The funeral was nothing but a blurry memory of Karen crying and Claire trying to hug her over Zach's unborn sibling. A black hood hung low over my pastel pink hair and a pair of headphones blasted sad rock songs. The pain in my left leg- still recovering in the places where the bone shattered all those months ago- made it easy to keep an upset face as I tried to balance on my functional side. Even with my facade going strong, I didn't last more than a couple of minutes into the ceremony.

Normally I had track at that hour and I would go home with my best friend afterward. School was still in session, keeping Elise away from me for at least a few more hours. There was nothing to do, so I limped home to think about what would happen next.

Our parents had been dead long before the accident; their pulses only needed to stop as a formality. Karen and Claire were too busy to know how bad it had gotten; I never intended to tell either of them in one of our rushed phone calls. My sisters were the only family I had left and the option to leave me had disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. I wasn't sure I was ok with a forced relationship with them.

This realization dawned on me as I reached the neighborhood I had lived in my entire life: a chunk of pavement crammed full of trailers decked out with ghetto Christmas lights and knocked up strays. It only took one look to see why my sisters sought out good pay then never turned back. I struggled up the steps where my loyal husky-mutt sat waiting for me just inside the front door. Tibbers brought a smile to my face despite the situation. He followed me to our small bedroom and watched as I dragged out a suitcase that had almost never been used. What few belongings I had didn't require an abundance of space in the bag.

After I finished packing, I brought Tibbers to the couch in the living room-the only comfortable furniture we owned- and cuddled him while I waited. The moment the front door opened, I was sandwiched in a group hug by my sisters. Tibbers managed a growl as he recoiled from the family that he didn't know were friends. Zach awkwardly waited by his mother and eyeballed my vibrant hair. Thankfully the loving gesture didn't last very long because I wasn't sure how to react.

"We're sorry Kali," Karen whimpered. A new wave of tears broke out across her cheeks.

"What are you sorry for? Neither of you have done anything to me," I replied, partially in shock at receiving an apology. Our oldest sister got choked up when she tried to answer, so Claire spoke for her.

"We left you here for so many years without looking after you or mom and dad. Both of us got caught up in our own lives."

I shrugged before asking a new question," What do we do now?"

"We need to decide who you're going to live with. I could share my apartment at the park if you like," Claire offered.

"You're always welcome in my home if that's where you want to stay," Karen added. The oldest of us began to dry her tears and catch her breath.

"I want to live with Elise," I declared firmly.

Both sisters appeared confused and exchanged a look of disapproval.

"Who?" Claire asked.

"Elise Dreamblossom, my best friend since third grade," I clarified.

"I wouldn't feel safe leaving my little sister with a family that we've never met. Besides, friendships don't always work out... It's a long way to come get you if living with her didn't go well," Karen explained.

If I was as spiteful as most teenagers, I would have pointed out that they were comfortable abandoning me with dysfunctional parents, but that wasn't my style. I could tell by the looks on their faces that neither of them were going for the idea. With a sigh, I let go of my only hope of staying in our hometown.

My eyes wondered to Zach, who was still infatuated with my hair. Then I thought about the few months of silent nights that Karen had left before the new terror came to disrupt them. Claire was dedicated to her work anyway; it was likely she would leave me alone after I moved in. All of these thoughts crossed my mind in a matter of seconds and I think we were all startled by the speed of my decision.

"Fine, I'll live with Claire, but I have a few conditions."

The younger of my sisters tilted her head, but had no more time to react before I continued.

"First, I'm bringing Tibbers. Second, I want to spend my last night with Elise. Third, I want a job at the park, even if it's something minor."

Claire opened her mouth to object for a moment before she gave me a laughing nod. I let out a tiny breath that I hadn't realized I was holding.

"I'll put my suitcase in the car before I go. Elise lives next door," I concluded. My sisters were surprised to see me reappear within minutes with fully packed luggage.