A/N: This is about babies. I know nothing about babies. Feel free to laugh at all my small-child-related mistakes...

v: Harry and Ginny with their children

"No no no Jamsie, the jam goes on the toast not the cat...oh...oh dear...come on now, eat it all up! No, not in your ear, in your mouth...yes, that's right! Good boy, well done!" One soldier of toast down, Harry was already wondering what he had actually done at breakfast time before each meal became an excuse to redecorate the kitchen. He was still finding Thursday night's baked beans in unexpected crevices...

"Totes!" James said happily, picking up another soldier and waving it wildly around the place.

"Yes, toast," Harry agreed, picking up his own slice. "Eat it up now! Yum yum yum!" He demonstrated, hoping James would follow his lead. His young son watched, wide-eyed, as Daddy rubbed his stomach and smiled delightedly at his own breakfast, then slammed his own toast, jam-side-down, on his head, rubbing it in his hair gleefully.

Harry sighed. "Well, at least you haven't had your wash yet, this morning..." he said. "Your Mummy is not going to be happy I let you get in such a mess, is she? Where is Mummy, I wonder? She was only supposed to be going to send the owl off at the bottom of the garden, d'you think she's flown away, too?" He continued babbling nonsense at James as he walked over to the sink in search of a cloth to wipe his son's face, and he took the opportunity to glance out of the window to see if he could spot where Ginny had got to.

He saw her straightaway: she was standing by the Flutterbye bush, and tears were pouring down her face.

One quick glance back reassured him that James was still safely secured in his highchair, so he hurtled towards the back door, wrenching it open. "Gin? Ginny! What's wrong? What's wrong darling?"

Ginny turned to him, her beautiful face streaked with tears, and he gathered her in his arms. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"It's...d-d-dead!" she gulped, before collapsing into fresh sobs.

Harry's heart skipped a beat. "Who's dead? Ginny? Ginny, calm down and tell me who's dead."

"The...the...the...Flutterbye bush!" she wailed. "It's dead!" Harry frowned. "Neville got it for us when we moved in, and I've been watering it and it was fine and now it's dead!" Every other word was interspersed with a sob, and she heaved and shook in his arms even as he soothed her. He frowned still harder. He had thought this might be a prank, but she didn't seem to be fake-crying, these were genuine tears. But Ginny hardly ever cried, and certainly not over dead plants. In fact that last time he had seen her cry had been...

Comprehension dawned.

"Come on, love, let's get you inside," he said, steering her gently indoors. "That's right. Come on, now..." Once inside, he placed her in a kitchen chair and reached out a glass of water. Her sobs had quietened to gentle hiccups by the time she'd drunk most of it, and mercifully James was oblivious to his mother's distress, still wiping toast on every surface he could reach.

"Sorry," Ginny said, her expression clearing after a moment. "Oh, Harry, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me there!" she said, sounding much more like her old self. "Only—I, oh, God, I loved that plant!" Two more tears rolled down her cheeks, and keen to avoid another crying jag, Harry leaned over the table and grasped both her hands in his.

"Ginny," he said seriously. "I'm going to ask you an important question. Is there a chance you could be pregnant?"

"I...I don't know," she said unsurely. "I...suppose yes, there is. Why?"

"Because, when you were pregnant with this one here," he nodded towards James, "you were extremely emotional at all times, and cried about something nearly every day, which isn't like you at all. You know, because of the hormones, and things. They mess with your emotions. And tear ducts..."

"I did not!" she exclaimed indignantly.

"Darling, do you not remember the time you accidentally knocked over the bottle of milk then spent nearly two hours crying about its wasted potential?"

"Well...maybe you're right. I don't know, though. I've not really had any other symptoms yet. Though...I was convinced that something had died in the cupboard the other day. I spend hours trying to work out what the awful smell was, before I realised it was just a tiny piece of cheese that somebody must've got up there, somehow."

"Tease!" said James happily.

"And my sense of smell went haywire last time, too..."

"Tell you what," Harry said. "We need a few things from in the village. Why don't you have some breakfast, and I'll pop down to get them, and I'll go by the apothecary to get you a test?"

"Okay, that sounds good. Wait...is this just so you can get out of bath time?" Ginny asked, eyeing the jam in James's hair that appeared to be setting like concrete.

"Absolutely not..."

"Well?" he said, pushing open their bedroom door, James on his hip.

"I don't know yet!" Ginny said. "It takes twenty minutes to work..."

"Where is it?" Harry asked. He kicked off his shoes and came to sit next to her on the bed, placing James down with them. He promptly crawled into his mother's arms, resting his head against her chest. She smiled, dropping a kiss on his forehead.

"Mama," he sighed contentedly.

"I love you too, Jamsie," she said. "It's in the drawer," she said to Harry, nodding towards their bedside cabinet. "I couldn't stand looking at it..."

"What do you want it to say?" he asked. Having another baby hadn't really been something they'd discussed—James was still very young, and although both of them did want another, they hadn't really made any specific plans. There was a vague "when James is a bit older" understanding, but nothing absolute, and Harry wondered for a moment if two babies so close together was something Ginny truly wanted.

"Honestly? I hadn't really given having another baby much thought," Ginny said. "We hadn't really talked about it much, had we? So I just assumed that at some point in the future it might happen, but that if it didn't happen for a few years, that's fine too. I wasn't bothered." She paused and looked over at him. "And then you said 'I'll get a test!', and it made me think, and now...there's only one outcome I want."


"Positive," she confirmed. "I mean, look at him," she said, nodding towards James. "He is perfection. I love this. I love him so much, and I'm so happy! And...I want to do it all again, only it will be even better this time, because he'll be here too, and...yeah. I want it to be positive. I now can't look at that potion. The anticipation is too much."

"How much longer?" Harry asked, his own heart starting to beat faster.

"About another five minutes," she said. They exchanged glances, both trying not to smile too much. He reached out and held her free hand, neither of them saying anything, looking at James lying between them, and imagining...

A short while later, Harry glanced at Fabian Prewett's battered old watch. "Time?"

"It's time," he confirmed.

"You do it!" Ginny blurted out, cradling James to her. Harry nodded once, then used his wand to open the draw in the bedside cabinet, levitating the vial of Potion out of it.

It was glowing bright gold.

He turned to her, too ecstatic for words, but realised she had her eyes squeezed shut. He wanted to find something beautiful to say, something honest and true and heartfelt to mark such an important occasion, but all he could manage was a yelped, "LOOK!"

Ginny's eyes flew open, and took in the positive result. She gave a tiny shriek of joy, and began kissing James's head again, half-laughing, half-crying. He couldn't even blame that on the pregnancy hormones; his own face was suspiciously wet as he joined in her cheering.

"Cry? Why?" James demanded, standing up on the bed and touching both his parents' faces in bewilderment.

"Because," Ginny said, wiping her own face dry, "Mummy and Daddy are very silly. Silly Mummy and Daddy. Silly James!" She began tickling him, and he shrieked with laughter, their tears soon forgotten. "I don't want to tell him yet," she explained to Harry, over his giggles. "I want to go to a Healer, make sure everything's okay before we tell anyone. And we've got lunch at Mum and Dad's tomorrow, the last thing we want is him blurting out something about a B-A-B-Y..."

"Good point," he nodded. "We can sort a Healer's appointment out on Monday, can't we?"

"Yes. I feel much more relaxed about the whole thing this time," she said, rubbing her stomach gently. "I know what to expect, and so on. But I would like to get some medical assurances before things go much further..."

"Of course," Harry nodded. "But we'll need less time to prepare, this time—we've still got all of James's infant clothes, and a cradle, and so on. We know what to expect, all being well, like you said."

"We won't need to re-do the nursery," Ginny said. "But we'll have to see about turning the guest room into a bedroom for him."

"Hey, Jamsie!" Harry said, and his son crawled over to him. "We've got a big question for you. We're going to paint your bedroom for you. What colour do you want it? What's your favourite colour?"

"Wed!" James said. "Wed, wed, wed, wed, wed!" He had learnt the word a few weeks ago, and since then it had been his favourite word: he only wanted to eat 'wed' foods and wear 'wed' clothing.

"Was that ever in any doubt?" Ginny asked Harry, laughing.

"At least we know what House he's going to be in," he replied. "Hey—you know when we moved in, I asked your Dad about how your parents had their house remodelled, you know, all the extra floors stuck on by magic? Because I was thinking, once James is older, and Teddy too, and now we've got this one, well, we'll need another—"

"Harry!" Ginny laughed, cutting across his gabbling. "Calm down! I don't think we should be talking about adding extra stories to the house when we don't know what's going on. We don't even know anything about this one, yet!"

Harry deflated slightly, then looked over at the gold potion, still hovering above the bed. With a lazy flick of his wand, he set it to rest on top of the bedside cabinet. "Well, we know it's positive," he said.

Ginny smiled. "It's always positive," she said.

A/N: That's it for this fic! Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has reviewed, I really enjoyed writing this :) I'm sure I'll post more Harry/Ginny stuff soon, but I will leave this as it is. Don't forget to go over to hpshipweeks to read the other fantastic contributions there. Have a lovely day!