AN/: Don't own anything. Just playing with them.

Please let me know what you think!

While Sam and Bonnie were talking, Dean watched the game on TV, at least that is what he did most of the time. When he was not watching his brother and the chick with stick. He knew that bringing the witch was a risk, as the girl brought a lot of uncertain factors to the mix. Without a doubt however he could tell that her abilities came in very handy and her being experianced in combat and with dark magic and creatures was also an asset. Hopefully Sammy would deal with her issues about those flashbacks saving him of getting involved with this. With a sigh, Dean turned back to the game and left the other two to their book.

After a while, Bonnie and Sam decided to call it a day and went to their respective beds, leaving it to Dean to switch off the light when he was done watching his show. A couple of hours later, Dean jerked awake from the couch. Apparently he had fallen asleep during the game, as the TV was still blaring into the dark. Groaning, Dean sat up and rolled his head to get rid of the cricks, before he got up and padded over to the switch to flipp off the light. When he looked over to the other two, he noticed that Sammy seemed to be having a pretty bad nightmare and was starting to thrash around in his bed. Just as he wanted to go over to wake him, Bonnie woke up with a start at Sam's strangled cry.

As the witch was walking over to Sammy's bed, Dean remained put and watched as the girl gently shoved his brother's shaggy hair out of his face and shook him awake at the shoulder.

"Hey Sam, wake up. It's a dream", Bonnie said and sat on the bed next to the younger hunter as he snapped out of his dream and looked around seemingly panicked. When he looked up at the ceiling his eyes glazed over, but the tension leaked out of Sam as he sat up and noticed that they were in a motel. There was nothing there except Deand and Bonnie.

Dean walked over to them, flicking on the light in the niche where Sam slept, and kneeled infront of his little brother when he saw him staring towards the ceiling. Ruffling his hair, he noticed that it was damp with sweat. "Sammy, just a dream. Go back to sleep", he said gently, trying to maintain a straight face, but truth be told it shook him up to see his baby brother reliving the death of their mother and his girlfriend. When Dean sighed, Bonnie looked over to him with a questioning gaze. "Maybe you...", she started but Dean just shook his head and tiredly rubbed his hand over his face. He was too involved and he knew it. Usually he would have just sat with Sam and waited until he got past the nightmare. He wasn't good with the emotional stuff and even more so when this hit so close to home.

Bonnie was seemingly confused by Sam's look at the ceiling, so, Dean surmised, the girl didn't know what had happened to them 25 years ago, or to Sam three years past. But if Sammy was starting to have these nightmares again it was maybe better if she understood what was wrong with his baby brother.

"Sammy, maybe you should tell her if you want. But you don't have to.", Dean said,with a quiet voice, before he got up and leaned to the wall next to his brother's bed, pinching the bridge of his nose to ward off a headache. It was probably for the best to be honest with her, and maybe she even had an idea how to make this easier for his baby brother.

"I see the same things over and over. When I was a baby, our mom was killed in my room. Pinned to the ceiling and burning. She was killed by a demon. Three years ago, I started having dreams of my girlfriend in the same situation. When dad went missing on a hunt, I left our flat with Dean to find him, and when I came back a couple of days later, the demon killed her as well. I had nightmares about it for months afterwards but they had stopped. Well until I relived those memories because of the dementors. But it got worse...", Sam related quietly, leaning his head back on the headboard.

"I'm sorry Sam", Bonnie said. His story was horrible, very much like hers and she was aware that nothing she could say would make anything better, so she didn't try. "I know this probably doesn't help, but those nightmares are part of the dementor's curse. Their influence should wear off after time. What you are feeling now is enhanced by their influence if you don't normally have those nightmares.", she said, trying to reassure him.

"How come you didn't have any more nightmares?", Sam asked, grateful again that Bonnie let him talk without questioning him or pushing him. Dean perked up at that question, since he was wondering about this as well, if the description of Bonnie's nightmare was anything to go by, she should have them as well.

"Silencing charm", the witch just replied with a sheepish look. When she looked down after blinking rapidly for a couple of times, Sam knew that she had been off as badly as him just that she had been able to cover her tracks better than him. Sensing that Sam might want to try and talk with her some more, Dean used the distraction to leave them alone. Sam seemed to feel better already and he was probably better qualified to talk with an emotional girl. With a grin at his escape, Dean flipped off the light in the main room and flopped onto the bed.

"Sometimes I wish I could talk with Dean about this", Sam said, breaking the silence after a couple of moments.

"You think he doesn't want to talk about it? He seemed pretty worried when you where thrashing around earlier. I think he cares very much", Bonnie replied, looking up at Sam, who was eyeing Dean warily, relaxing after the older brother gave no sign whatsoever that he had heard them talking. Slowly he nodded with a slight smile. He had mostly seen Dean making fun of him or ignoring his chickflick needs as Dean put it. Having someone else confirm Dean's emotional side actually felt nice.

"Did you ever talk to anyone?", Sam asked her after a few more moments of silence, only to frown slightly when Bonnie shook her head no. "Why not?"

"What could I possibly say to people Sam? There was a war in England? Some git who wished to enslave people, who attacked a school full of children because of a boy whose name was known to him because of a prophecy. I can't imagine that going over so well...", Bonnie deadpanned with a half mocking grin.

"Yeah, know the problem", Sam replied with a chuckle and stiffled a yawn.

"We should try and get some more sleep huh?", Bonnie replied with a loopsided grin and got up. With a flick of her wand she switched of the light and put the silencing charm around her back in place.