You've seen the film with your own eyes, and now it's time to see whole new take on it. Welcome, to Jurassic Bonds: New era!

Just for the record, I only recently seen the film, which means everything in here may not be as accurate (Because even I don't have that good memory). So unless you want to see film first, be warned... MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT! DON'T READ!

X Ferry landing...

"You see them yet?" asked Jess starting to get impatient

"No, not yet" answered Zara searching through the crowd.

It now been two years sense Jess had begun working and living in Jurassic World, along with Dave, Perry and Sam. And already, she has shaped up to be quite a big head when it comes to working the park. Today however, despite putting on a happy, enjoyable face, Jess wasn't really having a good day. For a strange reason, Dave has ditched her with Zara to take care of Claire's nephews, Gray and Zach, exactly why he did it, she doesn't really know.

Finally, Jess caught sight of Gray and Zach among the sea of faces, though to her, both seemed completely different from each other. Gray was much more younger than Zach, with large brown curly hair he seemed like another dinosaur thrilled kid to Jess. Zach on the other hand, was the complete opposite. He was more like your stereotypical teenage boy. Tall body, baggy cloths, and no interest in dinosaurs at all. But, he will be interested in them soon Jess knew, everyone who comes here eventually does...

"Where's Aunt Claire?" asked Gray a little upset Claire wasn't waiting for them.

"She's a little busy right now, so she sent us to pick you up." explained Zara as she and Jess made their way to the two boys.

"And you two are?" asked Zach disappointed Claire didn't bother to pick them up herself.

"Zara Young." greeted Zara rather proudly offer her hand to Zach... but to no avail.

"Jess Mistletoe, we're Claire's personal assistants." added Jess as Zach began to eye her.

"So when do we see the dinosaurs?" asked Gray getting impatient.

"Right now! Come on." answered Jess as she and Zara lead Zach and Gray to the monorail.

X A few minutes later...

Upon the monorail, all four people waited among the crowd as the monorail zoomed past the undergrowth. But while Zara was quietly reading one of Ian Malcolm's book, and with Gray taking in the scenery, Zach was starting to get bored. Fortunately for him, there was something he could attempt to do... flirt with Jess. Even though he had a girlfriend back home, like any other teenage boy, there was always the temptation to try get lucky with another girl.

"So... Jess." whispered Zach catching Jess's attention. "You do anything here?"

"I um... do a variety of things actually. Most of them, you wouldn't know or care about." answered Jess knowing that he was trying to flirt with her.

"Maybe I would, if you showed me." hinted Zach.

"You know, I already have a boyfriend." admitted Jess not even interested in Zach at all.

There was no way she was gonna ditch Dave for one of Claire's nephews! She loved Dave too much to do that, just as much as she loves Perry as her daughter. And besides, Zach was really not her type.

"So where is he?" asked Zach looking out for Dave.

"He's working." mumbled Jess. "And at least he has some respect for others."

"Come on, I worth far more than him!" protested Zach not giving up. "All he probably does is argue with his mum and never comes out."

That was it! There was no way Jess was going to let Zach go about saying that about Dave, not after all he's been through and losing his mum. It was time Zach learned more about the word 'respect'.

"Excuse me?!" snapped Jess having enough of Zach. "His mum served in Iraq and died two years ago. He's been through stuff that would make you cry. He's giving up most of his life just to be here. So show some respect and SHUT UP!"

Amazingly, that actually did shut Zach up. Getting Jess's warning loud and clear, Zach put his headphones on as he lost his mind to his music. For now, Jess had put Zach in his place. But up ahead, Gray had forced his way through the crowd right to the front. Peering through the window, Gray had finally caught sight of the Jurassic World gateway. For the first time in his life, he felt like he was walking through an actual dream.

X Hotel...

Despite having a really heavy scheduled, Claire had at least taken the time to get both Zach and Gray VIP access to the park. If she couldn't spend the time she wanted to with them, she could at least give them the best the island had to offer.

"Right, your aunt will meet you at roughly one o'clock. Those wrist bands will grant you access to all parts of the park." explained Zara as she and Jess placed Zach and Gray bags on the bed.

"So we gotta wear these stupid bands while here?" asked Zach reluctantly putting his on.

"They're VIP wrist bands" added Jess "Which means you won't have to write in ques like everyone else for half an hour."

Unable to contain his excitement, Gray ran over to the balcony, and saw what he had always dreamed of...

From their balcony, Zach and Gray had an amazing view of the sun beaming down on the waters of Mosasaur Lagoon and the vibrant chorus of people in the Main Street. This was defiantly a sight worth dying for.

"Amazing, isn't it?" asked Jess joining Gray on the balcony.

"Is this what you wake up to?" asked Gray trying to talk to Jess.

"Everyday for two years." answered Jess proudly. "If you look down there, you can see-"

"Mosasaurus!" interrupted Gray spotting the mosasaur breaching the surface for air . "Lived during the late cretaceous period, weighed 20 tonnes and grew to 17 meters in length."

Jess was caught of guard completely, she didn't even know what to say. Clearly, Gray knew his own fair share about dinosaurs of all shapes and sizes.

"I'm guessing you like dinosaurs then?" asked Jess looking out over the balcony.

"Yep." answered Gray sure about Jess's question. "I always dreamed of coming here forever... more than having my own pet dinosaur."

That caught Jess's attention. There are plenty of people who would love their own pet dinosaur, and she was lucky enough to know someone who had one, Dave.

"You know, my boyfriend just so happens to have his own dinosaur." revealed Jess proudly.

"Really?!" asked Gray in shock and joy. "Can I see him? Is he a T-Rex, or Triceratops?"

"She isn't really his pet." corrected Jess scratching the back of her neck. "And I can't really show you her."

"Come on! Please?" begged Gray desperately.

Now Jess had done it. There's was now way Gray was going to stop asking her until she did show him Perry.

"Okay, I promise, before you go home. I'll show you Perry." agreed Jess finally.

"Perry?" wondered Zach hearing Gray's and Jess's conversation. "You boyfriend named a dinosaur Perry? Must be a big KatyCat."

"He actually hates her." admitted Zara knowing enough about Dave.

"Then why name his dinosaur Perry?" asked Zach in confusion.

"It's a long story, and you wouldn't really care." admitted Jess.

If Zach was going to be like this for the whole time, then today was going to be a long day...

Yeah, I know, nothing really descent in this chapter. But don't worry, I promise they're not all going to be as boring as this, so give me your thoughts and I'll keep posting.

Coming up, we meet Owen's raptor pack. And Perry's two babies!