Char was exieted that someone was willing to go on the trip with her, but I was scared. The last shopping trip I went on resolted in my past catching up with me, and I wasn't so sure I was ready for a second trip. She dashed up the stairs at a speed that left me reeling a little saying something over she shoulder far to fast for me to follow, yet I just smiled and nodded. I shook my head before going to see if there was still food in the kichen. Thanks to everything that happened I never did get to finish dinner, so I went to find something.

"Oh yeah!" Peter yelled jumping away from his stop on the wall. "You never did get to eat. I'll be right back!" He dashed off as soon as the words left his mouth.

Rolling my eyes while moving to the couch I waited for him to return. Major smiled after his brother a fondness I wasn't use to seeing in his eye's. You really are a softie when it come's to us aren't you? His eye's were on mine incently a hardness returning to them.

"I don't know what you mean, Bella." There was an edge to his voice I'd never had directed my way. There's nothing wrong with being a little soft around the edges Major. It won't change the way they see you. If anything it might improve your relationship with both of them. Improving the trust in our coven, because what good is ruling with fear when you can rule with trust? His face grew darker.

"They trust me." The statment was cold, and from the corner of my eye I could see Peter trying to slowly move closer to me. I'm not saying they don't. They trust you to keep them safe, keep them together, but do they trust you enough to ask you for help? Why would Char feel the need to get more people on her side? Peter seemed resigned to let you punish him however you seemed fit, but what if it were Char? What if I don't roll over? I'm sorry Major I just don't want this coven run like a war group, and I can see how easily you all fell into those rolls all over. I can feel how the wall between you and Peter upsets you, so what the hell are you going to do?

Peter was now fulling shielding me from Major the smallest amount of fear could be seen in his eye's. I watched as my mate took everything in testing Peter's emotions. His eye's widened slightly though our bond I felt his horror. Now do you see what I mean? I hated being so cruel to him, but I had to make him understand what I had seen happening.

Peter calming sat at my side once he seemed sure Major calmed down. For a long time they just stared at eachother.

"I would never hurt her." His voice was so small.

"I know."


"Because I know you Major. You're brash and hate being challenged. Our little Firecracker has done nothing but challenge you, and you're bound to snap soon. I'm just waiting for it." Peter sounded tired as if this was a converstion he'd been waiting for. Sighing deeping he pushed himself up from the couch.

"Well the sun's gone down, so it's time for someone to take the newborn out to eat. How far should I take him? A city over? Two?" The simple question rang loud in the quite room, and Alex seemed to materialize in the doorway, as if summoned by Peter's question. Major looked between the three of us before saying something to fast for me to hear. Peter glared and turned to me.

"Bella please tell me was you told him because I want to know how hard to kick his ass for you." Peter's eye's were cold as steel yet his voice was velvet soft. Arching my brow in question I picked up my notepad and wrote down the convertion I shared with my mate. Peter read over it quickly.

"She's not entirely wrong. We all fell right back into our war roles once Jasper backed off, and while you would be a much better War Lord than our last that's not what I want for Char. Maybe we all need to work on trusting eachother. So Major I think you owe your mate an apology. She only has the covens best interest in mind." I looked at Major and shook me head. It's fine Major just go with Peter to feed Alex. Please be back by sun up though I would like to have time to speak to everyone as a whole coven, so that we can work on trusting eachother. Alright? I kept my thoughts soft and sharp. He nodded once.

"Let's go Peter, Alex. " He dashed quickly followed by the other two males. Turning the side table I found the small dinner Peter left for me. With a small smile I ate waiting for the rest of my family to return.

[Time Skip}

Char roamed down stairs maybe two hours later. She didn't say anything just sat at my side and let me continue watching the black t.v. screen. We sat there silently for awhile until she sighed and turned on the t.v.

"At least turn it on." She flipped past channel after channel before stopping on the late night news. I tuned it out. Still waiting though now I watched the window.

"I was looking around and it seems like there's a mall two towns over that stays open until midnight, so we could go shopping there tomorrow night. If you want that is?" She was keeping her voice soft.

I knew they expected the coldness from me that they receved from my mate, but I didn't have that kind of steel in my blood. I couldn't get my eye's to give that double edged look. I was all broken egdes worn down to the point they could never cut anyone. Comparded to them I was nothing more than a foam sword, yet I had no way of showing that right now.

With a sigh I pushed off the couch going to gather what I needed for our talk. Char quickly followed me to whatever room I roamed to, but never said a word. She always found a way to foolow me into a room by doing something there herself. It reminded me of a cat. Always staying close to you but acting as if it's pure chance that you were both in the same room. It made me smile. She watched over me without smothering me.

Taking the sheets from the bed to wash when I grabed extra notepads from my room. Quickly zipping past me in the dinning room to the joined washroom to start them. Dusting the office when I pulled Peter's chalkbourd from the room. Adding a table cloth the the dinning room table while I set the chalkbourd up in there. We moved though the house together yet alone setting up for the meeting or cleaning. Once we were done we sat at the table. Writing a quick thank you I passed her the paper.

"Your welcome Bella. I know it must be hard adjusting to this life so quickly, but for what its worth I think your doing great. Peter told me what you told Major. I just wanted to say your right we trust eachother on the battlefield, yet have never really had a chance to learn to trust eachother off of it. Whatever you have planned, well I hope it works." Her words were soft and slow. I smiled her way nodding. We sat content to wait for the others to come back in selince.

[Time Skip}

The sun rose almost an hour ago, yet our coven mates and yet to return. Char was unnatrally still watching the window. I called out for Major though our link, but no answer came. I was sure Char was trying the same with her link. She seemed to be getting the same resolt I was.

"Peter never fails to answer me." Panic coloured her voice as her eyes met mine. I was shocked when I relised she thought I would have an answer. Taking a calming breath I closed my eye's trying to reach out to Major once more. Having no way to get a hold of him other than our bond seemed like the worst plan right now. I grabbed my notepad and started writing.

Major isn't answering me eather. You can't go after them right thanks to the sun, so I'll go after them and once the sun sets you can track me. Wait do you have a spare cell? I know the guys never take thiers when they go hunting, we are changing that after this, but I should take one so I can call you.

I passed her the note while standing. She read it already moving to get the spare cell.

"Yeah I have one it has our numbers saved in it. Bella," she pulled me into a hug. "Please be careful. We are very close to the southern war lords, and I don't want you getting hurt. In the south sun up doesn't always mean safety." I nodded once we parted. Slipping the cell into my back pocket I walked out the door. Members of my coven were missing and I planned on finding them.