Hello, everyone! This is the rewrite of Vanguard Pokemon! Please enjoy this story and I hope it won't be as bad as the last story! Now then, let's start this chapter!

Normal POV

Satoshi and the others were walking inside the forest where the heard some rustling in the bushes that made them go on guard.

" What's over there?!" Eureka ask

" A Pokemon?!" Citron ask

" U-Um..." A voice called

They looked around as a blue haired person popped out from the bushes.

" I'm a little lost..." The person said

" Oh, it's just someone else..." Serena sighed

" How did you get lost?" Satoshi ask

" It's a little complicated..." The person replied

" I see... Then just nice, we're heading towards the Pokemon Center in the next town. Follow us then." Satoshi said

" T-Thank you very much!" The person said, bowing

" Then, let's go!" Satoshi said

" Yeah!"

They continued walking.

" I'm Satoshi and this is my partner, Pikachu." Satoshi introduced

" Pikachu~!"

" I'm Serena." Serena said

" I'm Eureka, this is Dedenne and this person is..." Eureka introduced

" ... Citron. Her big brother." Citron said

" Hello. I am Aichi Sendou." Aichi said

" Aichi, huh? That's a nice name!" Satoshi said

" Thank you very much. Your Pikachu is cute too." Aichi said

" Thank you."

" Pika, pika~!"

" So, did you come here alone?" Satoshi ask

" No... I'm a little lost from my friends... I think they might've gone to the next town but... I don't know the way..." Aichi said

" I see... Don't worry! We'll find your friends for you!" Satoshi said

" T-Thank you very much!" Aichi thanked

" No problem!" Serena said

Suddenly, something caught Satoshi's eyes.

" Wow! What's that?!" Satoshi ask

" Oh, that's a radio observatory." Citron replied

" 'Radio observatory'?" Serena ask

" Yes. They're amazing facilities which catch the countless radio waves that come flying in from space, then utilize highly efficient machinery to instantly analyze them via a fully automated process." Citron explained

" I don't really get it, but it seems like an interesting place." Satoshi said

Suddenly, there were rustling in the bushes again as Nyarth came staggering out of the bushes, calling for help before collapsing.

" A Nyarth?! And it just talked!" Aichi exclaimed

" Nyarth, what's the matter?!" Satoshi ask

" Anyway, we have to treat it! There's scratches all over its face!" Aichi said

" Yeah! Eureka!" Citron said

After awhile, Nyath woke up and looked around. It shot up upon seeing Satoshi and the others.

" The brats!" Nyarth exclaimed

" Uh, don't! You have to stay put for awhile!" Citron said

Aichi approached Nyarth with a cup of water as he handed the cup to it.

" Are you feeling better?" Aichi ask

" I'm feeling alive again! You guys saved my life! I'm grateful and moved!" Nyarth said

" Really? Aren't you plotting something bad again?" Eureka ask

" Something bad?" Aichi ask

" Actually, this Nyarth belongs to a group called Rocket Gang. They are bad people who steals other people's Pokemon." Satoshi explained

" Huh..."

" No, no! Today, I have no such intention. I came to alert you of danger." Nyarth said

" 'Danger'? What do you mean?" Citron ask

" Tell us more." Satoshi said

" Just thinking back to it makes me tremble. What a horrifying occurrence it was..." Nyarth said

Aichi seemed to be tensed a little bit until Nyarth explained about Madame X and Calamanero did he heaved out a silent sigh of relief.

" That's how I made a narrow escape. I never thought I'd encounter someone so terrifying... We can't dawdle around! Madame X is targeting Pikachu, too! Hurry up and run!" Nyarth said

" That's what you say, but isn't this actually just a plan to betray us and steal Pikachu?" Eureka ask

" I knew it. We won't fall for that trick." Serena said

" You misunderstand. I'm not lying! Look deep into my eyes, serene as the blue sky after a rainfall!" Nyarth said

" You don't have to exaggerate... But I believe you." Aichi said, patting Nyarth's head

" You shouldn't believe him so easily, Aichi." Satoshi said

" But..."

" Nyarth." A voice called

They turned behind to see Kojiro and Musashi.

" What are you doing?" Kojiro ask

" Hurry up and capture Pikachu." Musashi said

" Rocket Gang!"

" So you were going after Pikachu!" Citron said

" No, you're wrong! Musashi and Kojiro are being manipulated! Look at their eyes!" Nyarth said

" They are dilated." Aichi said

" Run!" Satoshi said

They turned behind to see a cloaked person and a Pokemon.

" There she is! It's Madame X!" Nyarth exclaimed

" 'X'?! Who are you?!" Serena ask

" So that's Calamanero." Satoshi said

He took out his Pokedex as he got the data of Calamanero.

" So that's the Pikachu I heard talk of. I see. It seems clever. Let's make it our subordinate right away, Calamanero!" Madame X said

Calamanero floated up as a light started to shine on them.

" Don't look at that light! You'll get manipulated!" Nyarth said

" Pikachu! Stop it with Electro Ball!" Satoshi said

Pikachu shot its Electro Ball as it hit the ground.

" Now's our chance to run!" Nyarth said

" Yeah!"

" Oh no you won't."

Kojiro and Musashi intercepted them when they were lifted down by Psychic.

" We'll make Pikachu a member of our Pokemon Corps." Musashi said

" What?"

" With our invincible Pokemon corps, we will conquer the world and our great Madame X will be its supreme regent." Kojiro said

" No, no! I'm totally against you conquering the world!" Eureka said

" It's awful that you want to exploit Pikachu for such purposes!" Nyarth said

Suddenly, Pikachu was floating towards Calamanero when it used Psychic.

" Pikachu!"

Aichi gripped onto something inside his pocket as a sudden blur took Pikachu with it.

" Huh?! Pikachu?!" Satoshi shouted

" Pika pi~!"

They then saw Pikachu in Aichi's arms.

" I somehow did it..." Aichi panted

" But he didn't even move an inch..." Serena exclaimed

" I'm sorry... I'll have to explain this next time..." Aichi panted

He collapsed as Pikachu ran back to Satoshi.

" Pika, pika~!"

" Pikachu!"

" Pika, pika, pikachu~!"

" Pikachu says that you need to check on that blue brat." Nyarth said

" Y-Yeah!"

But before they could run over to Aichi, Calamanero used its Psychic to bring Aichi to its side.

" Aichi!"

Suddenly, blue flames shot out of nowhere at Calamanero as a shadow zoomed past Satoshi and the others and caught Aichi when he was falling. Aichi opened his eyes a little bit to see the figure as he showed a tiny smile before closing his eyes again.

" Jeez, you got into trouble again..." The figure said

" Who are you?!" Satoshi ask

The figure turned behind as jade eyes were shown to them.

" It doesn't matter. I'm just here to retrieve him." The person said

" Retrieve?" Serena ask

" I have only one thing to say. We will meet again." The figure said

Suddenly, steel walls surrounded him. When the walls were gone, the figure had disappeared.

" What was that...?" Citron ask

" I don't know..." Satoshi replied

And so, all the chaos continued on as they managed to find out about Calamanero's plans and it disappeared...

~ A month later~

A month later, after meeting Aichi and defeating Calamanero, Satoshi and the others were at a forest pathway.

" I wonder how's Aichi..." Satoshi said

" You're right. We only got to know him briefly before that man took him away." Citron said

" But you know... I still find it weird... How did Pikachu ended up in his arms after that shadow saved it?" Serena said

" That's a good question. I'm sure if we meet again, we'll be able to get answers." Satoshi said

" Yeah."

That was when they encountered a wild Calamanero and followed it to see a habitat full of forest Pokemon. That was when trucks drove past them and almost knocked onto them. Luckily, they all got out with no one hurt. They then continued walking until they arrived at a mountain.

" The more I look at it, the more mysterious the shape seems!" Serena said

" I'm sure it's a landmark for the UFOs! Hey, UFOs, come out!" Eureka shouted

" Space Pokemon, let's be friends!" Satoshi shouted

" I told you there are neither UFOs nor aliens!" Citron said

" Let's climb up and see, then!" Satoshi said

He ran towards the mountain as the others followed along. Halfway through their climb, they decided to take a rest because of an exhausted Citron when the Rocket Gang came rolling down the pathway.

" Rocket Gang!"

" So you've come to steal Pikachu again." Serena said

" You really don't know when to quit!" Eureka said

" 'Steal Pikachu'? How can you be so carefree?!" Musashi ask

" This isn't the time to be dragging your feet! You guys should hurry up and get away too!" Nyarth said

" What are you doing? This way!" A voice called

They turned to see a figure in a cave. That was when two Calamanero started to come down the mountain as well.

" You guys, quit dawdling about!" Musashi whispered

" What's with you?" Satoshi ask

They hid behind the rocks as the two Calamanero looked around before leaving.

" I'll explain later, Satoshi-kun!" The figure said

" How do you know my name?" Satoshi ask

" You seem to be enemies, but you should call a truce for now." The figure said, taking out the glasses and hat

" Are you the..." Citron exclaimed

" Junsa-san from back then?!" Eureka exclaimed

" It's been awhile, everyone." Junsa said

" Is the Calamanero we met at the radio observatory on this mountain?" Citron ask

" Along with two companions, yes. After that terrifying incident at the observatory, I began a top-secret investigation. These highly intelligent Calamanero got in contact with the scientists considered to be the 'brains' of the Kalos region... and manipulated them into helping them launch their system." Junsa explained

" 'System'?"

" That thing that had been constructed back at the observatory. The same thing has been set up on top of that mountain." Junsa replied

" What are the Calamanero trying to do with this system? They said, 'We will restructure the world. Now, the world will end.'" Citron said

" Unfortunately, we still don't know the details. It seems certain they're plotting something enormously huge." Junsa explained

" I don't get it, but I'm scared." Eureka said

" Don't worry! I'll make sure to put a stop to their ambitions! I won't let them do as they please." Junsa assured

Suddenly, the ground shook as they ran outside to see the sky red and a giant ball of light was in the sky made by the system. That was when the Calamanero found them and capture them with Psychic but Maaiika stopped them from using Psychic on Citron, Kojiro and Nyarth as they made their escape by burrowing through the ground. The others were brought to the top of the mountain as the main Calamanero showed their final project and they panicked.

" What should we do?!" Serena ask

" I don't know... At least until Citron comes..." Satoshi said

" But we have no time for that!" Eureka said

Suddenly, a shadow jumped out from one of the rocks as the shadow slashed the Calamanero using Psychic on Satoshi and the others as they were released.

" What?!"

" Hello. Long time no see." The figure said

" You're..." Serena exclaimed

" Aichi!"

Aichi was in front of them holding a white with blue lining blade.

" What are you doing here?!" Satoshi ask

" I was coincidentally passing by when I saw you guys coming to this mountain." Aichi replied

" But what's with this sword?" Eureka ask

" Oh, this is-" Aichi explained but was cut off

" Your Highness!" Another voice shouted

" Aichi!" They heard some other voice as well

Aichi tensed up upon hearing the voices.

" Oh no..." Aichi muttered

They turned their heads to see a brunette and a teal haired boy running their way.

" I-I can explain this!" Aichi said

" Running away for no apparent reason is not an explanation, Aichi!" The brunette scolded

" But there is an apparent reason!" Aichi said

" Okay, maybe there is but you just ran off without telling us! You got us worried back there!" The brunette scolded

" I'm sorry..." Aichi said

" Now that I think about it... Ah! You're that person from before that took Aichi away that day!" Satoshi exclaimed

" You're right!" Eureka exclaimed

" This is Toshiki Kai and this boy is Olivier Gaillard." Aichi introduced

" Your-!" Gaillard said but his mouth was covered by Aichi

" G-Gaillard-kun! Why don't you go and call the others here?! C-Come on! Go now!" Aichi said

He pushed Gaillard off the edge of the mountain as Kai sweat dropped.

" You could've just pushed him to the pathway, you know." Kai said

" He can survive." Aichi said

" You're right... Not a knight for nothing." Kai said

" Um..." Satoshi said

" We'll say it later. First, let's deal with that." Aichi said, pointing at the system that was turning red

" You guys deal with the Calamanero." Kai said

" Hey, wait!" Satoshi said

Kai took out a card as he threw it up.

" Overlord! Crimson Flame!" Kai declared

A dragon with a sword appeared from the card as it fired crimson flames on the last system that hasn't turned red as the system collapsed altogether. Aichi and Kai looked back at Satoshi and the others as they saw that the three Calamanero were defeated, thanks to the help of the forest Calamanero and Maaiika. Suddenly, the three Calamanero got up again.

" 'We will escape. We will escape towards the future. And someday, we shall carry out our final project for sure.'" Nyarth translated

" Huh?!"

The system floated up and combined into one as the three Calamanero went into it and smoke started to rise from the trucks as they escaped before the explosion occurred.

" That was close..." Satoshi said

" Brother Aichi!"

" Aichi!"

" Sendou-kun!"

" Your Highness!"

Aichi tensed up again as Gaillard came running back with other people behind him.

" Are you hurt anywhere, Your Highness?" Gaillard ask

" Don't call me that here!" Aichi panicked

" Get in your right mind and remind yourself where we are." Kai said

Gaillard looked behind them as he sweat dropped.

" Oops..."

" Your Highness...?" Satoshi ask

" Uh... It's hard to explain..." Aichi said

" You idiot!" An auburn haired boy yelled

" Shut up, Naoki Ishida!" Gaillard yelled

" Don't be loud over here, Porcupine Head! You're bursting my ear drums!" A brown haired boy yelled

" Shut up! In the first place, you were the one who started this anyway!" A black haired boy yelled

They were stopped when the lavender haired girl gave a punch to their heads.

" Kamui, don't get into the fight. Naoki, don't yell. Shingo, don't argue for no good reason. And Gaillard, how many times must we repeat not to call Aichi, 'Your Highness', when we are here?" The girl ask

" I'm sorry, Misaki-san..." Kamui said

" I'm sorry, Boss Lady..." Naoki said

" I'm really sorry, Misaki-san!" Shingo said

" I just forgot momentarily." Gaillard

" Jeez." Misaki sighed

" Thank you very much, Misaki-san..." Aichi sighed

" Aichi."

Aichi tensed up again as he turned to Satoshi and the others, not really knowing that the Rocket Gang had already escaped after listening to them.

" I can explain..." Aichi said

" We know you won't yet." Serena said

" Did I get found out that easily...?" Aichi muttered

" Well, since you won't, let's have a Pokemon battle! If I win, you'll have to explain everything to us!" Satoshi said

" H-Huh? Usually we'd use Vanguard to settle a scuffle..." Aichi muttered

" What?"

" N-No! It's nothing! I'll accept." Aichi said

" Your Highness!"

" Neve-san, Ratie and Sera-san. You know me by now." Aichi said

" Yes..."

" Of course, you don't join in too, Gaillard-kun." Aichi said

" Yes."

" Then, why don't we all go down and have a battle?" Aichi said

" Yeah!"

They headed down as they got to an open field to battle.

" Alright! I'll start with this then! Gekogashira, I choose you!" Satoshi called

" Then, I'll... Come on out, Gogoat!" Aichi called

" The battle of Satoshi and Aichi will begin!" Citron declared

" Then I'll start first! Gekogashira, Aerial Ace!" Satoshi declared

" Dodge it and use Razor Leaf!" Aichi declared

Gogoat did as told as it fired the Razor Leaf. Gekogashira was hit as it stood back up again.

" Alright, use Water Pulse!" Satoshi declared

Gekogashira jumped as it fired the Water Pulse on Gogoat.

" Are you alright?! Use Leaf Blade!" Aichi declared

Gogoat sent out its Leaf Blade as Gekogashira was once again hit.

" Gekogashira!"

" Gogoat, Horn Leech!" Aichi declared

Gogoat charged again as the attack hit Gekogashira while it was still standing up.

" Every attack had dealt critical damage to Gekogashira!" Citron exclaimed

" Oh no!" Eureka exclaimed

" Finish it off with Seed Bomb!" Aichi declared

Gogoat blasted the attack as Gekogashira fainted.

" Gekogashira is defeated! The winner is Aichi Sendou!" Citron announced

" We did it, Gogoat!" Aichi cheered

Aichi hugged and patted Gogoat as it also sounded happy.

" Good job, Gekogashira. Come back and rest." Satoshi said, returning Gekogashira to its Pokeball

" You too, Gogoat." Aichi said

He returned Gogoat back to its Pokeball as well before walking over to Satoshi.

" That was a great battle. You really didn't give Gekogashira a break but it was fun!" Satoshi said

" I had fun too!" Aichi said

" Aichi." Kai called

He turned towards Kai as Kai nodded before Aichi nodded back to him as well.

" Actually, I think we can say our little secret." Aichi said

" Huh? Why? I thought I lost." Satoshi said

" We trust you. Besides, I can tell how hard and sincere you trained your Pokemon." Aichi said

" First, let's set up camp here and rest." Kai said

" Yeah!"

They set up camp and just in time before sunset as Kai and Aichi offered to cook for dinner.

" While we're at it, you guys can explain to them. We're all in the same situation after all." Aichi said

" You're right, Brother!" Kamui said

Aichi went off to help Kai as they gathered at the table.

" Actually, we came from the Planet Cray." Gaillard said

" Planet Cray?" Serena ask

" Yeah. Look at this." Naoki said

He took out a deck as he showed a card to them.

" These guys... No, these units live in that planet. They aren't just ordinary cards with pictures drawn on them, they are actual beings, just like Pokemon." Naoki explained

" You mean like legendary Pokemon written in books that actually exists?!" Citron ask

" Yeah. It's the same for them. And we live there as well as their leaders." Shingo explained

" Every deck has different clans. Mine is Nova Grappler, Ishida-senpai is Narukami, Misaki-san is Oracle Think Tank and Genesis, Komoi-senpai is Murakumo, Olivier Gaillard is Gold Paladin, Ratie Curti is Shadow Paladin, Phillippe Neve is Dimension Police, Raul Sera switches decks often but it's confirmed that his main is Granblue, Brother Aichi is Royal Paladin and that jerk, Kai, is Kagero. That's the gist of it." Kamui said

" You didn't have to say the word 'jerk' for Kai..." Misaki said

" But it's true! And I can't believe Brother is engaged with that jerk!" Kamui said

" Engaged?!" Serena exclaimed

" Not yet. They're just each other's fiancé for now until we get back home." Misaki explained

" It's not like it's a bad thing, Kamui-kun. Kai-kun is really a nice person." Aichi said

" At least I know somebody understands me more than you, Kamui." Kai said

" Why you..." Kamui said

" Hey, hey. Calm down. We still need to continue our story." Naoki said

" Hmph!"

" It's not just the few of us here. There are other friends who came with us. We might be able to meet them on the way." Misaki explained

" I see..."

" But if you four are calling Aichi, 'Your Highness', means..." Eureka said

" He's the king of Cray." Neve explained


" That's right! And he's a great leader and is well respected in Cray!" Shingo said

" But... We lived on Earth before..." Naoki said

" Before?"

" Our home planet was Earth in our world... It was fun playing Vanguard like a normal person would everyday... Until Link Joker came to our world..." Misaki said

" Link Joker?"

" An entity that can cross space and time itself. They invaded Cray and Earth, reversing every people in there... We managed to stop it but... We didn't know something else..." Kamui explained

" Something else?" Citron ask

" Void was the main enemy! Link Joker had returned to it and then they started it all over again! Aichi saved us over and over again from their forces! That was already the third time!" Naoki said

" Third time?!" Satoshi exclaimed

" We were and still are... indebted to His Highness. If he didn't risk his life to save us, we wouldn't be where we are now." Gaillard said

" I said to you guys that you didn't have to..." Aichi said, chopping the cabbage

" No! It was necessary!" Kamui said

" Everything would've been different for us if it weren't for you!" Ratie said

" Looks like you guys faced something frightening..." Serena said

" Yeah. And, a messenger from Cray came one day and chose us as His Highness's Quatre Knights and informed His Highness of his role and power now." Gaillard explained

" His Highness has powers far beyond our control and Void has been planning to gain it for a long time. We thought living in the palace on Cray would be safer but... It seemed that even Void could go past our line of defense... because His Highness was almost kidnapped by it." Neve explained

" Kidnapped?!"

" Yeah."

" Aichi!" Kai exclaimed

They turned their heads to see Kai moving the knife Aichi had in his hand away.

" Be careful! You almost cut your finger!" Kai said

" Oh, I'm sorry... I wasn't concentrating and stared off into space..." Aichi said

" Are you alright? Maybe you should take a break." Kai said

" No. I'm fine now. Let's continue." Aichi said

He continued chopping the cabbage as the others turned back again.

" I guess it affected him quite badly." Citron said

" It did. That's why Takuto sent us to this world to keep him away from Void temporary while he recovers his body in Cray. You see, Takuto had sent Link Joker away and is now regenerating in Cray, but... We can't go home unless we find a way back ourselves." Misaki said

" I see... Alright, I decided! We'll help you! And protect Aichi at the same time!" Satisfied said

" No! We don't want to drag you into this mess!" Naoki said

" No objections! If you guys experienced something like this, we can't possibly leave you guys in a lurch like this!" Serena said

" But..."

" Please, let us join in!" Citron begged

" Aichi..." Kai said

" Are you sure? It'll be dangerous..." Aichi said

" We don't mind! You're our friend, and we help them out if they need it!" Satoshi said

" Yeah!"

" If you're so persistent... Alright. But you guys will have to practice caution if you want to help us." Aichi said

" We will!"

" Yeah! Now, the stew for dinner is ready!" Aichi said

They poured the stew into the plates as they digged in. When they were done eating, they all prepared themselves to sleep as Aichi and Kai looked out of the open window in their tent while lying down and cuddling each other.

" Is this really a good thing or a bad thing...? Letting Satoshi-kun and the others, who are innocent, into our problems?" Aichi ask

" They wanted to. And like you said, they were persistent. So, I don't see why it's a bad thing. They are pretty nice too." Kai said

" I can see that. It really is fun being in this world too. We were able to meet so many people and Pokemon. I hope that this peace will last a little longer, even though chaos will occur sooner or later as well..." Aichi said

" Me too, Aichi... Now, let's go to sleep. You must be tired already." Kai said

" Yeah. Goodnight, Kai-kun." Aichi said

" Goodnight, Aichi." Kai said

He kissed Aichi's forehead as both fell asleep in each other's arms.

And that's the end of this chapter! I hope it was a better chapter and story than the old one! I hoped you enjoyed it as well! And with that, I'll see everyone in the next chapter!