Finn, the Finn of the past, let Amanda of the past drag him by his wrist, sprinting down Main Street. He stumbled and tripped, trying to keep up. Everyone but Charlene was following behind them. The blonde was in the lead, thanks to her long, strong, and nimble legs.

"Who was that?" Charlene asked, slowing down so everyone could keep up. Her ponytail bounced as she ran. "Do you think it was one of Maleficent's minions?"

"I don't know!" Maybeck snapped. "You all started running away like cowards before we could get a good look at her!"

"She looked like she was carrying a bag!" Jess commented.

"An evil bag," Maybeck taunted, wiggling his fingers spookily. "Gimme a break, we can't get back to our time if we just keep running like this!"

"Do you have a better plan?!" Philby asked, seriously doubting it.

Maybeck smirked. "As a matter of fact." He stopped running, letting everyone quickly pass him. He spun on his heel and began to run in the exact opposite direction.

"MAYBECK!" Charlene gasped, not hesitating for a moment to turn around and follow him.

"CHAR!" Willa stopped in her tracks as well, watching as the two ran towards the castle. "STOP!"

"That idiot!" Philby walked up next to Willa. "That boy thinks he's indestructible."

"The faster we get out of this creepy Magic Kingdom, the better," Amanda said, looking around uncomfortably.

"We're not leaving them alone," Finn said, stepping in front of everyone. "No Keepers left behind, right?"

"Right!" Jess cheered, fist-pumping the air.

"Then let's go."

"Maybeck! Maybeck stop!" Charlene caught up to him easily, and they matched pace, running back towards the castle. "You're crazy!"

"I'm getting some answers, Char!" Maybeck checked Charlene in the side with his shoulder, trying to knock her down. "Don't try and stop me!"

Soon, they found themselves caught up with the woman, who turned around in surprise as Maybeck launched himself at her. He landed on top of her, both of them falling to the ground, her bag flying. Charlene instinctively ran to catch it, but she was too late. It fell to the ground and exploded. Charlene skipped to a stop, picking up the bag's contents. "Groceries?" she mumbled in surprise.

The woman gasped, finding a strange boy pinning her to the ground. "Alright, you evil minion, gimme some answers!" he demanded. "How did we get here? Where's your leader? Her face has an appointment with my fist," he grinned, proudly lifting one fist. The woman's eyes widened before she pushed her hands forward and the boy went flying.

Charlene gasped, watching as Maybeck flew through the air before crashing against a building. He choked in surprise before crumpling onto a bench and then rolling onto the ground. He groaned in pain, curling up slightly.

"Maybeck!" she shrieked, running to his aid as the rest of the past Keepers caught up to them. Amanda's jaw dropped.

"How did you do that?" she asked, her voice merely a whisper.

"What did you just call him?" the woman asked Charlene, who fell to her knees beside Maybeck. Philby rushed to his best friend to help.

"How did you do that?!" Amanda yelled, confronting the woman.

"What did she just call him?!" the woman pointed at Charlene, staring down Amanda. "Do I...know you?"

"Maybeck, are you alright?" Philby asked as he and Charlene helped him sit up. Maybeck spat some blood on the ground before wiping his mouth on his sleeve.

"I'm fine," he glared at the woman, rising to his feet and storming towards her. "You crazy lady, how did you do that?!" he grabbed her by the collar.

"Maybeck?" the woman whispered, cupping his face with her hand. "'s not possible. You're too young."

Maybeck slapped her hand away. "I'll kill you!" he hissed, using one arm to hold his torso in pain.

"Maybeck, sit down!" Philby demanded.

"How did you do that?!" Amanda asked once again, yelling over everyone else. "He's so much bigger than you, lady, and yet you sent him flying!"

The woman looked between Amanda and the boy who held her. "It is you! Maybeck!" she gasped, grabbing his face again. "But how?"

"What are you...?" Maybeck mumbled curiously. The woman turned to look at the rest of the kids. Her eyes widened and she wriggled out of Maybeck's grasp.

"Jess!" she gasped, rushing towards her. "Look at you, you're Jess!"

"Yes...?" Jess stepped backwards.

"And you're Finn!'re Finn..." the woman grabbed Finn's face and studied it before clasping her hands over her mouth. "God this is so weird. Oh, I don't like this."

"Maybeck," Philby rushed to his friend's side. "Sit down, please, you probably broke some ribs." He lead his friend to the bench, where he hunched over in pain.

"And that has to be Philby," the woman pointed at the redhead. "I'd recognize you anywhere. And Charlene!" she gasped, looking at her. "And where's-" she turned around and her eyes fell on Willa. "Willa. Oh, Willa Angelo look at you. Oh god, Willa, look at you!" she grabbed the girl's shoulders, nearly tearing up. "And that makes you-" she turned and pointed at Amanda. "Oh, god!"

"Oh, god WHAT?!" Amanda asked. "How do you know our names?!"

"Y-You're me!" the woman approached Amanda, hands at her cheeks in shock. "I'm you! A-Amanda...I'm you! From the future!"

Everyone's jaws dropped.

"You have to come with me!" Future Amanda grabbed Amanda's arms.

"Look at you, Finn, you're such a shrimp!" Future Amanda gushed, leading the past Keepers through a tunnel. "Look at your baby face!"

Finn's face turned bright red, and he turned away. Maybeck snickered before m*** in pain, clutching his ribs. Philby helped him walk.

"I'm really sorry, Maybeck," Future Amanda said. "We'll have you fixed up in no time."

"This? It's nothing," Maybeck smiled proudly, and Future Amanda laughed.

"Same old Donnie."

"Where are we going, u-uh...?" Charlene trailed off.

"Amanda. Just call me Amanda. Well, that might actually be can call me Commander," Future Amanda winked.

"You're a Commander?! I'm a Commander?!" Amanda gasped, and her future self laughed.

"Of sorts," Commander Amanda shrugged. "And I'm taking you -me? you?- to a secret base. I can't wait 'till the rest sees you guys."

"We get to meet our future selves?!" Jess gasped. Commander Amanda laughed again.

"Yes, Jess, you get to meet Commander Jess."

"Cool!" Jess danced happily.

"And you, little man," Future Amanda looked back at the blushing Finn. "You get to meet my husband."

Amanda, the one from the past, blushed brightly, looking between Finn and her future self. "Y-You mean-?"

"Mm hm," Future Amanda nodded, chuckling. Maybeck snickered again, elbowing Finn in the side. Finn was about to do the same before remembering his injuries.

"And the rest of us?" Charlene asked. Future Amanda licked her lips.

"I'm...not quite sure where all of you are," she mumbled, coming up to a door and typing in a code. Her eyes flashed nervously towards Philby for a second as the door slid open.

"Amanda!" a woman came rushing out, followed by a calm, exhausted man. "Where have you been? Wait-who are these guys?" she looked around at the kids. "This one kinda looks like..." she trailed off, studying Maybeck's face. Then, she grabbed Finn's shoulders, studying his face. "Weird. You look like-"

"Amanda?" the man approached, rubbing his eyes. "Who are these kids?" Finn pulled out the Wanted poster and gasped, matching the two faces.

"I-It'," Finn breathed.

"It's me?" Future Finn chuckled, looking nervously at Future Amanda.

"Hi, Finny," Future Amanda grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek. Both Finn and Amanda of the past flinched.

"You look just like Manda!" the woman gasped, grabbing past Amanda by the shoulders.

"Wait...are you?" Jess stepped forward.

"Guys, these From the past. Somehow," Future Amanda explained as Jess and her future counterpart locked eyes.

"Triiiipy~" they mumbled in unison before laughing.

"So you must be?" Future Finn put his hand on Finn's head. The boy nodded, in shock.

"Whoa, Finn!" Maybeck interrupted. "You got jacked!"

Future Finn laughed. "Fighting will do that to you, Donnie. Aw man, look at ya. Younger face, but it's the same ol' Macbeth."

Maybeck laughed, choking and clutching his ribs. Philby wrapped his arm around him, supporting the bigger boy.

"Oh, uh..." Future Amanda blushed. "His ribs are hurting real bad, do we have any Fairlies stationed here that can help?"

"More Fairlies?!" Jess from the past gasped.

"What did you do?" Future Finn scolded Future Amanda, who chuckled nervously.

"Commander Amanda says that she doesn't know where the rest of us are," Philby stated, moving right into the important conversation. Future Finn grimaced, looking at the two Commanders.

"We know the whereabouts of...some," Future Jess rubbed the back of her neck. "N-Not all. It will all be explained soon, b-but come on, let's see if we can find a Fairlie that can fix Maybeck up."

The end n.n