Yeah, so yes: My really, REALLY first English story. :) So please don't be so rude because of my grammar errors. :) Because (my biggest sorry for that) in that story will be a lots of them.(Heh, thanks to my beta, hopefully there won't be. :D up:15.07.01.) So just read and enjoy the story! :D Please read and review! :)

Tomorrow Berk will wake up for a big day, since dragon racing will be held! Every Berkian is so excited! But before anyone could go to sleep, a quick flash appears, and no one is at home anymore.

-For Odin's name, what's going on?! – bellowed the Chief, Stoick the Vast.

-Every one, calm down! I'm not here to hurt you. Not one of you! I just want to show you something, something important. – said an unknown voice.

Everyone turns their head, trying to find the person, who spoke.

-Wait, where's Hiccup? – asked a beautiful blonde Viking girl, known as Astrid.

-He's okay. Don't worry. – said the voice.

-So, why are we here? – asked Stoick. – And why isn't Hiccup here with us?

-Because, we are going to watch his movie.

-About what?

-You will see. But I can say one thing. This movie will be about his life, his present. So, if you see, when he drinks or reads, he is doing this at the same time, when we watch this movie. So, please sit down, and then we can start the movie. In Berk the sun already came up.

No one dared arguing with the voice. When every Viking took their seat, and the dragons were also settled- with a lonely and a little sad Toothless- the movie began.


Hiccup and Toothless BLUR PAST, leaving a wake that leads...

-So Hiccup'll no longer take part in the race again. – Stoick sighed bitterly.

However, Toothless was really happy. That means he going to fly with Hiccup!


(Sequence 0200 - New Berk)

To the island village of Berk, festively adorned with flags and banners. Major new additions alter its familiar skyline.


This... is Berk. The best kept secret this side of, well, anywhere. Granted, it may not look

like much, but this wet heap of rock packs more than a few surprises.

-That's for sure. – mumbled Gobber.

ON A CLUSTER OF SHEEP, hiding nervously between buildings as shadows of passing dragons race by. The group moves as one, receding into a shadowy alley, pushing one sheep out into the light. It's suddenly snatched and carried into the air!

-Poor sheep! But they're so funny! – explained a little viking girl.


Life here is amazing, just not for the faint of heart. See, where most folks enjoy hobbies like whittling or needlepoint, we Berkians prefer a little something we like to call—

WHOOSH, WHOOSH, WHOOSH! A wash of VIBRANT COLORS blurs by. DRAGONS BARREL PAST at a dizzying speed. Their RIDERS SWIPE, KICK, and ROLL into one another while they WEAVE neck in neck between the houses, docks, and revamped structures of Berk.



-That's the best game ever! – shouted Tuffnut.

The other teens nodded in agreement, along with every Viking from Berk. What a big turn in the past five years!

It's like an aerial version of the Monte Carlo race. Spectators ROAR from wooden bleachers, fastened to cliff faces and perched over the sea. FISHLEGS, now 20 and even larger, rides his gronkle, MEATLUG, who carries the sheep in her claws, until...

SNOTLOUT, also 20, but every bit as juvenile, and his Monstrous Nightmare, HOOKFANG, steal the sheep from them.


Oh, I'm sorry, Fishlegs! Did you want that?


Snotlout! That's mine!

-Hehe, Fishlegs, you should wake up earlier, if you think I'll let you win this race! – yelled Snotlout with a wide grin. Then he turns to Ruffnut. – See that move? I'm the best Viking for you!

-Aggh, I think I'll throw up my dinner if you continue that sentence.

Snotlout FALLS BACK toward RUFFNUT and TUFFNUT, who lag on their two-headed Zippleback, BARF & BELCH.


Here ya go, babe.

-Why do you call me that?! I'm not your babe!

With a chivalrous grin, Snotlout tosses the sheep to Ruffnut. She SNATCHES it with a sneer and a GRUMBLE.


Did I tell you that you look

amazing today? 'Cause you do.


Come on, Barf. It's starting to

stink around here.

-See? Leave me alone! – yells Ruffnut.

-Never. – Snotlout grin in response.

Barf starts to peel off, spewing gas. Tuffnut mocks Snotlout with a mugging grin.


Nope. Still hates you. Let's blow this place, Belch!

Belch ignites the gas, sparking a flashy explosion, and leaving Snotlout behind in the smoke.

-That's was so cool! – said Tuffnut, while Ruffnut nodded in agreement , just before she hit her brother with her fist.

-Don't steal my ideas. I wanted to say the same thing!

As they rush past the main bleachers, Ruffnut DROPS her sheep into one of the five baskets suspended over a chasm at the lap crossing. Each backboard bears an image of its corresponding dragon. The Barf/Belch basket filled to the brim with sheep.

-Errr, everyone see what I'm seeing? – asked Astrid in confusion.

Presiding over the game, STOICK turns to the frenzied crowd.


That's nine for the Twins, Astrid lags with three,

-What?! How the hell did this happen? – yells Astrid and almost every Viking agrees with her. It's realy looks like that. The twins will win their first race. But how?

Fishlegs and Snotlout trail with NONE!

-Okay, that makes sense – says Stoick.

Meanwhile, the twins happily banged their heads.

Stoick eyes an empty basket at the far end, its backboard painted with an image of Toothless.


And Hiccup is… nowhere to be found. Hmmm.

But why? Why did he just … step down, again? – thought Stoick.

-Don't worry. He'll be fine. I'm sure, he just going to explore new lands., again. – Gobber anwsered his friend's unspoken question.


Scared him off with the big talk, didn't ya, Stoick?

-What? What does he mean by the "Big talk"? – asked Snotlout.

-I don't know. – answered Fishlegs.

-Neither do I. But If we don't watch, we'll never know the answer! – Astrid snapped at the the two guys.

No, it couldn't be THAT talk.I did plan to give it to him. But… What else could scare him away? Stoick asked himself.(Again)

WHACK! Snotlout, still smoldering from the blast, gets CLIPPED from behind. ASTRID, rolls in, astride STORMFLY – spirited and competitive as ever, and beautiful despite herself.


What are you doing, Snotlout?! They're going to win now!


She's my princess! Whatever she wants, she gets.

-Your princess? Really? – Spitelout askes while rolling his eyes.

-Hey, it could be worse.

-Yeah, says you. How's your son courting to Astrid? I'm sure, not like that!


Ruffnut?! Didn't she try to bury you alive?!

-That was a really good idea.


Only for a few hours!

BACK TO THE RACERS, as they peel away, pouring on the speed.


Dragons used to be a bit of a problem here. But that was five years ago. Now they've all moved in. And, really, why wouldn't they?

-Just a little problem, heh? – asked Gobber sarcastically. – So I lived in a different Berk five years ago.

The racers chase each other through a sprawling hangar and into a vast cave, teeming with colorfully painted dragon stables. They exit through the far side and circle back through the village, blasting past many of its dragon-friendly additions.

Every dragon and viking enjoyed that picture: peace in Berk, and the dragons are the pets. Cute, fire-breathing pets.


We have custom stables... all-you-can-eat feeding stations... a full service dragon wash...

In the village, a baby Gronkle sneezes, accidentally setting one of the Viking houses aflame.

-Well, it'll be a little problem, won't it? – asked a nine-year old child.


Even top-of-the-line fire prevention, if I do say so myself.

Astrid rolls her eyes, peels away from the other dragon racers, and yanks open a spout on the overhead network of aqueducts, dousing the flames with a surge of water.

-Or won't.

BACK TO STOICK, amused as he watches the racers round the island, searching for sheep. He turns to Gobber and nods.


It's time, Gobber.



(aloud, to the crowd)

Last lap!

A HORN sounds. The racers all turn to each other, excited.


The black sheep! Come on, Stormfly!

We can still win this thing!

-Yeah, we have a chance! We'll win this race. Won't we Stormfly? – Astrid asked happily to Stormfly, who screech in agreement.

If Toothless and Hiccup aren't there, they're going to be the winners. Always. Or at least, so far.


Come on, Barf!


Let's go!


Go, Meatlug!

GOBBER loads the BLACK SHEEP onto a catapult.


This is your big moment. Have a nice flight!

On the sheep face: What?! You're not going to do what I think you're going to do, are you?!

-Poor guy. But look at it's face!

He pulls the trigger, LAUNCHING the black sheep into the air. On the Sheep face, we can cleary read: I hate my job. I hate this. Please help me! Astrid spots it and steers Stormfly into a steep climb toward it.


Up, up, up!

In a flash, Fishlegs and Meatlug blur past, NABBING the sheep.

-What?! But that-! How did this happen!? How!? – asked Astrid, while her family nodded in agreement. Their girl was the champion. Always. Well, of course, just when Hiccup is "nowhere to be found".




Good job, Meatlug!

Fishlegs tosses his captured prize to Ruffnut.


Here you go, darling. Mine's worth ten!

-Please, no more! But... thanks for the sheep, by the way.


Yeah! The Black Sheep!

Snotlout sighs, frustrated.

Meanwhile, the Snotlout, who sits in the cinema, does the same thing.


You guys are fighting for Ruffnut?!


I'm totally winning!

Fishlegs hovers up next to Ruffnut with a starry-eyed smile.

-Now that's disgusting. – growls Ruffnut in pure disgust.


We're winning together!

She RAMS BARF into Meatlug, sending Fishlegs into an uncontrolled SPIN. He SLAMS into Snotlout, sending their dragons TUMBLING head over tail.

- See what you did?! – Snotlout shouts angrily. – You..

- Enough! – said the voice. – If you finish that sentence, then you can't say a single word until the end of the film.

That shut him up, but not before he sent a deadth glare at Fishlegs.

The crowd goes wild.


No one can stop me now!


Except for me. We're attached,


He GRABS at the sheep. Ruffnut fights back, inciting a tug-of-war.

-Oh, why can't you two just simply finish that race without an argument? – the twims' mother asked.

-And if we did that, where's the fun?


Quit trying to steal all my glory!

And while they're distracted, Astrid steers Stormfly toward them, CLOSING IN. Suddenly, she hops on Stormfly's back for a standing position, just like a surfer on her desk.


Get 'em, Astrid!

Why is the Chief cheering Astrid on? Yeah, his son isn't there, but he's the Chief. He shouldn't have favourites. Then why? Or did we missed something? Is what ran through everyone's mind.


It's MY glory! No sheep, no



You're always ruining


Astrid leaps off of Stormfly, runs up Belch's spindly neck, and PLUCKS the black sheep from the Twins' hands.



-Wow. – says everyone in the crowd.

While Astrid and her parent's just smile. Their daugther. Yeah, she is a perfect dragon rider. They're almost sure that trick is something that Hiccup, the village's hero can't do.

She tumbles through the air onto Stormfly, sticking a perfect landing, black sheep in hand.

-See that? That was a perfect maneuver, Snotface. – Astrid grinned widely at Snotlout, who just shrugs. He'll show Astrid. He'll…



BACK TO STOICK, beside himself. The crowd ROARS.


Well played! Hahaha!

(gloating, to the crowd)

That's my future daughter-in-law!

Everyone is taken aback at the cinema, except Astrid and Stoick. Astrid simply blushed, while Stoick grinned widely. Oh, how long he has waited to be able to say that out loud.


eyeing the fast-approaching FINISH LINE, unaware as... FISHLEGS suddenly RAMS Meatlug into Stormfly, sending Astrid off-course. She recovers and sees Snotlout flying headlong toward her, war hammer cocked, aiming at Astrid.

- What are you thinking!? – yells Astrid mother's, while the two guys sink into their chairs.

- Everything is fair in love and war. – The guys answer in unison.

- Easy mom! I can handle that! – Astrid said in a steady voice.


Uh, excuse me.



Snotlout HURLS his hammer. Astrid ducks and rolls Stormfly out of the way. … And it's gain straight to the suprised Fishlegs. The hammer catches Fishlegs in the face with a CLANG. The crowd collectively winces. Astrid shouts when they began to go flat out to the water. But then Astrid and Stormfly recover from their roll, loop over the water, and they BLAST past the finish line, DUNKING the black sheep into their basket!

-See? Nothing that I can't handle. – Astrid smiles proudly at her mother.

No doubt, Hiccup choose the perfect girl,smiling at Astrid Stoick proudly.


That's thirteen! Astrid takes the game!

The crowd COMES UNHINGED. Astrid flies over the crowd,basking in her victory.

My rider is a perfect champion! screech Stormfly happily, while the other dragons nod in agreement. Yeah, she is the champion, but nothing interesting. But that boy, the First Rider, Hiccup is nowhere to be found. But if he isn't there, where is he? And why isn't he there?


Yep. Berk is pretty much perfect. All of my hard work has paid off. And it's a good thing, too, because with Vikings on the backs of dragons, the world just got a whole lot bigger.

Meanwhile, Astrid hold on one of Stormfly's torn and give high-fives to the vikings. Then she hops back on her dragon and fly past Fishlegs and Snotlout while she get closer and closer to the sky.

-What's that supposed to mean? – asked Tuffnut.

-You'll see. – answers the voice. – Remember. That was your present. And the next is what Hiccup is doing that at the same time. Remember, everything is your present, or your really near future. So easy and watch.

Every viking nods, and eagerly watches the screen. But the ones, who watch the most eagerly are Stoick, Astrid and the dragons. What is the thing that is so important to Hiccup for him to miss the race?

Yeah, finish my first English chapter, yay! :D BTW, what do you think? Good or bad that story? :) Easy, there will be more, more reactions about what Hiccup doing in that movie, so just be a reallylittle patiance. :) Next chapter soon! :)


UPDATE: Grammar errors are corrected by Ohsochich at 01.07.2015.