I dedicate this story to my amazing, awesome and astounding Dad! Happy Father's Day, Daddy! I LOVE YOU :)


Chapter Eight

"Mrs. Haddock! Mrs. Haddock!"

"Auntie Valka!"

"Henna! Edgar!"

"Mr. and Mrs. Fiersome!"

Valka, Henna and Edgar were surprised to see the teens suddenly burst into the Great Hall in a panic. "What's all the commotion, all of you?" Gobber hobbled over to the teens only for them to rush past him. Astrid rushed up to Valka and placed her hands on the woman's shoulders, blue eyes wide. "Valka, we have to go to Thor's Beach right now!" the blonde Hofferson maiden said hurriedly. "Mr. and Mrs. Fiersome, you guys come too!" Ruffnut and Tuffnut piped up.

"But we have to wait for Hiccup…" Valka began to say before Snotlout began to push her out of the Great Hall saying, "No time to explain! We just gotta go, go, go!"

Edgar looked at Henna, who was carrying El in her arms, with a confused look on his face. "We'll explain everything later! Right now, we need to move!" Fishlegs said quickly, pulling the Fiersomes out of the Great Hall along with Valka. Gobber looked at the gathering crowd and turned to Spitelout. "We'll be back in a few minutes," the two-limbed blacksmith told him before hurrying to catch up with the others.

Hiccup, Eret, Stoick and Rollo had arrived back on Berk and their dragons had landed on Thor's Beach. "You sure you and Rollo can't join us in the feast tonight, Dad?" Hiccup asked Stoick, hopefully looking up at his father. Stoick sighed and gently patted his son's shoulder. "As much as I'd love to see everyone again, Hiccup, I don't think it's a good idea," he told him. "Why not? I'm sure everyone will be thrilled to see you again, sir. And, Da, Zenna and her family would be happy to see you, too…" Eret said, looking at his Da. "Well, my boy, if everyone saw us, they'd be shocked and even spooked. It's best that Stoick and I stay out of sight," Rollo told his son.

"But it's not fair!" Hiccup and Eret both whined, making their fathers laugh. "It is what it is, you two," Stoick chuckled before Rollo tapped on his shoulder and pointed at something coming their way.

Hiccup and Eret also looked and, to their excitement, saw Valka, Gobber, Henna, Edgar and all of their friends headed their way.

"Yes!" both men whooped before looking at their fathers' anxious faces. "Dad, it's okay…" Hiccup reassured Stoick, patting his hand. "We'll tell them not to freak out, Da. Nothing to worry about," Eret nodded to his Da.

That's when Zenna ran on ahead and reached them.

"Holy Shields…! U-U-Uncle Stoick! And-and Sir Rollo! You're both back…You're both back!" the one-eyed Dragon Doctor exclaimed, amazed and overjoyed. Stoick chuckled and embraced the young Fiersome lady. "It's good to see you again, Zenna," he smiled. Zenna smiled and politely curtsied to Rollo who smiled and hugged her. "Look at you, Zen! All grown up!" Eret's Da grinned.

That's when everyone else saw Stoick and Rollo.

El was looking back-and-forth between Rollo and his Uncle Eret that he got dizzy. "This is my father, El. Say hello," Eret said gently as Henna let him hold his little nephew. El looked at Rollo with a wide-eyed expression before letting out a cute baby laugh. "Hi Uncle Eret's Papa! Happy Father's Day!" he squealed. "Why, thank you, little man," Rollo laughed, gently tousling El's curly black hair. "I-I don't believe it…Rollo, you rascal!" Edgar laughed as he and Eret's father both patted each other's backs. "It's good to see you again, Edgar. And lovely to see you again as well, Henna," Rollo said courteously. Henna didn't say anything for she was already crying tears of joy.

Gobber also had tears in his eyes as he and Stoick clasped hands. "Every bit the boar-headed stubborn Viking you are…" the old blacksmith sniffed, feeling choked up. "Good to see you haven't lost another limb, Gobber," Stoick laughed heartily before locking eyes with his beloved Valka.

Hiccup's mother merely stared at her husband with an expression of shock, sadness, amazement and joy all mixed together clearly seen in her blue-green eyes. "Val…" Stoick breathed out, walking towards her and gently cupped her face in his hand.

Hiccup felt tears well up in his eyes as his parents were reunited for the second time and smiled widely as his Mom let out a cry of sheer joy and embraced his Dad. Valka sobbed, overcome with the joy of seeing her husband again, as Stoick gently hugged his dear wife.

"I'll swim and sail on savage seas…"

Everyone held their breaths as they heard Stoick sing.

"With ne'er a fear of drowning…

And gladly ride the waves of life…

If you will marry me…"

After singing the first stanza, Stoick cut a quick glance at Gobber. Knowing that his old friend didn't want any interruptions this time, Gobber gladly kept his mouth shut. Smiling, Stoick continued to sing…not knowing that his voice was being heard throughout the whole island…and his people could hear him.

"No scorching sun nor freezing cold…

Will stop me on my journey…"

Spitelout, wondering what was taking Gobber, Valka and the other Riders so long, decided to go investigate along with the whole village. When they heard Stoick's voice singing, they immediately recalled what happened during Mother's Day and followed the voice to Thor's Beach…where they saw the most wonderful sight.

"If you will promise me your heart…" Stoick sang, taking Valka's hand in his. "And love me for eternity…" Valka sang, her voice a little hoarse from sobbing.

Not a single pair of eyes was dry as Valka's melodic voice filled the air. Hiccup unashamedly let his tears flow as his mother and father sang their song for the first time since the battle with Drago.

"My dearest one, my darling dear,

Your mighty words astound me…

But I've no need for mighty deeds

When I feel your arms around me,"

Stoick laughed and joyfully led Valka into a dance.

"But I would bring you rings of gold,

I'd even sing you poetry!"

"Oh, would you?" Valka laughed as Stoick gave her a twirl. Stoick's eyes were filled with nothing but joy as he sang,

"And I would keep you from all harm

If you would stay beside me!"

Valka smiled and continued to sing.

"I have no use for rings of gold,

I care not for your poetry.

I only want your hand to hold…"

"I only want you near me!" Stoick sang before everyone else decided to sing as they danced.

"To love, to kiss, to sweetly hold,

For the Dancing and the Dreaming!

Through all life's sorrows and delights

I'll keep your love inside me

I'll swim and sail on savage seas

With ne'er a fear of drowning

And gladly ride the waves of life

If you will marry…"

"Meeee-eeeee…! I'm still goin'…"


"I'm done," the old blacksmith said sheepishly while Valka and Stoick just laughed.

And everyone's hearts melted when they shared a most sweet kiss.

Hiccup was smiling so hard that his cheeks hurt while Toothless was practically jumping in place, giddy with glee. Astrid had a smile just as big as Hiccup's while her father Brynjar watched the reunion with a smile that almost matched his daughter's. Snotlout had happy tears welling up in his eyes along with Spitelout, happy to see Stoick again. The Twins and Halvard were both laughing merrily. Fishlegs and Folke both just smiled. Zenna looked at Edgar who looked equally as happy her and her mother and brother. Eret grinned as Rollo patted his shoulder, also grinning.

When they broke the kiss, Stoick and Valka looked at each other and smiled lovingly. Then Hiccup went over to them and the Haddock Family was once again whole.

"Well, seeing that everyone's here…there is something I have to say…" Hiccup said, facing his father and the crowd. Taking a deep breath, Hiccup began his speech.

"It takes a very special man to be a Chief. He must be great, brave and selfless. A Chief's first duty is to his people. No task is too small when it comes to serving your people. A Chief feels no pain and a Chief feels no fear…" Hiccup said before taking another deep breath.

"When I accepted to become Chief under such extraordinary circumstances, I was quick to learn that a Chief does feel pain and fear…He just has to hide it so his people wouldn't have to worry…" At these words, Hiccup looked at Stoick who nodded in agreement.

"As time passed and I grew into this important role, I now see…that it takes a very special man…a man not like all the rest…to be both a Chief and a father…"

Stoick felt his heart swell with pride as his son carried on.

"I also realized that it takes a truly courageous and selfless man…to be willing to sacrifice everything for his children…even his own life…to keep them safe…" Hiccup said, looking at Eret and Rollo with a smile of admiration. Rollo smiled gratefully at the one-legged Chief while Eret gave Hiccup a thumbs-up.

"We're all with flaws, fathers included. But, in the end, a father will always be there for their sons and daughters…to love them, to guide them, to discipline them, to have a good laugh with them, to teach them…and to just be with them. Even those fathers who have left their families to join the gods in Valhalla are still watching over their loved ones to this very day…waiting for the time when they will all be together again and feasting with Odin the All Father. Our Dads are our heroes, role models and protectors. Without them, we would not be able to stand on our own two feet, prosthetics included (that earned quite a couple of laughs), and be able to face the world as we journey through this great and mysterious thing called life. So…today on this especially memorable Father's Day, I just want to say that I salute and honor all fathers out there and…"

Taking a deep breath, Hiccup turned to his father and said, "I love you, Dad. Happy Father's Day."

Everyone applauded as Hiccup finished his speech. Stoick, overcome with emotion, scooped up Hiccup into his arms in a bone-crushing embrace. "Dad…I can't breathe…" Hiccup managed to wheeze out, his Dad laughing and releasing him before being swept up into another hug.

All the dragons were roaring happily while, everywhere, fathers hugged and celebrated their day with their families and loved ones. Stoick was still hugging Hiccup who smiled as his father beamed at him. "I love you too, son…I love you so much…" Stoick whispered, tears rolling into his beard. Eret and Rollo weren't really hugging types but that didn't mean they were incapable of showing affection. Rollo smiled and pressed his forehead to his son's. "I love you, son. You're the greatest blessing the gods had ever given me. And I am so proud to be your father. Your mother and I both had a great life…and we're the luckiest couple in the world to have an ever greater son," he whispered. "I love you too, Da," Eret smiled.

The moon had now risen and Thornado, Bing, Bam, Boom and Riptide both knew that they had to go. "Take care of yourself, old friend. And you three as well," Stoick said to Thornado and his family. "Swim free, Riptide. Swim free," Rollo saluted the Submaripper. Growling and roaring their goodbyes, the four dragons left Berk.

That's when Stoick and Rollo looked at each other and nodded. It was time for them to go as well.

Taking their sons aside, both fathers smiled proudly.

"You two look out for each other," Stoick reminded the two. "Brothers will fight time and again, but they will always be brothers. You two are brothers now and you both have a duty to protect each other," Rollo added. Hiccup and Eret nodded and looked at each other. Smiling, they did a fist bump which cemented their bond.

"Oh, and by the way…still waiting for those grandchildren!"

"DAD!" "DA!" Hiccup and Eret both exclaimed, mortified, while the entire village, dragons included, laughed. Stoick and Rollo were also laughing once they saw their sons' shocked expressions. Hiccup's mouth was hanging open while a deep pink blush crept over his cheeks. Eret's entire face, on the other hand, had taken a slightly reddish shade and he was trying really hard not to imagine what Zenna's face looked like right now.

Of course he and Hiccup both just had to turn around and saw that Astrid and Zenna were both holding onto each other for support while laughing their heads off!

"Seriously?" Hiccup deadpanned as he faced his Dad again. "Unbelievable," Eret said, rolling his amber brown eyes at his Da. Stoick and Rollo merely laughed before giving their sons a hug. Everyone, once again, felt their hearts melt as fathers and sons embraced.

"Slightly serious jokes aside, you two, we're both so proud," Stoick smiled. "And we'll always be proud of you two. Don't ever forget that," Rollo grinned. Eret and Hiccup merely smiled and nodded.

"Bye, Dad…" Hiccup whispered, hugging Stoick one last time. "I'll miss you, Da…" Eret also hugged Rollo for the last time. "Happy Father's Day…" both men said as their fathers smiled at them one last time…before their bodies glowed with pure white light and they vanished.

Everyone was silent at that point, watching the two. Eret and Hiccup both looked up at the sky and smiled, noticing two stars shining brightly in the sky and they knew that both of their fathers had gone back to Valhalla…where they would always watch over them.

Toothless and Skullcrusher both went over to their Riders and nudged them, crooning. Turning back to the others, Hiccup and Eret both smiled. No words needed to be said for everyone to know that they were both happy…and that they were both okay.

As the villagers decided to head back to the Great Hall, the eight Dragon Riders, Valka, Gobber, El and Zenna's parents decided to stay behind. "The gods sure know how to surprise us…" Edgar remarked, El giggling in his arms. "Oh, it was so good to see Rollo and Stoick again," Henna sighed. "Hiccup, you spoke wonderfully…" Astrid gushed to her boyfriend. "And you said you didn't know how to give a speech!" Zenna playfully elbowed her surrogate brother.

Gobber then gave Hiccup and Eret a mischievous look. "Well, since your fathers are so anxious, I guess now would be a good time to…" he managed to say before both Hiccup and Eret shouted, "Not another word!" making the Twins and Snotlout crack up while Fishlegs shot them a sympathetic look.

"So, you two don't wanna marry us?" Astrid and Zenna both asked, raising an eyebrow. "What?! No! I-I mean…I'm not even sure if you…" Hiccup stuttered out before Astrid laughed, "I know, Babe. Not until we're both good and ready." And kissed him. Eret looked at Zenna with a slightly apprehensive look. "And what do you have to say, hm?" the one-eyed Dragon Doctor asked him with a knowing smile. "I…uh…I just…just want us to…you know…have a little more catching up to do before…well…you know…" Eret mumbled, sheepishly. "Yeah, I know…And we have all the time in the world, Eret. Don't worry," Zenna smiled before kissing her boyfriend.

"Alrighty then, we should probably get back to the feast," Gobber announced, the others following him. "We'll catch up in a minute!" Hiccup and Eret both told them. When the others had left, the two of them were left on the beach with their dragons. "You think...You think we'll see them again?" Hiccup asked Eret. The ex-trapper shrugged. "Maybe…No, definitely…someday," he replied. "Yeah…" Hiccup nodded before glancing at Eret.

"Race you to the Great Hall," he challenged. "Hey, what's that behind you?" Eret suddenly asked. Hiccup turned around while Eret, with a mischievous smile on his face, mounted Skullcrusher and lifted off!

"Two second head start!" Eret laughed as he and his Rumblehorn began to fly back to the Great Hall by the time Hiccup realized that he had been tricked. Rolling his eyes, Hiccup got on Toothless and opened the tail fin. "Come on, bud!" Hiccup grinned as Toothless chuffed and flew off in pursuit.