
He sat in the study doing some files he'd felt were safe to bring home. Well that's what he'd said he was doing but he just couldn't get his head into it right now. He was thinking about the request his son had asked before he'd gone into the study. Once again he'd asked to go to the circus and see the clowns.

Once again he'd said no but this time he felt really guilty about it. He couldn't blame the drugs this time he thought as he'd been clean ever since rehab. He had absolutely no interest in dilaudid anymore and had won so much since. He'd proposed to Spencer the day he'd returned to the BAU and they'd married six months later. They'd just celebrated their six month anniversary.

It wasn't he didn't want to take Jack to the circus. He absolutely hated saying no to his son. It tore at him to see his disappointed little face when he did. He just couldn't shake associating every clown to the Joker. He didn't even like Batman as much as he used to. Whenever his son and husband would put on Batman he'd leave the room and come to the study.

He heard footsteps and turned to the door to face his husband. He knew Spencer would come after him and try to get to the bottom of his no. He knew he had to face it and admit it clowns scared the hell out of him since he was kidnapped and almost buried alive.

Spencer came in angry that his husband had once again said no to his son without giving him a reason. It wasn't like him to do so and he was always the one left with having to deal with Jack's disappointment. It wasn't fair.

As soon as he saw Aaron's guilty, troubled expression the anger fled. He knew there had to be another rooted answer for his no as he knew for sure his partner hadn't got back on the dilaudid. He was proud of him that he was still clean after a year.

He crouched down and placed his hand on Aaron's knee looking up into his eyes. "Honey, what is it? Why did you say no to Jack?"

"I'm scared of clowns," he muttered.

"What?" he asked confused.

Aaron got up and shouted, "I'm scared of clowns, alright. Scared to death of them. That's why I said no both times he asked to go to the circus to see them. If there were no clowns I'd take him."

Spencer got up and placed his hand on Aaron's shoulder making him look at him. "Aaron, why didn't you tell me before?" he asked concerned that he'd kept this hidden for just over a year. He didn't blame him though after everything he'd been through.

"Because I'm embarrassed. It's not normal for a grown man to be petrified of clowns."

"Aaron, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's perfectly understandable. Did you know I was terrified of shovels for months on end after Tobias Henkel?" He shook his head. "I associated them all to the incident."

"I can't bear saying no to Jack but I know there will be clowns and I don't want him to see me shaking.." he answered vulnerably.

"How about we take him but leave before the clowns come out?"

"It's the clowns he wants to see, Spencer. He loves them and I can't take that from him. He doesn't understand."

"Alright, how about we stay but if it gets too much we can take a breath of fresh air? We can always come back but it will slowly help you over your fear. I'm going to be here so you won't be alone when you face your fear."

He nodded. "Alright we'll take him."