Welcome to my new OC story! This will probably be updated sporadically as I do have another story I write. Mainly when I have a burst of inspiration. I'm hoping for longish chapters, and it'll probably be updated at least once a month. But if I manage to get a good hang of things, there might be a regular update of 2-3 weeks.

Genres overall for this story will mostly include; Adventure, action and (attempted) humour– maybe along with a little bit of drama and romance?

*PLEASE* read the prologue to understand the how the story will be followed. Other than that, I can't wait to see everyone's OCs!

ALSO: This prologue is set to be in the arc that comes after the introductions, so please keep that in mind for the future, as it's important.

October 15, X821 [12:35pm]

Over 100 years ago, Gladiolus lost its glory to the Raiders; the ones who opposed the kingdom and its laws. Hell broke loose and war fell upon their land. Lives were lost, and the empire was pushed into a smaller area – beaten down by the works of magic. Gladiolus lived in despair for almost 60 years, as their king was only a coward whose respect was left behind after the failed project to take his territory back. But of course, after the King passed away, the first in line was given the throne.

He was quite mighty himself, much different from his father. A real leader that was fit to be king. Gathering new forces, he set off to get his dominion back. But alas, all was in vain, as Gladiolus was once again defeated by powerful magic. So he approached differently, he began to work to slowly restore what little he had left; he decided to fight back with what they'd lost to. The King created a small force with the handful of brains and brawn that secretly wielded their own powers. Slowly, but surely… they began to restore faith; all within the hands of the unknown organisation – Jupiter's Reign.

A new story begins as the crown is passed down to yet another generation. The third King to rule with the small guild of magical companions to be exact. After growing up with the guild around him, he easily accepted the help of the undercover organisation and quickly followed in his father's footsteps. As a new, young ruler, he only wished the best for his citizens – and thus begun an era of renewed hope.

In the town of Stone Cress, a large castle sat in the city centre whilst the folk moved carefully around the structure, enjoying the sunny day. Small houses littered the streets, and a large fountain could be found in the city square garden that was filled with brightly coloured flowers that lead up to the castle steps. People milled about, buying fresh products from the market, taking their time and engaging in small conversation. But despite the idyllic scene that people saw on the outside, the chaos within the castle walls was a little less tranquil.

Rushed footsteps made their way to the throne room where the King and his Queen were holding a meeting. Forgetting to knock, he simply threw open the doors as each member of the Southern Wing participating in the conference turned toward the man who'd hurried in, all seemingly unfazed by the interruption. The caballero looked as though he'd been running for a good ten minutes. Sweat ran down his face as he hunched over to regain his breath.

"Excuse me, Mr Knight, but it's best if you stand up straighter when trying to get your breath back – that way it exposes your lungs more and you have better access to fresh air." Someone commented. Albeit it was a little blunt.

The man did as he was told, and soon was able to speak fluently again. Standing up straight, he faced the King with a tense expression. "W-We've got some problems… and I'm not sure if you'll like it." He paused, but then added as an afterthought, "Your majesty."

"You. You're from the Eastern Wing." King Decim eyed the blue brigandine before rising slowly from his seat. The man was a tall brunette, the stubble of a beard forming on his five o'clock jaw. His eyes were a deep green, matching the emerald jewel embedded into his silver crown. Royal robes pooled at his feet once he stood and walked down the steps, passing by the South Wing, "What's the report?"

The mere knight just gazed at everyone else in the room a hesitant glance. There were many stories of the greatness that they'd achieved – but being a minor caused him to be rather judgemental as he did not know of the group on a more personal level – unlike his Admiral.

The royal frowned, "Ahem. There's no reason for you to pause; everyone in this room is harmless. No one will hurt each other unless I give word." His voice boomed with authority.

"Of course your highness," He coughed and began to speak a little louder, "The Eastern Admiral has received some reports that people in the outer districts are beginning to rebel. They're letting some of the lower ranked Raiders in through our borders. Maybe they've given up hope. Or rather, they've been blackmailed. We're unsure how far they've spread as of now."

"This is preposterous! They're just trying to rile us up! If the five leaders aren't crossing themselves, then they're obviously still waiting for something to happen!" The Queen too, rose from her throne. Zena had hazel eyes and platinum hair pulled up into an elaborate up-do. Her own dress was a royal blue with golden embroidery and a round bump was beginning to show through the skirt. The Queen seemed genuinely worried, and the King went to comfort her.

"Sir, if you'd like we can…" a South Wing member spoke up from their position at the meeting table.

The young King sighed, upset that things were beginning to go downhill so quickly. He felt as though the Raiders were sending him a message – one that told him he was weak since he was the new ruler. He looked upon those who were gathered at the table, and then back to the knight standing by the door. "Tell your leader that the South Wing will take care of this. But if they keep on crossing the border, we'll have to ask you to stay on guard."

"But they'll just keep coming if we don't secure the perimeter. And we can't get them to stay away… not without a war."

Amused, the King gave a small smile, "My, speaking back to your own highness?" The knight swallowed visibly. The man then continued, "Although, I'll let you off in the meantime. Now, if you could please head back to your station, I have some things to discuss. Of course, our boundaries will be secured in no time." He gestured to the group who was still waiting patiently for him to resume their meeting.

"Yes, your highness!" the messenger saluted and quickly left to inform his leader.

"Now, back to business." The man spoke cheerfully after a moment of silence. He turned back to his wife who smiled reassuringly despite being the one who was comforted just moments before. "As you know, we recently received a lot of requests for help from the people of Gladiolus, and that's usually your job to fix it without being seen." He paced the room.

"But this time we'll have to leave it to the other squadrons. Since the Raiders have managed to invade, you'll have to force them back out. I'm going to give you a little under a week to prepare… so hopefully not too much damage will be done." Queen Zena spoke before she walked over to pat her husband on the back. She'd calmed down from her outburst earlier, scared that her stress could affect the growing life within her stomach.

He nodded after a moment of thought, "Yes. The North Wing will take care of the requests; we'll have to send them out into the lime light just this once. And whilst you all prepare, I'll ask the West Wing to hold them off for the time being."

"That seems quite fair to me." Someone from the South Wing agreed, crossing their arms.

The ruler cleared his throat, "You shall depart in six days. Please make thorough plans before then. Dismissed."

"Yes, master!" One by one, each of the guild members stood up to bow before trooping out of the room. Once outside the throne room, they headed to their area of the castle. Footsteps echoed off the walls of the otherwise silent hallway as they walked. They were all elated to be able to finally do something, as it'd been at least a couple of months since they'd all banded together besides working at the odd job or two.

"Sometimes I forget how callous the master can be." They clenched their fists, "It's been a while since I've gotten blood on my hands."

The person beside her simply rolled their eyes. "Mind you, he doesn't actually mean for us to kill them – just ruffle their feathers a bit… actually never mind, he probably wants a blood bath." He yawned and strode ahead of the girl, "And he acts like such a gentle King to the public." He snorted. "I'll race ya back to our main hall?"

She chuckled, "You're on!" she then turned around to face the rest of her guild mates, "Catch all of you later!" she sent them a quick wave before zooming off. Her resounding laughter bounced off the walls the further she ran, and everyone could hear her for at least another half-minute after she left.

The rest of the guild sighed at their antics. "Back when I was still new and training…" one trailed off in reminiscence. He placed a hand on his shoulder, "But of course, they'll get a reality check one day."

Minutes later they'd all arrived back at their guild – stopping once to ask one of the castle maids to bring them their lunch. The two who'd rushed ahead before them sat on the large round table in the centre of the building.

"How many times do we have to tell you to stop sitting on the surface we eat our meals on?" One of them chided, closing the door behind them. The all took their place in a seat around the table. But before they could continue, a timid knock sounded at the door and multiple maids and butlers walked in after they gave the signal.

"Erm, you called for lunch?" The four who'd entered with small trolleys began to pick up the dishes and place them on the table. They were always given a variety of dishes for every meal – therefore no one would have too many complaints. Ranging from red meat to a simple salad, they were all put in the centre of the table.

"Thank you, we really do appreciate it." One of the elder members coughed politely as everyone else around the table said their thanks as well. Once all the plates were handed out, the helpers left them quickly with a bow. The elder sighed, "Well then, maybe we should eat lunch first?"

The guild quickly went about their business, handing certain dishes over to certain people as if it were a routine. The room was silent for a while, the only sounds being made were the clinking of utensils and the occasional murmur of thanks. After they'd all settled in, the elder spoke up once again.

"As we all know, some of us are not in castle grounds for the time being. But nonetheless, shall we begin with our plan?"

So welcome to Jupiter's Reign! A guild who holds both their independent rights, yet work under the ruler of their own kingdom. The people of the guild do not use magic outside of the castle unless it's during a mission, as the nation is weary about it due to the attacks of the Raiders.

If you noticed; I didn't formally introduce anyone except kinda the King and Queen, that's because I don't want to have so many characters of my own, so I've limited myself to only one in the guild. It would be weird if I introduced her in this 'prologue' without revealing the other guild members' identities though. So I've tried to keep it vague for now.

Anyway – with the application – there are rules, so read through them carefully. Fill it out accordingly, as the more informed I am about your OC, the better the story/the better I understand your character. Please bear in mind it is quite a long form to fill out.

It is posted on my profile – so it's easier to copy and paste. Also, there is an option to create an OC for Raider positions – just PM me and I'll get back to you with a different form. Of course, the same rules will apply.