Charlie almost packs up and leaves that night. She's throwing her things into old canvas bags when Roe calms her down, "Hey. Maybe give him like a minute to get used to the fact that he has a kid? This would be quite a shock for anyone, right? And Lucas said he's been living like a hermit for years. Suddenly having a family – especially with his history – well…all I'm saying is this is probably not easy for him, okay?"

Charlie sits down heavily on the edge of her bed. "Maybe." She admits.

"Let's give it a month or two. See what happens. Besides I wrote Gabe a letter. I want to be here when he writes back. And Lucas wants to teach me to surf. Says he thinks I'll be a natural."

"Lucas is nice." Charlie says absently.

"I think he likes you. Can't keep his eyes off your ass. Maybe if this thing with the old fart doesn't work out, you and Lucas could – "

Charlie narrows her eyes, "If the old fart doesn't come around, I'll be done Roe. He's it for me."

Roe nods, "Yeah, I figured as much." He looks at her, watching emotions play across her face, "So a month? Can we give it a month?"

"What the hell. Let's give it a month."

Bass pretends they aren't there for maybe an hour. After that he simply can't stop himself. He starts to keep an eye on them, making good use of Lucas's binoculars. Over the course of the first week, he watches as they settle in. Charlie goes to town with Lucas twice, each time returning laden with packages. Roe goes for a run along the shore every morning.

Bass has just finished his dawn Tai Chi ritual one morning when Roe approaches. "What is that thing you do?" The boy isn't winded from his run, but he is sweaty. Bass is happy to see that the kid wants to keep in shape.

"What thing?"

"Martial arts of some kind? It looks intense." The boy is sizing up this man who he knows is his father, but who feels like a stranger.

"Yes, it's called Tai Chi. I have a book you could read about it, if you'd like."

"Yeah, I'd like that." Roe smiles.

That smile melts Bass's heart a bit. "Your Mom is probably wondering where you are."

"Nah. She isn't like that. Charlie is very chill."

"Why do you call her Charlie?" This has been bothering Bass. He doesn't get it.

"I've never called her Mom, if that's what you mean. Miles was never Grandpa. My best friend is technically my uncle. Charlie said family isn't about labels. I know – it sounds dumb." Roe shrugs, "It's just how we do things."

Bass looks at the boy thoughtfully. He thinks of all the people Charlie had known and loved who had not been connected to her by blood. It doesn't sound dumb at all. "Well, come by in the morning and I'll have that book ready for you."

"Thanks uh – " Roe runs a hand nervously along his jaw, clearly unsure of something.

Bass chuckles to himself. It's amazing how much this kid looks like he did decades ago. "What?" he asks.

"Well, what do I call you?"

"How about just Bass?"

Roe's smile stretches into a grin, "I think that works. See you in the morning, Just Bass."

They develop a routine, meeting briefly each morning as Roe finishes his run. At first their talks are stilted and awkward. Gradually, they are growing comfortable with one another.

Bass hasn't talked to Charlie since he'd visited her house a few weeks earlier - on the day he'd first learned of Roe's existence. "Does she know you've been talking to me?" He asks Roe one cloudy morning. A storm is rolling in and the two are sitting side by side on the sand, watching the choppy waves.

"No. Wasn't sure what she'd think. She's still kind of upset."

"What is she upset about?"

Roe shakes his head and looks at his father, "Seriously? I know you're old, but do you have dementia?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You told her you didn't want her here. You told her you didn't want me here. She's hurt."

Bass tries to recall the words he'd used, but all he can vividly recall is his pounding heart and the rush of emotion, so unfamiliar after years of making an effort to always be calm. "That isn't what I meant." Bass runs his hand through his hair. "Well, I guess it was, but not like that."

"Well, this I have to hear." Roe frowns. "Please tell me how you don't want us here, but you meant it in a nice way." He picks up a handful of sand and throws it. They both watch as the wind blows it away from them.

Bass stands, "It's complicated Roe. I don't want to… I just can't… not again."

"Don't want what? Can't what?" Roe stands as well and steps closer. He's almost the same height as Bass and his eyes are just as blue.

Bass sees pain there. His mind is flooded suddenly with memories of Connor, and facing off with that son and how that ended. He takes a shaky step back. "Lost too much. Can't lose anymore." He turns then and walks toward his house.

"You're being a dick!" Roe yells after his father, "And a stupid dick at that. You can't lose what you don't have. You've made it clear you don't want us. Good luck with that. Hope you enjoy dying alone, old man."

Bass stops, but when he turns Roe is already making his way down the beach toward the cottage he shares with Charlie. His blond head is bowed, and his shoulders are slumped. The storm clouds in the sky seem to mirror the young man's mood.

Bass doesn't wipe at the tears that fall silently. What's the point? Roe is wrong. Turns out you can lose even the ones you didn't really have in the first place.

Bass starts doing Tai Chi inside his cottage instead of on the beach, but he continues to watch them every day.

Charlie has traded in her jeans and boots for a more beach appropriate uniform of black bikini top and denim cut offs. She plays Frisbee with Roe and she swims. Lucas shows up every afternoon to give Roe surfing lessons. Bass feels a burst of pride as he watches the boy take to his board like a pro.

Charlie also tries to surf but it's obvious from the start that Roe did not inherit his surfing skill from his mother. Bass watches as the three laugh and splash each other. Sometimes Charlie reads while the guys ride the waves. She never glances in the direction of Bass's cottage.

Bass decides it's just as well.

Two weeks have passed since Bass last talked to Roe on the beach. There is a knock at his door and Bass answers it quickly. "Lucas." He says without emotion.

"How are you?"

"Fine." Bass busies himself with a small stack of books on a table.

"Well, I just wanted to check. You know, haven't seen you around much."

"Well, you've been busy." Bass tries to keep his voice free of the jealousy that curls through his gut but he fails miserably.

Lucas leans against a door frame, watching the older man who is making a determined effort not to meet his eyes. "Maybe I'd see you more if you went over to visit Charlie?"

"Why? Are you moving in with them?"

"No. Of course not. What the hell are you talking about?"

"You're there all the time. You're teaching my kid to surf. You are laughing with Charlie like she's your best friend and I've seen the way you look at her. I'm not blind."

"Are you sure?" Lucas pushes away from the wall and gets in Bass's personal space, "Because from where I'm sitting, your kid wishes YOU were down there showing him how to surf and your wife wishes YOU were down there paying attention to her and laughing with her and being with her. You. You're the one they want. You are the one they need. I'm just trying to keep them here long enough for you to get your head out of your ass and figure out that you need them too."

Bass's head is suddenly throbbing. "They don't want me – wait." He looks up at Lucas, confused. "My wife? Charlie isn't my wife."

Now Lucas is the one to be confused, "Well, you two should talk because she is calling herself Charlie Monroe. If that didn't make it clear, any man who even looks at her gets told to back off. You maybe didn't have a ceremony – I don't know about that - but she's yours." Lucas heads to the door, stopping when his hand grasps the knob. He glances back at Bass who looks shell shocked.

Bass shakes his head, disbelieving. "Charlie Monroe?" he's trying to wrap his head around this new development. It's not easy.

"Yeah." Lucas opens the door but stops once more, "And Yeah, you're right. I HAVE checked Charlie out. She's beautiful and sexy and more woman than you deserve, old man. But for some reason she loves you and is putting up with your bullshit. I can't promise you she'll do it forever, though. She loves you but she's proud. A proud person can only handle so much blatant rejection before they move on."

Bass sits down at his little kitchen table as the door slams shut behind Lucas. He stares out the window, but isn't really seeing the view. His mind is reeling.

Another Thursday rolls around and Bass packs his wagon full of eggs and heads to town. He sets up in silence but smiles when Esmerelda walks up. She's well over a hundred now and her years are catching up with her. She walks slowly but with purpose. "Mister Bass. We need to talk."

Bass grabs a small metal chair from a nearby vegetable booth and helps Esmerelda sit down on it. "What do you want to talk about?"

She sits with a sigh, "You know those times that I talked to you for your friend?" She pauses for a moment but when he nods, she goes on. "Well, I never understood any of it, you know? I'm not psychic and your friend wasn't dead anyway – "

Bass swallows hard, "He's dead now."

"I know, sweetie."

Bass tilts his head, "What? You know?"

"That's why I came to talk to you. He came to me last night. Said he was dead this time, and that he had been for a few months. He's really not a subtle fella. Just said exactly whatever he was thinking. He said the other times when he spoke to me were different. I think he was communicating somehow while he was dreaming."

"But this time?"

"This time it was like he was there in front of me. Handsome fella." Esmerelda grinned, showing off her toothless gums, "Said I needed to tell you a few things because he didn't think he'd be able to talk through me for much longer."


"Because I'm just about dead, I reckon." When she sees that Bass is going to dispute her, she waves him off. "It's okay. I am old and I am happy. What better time to go?"

Bass is silent for a moment, "So what was the message?"

She pulls a paper out of her pocket and an ancient pair of reading glasses. "I had to write it down."

Bass nods, encouraging her.

"Okay, let's see – here it is," Esmerelda takes a deep breath and then she reads, "Bass, you big fucking idiot - If you hurt my girl, I'll kick your ass from the grave. And Roe is a good kid. He's so much like you it hurt me to see him sometimes.

I missed you, you know. So did she. She thought you'd come back for her. Thought it for years. She had chances with other guys, you know? A couple of them weren't all that bad. She went out now and then. I'm not saying she was a nun or anything, but she wouldn't settle down with any of them.

I know you're scared. You think since you lost your sisters and folks and then Shelly and your baby and then Connor – I get it. You think they all die.

Here's the secret, Bass. Everybody dies whether or not they know you. Don't be so fucking self-absorbed. Death is bigger than Bass Monroe. So don't be an idiot. Make the most of whatever years you have in front of you and take care of Charlie and the kid you have left.

Maybe someday I'll talk to you again. Maybe I won't. I really don't know how or why any of this works, but don't be a dick, Bass. Go make my girl happy." Esmerelda looks up at him and smiles sadly. "That's it. I had to ask him to repeat a couple things and he cursed at me a bit because I wasn't writing fast enough. I didn't mind. Like I said, even dead - he's a looker."

Bass covers his mouth and stares at her. His eyes are wet. "I don't know what to say."

"Well," She says, standing slowly. "Maybe it's time you figure it out. She's coming."

Bass stands and watches the crowd. Esmerelda is right. Charlie is here in the market and making her way in his direction. She's wearing that damn black bikini again with those Daisy Duke short shorts. She has flip flops on her feet. She looks beautiful and young and his heart almost can't take it.

Roe walks up to his Mom, grinning. Charlie looks at him and laughs as he puts his arm around her shoulders. They look happy as they walk along and Bass has a moment where he thinks he should leave things as they are, but Lucas had told him to get his head out of his ass and now Miles was saying it too. Maybe he needs to listen.

Roe and Charlie both see him at the same time. Charlie's smile fades and Roe nods in acknowledgement. Bass motions them over tentatively. "Would you like some eggs?" Bass asks, thankful for his dark tan because he can feel his face is flushed. He's never been at a loss for words, but this is tougher than he could have imagined.

Charlie looks into his eyes and sees the truth. He's ready. Her smile grows again and she says with her eyes how very glad she is that he's making an effort. "Yes, I think we'd like some." She pulls out a thin leather wallet but he shakes his head.

"No. How about you leave them with me. Come by tonight and I'll make you dinner? Do you like omelets?" Bass's heart is pounding and his palms are sweaty.

Roe grins, "We love 'em and we'd love to join you for dinner."

Charlie inhales and lets the breath out slowly, trying to calm her nerves, "Uh, should we bring anything?"

"No. You don't have to bring anything at all."

Charlie puts her wallet back in her pocket and moves away from Roe, taking a step closer to Bass. She reaches out and brushes a fingertip along the top of his hand. It is a simple gesture. It is not provocative but there is an intimacy in it that they both feel.

"What time?"


She nods with a smile, "Allright then." Charlie turns to Roe, "I need to get a few things. See you at home later?"

"Yeah Charlie. See you at home."

Bass looks at the boy, "Hey, I'm – I'm sorry about before and the other day. I'm old and set in my ways and it just took me a little while to come around. I'm coming around now."

Roe pats Bass on the back firmly, "Glad to hear it, but you know – be careful."

"Of what?" Bass asks, curious.

"Her heart. If you break Charlie's heart, I don't care whose Dad you are – I will kill you." Roe says it with a pleasant smile, but Bass can tell he's dead serious.

"Sounds fair." Bass nods, loving how protective his son is of Charlie. "See you tonight?"

"Tonight." Roe waves as he walks away. Bass feels lighter suddenly, as hope takes root.

"Charlie, how much longer?" Roe asks from the outside of her closed bedroom door.

"Just go without me. I'll be up in a few minutes." Charlie calls out. She'd done some shopping and is putting on the final touches to her outfit.

"Okay. I'll take the wine, all right?"

"Sounds good. Just go. I'm right behind you."

Bass hears the knock at the door and feels butterflies in his belly. He berates himself silently for acting thirteen instead of sixty-three. The butterflies fade a bit when he sees Roe standing by himself. He smiles at his Dad and hands him a bottle of wine.

"Thanks." Bass takes it and places the bottle on the little table. He isn't sure what to do or say.

Roe glances around. The place is simple and plain but very clean. White candles are on e very surface and all are lit. The room feels homey and comfortable. "She's coming. I can tell you are wondering if she changed her mind. That's not it."

Bass smiles, "That obvious?"

"Yeah, you're strung pretty tight." Roe shrugs, "Don't worry. She's the same."

"She is?"

"I think Charlie is freaking out. I'm not supposed to say that, but she is. Do you know what she bought in town today?"

"What?" Bass pops the cork on the bottle and pours servings into three earthenware mugs.

"A dress. I've never seen her in a dress. Not once."

Bass looks down at the soft linen pants and vee neck tee shirt. Both are starkly white. "Maybe I should have put more effort into how I look…"

"Nah, the white works for you. Dark tan and the white beard and the white clothes…. You're a good looking old dude. Does that mean I'll be a good looking old dude?"

"Good chance." Bass is laughing now, a lot of the tension erased. Roe is a good kid. "You look a lot like I did at your age. A lot."

"That's what Miles always said." Roe's smile fades, "I miss him - Miles. And Gabe too." He shrugs, "I love being here though and I'm glad I got to meet you."


"Just wish I could have both. I did write to Gabe. Told him they should come down here. I think it would be good for both of them."

There is another knock on the door and Bass's butterflies return. When he gets there, Charlie is facing the other way. She's wearing a simple white sundress. Her hair is long and loose. Her feet are bare. Dangling from her fingers are strappy sandals. She turns to face him and he sucks in a deep breath. "You're here."

Charlie smiles and it is a balm to Bass's wounds – all of them. He feels in this moment that he's made the right choice. "Yeah, I'm here."

Bass takes her hand gently and leads her into his kitchen. Roe is leaning against the far wall and watches them walk into the room with a broad smile. "Aren't you guys just adorable?"

"Shut up." Charlie says, but she doesn't even look Roe's way. Her eyes are only for Bass.

He fares only barely better. He burns his hand once as he cooks dinner because he can't concentrate. Even so, the omelets are good. Roe tries to make conversation, but fails. His parents are having a silent one with their eyes and it's starting to weird him out. "So – uh – this is starting to feel awkward, and I – uh – don't really want to see whatever is coming next, so I'm going home."

They don't seem to have heard him. He picks up the half full bottle of wine.

Without looking his way, Charlie says. "Good night Roe. Leave the wine."

After Roe had gone, Bass stood and picked up the bottle of wine before taking Charlie's hand and pulling her to her feet. "Come on." He smiled at her and she grinned back and followed him outside and down to the beach. Somewhere along the way, Bass had picked up a large brightly colored blanket and when they got close to the water he laid it out on the sand.

They sat on the blanket, side by side drinking in silence for a while. Finally Bass speaks, "I don't know where to start." He looks at her. The moonlight shimmers in her hair and makes her eyes sparkle. He wants to kiss her but isn't sure that he should.

Charlie squeezes his hand, "How about we just start over?"

"What do you mean?"

Charlie shrugs, "What if we don't worry about the past? What if we just decide if we like each other now and go from there?"

He leans in closer, "Are you saying you might like me, Charlie?"

She laughs, thinking back to that tent long ago. "I think you know I like you, Bass."

He wraps an arm around her shoulder, brushing his fingers along Charlie's arm, leaning in close, "Do you remember that fist time?"


"Yes, Charlie."

"I remember everything." She looks at him then with such love, such hope - that his worry and fear fade completely away. This is his Charlie. She likes him (maybe even loves him) and she remembers everything. She remembers everything and still, she's HERE.

Bass leans in and presses his lips softly against hers. Charlie sighs into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck.

They go slow, touching and learning each other. This is much different than their first time – from any of the other times. But in another way, this feels like a first time as well. Everything is sweet and tender. They undress each other slowly, reverently. Charlie is amazed at how very much the same he is. He worships her curves with his eyes and his tongue.

Much later, when he slides slowly into her heat, he knows that this is where he was always meant to be. Charlie moans under him and the sound of her need fuels his own for her.

They rock together under the starry sky with the salty sea breeze on their skin and love in their hearts. Their coupling is languid and unhurried. They always did work well together, anticipating each other's every move. This has not changed.

"I love you Charlie." He says against her ear.

"Love you Bass." She whispers into his throat.

When they drift to sleep, they are both smiling. This is surely what happily ever after feels like.

The sun is rising when they wake, happy and content to just lie there and listen to the gulls and the gentle surf. Bass had found a second blanket and they are curled up in it, talking quietly when Roe jogs up, stopping at the edge of the blanket. "Wow. And here I thought last night was awkward." His words are scathing, but he's grinning.

"Finish your run. We can do Tai Chi later." Bass says. Roe nods with a laugh and moves on down the beach.

Charlie and Bass watch their son run off and Charlie sighs happily. "This is almost perfect." She says quietly.

Bass knows he could ask why its 'almost' perfect, but he doesn't have to. He knows. "Miles."

"Yeah, I miss him so much. It's so hard to imagine he's gone."

Bass smiles and kisses her temple, "Maybe not completely gone."

They lapse into silence for a while and then Bass asks a question that's been gnawing at him for a while. "Lucas said you call yourself Charlie Monroe?"

She stiffens and he can tell she's embarrassed. "Well, yeah. I do. In the beginning it was because I was getting some unwanted attention. I was pregnant and not in the mood. I thought you'd be back. It all started as a little white lie."

"And then?"

"Miles found out I was telling people that and he thought it was funny. Started telling everyone. After a while it felt more like the truth than a lie so I kept it."

"And Roe? If Monroe is his first name, what's his last name?"

Charlie smiles, "Well when Gabe was born, Roe decided he wanted to be a Matheson too, so when he asked, I told him that could be his last name."

"Monroe Matheson?"

She nodded. "I don't think he even remembers that it's not really his name."

"If his name isn't Matheson, what is it?"

"He doesn't have a first name, Bass. He just has the one name. He's Monroe."

"Our son is Monroe. Just Monroe. He has one name… Like Madonna or Cher?"

Charlie grinned, "Miles made that exact same comparison and I still don't know who those people are, but yeah. He's Monroe. Do you mind?"

"No. I like it. My Dad would have really loved it. He's wonderful, Charlie. I want to get to know him better." He squeezes her shoulders. "I want to get to know you again too. Can you stay? Both of you"

"Yeah Bass. I think we can stay."

They make their way back to Charlie's place just as Roe busts out with a big grin on his face. Following right behind him is another boy who is almost as tall. His hair is straight and black and his eyes are brown. The two boys stop short when they spot Bass.

"That's him?" the dark haired boy asks Roe.

"Yep. That's Bass."

Bass moves forward and holds out a hand, "You must be Gabe?"

"Yep. Just got here."

"Got here pretty quick."

"Well, I'm not a pussy like Roe. We took the fucking steamer." He grins and Bass's heart does a flip seeing these two together. He is flooded with memories of his own brother, and he is overcome with an ache to see his friend again. It is so acute, that he staggers. Charlie steadies Bass, seeming to understand exactly what he's going through.

"You okay, Bass?" Roe looks concerned.

Gabe smirks at Bass, "Looks like pussy runs in the family." Then he's off as Roe is chasing him across the beach. Before they are completely out of sight, Gabe turns and smiles at Bass – it's a genuine smile this time – "Nice to finally meet you!" he yells, and then the screaming boys are jumping into the ocean.

Bass takes a deep breath and pulls Charlie close. "He's so much like Miles." Wiping away some tears, he straightens his shoulders, "Shit."

"Yeah, I know." Charlie smiles sadly. "Watching them together – it's like you and Miles all over again, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it really is."

Just then Lucas steps out onto the porch and he's followed by a beautiful brunette. She's petite with soft curves and big brown eyes. Smiling warmly at Bass, she holds out a hand, "I feel like I know you. Miles spoke of you so often."

"You are Elise?"

"Yes. Roe wrote Gabe a rather wonderful letter right after they got here, suggesting we might be due for a change of scenery. I think he was right. This is a beautiful place. I can see why you love it here."

Bass turns to Lucas, "What are you doing here?"

Lucas is staring at Elise, his eyes a little unfocused, "Huh?"

Bass chuckles, "Why are you here?"

"Oh, I – uh, brought them out from the village in my wagon."

"Lucas, you should stay for dinner. You all should." She turns to Bass then, "In fact, I'd kind of like you to never leave me again if that's something you can handle?"

Elise watches with a knowing smile as Bass kisses Charlie softly, "Yeah, I can live with that."


Four years have passed since Charlie and Bass had found each other again. They are rarely apart. He has been teaching her to surf. She takes him target shooting. They do Yoga together on the beach. Charlie helps with the chickens and together they sell eggs on Thursdays. At night they explore the passion that has never dimmed. They are happy and totally in love.

Lucas and Elise live next door in the cottage Charlie and Roe had first rented. The two 'boys' (who are no longer boys at all really) - build a shanty between the two cottages which they share. Bass and Lucas had helped them build it after Lucas and Elise finally found their way to each other. They had started out slowly, but once Elise was ready to move on from her grief, Lucas had been there waiting. They had married and now they have a beautiful little girl named Luciana.

Everyone calls her Lucy. She is precocious and adorable and they all love her, but Elise has been worried.

Charlie and Elise are decorating little Lucy's birthday cake. She has just turned two. Charlie can tell something is wrong. "What is it?"

"Lucy should be talking. I don't understand why she doesn't speak yet. Gabe was chatting up a storm before he could walk straight."

"All children develop differently. You know that. She's wonderful and smart. You don't have to hear her speak to know that."

"I suppose. I just wish she'd say something. I have a feeling that once she speaks her first words, the rest will just fall into place."

"Yeah, maybe."

They walk out into the living room. Bass is squaring off with Gabe in one corner as he shows the boys a choke hold that they can use when they spar. The fact that he's now sixty-seven doesn't slow Bass down in the slightest. He sees Charlie watching and he winks at her. She can't help but feel a flutter of desire. How this man still makes her want him so badly after all this time is beyond her.

The birthday girl is giggling as her Daddy throws her up in the air and catches her firmly. Chubby little legs wiggle and her eyes are dancing happily. When Lucas stops tossing his baby girl in the air, she gives him a big kiss and then points to Bass.

Bass doesn't need to be asked twice. Even at two, Lucy has the former General wrapped around her little finger. He takes her from her father carefully, holding her close and kissing her chubby nose.

Charlie watches Bass with Lucy and grins. This is what family is all about. It doesn't matter who is related to who. These people are her people. She sighs happily at the sight of them all gathered in one place. A part of her will always miss the ones she's lost, but this latest incarnation of her family is pretty damned perfect.

"Anyone want cake?" Charlie calls out. The boys and Lucas jockey for position and Charlie begins to cut slices and put them on plates.

The room is humming with laughter and Bass has Lucy to himself for a moment. He loves this little girl. She is sweet and wonderful and even though she isn't his child, Bass feels a bond with her. She's family. The little girl is looking into his eyes. She pats his cheek with a little chubby hand and grins before speaking her very first words where only he can hear, "Hi Dickface. Missed you."


A/N Leave a comment if you'd be so kind.