Hello everyone, I know I haven't udated this story in roughly two years and I'm deeply sorry for that. I went through a lot of emotional stuff and I kinda hit a wall with the story. I really appreciate all the love an support you have given me over the years, even when I wasnt updating. BUT I have been going through and reuploading the story on Archive Of Our Own, reworking things as I go (including cutting out pointless filler chapters *cough*Reeds*cough*). The stoty is under the same title and I have the same username if you'd like to check it out. Plus, I'm not dealing with the same age restrictions as so there will be some fun time chapters ;)

When my AO3 one catches up to this I will probably post the final chapters here, but im not sure how lomg that will take since I'm only on chapter 19. The one on AO3 is better written and includes some plot changes! So please feel free to check it out if you're still interested in this story. If not I'd like to thank you again for all your love and support there past three years