Chica and Freddy kneel beside Mangle, who was taking shallow breaths, tears rising to her eyes.

"What's happening?"

'She's so confused...' Chica thinks to herself, despite being confused herself. "I...I don't know, Mangle." She closes her eyes, not knowing what to do. "Speaking of which, what happened to YOU?" Mangle's fur, where it still clung on, was tattered and caked with mud. Her exposed endoskeleton had some shredded wires and metal parts. In summary, her stay in the Dreamworld hasn't been particularly pleasant.

"I...Marionette...I tried to...I..." Mangle was beginning to cry now; Chica had regretted she said anything. "He..." Both Chica and Freddy look at her with intense pity. Mangle looks up at the two of them. "Where is Foxy?" she suddenly stopped sniffling for a brief moment, but tears continued to flow. "I haven't seen him in a long while. I want to see him again. I know what Marionette will do to both of us. Just..." She stops to look down. " more time...just to tell him how I I'm so sorry...what I did wrong..." Freddy and Chica give her even deeper sympathetic looks, and the tears were beginning to well in their eyes are well.

"I'm...I'm sure that he remembers you,''s a facade...the Marionette's training..." Although Freddy didn't know the half of it, he was able to guess good enough for Mangle to nod and believe. Or, at least, pretend to believe in it, for her own sake. "'s taking over him..."

"I hope I get to meet him soon," Mangle whispers, mostly to herself. While Freddy was pretty reassuring, she wasn't sure if he was right. The best she can do is try to have faith. 'Remember what happened in the last restaurant...remember what the times were last year, before this mess happened, before whatever happened to Marionette...' She buries her hands in her face. 'Before I started this...' They all hug for a moment, until a few crunching leaves breaks up the moment.

"Well, well, well..." a voice says. They knew very well who this was. They hadn't even seen him coming. Both Freddy and Chica look up at the looming figure, who was somewhat familiar but was now...changed. Transformed anew. This wasn't the old friend they used to know anymore.

"F-Foxy?" Mangle says, but without the hope she had once had before. This was a fearful greeting, afraid of what Foxy is capable of doing. He had his hook-sword deployed, and his eyes were devious and malevolent.

"I knew that you'd be around here somewhere..." His eyes turn dark. " little angel..." He raises his hook sword high, ready to bring it down with enough force to smash all three at the same time. Freddy stands up and holds Foxy's arm in place.

" you think you're doing, Foxy?" Freddy says in his commanding voice.

"You must think you're still in control, aren't you? You must think that you have POWER over us, like we were still back in" Foxy scoffs. "You're powerless here, POWERLESS!" Foxy shoves him aside, glaring into Chica. She immediately steps away, not knowing what she should or shouldn't be doing. Mangle still sat there by herself, knowing she, just like Freddy, was absolutely powerless. There was no point in trying to escape. The two superpowers, Foxy and Marionette, will come take her once more.

"If you're planning on stalling us any longer, I'll be happy to take care of that..." the crimson fox holds his sword closer to his face, looking at Chica in particular. She shakes her head quickly without hesitation, stepping away some more. "We wouldn't want that to happen now, would we? Marionette still has to think for you two's personal punishment. It's probably better than a slice to the neck with this..." he looks adoringly at his powerful blade.

'What's happened to him?' Mangle thought to herself, looking on at Foxy. This time she wouldn't be afraid. She wouldn't show that she's helpless and as powerless as she knows she is. She thinks of something quick, either to stall time or at least save Freddy and Chica.

"And as for you, my sweet, sweet Mangle, we're returning you to your rightful owner...I understand what Marionette wants, and that's you, Mangle..." He looks away for a moment, a glimmer of his old self in his eyes. Mangle notices it immediately. The old Foxy, the timid yet valiant fox that was shy and quiet, but in the worst of times, risked his own life for her — a girl that he doesn't even know whether or not she likes him back in the same way! He tried his best to show how much he really cared for her, despite what others thought and what Bonnie had planned, and Mangle knew that it wasn't just showing off.

"...I...I can't take this away from him. I..." he shakes his head. "I have to take you back..." Mangle thinks for a moment, 'His weakness is the past.' She keeps that in mind.

But before he could pick her up, she glances at the box that Chica was holding earlier. The one containing her spare parts. "Wait, what's that over there?" Mangle points with whatever was left on her arm at the cardboard cube. Foxy looks over, dashing over there and promptly opening the box. His eyes widen.

"Where?" He looks over at Freddy and Chica. "Where did you find this?!" He points his blue blade at them, ready to stab through anybody. "One of you better speak up or else this little angel..." He holds the blade close to Mangle's neck. "Might never see you again..." Chica gulps.

"Alright! Alright! It was me! Don't you dare lay a single FINGER on her!" Foxy smiles, retracting his hook-sword. "It was me. I found the box lying in the mud. I don't know who owns it or where it came from. I didn't steal it from anyone, I just...found it, okay?! You happy?" She was breathing heavy now, even though she didn't really have lungs. In fact, none of them did. Perhaps it was the simple fact that they've become sentient, relating them to sensuous activities that they would otherwise have if they were human. After all, they were children. "After all you and your puppet have put her through, I can't STAND to see you talk to her like that!" Chica's fear had suddenly vanished, leaving nothing but anger against the unjust. She didn't care if she was going to die anymore because even if she didn't she would be left to roam eternally in this everlasting expanse of nature and emptiness. It was lonely. No children to entertain. No pizzas to make. Life as she knew it was yanked from her hands before she could even react.

Now, she was at least going to make her last moments useful.

"Don't test me..." Foxy grumbles. " for that box..." He walks over it, feet thundering. He furiously stomps the contents, smashing all of the parts at once. He knew that he had thoroughly crushed them at the same time without having to look. However, the reactions he was looking for weren't there. All of them had only slightly irritated expressions, but for entirely different reasons. "Now, you're stuck in here, forever."

Freddy decides to step in as well. "Well, so are we! We're all stuck in here. Stuck for the rest of eternity because of...him!" They all knew who he was talking about. "Face it, Foxy. We're all trapped in this world forever. All of our bodies are destroyed down in the real world. There's no real escape. We'll live here, we'll live and we'll die exactly where we are, and nothing we do can change that!" This speech was rankling Foxy, who had lifted his foot away from the cardboard.

"Does it look like I care, old man?" Foxy was about ready to swoop down on the brown bear, ending him in one movement. "I was sent here to take her away. Back to where she belongs."

"She belongs with us..." Chica retorts. "Go ahead and threaten us all you want!"

"Will you ever shut up?!" Foxy yells.

"No! Not until you-" Freddy's reply was cut short by a slice in the leg. Fortunately, the fox was feeling a bit merciful. Well, more than usual, at the very least. Freddy was wincing a bit, kneeling on the ground, gripping the area around the wound.

'That should teach him...' a voice in Foxy says, completely separate from his train of thought. Foxy steps forward, grabbing Mangle by the shoulder. She hisses, leaping up on top of him. Mangle tackles him to the ground, catching Chica and Freddy by surprise. They could stand being threatened at knifepoint so close to death, but not Mangle unexpectedly jump towards Foxy.

Mangle had had enough of Foxy's madness. Whatever Marionette did, or is doing to Foxy, it definitely wasn't just him that was being affected and controlled by all of this. It was clear that Mangle was past the puppet's influences, but Foxy was more important through her eyes. She could be as hidden as he wants her to be, but she hoped with all of her might that this wasn't a permanent effect. Even Marionette was gone forever, she couldn't live with herself knowing that she had caused all of this. She had destroyed her own dream, and whatever could be the rest of Foxy's life.

And she wasn't ready for that to happen.

Using her sharp hook stub, Mangle reaches over to Foxy's head. In spite of his rough struggling, she managed to snag an invisible string even Mangle could barely make out. " you think you're doing?!" Foxy kicks his legs, trying to take a hold of Mangle and throw her off, but she continued on until she had a firm grip of the string. Pulling it as hard as she could, the white vixen rips off the magical wire.

Foxy stopped wriggling almost instantly. He was still conscious; in fact, he was looking straight up at Mangle. They both just stopped right where they were, Mangle still above him. It was just like that night in the old restaurant, when Foxy and Mangle both attacked Jeremy the night guard at the same time.

Except they didn't care who was watching. They both knew that Freddy and Chica were looking, even staring at them. But now, it felt...different. They weren't embarrassed. They weren't ashamed. Their minds were filled with nothing but each others. It all fit in place.

"Hi, Foxy..." Mangle whispers gently, knowing what she had done. She was full of joy and relief, but she wasn't screaming or hugging or yelling. They both felt perfect already, just where they were, in perfect harmony.

"Hi, Mangle..." Foxy was surging with energy. Not energy from anger, or energy channeled through the wire connecting Marionette and the Foxy as one entity, but with relief. He's back to his senses, away from the plans of that wretched puppet. It felt like Foxy had been liberated from his imprisonment, and Mangle was waiting right there beyond the gate.

"It's been a while," Mangle smiles and giggles. Foxy returns with a half-smile.

"Yes it has..." They both get caught in each others' gaze for a while. "It's good to be home..."

"Well, if it isn't the belle in the ball..."

But the party was just getting started.

The two look up and see that it was Marionette.

"I had a feeling that she wouldn't comply..." He slinks forward to where the two foxes were. His mere presence left everybody in a state of slight shock. It felt as if an inspector had just walked into the room, and all of them were standing in attention, rushing to greet him at his inevitable arrival.

And even though they hated him with all of their minds and hearts, they couldn't find the courage to speak up, to do something, anything. He simply looks down at Foxy's one eye. "And to think that my best soldier would be the weakest..."

He shoves Mangle aside, kneeling beside Foxy. "I thought we have had this talk, Foxy."

"I wouldn't try if I knew that that wire was being cut..."

"You liar, brainwashed by your own heart. Do you have any idea how hard I've worked for this?" Foxy stands up, looking down at the puppet, but the latter doesn't stand with him, knowing how much little power Foxy has left without Marionette's control.

"For what goal? What did you work hard for, to destroy everybody's lives for your personal gain?" This caused the puppet to stand.

"My personal gain? Don't you know that this-"

"-is what, for Mangle, isn't it? That's your only excuse now. Actually, that's the only thing you justify things with, is because of her. It's not her fault. NOBODY deserved to die. But you let it happen anyways, just so nobody could stop you. Well, look how that turned out for you." Marionette only remained silent, looking dead into Foxy's eyes.

"You want Mangle to be in your hands so badly, don't you?" The whole group was silent, a whispering breeze echoing eerily through the branches of the trees.

"No. I want her to be free."

Everybody stood still, the tension growing between the two. They glared into each others' eyes, each thinking about what they were going to do next. But it wasn't about words.

Foxy deploys his blue hook-sword.

In an angry rush he swings it forward, only for Marionette to dodge out of the way. Marionette uses a string and shoots it at everybody else except Foxy, hanging on top of their heads as if it were a puppeteer controlling them.

"Don't you dare try to pull that off again, or ALL of them are killed, capiche?"Foxy doesn't care. Marionette has Mangle under his influence. If he wanted to send a death spell to them, it would also have to go to Mangle as well. Nevertheless, Foxy swings above Marionette's head, cutting all of the signals simultaneously, leaving all of them independent from his grasp. Knowing that no other tactic or bribe would ever turn Foxy back, Marionette decides to use it on Foxy himself. Foxy suddenly freezes, as if his servos had locked up.

But he swings the hook above his head, successfully cutting the string without even having to look. His willpower was stronger than the magical power of Marionette. There really was no way to magically control him, or anyone, for that matter. No amount of temptation or guile would change a thing. Marionette would have to use an actual weapon, something he hasn't held in a long time, mostly due to the fact that he had other people do it for him.

"I see what game you're willing to play, you sly fox..." Marionette slinks behind Mangle, a sharp blade up to her throat. "If you want to play the game of death, just remember." Foxy stops, the realization hitting him regarding the consequences. "At the end of the game, both the king and the pawn return to the same box..." Foxy had to think quick. One wrong step could mean the end of Mangle.

Which, in reality, was the end of him.

Luckily, he didn't need to think for long: Chica runs behind Marionette and tackles him to the ground, causing him to drop the knife to the ground. Freddy pins him down, stopping whatever struggle the puppet was making just to get the knife back into his hands again. "Enough with the preachy proverbs, puppet!"

Foxy puts his hand up, kicking the sword away. Freddy wordlessly nods, looking up, and hesitantly lets go of Marionette. "Try as you might, but in the end..."

"In the game of life, you either win, or die." Foxy lunges the blade right into Marionette, causing everybody to incredulously gasp. Vengeance had finally been delivered today, and everybody was well aware. They weren't sure if they were supposed to be horrified or absolutely overjoyed. It was a mix of being creeped out by the fact that somebody just got stabbed and the feeling of relief, knowing that the whole thing was finally over.

Marionette's magic was leaking out by the second, and he knew that he couldn't heal himself now; he wouldn't have enough power to conjure up. All of it was gone. The game was over.

And he was in checkmate.

"I may be dead" Marionette was on his knees now, one hand to the ground, and the other at his stab wound. "But remember that I will ALWAYS be there. I will always haunt everybody. Your memories, your dreams...the rest of your short, short life..." He coughs for a bit as all of them continue to stare on. "And while I may not be the one in control of that..." He smiles and looks at the fox. "Remember, that you will..."

Marionette was doubled over now. Foxy decides to let nature take its course, and leave him for dead. There was no beating around the bush: Foxy had finally escaped. Golden Freddy had finally won, and whether or not he was able to celebrate it with him wasn't the issue.

It was remembering what had to happen to get here.

Marionette let out his final coughs. "See you in a few, Foxy..."

A few solemn moments of silence hung for a while. It was over. The whole journey. Everything from trying to drive a truck to delivering the final blow to the puppet had happened. Now, they can take comfort knowing that this is all history now. Mangle runs up to Foxy, and they both embrace each other tightly, tears in both of their eyes. Foxy retracts his sword as they swing around for a moment in each others' grasps. They had all gone through so much, that, in a funny sort of way, they were going to miss it.

Of course, they weren't going to completely forget the rest.

A high-pitched voice echoes through the forest. "Foxy!" It was Balloon Boy. Foxy recognizes it immediately, and his sword went straight back out again. How many times would they take away his final moment of completion-

"Hey, hey, hey! Put that thing back! Geez!" Toy Bonnie says. Confused, the crimson fox turns around. It was all of the toys in a group looking at Foxy (his blade in particular). "Calm down! It's over! We surrender! You win, okay?" The realization hit all of them like a brick: the puppet's influence was over. They were back to normal. But, why were they alive?

Toy Freddy walks up to Foxy. "Well, it took some work, and a few hours, but they're up and running, at the least. I can probably find some scrap metal lying around somewhere. I could probably patch up all of the open framework, but, at least they're alive. Foxy smiles, but one thing pops in his head.

"What about Golden Freddy?"

The toys were silent, and so was everybody else.

"He...he was long gone, Foxy...I'm sorry..." Foxy looks down, taking a brief moment to remember his good buddy Goldie. Through Marionette's eyes, he was the one that started everything, that started the whole war, and while it wasn't the best way to die, he and his brothers' actions will have an impact on everybody for as long as they live in the Dreamworld. "I tried my-"

"It's okay," Foxy concludes, bringing back his blue sword once more. "It's all over now."

"Aunt Chica!" Balloon Boy runs up to the slightly-tattered furry chicken, who greeted the balloon-wielding boy a long hug. It had been a while since they had all met Old Freddy and Old Chica, and not just Balloon Boy. It was like an old family reunion. Sure, it was all inside a seemingly fantasy world with a rotting corpse lying behind them, but it was better than never meeting ever again.

Mangle puts her hand behind Foxy's shoulder.

"Mangle-" She interrupts him with a long-deserved kiss. A happy ever after kiss, the ones you see in movies when the two protagonists are finally rejoined as one, after all is said and done, and after the all the lines have been read, they were back together, never really knowing what to make of the future yet. It was undetermined, sure, but at least they both knew that it would be their future. It wouldn't be controlled by someone else.

They both let go of each other. "I'm so sorry Foxy...for never have told you...for never have...for having you go through all-" She stops after realizing that Foxy didn't care any more. He didn't care about the past. All he cared about was now. He forgave her simply by just smiling at her with the most genuine love that nobody else could muster.

"Promise you'll stick with me?" Mangle asks, looking up into Foxy's soft, golden eyes.

"I promise."


This sequel turned out better than I had expected it. The next installment to this (if I ever think of ever making one, which I don't at the moment) will, I promise, be the most well thought out story there could be (this goes to pretty much every other story I make). I admit, this story was a little sloppy. It wasn't the most linear path I could have taken, and there were some lame cliches and lazy writings, but hey, I finally did it. I completed two stories both of the same story.

And, yet again, THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of you who have supported me and reviewed on all of my stories, whether they were big or small. All appreciation is appreciated. I cannot emphasize how much determination you've given me in finishing this story, and I finally have another story off my shoulder as a result. I hope to continue to write to you guys for as long as I can (I know in reality I'm just lengthening this author's note, probably potentially boring you all to death, but hey, thanks. It means a lot to me).

Oh, by the way, while I'm not really planning on making another thirty chapter story, I am planning on making an epilogue to this story, which, hopefully will be the last. It won't be too much about the story, just kind of like a follow up thing, you know, that sort of happy ever after stuff that's shown in a choppy credits montage shown in between (or even during) the lines of names and jobs roll up kind of thing. Expect that soon.

Thanks anyways!