been five days. Five days since he had gained the courage to ask Pepper a question that to him, was almost equivalent of asking someone to marry him. Yet, it was the first day that his dad had ever caught wind of what his son was planning. Tony knew he should have spoken to his dad sooner, probably should have brought it up before he went to Pepper, but that didn't mean that he would actually do so. Technically speaking, he hadn't even told his dad. Being the genius that his dad was, it didn't take much to tip the elder Stark off to his intentions.

Even so, he didn't hesitate to respond to his dad's question. "Yes."

"She might say no," Howard didn't hold back on this reminder that Tony knew all too well. Rhodey had also reminded him of this fact. Every single day.

Pepper could say no. For all he knew, she was always going to say no, but didn't want to let him down too hard. That didn't mean that Tony didn't hope. It was the one thing that truly mattered to him, saying that he currently had nothing better to do. His hopes, though, in the end might not be enough to change her mind and sway her accept his offer of starting a life together in their own home.

"I know," Tony replied stubbornly.

It grew quiet as the two Stark's stared at each other. Each looking to one another to see some sort of fault. Howard looking for any sign of doubt, for any sign that his son was in over his head. Tony looking for some sort of sign that his father didn't approve of this plan. Neither of the two found what they were looking for, much to their relief.

After that they continued to talk as father and son. They didn't talk like this often. The time never showed up, with Howard running his company and Tony busy with his own set of responsibilities, the two were barely spared any free time to actually speak.

His final words that night, still stick in Tony's mind.

"Don't hate her," Howard stopped Tony when he had turned to head to his bedroom. "If she does say no."

Never in a million years. He hadn't said that, instead, he softly said, "I won't."


Never in a million years, he repeated the thought in his mind several times.

"Are you going to try it?"

He blinked as he pulled himself out of his thoughts and looked to see a plate of food laying before him. As requested of him, he tried the food hesitantly. Who could blame him for being a little fearful of what he was currently putting in his mouth? The last time he at her cooking, he ended up in a hospital, and he wasn't particularly looking forward to a repeat. Pepper observed him silently through all this a hopeful look on her face.

Much to his surprise, the instant the food touched his tongue he knew that he'd be going for seconds. It was a complete turnaround from the last time she cooked.

"Do you like it?" Pepper bit her lip nervously, looking like she almost dreaded to hear his answer.

Tony almost choked as he quickly swallowed to give her a response. "Are you kidding me? I love it! What's your secret?"

Pepper stared at him for several moments in silence, her eyes narrowed in careful observation. Finally, she took a seat next to him. "Honestly? It's that good?"

Tony nodded vigorously. "It's delicious! What did you do?"

Pepper's hand slipped into his as she encouraged him to continue eating while she explained. "What I put in there is a secret, but," she held up a finger at his pout, "I'll tell you that you know my teacher very well. So well, you might even recognize the recipe."

Only one person popped into his mind. The best cook the two knew. "Roberta taught you how to cook? When was this? Why? Didn't you hate cooking?"

"I do," Pepper confirmed, "but I'm going to have to know how to cook if I don't us to have takeout every night."

"Hey," Tony defended, not missing what she was clearly insinuating, "I don't have takeout every night!"

Pepper pursed her lips for a moment. "Let me rephrase that. I'm not going to deal with having takeout most nights."

Tony narrowed his eyes in confusion. "I don't understand why what I eat bothers you. Are you trying to tell me something?"

Pepper's face fell into her palms as she groaned in exasperation. "Sometimes Tony, you really are an idiot," she paused as she ran hand through her hair. "Yes, I'm trying to tell you something. It's the whole reason why I wanted to come here."

Tony froze and didn't dare to move as he wondered if this was it. He didn't even bother to try and say something as if doing so would ruin it all. As if Pepper would leave the instant he spoke a single word.

"I've been thinking," Pepper began, lightly squeezing her boyfriend's hand in the process. "You know, about what you asked me last week." Tony nodded to encourage her to speak more. As she continued to speak she pulled Tony's hand over her heart. "And I decided, you were right. Home is where the heart is, and my heart belongs to you."

She remained silent to let her answer sink in. For several moments, maybe even minutes, Tony sat there stunned, unable to even move. It took Pepper's calming hand resting on his cheek to bring him out of it. A smile slowly but steadily plastered itself on his face as he realized that she had just said yes. She hadn't said no. She said yes.

"Seriously?" Tony wondered just above a whisper. "You want to buy a house with me?"

Tony felt his heart skip a beat as he felt overwhelmed when she smiled and nodded her approval. This has been what he's been waiting for. Without hesitation, he threw his arms around her neck and collided his lips with hers. The kiss was both sweet and salty. Long, yet incredibly short. Sloppy, but passionate. It was everything under the sun. It was filled with undivided love and devotion.

Eventually, it was Pepper who pulled away first, taking a moment to breathe before speaking again. "I have conditions though."

Tony took in a deep breath before nodding. "Sure, anything for you."

"I get to pay half the rent," Pepper began. "I'm not letting you pay for everything."

Tony gave a short nod in agreement.

"Second, we're buying a house by my campus like you said," she continued. "Though, I'd like to come back here when I graduate."

"Okay," Tony approved. "I'm fine with that. Anything else?"

"One more thing," Pepper began. "Let's stay together forever."

That was definitely something he could never say no to.

This probably isn't one of my best, but at least it's something, right? It's been driving me crazy that I can't write anything. So this came out.

Fun Fact: I want to be a nurse/midwife nurse and a writer when I grow up.

Don't expect anything from me any time soon. My writer's block isn't letting up easily and neither is school or work. Just as a heads up to those of you waiting on my other stories.

Hugs and Love, SilverPedals~!

P.S. On my profile, I have a list of about 5 stories that I'll be deleting and a separate list that I'll be (or at least plan on) rewriting. Please go check that out and share any thoughts and questions!