Sorry for deleting the first version for those who read it! I just wanted to make a better one and a longer one so here it is!

Karma stands on the sidewalk as his bright red hair flutters in the cool breeze during the night. His red T-shirt also moves in the as his blue long sleeve undershirt stays put. Under the luminous moon, it sends a faint glow on his gold eyes. He wears a dark blue shirt with a dark red long-sleeved shirt underneath. He wears blue jeans and gray tennis shoes. The redhead whips his head side to side looking for a certain bluehead.

"Where are you, Nagisa?" he mutters to himself as he starts walking through the enormous crowd of people. "You're so short that I can't even see you."

A three-day festival is taking place in their city so Karma thought this might be the one opportunity he has to ask out Nagisa. Even though they had only been classmates for about three years, Karma had developed feelings for her.

It wasn't long before Karma spots a group of his classmates. Okuda, Kayano, Kanzaki, and Sugino are in their own little group off to the sides so they can avoid being pushed around in the crowd.

Okuda is wearing a red, short-sleeved shirt with khaki shorts that reaches her thighs. For shoes, the girl just wears simple light brown sandals. Okuda has her usual braids and that happy expression on her face.

Kayano is wearing a yellow, elbow-length shirt and a light blue skirt that reaches her knees. Around her neck she wears a red bead necklace and a pair of white flats for shoes. Kayano's hair is fixed in her cat-eared style pigtails. The green-haired girl laughs while talking to her group of friends.

Kanzaki is wearing a soft pink dress that reaches her knees. The red ribbon around the waist is tied up in the back, reaching the bottom of her dress. She wears a baby blue straped flats as shoes. This time, Kanzaki has her hair up in a ponytail that reaches mid-back. She is talking to Sugino while giggling at his jokes.

Sugino is wearing a dark blue, short-sleeved shirt and khaki capris. The boy wears a white and red tennis shoes with the laces perfectly tied up. The sports boy blushes at his crush while telling her funny jokes and stories.

"Hey! Karma!" Sugino exclaims, waving the prankster over with a huge smile on his face. His shirt wrinkles slightly as he waves his hand around.

Karma puts his hands in his dark blue jeans as he strolls over to the group of four. "Hey. Did any of you guys see Nagisa?"

This statement makes his classmates freeze. Sugino's smile fades as he quickly looks away. Okuda and Kayano backs away. Kanzaki puts her head down.

"What's the matter? I ask one question and you guys are all quiet," Karma says. He raises an eyebrow while setting his hands on his hips.

"Um…that is…" Kanzaki starts. She fidgets with her knee-length, soft pink dress. Her ponytail moves side to side slightly as she moves.

Kayano holds up a hand so Karma can't hear. "Should we tell him?" she asks Okuda.

"Ask me what?" the tallest boy of the group inquires. He narrows his eyes at the two girls.

Okuda holds up her hands as a defense, waving her hands around in panic. "N-Nothing!" Her purple top bounces up and down with the movement.

"You sure?" Karma asks, pressuring them even more. If they're hiding something, Karma wants to know what it is.

"Uh…yeah!" Sugino nods hastily. "Oh! Look at the time. We better get going!" And all four of them runs off.

The redhead raises his hand to massage his temples. "What is the matter with them?"

"Well, whatever," Karma says. He turns around and walks away, thinking about how they were no help at all.

The tall boy just kicks at the dirt while leaning his back against the wall. He hangs his head down until he hears a voice. Karma lifts his head to look at the people in front of him.

Kataoka is wearing a purple, elbow-length shirt that slightly bares her shoulders and light gray skinny jeans. She wears light purple flats on her feet. Her hair is in its common hairstyle. Kataoka wears her smile while looking at him.

Hinano is wearing a black and white striped shirt with a dark gray skirt that reaches above her knees. A bright orange flower clip is placed in her hair on the left side. Hinano wears green flip-flops with a flower ornament on each shoe. The bug-loving girl is cheerful as ever.

"Karma, is something the matter?" Kataoka ask him. She stands next to Hinano, who is holding a bag full of gummies.

The said boy stands up straight to look at the female representative. "Did you guys see Nagisa anywhere?"

Both girls in front of him starts to tense at him. Karma narrows his eyes at the two females, making them even more nervous.

"What's the matter?"

"U-Um…nothing's the matter!" Hinano exclaims.

Kataoka forces a smile on her face. "R-Right! Well, we better get going!"

The two friends fast-walk away from Karma, leaving him dumbfounded.

The prankster of the class messages his temples. "What is the matter with them?"

For a few minutes, Karma looks around and sees Isogai with Maehara.

Isogai is wearing a blue and white shirt and dark blue jeans. For shoes he wears white tennis shoes. In his arms he carries a bag of food he brought.

Maehara is wearing a dark red short that has a yellow smiley face on the cover. He wears khaki pants and black tennis shoes.

Maehara is trying to flirt with large-chested girls, despite being rejected each time. Isogai is cheering up Maehara for each failed attempt. The black-haired male of the group is cheering up a sulking Maehara when both males hear their name.

"Isogai! Maehara!" he calls, making his way over to the duo. "Have you guys seen Nagisa?"

"That is... Hehe..." Maehara chuckles.

"Actually..." the black-haired one of the group starts. Realizing what he just did, Isogai quickly slaps a hand over his mouth.

His classmate crosses his arms while slightly glaring at the male representative of Class 3-E. "Why did you stop talking?" Karma asks. "That isn't like you."

Isogai backs up a little with Maehara. "Bye, Karma!" And they run off.

Karma clicks his tongue, watching them run with their backs turned toward him. "First, Sugino and the other, second, Kataoka and Hinano running away, now Isogai and Maehara? Seriously, what is up with those people?"

He leaves to go search for other classmates. A little while later, Karma spots Irina clinging onto Karasuma.

Irina is wearing a revealing sleeveless red dress that reaches her ankles. There is a slit in the center of her dress that reveals part of her chest. Irina is wearing light brown high-heels as shoes. Around her neck is a gold necklace that has a shiny effect. The seductive teacher's hair is tied up into a ponytail with and black hairtie. Her appearance makes her very attractive by other men.

Karasuma is wears a simple black, short-sleeved shirt with dark blue jeans. The shirt is neatly tucked in the pants and held in place by a dark brown belt. He wears black formal shoes on his feet. Karasuma looks angry at Irina while trying to make her let go of his arm.

The two adults kept going on like that, while gaining a little attention from other males. The others males has a look of jealously on their faces while trying to catch the female's attention. Unfortunately for them, Irina stays onto Karasuma.

"Karasuma~! Let's go somewhere together!" Irina exclaims, squeezing Karasuma's arm in between her chest. "Let's go! Let's go!"

"Let go first!" Karasuma orders her. Despite his angriness, Irina continues to cling onto him.

Karma sweatdrops at the scene. 'Doesn't B****-sensei know this will never work? Of course not, she's a b****,' he thinks.

"Hey! Karasuma-sensei!" the redhead calls, gaining his teachers' attention. he strolls over to them.

Karasuma raises a hand. "Hello Karma." He smiles.

"Hello~ Karasuma-sensei," he turns to Irina. "Hello, B****-sensei!"

Irina grows a tick mark. "Hey! Stop calling me that, brat!"

Karma laughs at her reaction, causing his teacher to get more angry. Ignoring the assassin, he looks at Karasuma. "I have a question to ask you."

"Are you even listening?!" irina yells at him, pointing an accusing finger at her student. In the end, she gets ignored by both males next to her.

"A question? What is it?" the stern man asks his student.

Karma smiles gleefully, hoping either teacher of his know the answer to his question. "Have any of you seen Nagisa?"

This question makes both of his teacher stop whatever they were doing. Irina quickly stops her ranting all of a sudden and retracts her hands. Karasuma clutches his hands into tight fist while looking at Karma.

"Sorry. We did not see her," Karasuma says.

Both of his teachers walk away after giving an answer. Karma runs his finger through his hair in an agitated manner.

"Seriously... Does anyone not know where she is?" the prankster mutters to himself. He puts his hands in his pocket, deciding to go home for the night."Maybe I'll just look for her tomorrow. It's getting late anyway."

And with that, Karma leaves the festival.

Sorry if you think it's still too short! I've written a lot longer fanfics before, but this is my first time uploading them on an actual website. As the days pass, I'll make sure to make them even more longer.

If you find this story interesting, thank you! I really suck at coming up with good ideas...and good titles...

Since the festival is three days, I'm going to make this story into three chapters (once I actually figure out how to do that...).

Hope you've enjoyed~! Bye!
