A/N: Well, this is it then! I've uploaded the last three chapters all at once as you might have noticed. Basically because a) I thought I've dawdled around long enough with them and b) because I wrote them down as one chapter actually, but it had grown way too long, so I parted it. Lucky for me I really achieved twenty chapters with this story (something I'd planned in the first place anyway)

So as usual, I am a bit sad about this story being over now. I've counted back a little yesterday and noticed "Wow, I've really been working over a year on that one story". So it feels a little like letting a child go actually ^^

I want to say "Thank You" to each and everyone of you who read this or still reads it, for the many many nice reviews you gave me and the kind words. I hope you'll enjoy this (and maybe tell me so ;-) ) and I hope you'll keep reading my stories.

Thank you!


As fast as his feet carried him he ran towards then and stretched out his arm.

Carmen noticed that jerk on his body but before he could even realized what was happening. He gasped, but it was too late. The ground was drenched from the rain and way too slippery for him to stem himself against it. He was dragged along as Pembroke fell.

It went so fast. He saw the street below them and closed his eyes in horror, awaiting the impact. So, Pembroke's won after all. Everything indicated it. But at least he'd tried everything that had been in his power. And then he thought about Roger. Had Pembroke killed him too? He didn't know. And there was no way he could find out now. But if not he had managed that one thing he'd been trying for years. If Roger was still there, he was safe and sound now. That was a certainty.

And for a moment it brought a sentimental feeling to him. Deep within. He had much bigger problems for sure, but no one ever told what really ran through one's mind in something people would call a last moment. How much would he have loved to see Roger once more. There was so much he still needed to tell him...

But then another jerk ran through his body and somehow the feeling of falling stopped as quickly as it had come. Carmen felt his body striking the house wall. It hurt a little, but then it seemed he'd stopped moving at all. Someone held his hand. He felt it.

Slowly he opened his eyes again and immediately felt a little dizzy looking down. His feet were floating in midair and much to his horror Pembroke still held onto his foot. So, that's why he still felt so heavy. On the other side his arm felt as though something was about to rip it off his body. He tried to look up but even lifting his head appeared to be much more difficult than it was with both feet safely on the ground. And when he finally managed it his eyes widened although the pain was scarcely bearable. And the rain was running down his face and blurring his sight even more.

On the other side of the ledge was Max; half leaned over it and clenching his teeth. He was holding on to Carmen's arm with one hand, preventing him from falling down the roof.

But slowly the younger man's hand slipped through his finger and was bound to glide away from him soon. Quickly he reached for him with his injured arm as well, grabbing his hand. It must hurt him a great deal as Carmen could easily see in his face which was contorted in pain. The blood from his arm was slowly dripping onto Carmen's hand.

"Max," Carmen moaned. "Your arm..."

But then Pembroke seemed to see his chance as well. He stemmed his feet to the wall and reached for Carmen's other feet with his other arm. He tried to pull himself up his son, not caring at all he began to sway both of them. An unfortunate state which made it even harder for Max to hold two people at once. Max squinted his eyes and groaned.

Carmen looked down to the old man. He tried to shake his hands off of him without moving too much, but it was useless. He couldn't really do anything. Not without endangering Max up there too and not at least himself, who was close to falling as well. And then there was Pembroke, who looked so desperate as well somehow. He was slipping off each time he tried to climb a little further. He was moaning from time to time, always looking down again. It was fear that was written in the face of the old guy. Carmen couldn't recall ever having seen him like that.

It was like a bad dream. He hung there motionless. Helplessly he was doomed to watch his father's death-struggle and his friend's desperate attempt to hold the two of them. He should get rid of that old man. It would be the easiest way. And what was the big deal? He was a stranger to Carmen. He'd been all his life. The only connection there had always been was the name both of them carried coincidentally. One kick and it would be over.

But somehow, Carmen couldn't do it. He closed his eyes once more, trying to ignore the pain and the noise and this little voice in his head telling him to just do it. There was no way he could. He kept telling it himself over and over again. He never wanted any more blood on his hands. And wouldn't an act like that put him on the same level as Pembroke? He didn't want to be like him. He'd never been. But what was the alternative?

He knew.

But doing it would mean living with it too...

"God damn it!" Carmen yelled, before opening his eyes again.

Quickly he bent down a little and stretched out his arm in his father's direction. Pembroke gave him a surprised look.

"Hold on!" Carmen screamed at him.

But the old man only clenched his teeth and struck back his hand.

"Do you want to die?" Carmen yelled again and his eyes were piercing his father's. "Don't be crazy! Grab it!"

"Never!" Pembroke replied determinedly.

"Dad, please!" Carmen begged. "You'll die! Let me help you!"

"I don't need help from a fag!" Pembroke screamed back at him furiously. "Not now! Not ever!"

And slowly his hands slipped again. He looked down once more in panic. He was only holding on to him with his fingers anymore. Carmen could see his hands shaking.

"No, Dad!" he screamed, but it was too late.

Within only a second Pembroke's hands let go of him. He let out a short cry and fell. His voice echoed through the night and seemed to be louder than anything else that moment.

Carmen's head whirled around and he closed his eyes as tightly as possible and clenched his teeth, trying hard not to listen. And he didn't want to see it. He couldn't.

The street became silent. Or at least it seemed like that. Carmen wasn't able to hear any more screams. It was as though the people down there gasped all at once.

And much to his surprise he noticed his own sobbing and his tears falling down his face. Did he cry? Why? He'd never cared for that man. He'd never had known something like paternal care coming from this devil. But still his tears kept on coming. Without him intending to.


Slowly he lifted his head again looking into Max's face, who still tried to hold him. And he noticed how his arm slipped out of his grip as well. Slowly, but steady.

Max struggled not to let go. His arms shivered and his hands were soaked in blood by now.

He couldn't do it. It was plain to see. And funny enough, Carmen didn't feel scared anymore all of a sudden.

"Max?" he spoke calmly and smiled at him through swollen eyes. "Let go!"

"What?" Shock sprang into his face. "Are you nuts?"

"You cannot hold me," Carmen continued. "It's okay. Let go!"

"Stop that!" Max screamed at him breathlessly. "I will not! You'll be up here with me again and everything will be fine. But you need to help."

But Carmen shook his head, still smiling.

"I have nothing to lose," he said softly. "And I can't face them down there. Not without Roger. So please... "

"Even IF...," Max answered loudly. "You still got me! And I'm not gonna let you give up now! Not after all that happened!"

His arm slipped a little more.

"Carmen, please!" Max yelled in despair.

Carmen lowered his head. This was useless. Even if he'd found the strength to try, there was no way he could get up there again. Not without a miracle. And what he'd said was true. How could he face a world in which he'd lied to the person he loved? In which his kind were threatened and hated? And in which he was responsible for the death of three people and the misery of so many more while no one would understand? It was so pointless. All of it.

But then suddenly, he heard a voice coming from below him.


It echoed through the night. Carmen opened his eyes a little and gazed down.

He gasped and his eyes grew bigger. Down there, way down, stood Roger and looked up to him. He could barely make out his face but his body was strained and his voice carried the most worried tone ever.

Carmen didn't believe it. So he had survived?

And once more tears were welling in his eyes and he couldn't help but smile slightly. He never thought he'd see him again. But there he was. Alive. Breathing. And safe.

"Roger," he whispered more to himself. The pure sound of his name was unbelievable to Carmen that moment.

And suddenly a strange wave of courage ran through him again. It hadn't been in vain then. All he wanted was to keep these people...his family...away from the wrath Pembroke had been burdening him with. And with Max standing there above him and Roger down there... It was the proof he seemed to have needed.

So Carmen lifted his head again.

And with the last strength he was able to accomplish he grabbed Max's arm and held it firmly. His friend looked at him; surprised at first but then a thankful smile appeared on his face and he nodded once.

Carmen lifted his other arm which felt heavier than before. His body ached. But he tried his very best to ignore it and as soon as he reached Max he held on to him as good as possible.

Then he reached out for the wall and tried to steady himself by stemming his feet against it just like Pembroke had done it.

Max pulled with all his might and carefully; always one step after the other; Carmen wandered a little more up that wall. Always a little closer to the safety of that rooftop and closer to Max.

It seemed to take forever but finally he reached that ledge and clasped it with both his arms. His feet left the wall.

Max reached for his back and at last pulled him back onto the roof of that building.

The feeling of the stone underneath his feet was indescribable. Both of them sank to their knees, exhausted and breathless. Carmen steadied his aching body with his hands and his head sank. He sighed deeply but shortly after that turned to face Max, who smiled at him.

"Don't ever scare me like that again," he breathed.

Carmen jeered. "Sorry."

"Come on!" Max said and got up, holding his injured arm. "We should try to get down. I've had my share of rooftops for a lifetime."

Carmen grinned at him and nodded. He got up as well and slowly they made their way to the fire escape they were heading to in the first place. Since the door was still barricaded, it was their only way down anyway.

They climbed it down and it took them quite a while, for both of them were exhausted and at the end of their robes. Max was injured which was even more difficult. But Carmen tried to help him down as good as possible. When their feet finally touched the ground again both of them fell backwards against the wall and took a deep breath.


Carmen looked up hastily again. He knew that voice.

It was him. Roger ran towards him without paying attention to anything around him. Carmen smiled and got up from that wall. Without hesitation the taller man flung his arms around him and Carmen felt his body stiffen for a second. It was so surreal yet so true in a way. Carefully he placed his arms around his partner and leaned his head to his shoulder, inhaling deeply. He closed his eyes and as much as he tried he couldn't stop those tears from coming again. How could he even think about having nothing left when he was lying here in the arms of the person he loved?

His grip tightened.

He didn't make a sound just held his eyes shut and felt his tears running down his face. He thought he'd never get to do this again. And only being able to now was the best feeling in the world to him.

"I am so glad nothing happened to you," he heard Roger's voice silently and opened his eyes a little.

"I am so sorry," Carmen's words sounded muffled as his face was pressed firmly against the older man. "I should have told you before..."

"Hey," Roger pushed him away a little to look into his eyes. He touched his face gently and wiped away the tears on Carmen's cheeks with his thumb. He smiled though. "For the first time in fifteen years I understand why you've always avoided every question about your past. And I didn't care for years. Do you honestly think I am now?"

Carmen held his breath for a second and then sobbed even more.

"Don't cry," Roger said hugging him tightly again. "It's over. Nothing else matters!"

"I love you," Carmen whispered.

"Love you too," Roger said.

It was then Max approached them slowly. He smiled. It was so good to see them like this. It was exactly how it should be. How it had always been. And somehow it made him feel a little better about everything which was still hard to grasp.


But someone else was watching them too from a distance.

Leo leaned to Diane who was holding him so he wouldn't collapse again. They'd been following Roger after they'd witnessed Carmen hanging there from that rooftop. And since the taller man had been worried to death they'd let him run ahead. He shouldn't have to stay with them. They'd told him to go. They had been certain to catch up.

But now they'd stopped a good distance away from them, watching their friends silently.

"He seems to be alright," Diane said quietly and smiled.

"Yeah," Leo replied almost not audible.

He just stared ahead and couldn't take his eyes away from them. A kind of sentimental feeling arose insight of him and even if he wanted to he wasn't able to describe what it was he was feeling right now. He saw them there. Roger and Carmen. They way they held each other. Their looks. And even though he wasn't able to hear what they were saying he could tell there was not one hint of blame between them.

Was this how it worked? Accepting mistakes and continue to just love each other? Maybe it was. It worked for Roger and Carmen after all. And maybe it was exactly what made them the couple he had been looking up to all those years. But then again, wasn't it just closing the eyes to everything that went wrong instead of trying to fix it together? Probably not. Because somehow Roger and Carmen made it.

He turned his aching head a little and spotted Max. He was there. Next to them. He looked shattered and held his arm. And suddenly Leo felt his heart sink again.

"You know you could show yourself and try to talk to him now," he heard Diane say.

He turned and looked at her a little surprised. She smiled at him through sad eyes, probably having noticed his stare and since she'd always been pretty good at reading his mind she knew what was going on insight of him. He kept looking at her, but somehow stared right through her. Then he turned his head away again.

"I can't," he answered hoarsely, trying to act tough. But his gaze wandered over to Max again. And suddenly he felt like crying again. He couldn't even define anymore what his problem was. His defense fell and he knew it. And he knew Diane knew.

"Leo?" She said softly and only a second later he felt her hand on his cheek.

He closed his eyes.

"I think you should," she continued and smiled warmly. "If only to help yourself letting go. If that's really what you want."

"Why should I do that?" he asked and looked at her once more.

Her eyes were baffled for a second seeing tears in his eyes but quickly changed into a softer smile again.

"Because...," she started and carefully let go of him and stepped away a little when she was sure he could stand. "Because you love him."

She stroked over his head once more while Leo wasn't moving at all. Then she bend forward and hugged him gently.

"And you know it," she whispered before smiling at him again. "Go there! You know it wasn't how he painted it. You've known for a while now. I think it's time to forget what hurts you and open your eyes to the things that matter. And if Carmen and Roger do... Then Max does twice as much."


But she quickly shook her head. "You have nothing to lose but the doubts. Go on!"

Leo closed his eyes once and let his head fall. But he smiled. She was right. Of course she was. And listening to that little voice insight that now literally screamed the truth at him he knew it was the only thing he could do. The only thing he must do right now.

So he opened his eyes again and smiled at her, nodding once. Then he turned and very slowly stumbled towards his friends, ignoring the pain and the dizziness that crawled up his body again immediately.


Roger and Carmen turned to Max. He smiled at them. And they smiled back. No, not smiled. Roger looked at him with the greatest gratitude ever, which made him feel a little uneasy suddenly. Looking at the taller man he'd had his share of trouble as well. His face was dirty and blood stained. Pembroke certainly hadn't been hesitant with him either.

Still he spread out his arms wide and before Max could say anything, Roger hugged him too. Max wanted to say something, but words weren't necessary that very moment. He just patted his back once while his injured arm hung loosely down his body. A smile spread over his face and when Roger let go of him, they just looked at each other for a moment. The taller man nodded thankfully. And for a moment Max could kick himself for never having noticed before how good it felt to have friends like them. In a way he owed them so much. And he could tell Roger meant to say exactly the same thing.

But then he simply stepped aside and Max found himself once more looking into the eyes of Carmen.

The slender man wore a mixture of overwhelming gratitude and sentimentality, yet looked unbelievably exhausted as well. Max stepped a little closer. And without thinking about it he pulled him into a bear hug as well. Carmen didn't hesitate though, but flung his arms around him too.

"Thank you;" he whispered so only Max was able to hear it.

"No," Max replied. "There is absolutely nothing you need to thank me for."

Carmen smiled.

"So, what now?" Max asked and let go of the slender man. "With Pembroke gone, what's the next thing you're gonna do?"

Carmen smiled and shook his head slightly.

"I guess it's time for a new start then," he answered quietly. "For both of us."

Max nodded. "You're probably right."

Suddenly it made him feel curiously sad again. Carmen was right for sure, but he could easily continue living the way he wanted. With Roger by is side and everything that had grown familiar to him. But Max had to face that lonely office again and he didn't exactly embrace the idea of it. In fact it was unbearable to imagine a life alone once more and he knew it would probably never return to the way it had been before all of that. And as hard as he tried he couldn't undo the fact he himself brought a big part of it upon himself. But he couldn't change it. He had to go on, which was gonna be hard but probably for the best. He just had to forget there ever had been a 'we' for that matter.

Carmen seemed to sense it. He stared somewhere in the distance, but then smiled and approached him, gently putting his hands on his shoulder.

"It's alright," Max smiled back at him, mistaking his gesture. "I'm sorry. I'll just have to get used to it. That's all!"

"I didn't mean to say that," Carmen's smile grew wider. "Remember I told you there was something you needed to know?"

"Yeah," Max answered sincerely.

Carmen's eyes wandered over his shoulder again but returned to Max quickly, carrying an even more sentimental expression while he grinned widely. Whatever he'd seen right now it seemed to cheer him up a lot.

"Do me a favor," Carmen said softly. "Turn around..."

Max gave him a look of pure confusion, but then did as he was told.

It was as though the world was crashing down on him though. He stood there thunderstruck. His eyes grew bigger every second and his jaw slowly dropped. And he swore his heart skipped a beat that very second.

Leo looked back at him with a blank face, but his eyes were sadder than ever before. He stood only a short distance away from him. His face looked pale and his head was bleeding. The rain was pelting down on him too and the gray coat he was wearing was soaking. He didn't look away though but kept piercing Max with those heart-breaking eyes.

This couldn't be true. He must be dreaming. Or perhaps he'd died on that rooftop. It couldn't possibly be. But even though he was going through every possible reason not to be awake right now, it was Leo standing there before him. But how? How could he be alive after all?

He couldn't say a word. He wasn't even sure if he was able to breathe anymore. Or if his heart was still beating. There was nobody else right now. None of them. All he saw were those brown eyes looking at him. The way they'd always been. And the realization of seeing them, with the certainty never to look at them ever again was just overwhelming. He felt his hands starting to shiver.

And then Leo stepped a little closer. He was injured obviously. It was more stumbling than walking. He tried hard not to let it show though and straightened his body the closer he got, never leaving Max out of sight.

Max's world collapsed that moment. He felt heavier than ever before and, while still simply staring at the young man with wide eyes, he felt his feet giving in. Slowly he sank to his knees; his head lifted and his eyes fixated on him. Not believing it his gaze froze at Leo, whose face suddenly changed to a more pitying look.

"You know I couldn't understand," he started quietly, very well aware of the fact Max wasn't able to grasp he was there. "And I hated you for everything you've done. Believe me. It's not exactly like I ever wanted to see you again. I was determined to forget. Everything. And I tried to tell myself over and over again it's better to pretend I'd never met you..."

Max just stared back at him. He still didn't believe it was Leo. Talking to him. Just as though he'd never been gone. Had his eyes been fooling him then? How did he manage to get away? He had been unconscious. And half dead anyway.

But then Leo smiled slightly and his eyes became a lot softer. Carefully he squatted in front of Max and that seriousness in his face and in his voice was gone.

"But then," he continued a lot softer and even quieter than before, until his voice was only a mere whisper. "I heard what you said on that place to Pembroke. And all of a sudden everything had made sense. And I wanted to kick myself not having been able to see through it in the first place."

Max still didn't answer. But he felt his face getting hotter and somehow his whole body felt as though a huge burden was taken away from him. His eyes filled with tears and without really being able to do anything they started to run down his face uncontrollably. He closed his eyes and lowered his head, sobbing. This was too much. It was true then. Leo had survived and it felt like a miracle. And he was talking to him again. There had been so many things he had been needing to tell him. So much he'd wanted to say but right here and now he was tongue-tied. He swallowed hard, but that overwhelming pain insight just wouldn't vanish. He wanted to cry out loud; scream at the top of his voice but his voice just wouldn't listen.

And then he felt the touch of two hands on his face, which gently lifted up his head again. Opening his hurting eyes once more, he had to face the young man once more. And in a way he just couldn't recall ever having felt more joyful yet at the same time he wanted to turn and run.

Leo on the other hand smiled at him lovingly.

"It was then I really noticed what I've been trying to ignore," he whispered. "And how on earth was I supposed to eliminate the past ten years just like that? When there was only you in whatever I tried to recall. And I noticed I was who I was only because I met you. There was absolutely no way I could throw away all that time then. How could I when everything I thought, spoke, breathed or did was you? I noticed there was no 'me' anymore, but only 'us'. So, tell me how could I let the only time I've had in life to say I truly loved someone pass me by? Just like that? I... I just couldn't do it. And just to be here right now... with you listening...Believe me...I am unbelievably happy to get the chance to tell you. Even though I don't know if that's alright with you. Or if you wanted to see me after all."

Max didn't think twice. He rushed forwards and embraced the young man, holding him firmly. He pressed his cheek to Leo's head and knew perfectly well he was crying frantically. But he didn't mind. Leo replied that hug and almost drilled his hands into the back of his partner. He closed his eyes. He surely hadn't expected a reaction like that and was overwhelmed by his own emotions arising insight of him. They made him feel humble and incredibly stupid all of a sudden and right now he couldn't hold back either. Crying himself, he buried his face deeply into Max's chest.

"Max...," he whispered.

"I am so sorry," he heard the older man whisper into his ear before he was even able to say anything else. His voice sounded rough and tremulous. It was the first time he even managed to find something like a voice at all. "Can you ever forgive me?"

Leo hesitated. A shiver went down his spine thinking about how to reply. But there was only one thing that came into his mind and it increased his tears even more. Diane had been right. As had Carmen and Clara.

"I love you," he whispered through tears.

Max swallowed hard and took a deep breath. He slowly let go of Leo and just stared into his eyes once more. And after what seemed like an eternity he lifted his hand and gently stroked over his tortured face, not believing he was able to do that.

"Let me take you home," he replied.


The weeks passed quickly and soon none of them thought about that horrible night that often anymore.

Leo recovered quickly. Occasionally he tried to sneak around that office-desk to take a quick look at the accounting books which always laid there all the time. He knew perfectly well Max was against it. He kept telling him to fully recover first before even thinking about working at all again. But the younger man had to find out. Something had happened. Max hadn't been in theater all that time as well. And even though Diane was visiting almost every day to check on him, she never let one word slip about how the production was doing. He was quite certain it had stopped. They couldn't fool him. But yet, none of them would tell him anything. Probably they didn't want him to worry about it. It just didn't work. The more they acted that secretive the more he got a bad feeling about it.

Maybe the financing Pembroke had offered had stopped. Or everything broke down after his death...

He leaned over one of the books, flying through the written lines when he heard footsteps approaching him. As fast as he could he closed the book again and whirled around, trying to look casual leaning to that desk.

Max stood in the door to the office and raised an eyebrow.

"You were doing it again, weren't you?" he smiled.

"I don't know what you mean," Leo grinned back.

They looked at each other, suppressing a laughter. Max shook his head. And Leo knew perfectly well he knew.

"Are you ready?" Max asked then, stretching out his arm.

Quickly, Leo moved up to him and took it.

"Have been forever," he grinned back at him.

Both of them were dressed in white tuxedos with red flowers in their pockets and red flies. Max still didn't take his eyes away from him and smiled softly.

Leo noticed of course and felt his face blushing.

"What?" he asked and turned his look down.

"Nothing," Max grinned, shaking his head. "I just don't think anyone there can look any better."

"Don't say that," Leo smiled shyly. "After all it's their wedding."

"Unofficially yes," Max replied a little teasingly. "Just imagine society if it was for real."

"For them it is," Leo giggled. "And actually, I don't see any difference. It's as real as we make it."

Max nodded slightly. "You're probably right."

Then Leo snuggled a little closer to him.

"Shall we then?" he asked.


And the whole day became indeed much more real than they'd imagine.

Starting with the Upper East Side town house in which the 'unofficial' ceremony took place. They'd been so surprised to find it in a rather inconspicuous decoration. In fact it was quite pretty. They'd expected a huge bunch of colorful flowers everywhere, accentuated with all kind of super gay little goodies and golden statues to bring it to the top. But what they had found was the noble looking marble rooms having been cleaned of every 'over-the-top' little accessory they'd been used to and instead the now huge halls had been filled with hundreds of white bouquets and huge bands of white satin hanging from the ceilings and having been arranged like enormous chandeliers. Also white satin decorated the walls and everywhere around the house an unbelievable amount of candles had been lit while the lights had been dimmed throughout the house. It looked magical, almost as though they had entered a whole other world.

They'd been betting about who was going to show up in a dress. It must be Roger, Max had been sure. Whereas Leo gave it everything he had it would be Carmen. But in fact both of them had been wrong. Much to the surprise of everyone having been there.

Carmen and Roger had appeared both wearing the same black suits, black shirts and white flies. They hadn't been at all very obvious that very moment, despite the fact everyone else had been dressed in white. It had been even hard to tell how flamboyant and exuberant they usually were. Both of them acted in a way no one would ever guess they were in fact the queerest couple walking the city. They even spoke in their normal deep calm voices during the ceremony.

The biggest surprise though had been right after they'd exchanged vows. The front door had opened and someone had entered, telling them excitedly to go to the balcony. Carmen and Roger had exchanged confused looks, but had done what they had been told immediately. As well as everyone else in the house. They'd pressed their faces to the windows and door frames to sneak a peek of whatever awaited them out there.

Roger had frozen staring out there with unbelieving eyes. And when Carmen had followed him and only set one foot on the huge balcony of theirs, an enormous wave of cheers had echoed from down the street and through the entire house. Max and Leo had followed them out there and hardly believed it themselves.

The street had been filled with at least a thousand people, all wearing colorful suits or dresses and when they had caught sight of Carmen all of them had thrown a huge mass of flowers up in the air simultaneously.

"Congratulations," they'd screamed over and over again.

"All the best," others had yelled up to them.

"Here's to you, Scott," another part of them had sung.

Carmen had stood there flabbergasted, but it hadn't taken long and he'd been so touched there'd been tears in his eyes. Roger had put his arm around him that very moment and had given him the proudest smile of his life.

"You deserve it," he had said.

"I don't," Carmen had replied, still looking at the crowd down there. "It's been them all along. I didn't do anything."

"Oh no! You've given them something even more important. And that's the courage and the hope to believe in a better world," Roger had replied. "And they still believe in you. As well as I am."

He had turned his head to his partner then.

"But please," he'd continued and laughed slightly. "Don't ever make me call you by that name. I just can't get used to it!"

Carmen had laughed immediately.

"Don't worry," he'd said. "That's not me. I will never wear it even if my life depends on it."

"So you've decided to live as Carmen then?" Max had asked, standing next to him.

Carmen gave him a soft smile.

"I have never been anybody else," he'd replied.

"So no wearing of Roger's name then?" he'd grinned.

"No," Carmen had shaken his head. "We've agreed on keeping it the way it always had been. With one little exception." He'd held up his hand and waved it slightly, letting the sun shine on the little golden ring he wore now.

And for once Max had noticed one little accessory on him he didn't notice before. A very old looking piece of yellow cloth Carmen had tied around his wrist. He wore it like a bracelet and every now and then that dot of color shone through that noble black appearance they'd chosen.

"What's that?" he'd asked, taking Carmen's hand into his own softly and observing it.

"Clara gave it to me," Carmen had replied and his voice had gotten a sad tone suddenly, which had caused Max to look up again. "When I injured my hand back there... I don't know...I just felt I needed a bit of him here today."

Max had smirked, but chose not to answer. Once more he'd looked down to the crowd on the street. They were right about it.

"Here's to you Scott," he'd been thinking while still smiling.


And now, standing between the crowd of guests Leo didn't even wonder why anymore. He sipped a bit of the whine he was holding in his hands and witnessed them on the dance floor. They moved there entwined with each other and he swore he'd never seen two people looking more in love than those two.

He smiled. He was happy for them. They deserved this after all that had happened.

"What are you staring at?"

Leo turned and looked at Max, who was observing him. Leo laughed slightly. And turned his head towards their two friends again. Max followed his gaze and smiled too.

"They look so happy," he said softly. "As though nothing in the world could do anything to them."

"That's what they wanted to achieve after all," Max answered. "And they've gone miles to reach that point."

"Yeah," Leo smiled again. "I am just glad to be here and witness this right now."


But Max wasn't able to finish it.

Some people were starting to yell something and since they obviously had had a lot of glasses already, it was louder than probably expected.

"Come on!" one of them yelled. "Just this once!"

"He's right," another joined him.

"Tossing the bridal bouquet is a tradition!"

"Even if there's no bride," another one grinned.

Carmen and Roger looked at each other once and started to grin.

"Allow me," Roger said mockingly and grabbed one of the bouquets standing around them.

"My pleasure," Carmen replied with a ballet-like move, bowing deeply and for once they were their normal selves again with everything that came with it. The girlish movements and the high-pitched voices.

"Do it together!" the crowd roared.

So both of them put their hands on it and turned their backs to the crowd, still grinning at each other cockily.

Leo and Max moved a little closer, not wanting to miss this. All the guys around the newly weds almost started to beat one another in order to stand first in line. Leo and Max started to laugh slightly. This was exactly how they'd imagined all of this in the first place. More like them.

Roger and Carmen closed their eyes and counted to three before throwing the huge bouquet behind their backs. It only caused the crowd to almost jump on each other. Each and everyone of these guys wanted to catch it.

Leo tried hard to make out where it had landed after all. According to that old tradition the one who caught it was next to tie the knot. So of course, curiosity led all the other guests standing around to step a little closer as well.

Carmen and Roger turned again and for a second looked more than surprised. But then they burst into laughter. Roger even bent forward and held his stomach because he had to laugh so hard while Carmen simply tried to cover his wide grin with his hand and stared straight ahead.

At first Leo didn't get what was so funny, but then all those guys turned and stared in his direction, smiling widely as well. And when he turned to look at Max he immediately noticed why.

Max held that bouquet in his hands and stared at it more than embarrassed.

Leo had to snort. He tried to hide it by clutching his hands over his mouth, but it only caused Max to look at him even more shocked. And only seconds later he turned his head away from the young man and closed his eyes quickly; his face blushed.

"Forget it!" he said and gave it his best shot to sound determined and stubborn.

Yet Leo knew perfectly well he felt touched. Otherwise he'd probably have thrown those flowers away in no time. But no, he kept holding them until Kevin hurried towards him and took them away to place them into a vase again.

Leo still giggled.

"Don't you ever mention this again," Max hissed. "To nobody!"

"Really?" Leo grinned. "Such a touchy subject?"

"I...I just don't want you to get the wrong impression," Max replied and blushed once more.

"Ah, but is it's only touchy if you feel embarrassed about it," Leo said and moved a little closer to him, putting his arms around his neck. "Which tells me you've already been thinking about it."

Max started to grin as well, even though he didn't intend to. He bend forward until their foreheads touched and looked deep into the younger man's eyes.

"Believe whatever you want in that freaky little mind of yours, Leo Bloom," he said and pulled him a little closer and added in a whisper: "But believe it of not. It's more than enough to have you here with me right now."

He lifted his head a little and softly their lips touched. And for once, Leo didn't care at all if anyone saw. He just let it happen and felt like melting away. The longer it lasted the more it felt like time had stopped just for them that very moment.

But then they heard a soft cough next to them and let go of each other, turning their heads.

Diane stood next to them and looked in another direction, her face blushed.

Leo grinned at Max and let go of him. They moved closer to her.

"I swear I'll never get used to seeing you two kiss," she said, looking up to Leo who gave a short laugh.

"Well, better get used to it," he grinned.

"I'll have no other choice I suppose," she grinned back at him.

Then her eyes looked from Leo to Max and back.

"I knew you'd be here though," she said. "It would have surprised me if you didn't show up."

"Nothing in the world could have kept us away," Leo replied amused. "But it's good to have you here now tooo."

He pulled Max a little closer until he stood right next to her, looking baffled.

"Will you two finally tell me now what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Max asked a little lost and he and Diane exchanged doubting looks.

"Don't act dumb," Leo said. "I know you haven't been in theater forever. What happened? Did production close?"

Diane and Max looked at each other once and then the older man shook his head slowly, looking down. He seemed caught for once.

"Well, you know... there's been a tiny problem with the financing I haven't been able to solve yet," he mumbled. "But apparently, the money Pembroke contributed got...well, lost somehow."

"What?" Leo's eyes grew bigger.

"I didn't want you to worry!"

"Well, did you think I wouldn't find out?" Leo answered. "You should have told me. What will happen now?"


"Max!" Leo looked at him shocked. "What did you do?"

"I...Well, it's more than likely the police could visit us in the near future," he murmured and looked away rather quickly. He seemed embarrassed not having told him.

"What?" Leo squeaked. "Why did you hide something as important as that from me?

"Ah, well he didn't tell because there's something he also didn't know," Carmen interrupted them having eavesdropped on their conversation and had hurried towards them, stopping Leo from panicking right now. He'd obviously been close to them all the time without them noticing at all and now he stood next to Max patting him on the shoulder slightly and grinning at him cheerfully.

"What do you mean 'I also didn't know'?" Max asked a little confused.

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough," Carmen winked at him. "Believe me. Diane?"

He turned towards her and bowed deeply, ignoring her confused look as well.

"May I?" he asked, stretching out his hand in her direction.

She was a little taken aback, but then took his hand and followed him a little hesitantly.

Leo and Max looked after them, not believing what had just happened.

"What was that about?" Leo asked a little uncertain.

"I have absolutely no idea," Max shook his head in total incomprehension.

He wanted to add something more, when suddenly someone tipped on his shoulder. He whirled around and found a quite conventional looking chubby man in front of him, who looked more out of place than anyone ever could. He wore a gray inconspicuous suit and a normal gray hat and carried a brown leather bag along.

"Mr. Bialystock?" he asked, looking around a little bewildered. He surely wasn't used to be in a house of a gay couple, least of all while a celebration like that was happening. It obviously made him feel a little uneasy.

"Er...yes?" Max asked.

"I am here on behalf of my client...erm...," he opened his bag and pulled out a bunch of papers, handing it to Max.

A little hesitantly, he took them and slowly unfolded them. He started to read it. And got hastier with each sentence. Leo could easily follow his eyes rushing through the lines. And then he quickly looked up from the papers again. His eyes were wide and he looked both shocked and surprised at the same time.

"I don't understand," he stuttered.

"My client, Mr. Pembroke Junior," that lawyer started anew. "Who inherited the business of his father only a few weeks ago... I don't know if you heard of that tragic accident the old man had had. It was a nasty story. And shortly afterwards we received a message that his son was still in the city...Well, anyway... Mr. Pembroke wishes not to continue his family's tradition and run his father's business. He'd been living very retracted for the past couple of years from what we got to know. He instructed me to inform the person he declared as his legal successor, thus the new owner of the Pembroke industry and Arthur Pembroke's assets."

Max didn't move at all. He just kept staring at the guy in front of him. Leo looked at him too with wide eyes, but quickly rushed by his side and took the papers out of his hand, reading it too. He had always been much better in reading this kind of formal language anyway and Max seemed way to taken aback that moment to really get it.

"Max," he said after a short moment and gasped slightly, his eyes growing bigger as well. "It's you. Scott's put your name in this take-over declaration."

"I am here because I need you to sign this so this form is valid," the suit-guy said. He obviously wondered a bit about all of it. First of all about the reaction of Max. Normally people were at least a little happy about news like that, but Max simply stared at him in disbelief and his face looked as though all blood had drained from it. Secondly, he didn't quite know what to think of it. This guy was more than obviously a guest of this...queer party. And he never heard of Pembroke having spent a lot of time in this kind of company before.

Max on the other hand turned his head. His eyes were scanning their surrounding and the faces of the people around him. He was searching for Carmen. He couldn't find him at first, but then he spotted him. The slender man stood at the farthest corner of the room, leaned to a wall with his arms crossed in front of his body and watched Roger and Diane talking. He seemed to sense Max's eyes on him though and only seconds later their eyes met. Immediately a wide grin appeared on his face while he held Max's stare.

Max couldn't believe it though. His face must carry along a million questions for Carmen started to laugh slightly. But then he just nodded at him approvingly and raised his eyebrows. His grin became even wider and he gestured towards the lawyer in a very presenting way again.

Max held his breath. He felt strangely touched all of a sudden. Never had he expected something like that. It was way too much. And more importantly, it solved all of his problems right now and with a hundred percent certainty prevented him of going to jail. Right now and here.

He turned to face that lawyer again.

"I need your signature here and here," the guy continued his speech, pointing at two paragraphs on the last page of that declaration. He wanted to end all this quickly for sure.

Leo quickly handed Max a pen he was pulling out of his jacket's pocket. He smiled too and put his hands on his shoulders when the older man signed the papers with shaking hands. Then he handed them back to that gray guy, still not believing it. The Lawyer looked at it once and seemed satisfied. Nodding approvingly, he folded them again and put them back into his bag.

"Thank you," he said while getting up and facing him again. "And congratulations. I wish someone would give something like that to me for once."

"I am as surprised as you are," Max answered, shaking this guys' hand.

"Allow me one question though," the man said quickly. "I've heard some tale once about Mr. Pembroke's son having died some years ago. Obviously this wasn't the case."

"You've heard of that?" Max asked surprised.

"People add a lot to sometimes simple stories," Leo smiled at him warmly. "All a bunch of lies, believe me!"

"You're probably right," the man agreed. "But...How is he?"

"Haven't you talked to him?" Leo asked baffled, watching that man shaking his head quickly.

"He appears to be very reclusive as I mentioned before," he answered, causing Leo and Max to look at each other in disbelief. "Every order we got happened through either letters or someone else. We thought it was a joke at first, but his signature is the real one. We've checked it a couple of times."

Max and Leo looked back at him again and suppressed a laughter. This was getting more and more unbelievable.

"So, how is he?" the man asked again. "I was curious to meet him to be honest, but now I obviously don't get the chance to."

"He's fine," Max smiled at him and nodded once.

Then he turned around and his eyes caught Carmen again. He was standing with Roger and Diane now, laughing at something his partner had just said. He saw Diane and Roger grin as well. And for the first time Max noticed how lucky all of them were to be here. In this house. Today. And being a part of the maybe most important day in all their lives. And he noticed once more how unbelievably grateful he felt that it was him who could call these amazing bunch of people his friends; his family. He was part of them as well as they were part of him. And just being able to see Carmen smile again; to see him laughing at some of the stupid jokes Roger always told had been very well worth everything. It made him feel incredibly humble and proud to be still alive at the same time.

"As a matter of fact he has never been better!"

~The End~