Chapter One: Back to Backstories

"Mai Sohma," My instructor of two years called my name, her booming and raspy voice echoing off the newly waxed floors.

She was applauding for me like I was her daughter. Shedding tears for me like I was precious to her. Beaming as if witnessing herself, living vicariously through me. The toughest chick in the academy was actually misty eyed over me. Ayane always told me I was her favorite student. It wasn't until today that I actually believed her.

I rise from the rickety blue chair and saunter up to the podium. I moved as if I were on air, weightless. Maybe I was. Today, I was worth something. Today, I was known for more than my sins and wrongdoing. But for something I could tell people about and not have the urge to go into hiding after.

A bright and shiny badge is pinned to the breast pocket of my black button down. It reflects my awed expression, right back to me. The twinge of satisfaction that shone in my eyes of amber. I can't help but admire my mirror image; albeit, its a nice change from shying away from it.

My trainer grabs for my hand, raising it, and bowing at the waist. I supposed I was expected to do the same. The purple gem dangling from my choker jangles as I follow suit. The small group of spectators jumped to their feet, clapping the best they could with their own certificate or medals in hand.

It was a momentous occasion for me. I'm now officially a Sohma Agent; hired on the spot for my impressive credentials. My sparring partner, Natsuki claimed I got in for my namesake. But we both knew it wasn't true.

I subconsciously scan the crowd for my foster parents, hoping to see a middle aged brunette cradling her newborn, and her husband beside her.

They were nowhere to be found.

My heart sinks at this revelation, even though I knew they'd be a no-show. As soon as they heard I was finished with training, they jetted.

The announcement that they were getting rid of me seemed to come out of nowhere.

Their biological son, Takumoto had the nipple of a bottle pressed to his lips, drinking formula. My foster mom knew that she ought to be breast feeding, but she was selfish. She whined about how it hurt and turned to formula instead.

Anyways, I was just scarfing down my breakfast, unsuspecting when my foster dad said, "You won't be living with us anymore."

Oh please, don't hold back. Might as well drop an atomic bomb while you're at it.

I remember the chopsticks slipped out of my hand, clattered to the floor. A string of curses I picked up from my former owner slipped out before I stopped them. Honestly though, I was too furious to care.

"Language Mai," my foster mom reprimanded me, nestling her one and only child. It was as if she was taunting me or something. Like 'Haha. This newborn is more popular and appreciated than you could ever be.'

I couldn't fight the urge to roll my eyes. My 'language' was the least of her worries.

And that was the last time I spoke to them... In fact, it was the last time I'd even seen them. I'd always hated goodbyes, but that one was in its own class of suckage.

Never mind that, though.

I was going to be one of the first female agents from this academy and one of the youngest at age 16. But, I'm ready for it. I didn't spend two years holed up in a training gym to muck it up now. All the blood, sweat, and tears had to count for something.

I would be living at the best spy agency in the world; studying and breathing the same air as famous espionage aficionados. So in the end, who cared about my foster parents…?

I did.

I watch my fellow trainees receive bouquets of roses, wreath's, hugs, and kisses while I swallow back my jealousy. The badge attached to my blouse seems especially heavy now. And cheap...counterfeit.


But, who cares if no one shows up to support me on the most important day of my life? I didn't need anyone…



It was getting late – almost nine o'clock – by the time I left the academy. Since I had nowhere to stay until the enrollment tomorrow morning, I opted for the nearby pub and diner. It was always open from night to morning, and the familiarity alone was a comfort I desperately needed.

I place my bandaged left hand onto the chrome handle and push the door open; the air conditioner blasting me as I stepped inside. Even though it was Mid-September, the manager always ensured his customers were a step away from hypothermia. He was thoughtful that way. Even though he was snarky and oftentimes cynical, we got along swimmingly; possibly because we were so similar.

I slide into the red vinyl booth, and plop my feet on the seat across from me. I shake my head from side to side, sending yellow and brown leaves tumbling out of my Auburn ringlets. The only thing I loved about being the fox; my hair.

A laminated menu rested on the sticky table, lying precariously beneath a salt shaker. It wasn't a rarity. Parents brought their young children here, their hands covered in some candy substance or other, leaving behind their sticky evidence. Being the anal retentive person I was, it's a good thing I didn't need it. I'd memorized the whole thing.

A young girl – maybe my age – with brunette hair and the bluest of eyes bounced over, retrieving the yellow pencil from behind her ear. Flipping a page on the notepad clutched in her trembling hands, she poised the pencil over the paper, ready to take my order.

"Welcome to New Leaf home of Tokyo's best Dumplings and Beer. What can I get for you today?" Dumplings and Beer was by far the worst combo in the world. But try telling that to Mr. Hashima. He'd try to give you pneumonia on top of the hypothermia.

I could tell the girl was a noob. Like me, she was starting something new, terrified of screwing up that something. Since I had an okay day, I decided to not pick on her. I eyed the bright green name tag pinned to her checkered dress pocket. Tohru.

"Yes, I'd like Yakitori chicken with soy sauce, and a vanilla malt." Those were the only two things I ever ordered; malts and grilled chicken on a skewer. It was the only safe dish in my opinion. Plus, it was the sole food Mr. Hashima didn't spit in.

Tohru jotted down my order, her pencil scratching the page, her tongue stuck out in concentration. After finishing, she slid the pencil behind her ear, her lips lifting in a genuine smile. The fact that it wasn't fake and forced made me like her already. "Okay, I'll be right back with your order." She turned on her heel and dashed off towards the kitchen area, sliding my order onto the rotating rack.

I've been going to this place so long; I picked up on the lingo without meaning to. Like "On the Rail," means you better hurry the heck up with my order before I bolt. With how much I frequented this joint, I'd seen my share of chuds. They were the ones that took up an entire booth to themselves just to drink coffee; basically caffeine addicted jerks.

Kicking off the stilettos I was stupid enough to wear, I slide down into the booth, attempting to relax a bit.

I try to avoid thinking about the person I used to be. I normally pushed aside every last trace of negative emotions I used to suffocate under; abandonment, distrust, guilt, and worst of all disappointment. I usually kept myself busy with training, binging at New Leaf, and sleeping. But now in the dim lighting of the diner and the anxiety for tomorrow, my mind went there a lot.

It all started when I was five.

I didn't always live with my Foster Parents of course. There was a time I was constantly scrambling for food, sleeping under bridges, and in alleys. I used to go door to door waiting for my prayers to be answered, wishing that someone would pity me enough to take me in. Just when I'd given up hope, a guy named Ryu supplied me with food and water. I took him up on it because I was starving. At first I thought he was just being a Good Samaritan and helping the homeless and unwanted girl out. But as time went on, he wanted something in return from me…he wanted me to do his dirty work. Ryu trained me to steal, con, and deceive. I didn't want to do it but I needed what he had to offer me; food, water, and shelter. The last job I did for him was just when I was 12, before I changed.

I quickened my pace and rushed into a pharmacy not far from Ryu's. I darted behind a magazine rack and took out the security camera with a laser pointer. It had a view of the front desk and entrance. After ensuring the footage was nothing but static, I crept up to the counter where all the non-prescription drugs were. A man – in his 20's – was checking inventory. He was stocky, his face oily and dotted with acne, his two front teeth jutting out. Thankfully he was the only person within earshot. Finally noticing my presence, he faced me. "Are you here to pick up a prescription?"

"Yeah, put the cough syrup and sleeping pills in the bag," I ordered behind my face mask, holding out a brown paper bag. "I want all the cash you got on top."

He cocked his head, his brown eyes twinkling, and a smile playing along his lips. "Aww a little girl is trying to rob a store; for what, a lollipop? Very cute."

He pivoted to finish shelving when he heard a gun cock behind him. It was seconds before he was nearly eye to eye with my revolver. I loved the thing and even had it engraved with my initials, M.S. One droll evening I considered playing Russian Roulette with it. But I valued my life… somewhat.

He backed himself against the shelves, sending several bottles of pills crashing to the floor.

I smirked behind the black cloth of my mask. "Now that we understand each other…put it in the bag and be quick about it. It's your life on the line."

He nodded, finally doing what I asked, his free hand reaching beneath the counter. I didn't know what he was doing at the time, but in hindsight I realized he hit the red button of doom. The one that signaled the police. Why didn't Ryu warn me about that?

I surveyed the area, checking to see if the coast was clear, before I snatched the bag away. I made a break for the front door when I caught sight of flashing blue and red lights. The cops. I spun around to head out the exit and jiggled the handle. Locked. No longer having time, I kicked in the glass, and darted into the alley, racing back to Ryu's as if hell were on my heels.

"Here you go," a chirpy voice broke into my thoughts. I looked up to see the Tohru girl sliding a ceramic plate of food, and my vanilla malt with whip cream onto the table. Much to my surprise, there was no cherry on top. Mr. Hashima never remembered to leave it off even though I was allergic. But she did. How did she know?

"I hope you enjoy," she smiled, bowing at the waist, before skirting off to wait on a man nursing a hangover.

Well, wonders never cease…I finally found an employee of Mr Hashima's that I actually liked. Taking a bite of my blissful Yakitori, I can't help but smile. Tonight, it tasted incredible.


Bright and early the next morning, I stepped foot into the Sohma Agency Facilities. It took me forever to get here – two years of training and an hour of security – but I was here and boy did I love it.

It was about five stories high; people bustling with activity scattered throughout the building, all clothed in uniform. I couldn't wait to get my hands on one of my own. Even though the place was busy, it was far from chaotic. Everyone moved about with decorum and order, something I was quite fond of. It reminded me of my foster parents.

Mai, they disowned you…they're not even worth a second thought. Focus.

I walked to the center of the marble tile, trying to take in every last minute detail that I could. Having a photographic memory didn't hurt.

Just then, a man with obsidian hair, dark eyes, and pale skin approached me. He had this way about him that showed he meant business. Something else I noticed about the way he looked and moved; you wouldn't want to get on his bad side.

The man bowed and I mimicked the gesture before straightening. "You must be Mai Sohma, I was expecting you." The tone of his voice sent chills rippling up my spine. I painted on a polite smile, bowing once again. "Yes…"

A smile ghosted his lips as he clasped his hands behind his back. "Where are my manners? I'm the head of the agency, Akito Sohma. It is a pleasure to meet someone of your repertoire." Wait, he was my boss? Crap, if I'd known I would have dressed nicer. I thought I was just being assigned my dorm and roommate today.

He seems to notice my apprehension because he takes my hand and draws it to his lips; placing a kiss along my rough skin. "Today you will be given your living arrangements and assigned a partner. Miss Mine Kurame will take it from here. It truly was a pleasure meeting you," he punctuated his statement with another feathery kiss on my hand.

I felt my cheeks flush as he released my hand, his own dropping to the side. "Um, the pleasure was all mine." He smiled before walking off, taking long and graceful strides. There was something about him that terrified me. But I'd better get over it; he was the one responsible for my career. He could take it away in an instant if I was too careless.

Just then a woman – Mine – stepped out, and drew near me with a commanding presence. I felt drawn to her immediately because she looked to be a strong and powerful woman in a career of chauvinistic and sexist men. She was dressed from head to toe in fine threads; a beautiful mauve pantsuit was offset by golden embroidery, her feet donning intimidating heels. She pushed her tortoise specs up the bridge of her nose as she circled me; sizing me up or scrutinizing, I couldn't tell the difference. After what seemed like ages, she stopped in front of me, her lips fixed in a halfway smirk.

"So you're the one people around here have been going on about. You won't have to worry about a thing; you've made quite a name for yourself." I stilled at this, my mind racing. They knew already? They knew about Ryu and the smuggling?

"You'll make an awesome addition to the team!" Oh, she was referring to my new life.

I managed a smile, some of the tension dissipating. "I hope so. Um, I was told that I would be given a roommate and assigned to a partner today…"

Her eyes lit up as she looped her arm through mine and pulled me along. If it were a guy, I might have transformed. "Yes! How could I forget? You will be staying in the finest dormitory here. They just finished renovations last Thursday; impeccable timing on your part. When out in the field you will be addressed by your title Agent 014. Here, you can go by whatever name you want." She explained animatedly, dragging me into a glass elevator. Hitting the button for the third floor, the double doors slid shut, and we began moving.

"There are some rules that I need to go over with you. Rule 1; always have your partner's best interest in mind. Never neglect them or keep them in the dark about any aspect of a mission. Rule 2; no dating is allowed between partners. There have been too many issues with that in the past." The elevator dinged, and the doors reopened. Mine gestured for me to step out onto the linoleum. She walked beside me down the long hallway. There were windows on either side of us, a beautiful view of Tokyo and its city could be seen. I could even see New Leaf from here. That fact alone made me feel a thousand times better.

"Rule 3; never blow your cover unless it is a life or death situation. Rule 4; do not tell anyone outside of your immediate family about your job. This rule is instilled for their protection." That rule was laughable. As if I had anyone to tell.

She stopped directly in front of a sky blue door. Rapping once, she turned the knob, and the door opened to a grand suite. There were two Queen Beds on separate sides of the room, the carpet was as purple as Mine's outfit, the walls were covered in a mural of a city skyline, and the rest of the space had been decked out with books, a TV, video game system, and a stereo.

My mouth dropped open at the sight of it all. I'd never once seen how the other half lived – my filthy rich cousins – but now I could never go back. Mine grinned, knowing how much all of this floored me.

"Over there is your roommate. Meet Isuzu Sohma." I tore my eyes away from the game system to see who she was. I instantly recognized her; the horse of the zodiac. Her raven tresses cascaded down her back and past her tiny waist, her skimpy clothes clung to her form, and her angry brown eyes were narrowed at me. I could already tell by her demeanor that we'd probably end up killing one another within the week.

"I'll let you get settled in before we enroll you at Kaibara. You took the entrance exam yes?" I bobbed my head, mute under the horse's penetrating gaze.

Mine was either oblivious to the tension or she plowed past it. "Oh, I almost forgot. Your partner is agent 005, Hatsuharu Sohma."

If I thought Rin looked hateful before, that wasn't anything compared to her expression now. Her eyebrows furrowed in rage, her nose scrunching, jaw set, and her teeth ground against one another.

Why do I get the feeling that Mine shouldn't have said that?

I hope you guys enjoyed the first installment! :) Thank You for reading!

I decided to post because of The High Queen Of Angst annnd because I'm working on the new chapter of Mirror, Mirror. I didn't want to leave you guys with nothing so, here we are :p

I've never done an AU before so...I hope I did well. I've already planned about 12-13 chapters of this fanfic :D

Anyways, I will see you all for Mirror, Mirror or the next chapter of Incognito. Baiii :3