Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh! I swear it! Please don't sue me, cause if you do you'll take all my allowance and I won't be able to by any games like the Playstation2 Yugioh game!! 9.9

AnimeFan: Ahhhh!!! (Runs away from towering fan reviews) All right, all right!! I'll update the story, just don't flame me anymore!!! (Tower vanishes instantly) O.o Oh, hi peeps. I'm sure surprised you all like this story so much...and I really want to thank you all for your offered ideas on a plot for this. They were all really good and since I'm updating, that can only mean one thing......One of you reviews sported a really really good plot idea!! That reviewer is............

Sweet-lil-Amychan!!! (crowds cheer while other reviews who offered ideas start planning Amychan's unfortunate and timely death)

Seto and Yami: O.o

AnimeFan: ^-^' Eh-heh. Now now, peeps. Thank Amychan for sparking a brainstorm in my sleeping head. lol. I hate school. I sit and do homework for four hours straight then when I'm finally done and about to get on the computer, one of my parents take it over. DAMNIT!! That makes updating stories very complicated. -___- Anywho, I now have the perfect plot going on in my mind, so here goes nothing!!!

(remember people, Seto's new name is Seth so I'll refer to him with that name)


Behind the Veil
Chapter 2

((Seth's POV))

The icy-cold rain pounded down upon the dark streets of Hiroshima. Like its inhabitants, the storm gave no mercy to those caught in its hungry grip. Most people scurried along the sidewalks to their homes, sheltering under umbrellas or newspapers, taking only a spare moment of their time to glance at the strange boy who stood in the streets without protection. Seth couldn't understand what others found so terrible about the rain. Was it not rain that brought life to everything from plants to animals? Was it not the rain that lessened the heat of a summer's day? He had always loved the rain, somehow it brought comfort to him. He felt less lonely when it rained. Standing there for a few more minutes, he thought of where to go now. He was in Hiroshima, he had his new name, but where would he go from here. Damnit, normally he planned everything in advance.

Seth shifted a little where he stood, glancing around the streets for somewhere to go or something to do...this small action causing droplets of water to be tossed from the brown tresses of his sickly plain hair. He hated this hair, so brown and dull. Unlike Yami or Bakura, which were so unique with their exotic colors. Oh damnit, why did he always have to think about those pests. All of them, from the stupid dog Joey to his irritating rival Yami. Well, back to HIS private thoughts...why had people always seemed so attracted to him anyway. Personally, he was the most unattractive man on this earth. Were all demons this plain? He couldn't remember.

Seth's eyes narrowed on a building not to far away from where he stood. He couldn't see the name of it through the rain and darkness, but there was this sudden sensation coursing through him...like something was pulling him towards that place. The last time he'd followed that sensation, he had gotten pulled into a family with Mokuba. Did he really want to risk getting stuck with yet another mortal? Well, look at it this way...did he really want to catch a cold?

Fate...do your worst, the brunette smirked and started forward in a slight jog.

The building wasn't that far away as he had thought in the first place. It seemed to be some apartment complex, Red Moon apartments. Sounds more like a name for some occult ritual. Seth stood a few feet away from the door, seemingly staring at the sign to pedestrians but really sorting through the different life forces within the building. Hmm...a couple of vampires, a banshee or two, witches, goblins, undead, and what felt like a human presence. Suddenly, Seth froze as he felt himself being watched...but by who? A quick glance around with his eyes showed no one hiding amongst the shadows. What was that!? He narrowed his eyes at one of the windows to the building, where a figure had just vanished behind blood-red curtains. Seth watched that particular window for a while before shaking that pulling sensation off and entering the building. What hell was awaiting him, he didn't know, he just wanted a hot shower.

Hello, is anyone here? I'd like a room please!

Seth glared around irritably, seeing no one at the desk or in the halls. Well, he didn't need to wait around all day...he'd just take a room.

((Yami's POV))

It was raining again. Their tends to be a lot of rain in Hiroshima, partly due to the fact that the city was so close to the ocean. Yami wasn't to fond of the rain, it always seemed to remind him of him. The dreary, shrouded nature of storms so much like his soul and heart...the stormy, blue rain clouds so much like his eyes when he dueled. He knew he could of fallen for his rival, if Seto hadn't been such an asshole and a...mortal. Would they have went farther then rivalry if Seto hadn't died that night? Probably not, the brunette had hated him with a passion. Yami knew cause he could see it in the older boy's eyes. Still, he couldn't deny how much the other had reminded him of his long lost Egyptian lover, Sayo. They both had that gorgeous, chocolate colored hair, the same intense blue eyes, that over dominating will, in fact...when Yami thought about it, hadn't Sayo died in an accident at the temple on his twenty-first birthday? The similarities always seemed to catch the former pharaoh's attention.

Getting up and out of his bed, Yami followed some unknown force to his window. Pushing aside the curtains, he stared out at the rain with an almost forlorn look upon his face. Why, why did it always have to end like this? He would find happiness and love...then lose it as time played its never ending cruel game. Would he ever find anyone to share his life with? Someone who wouldn't die on him or leave him for another? Probably not, life wasn't that kind and all the people he knew that were like him were a bunch of bitchy assholes that would put even Seto Kaiba to shame. That's right...everyone he had ever seen or met were just a bunch of...what was that!?

Yami nearly spit out his heart as it jumped and skipped a few beats. He stared intently out the window as a figure came towards the Red Moon apartments at a steady jog. A figure so hauntingly familiar that it almost seemed like Yami was seeing things. Chocolate brown hair flipped around in the wind and rain as the man stopped and stared at the apartment, seemingly concentrating on something no one else could. The pharaoh pushed the curtains aside a little more, straining to see the stranger's face as thoughts and possibilities invaded his senses and mind. As if someone out there wanted to tease him more, the man's head abruptly turned to face directly at Yami's window.

With a slightly surprised shriek, Yami dodged away from his window and pressed against the wall, slowly coaxing his racing heart down. But it was to late, eyes as blue as the hottest of flames burned his vision and Yami couldn't get those eyes out of his mind. Those eyes, that hair, that man...it couldn't be, he couldn't be him!? Seto Kaiba was dead! Dead! As in inexistent, squished like a pancake, so eighty-years ago, dead!!! After his heart had calmed down enough, he crept back over to his window a sneaked a peak out of the curtains. The streets were empty, the man was gone.

No way, either I was seeing things or...

Yami gulped and pulled away from the window. Either he had just been fooling himself or the man was in this building at this very moment. Well, only one way to find out... He grabbed hold of his dagger sitting on the counter and quietly slipped out of his room. What he was planning to do with the dagger, he didn't know, but he couldn't really think clearly after that shock. Using all his years of experience, he slipped quietly towards the staircase on the eastern side of the building.

((Seth's POV))

Locking onto the human life force he had sensed earlier, the brunette jogged up a good three flights of stairs to the third floor and continued down the hall to one of the doors. Here was where the human life force he sensed resided. Taking out a hairpin, Seth crouched down and picked the lock till he was able to open the door easily. He stepped inside and immediately came face to face with a young women, in her thirties, holding a bat with a terrified look on her face.

Who are you!?

Seth smiled, revealing his demonic fangs which extended only about half way down his bottom lip. Demons don't have the biggest fangs, theirs are just the right size for ripping flesh and scaring the shit out of people. As usual, this worked to terrify the women even more, what a pity her life was to end so soon...oh well, survival of the fittest. The human race was doomed to be over thrown anyway.

Who am I? I'm hell in black suede pants...

((Yami's POV))

The spiky haired pharaoh skidded to a halt at the bottom level, staring around the entrance hall with the utmost alertness. Someone had been here not long ago...a presence he had only felt twice before in his entire life. Had it been that man? Yami walked forward, continuing to stare around and examine the large hall for the brunette stranger. Nothing. He walked over to the front desk and banged on the bell until the old man came limping out of the back room.

Well, well, how may I help you sir? Enjoying your stay?

Yami ignored the questions and grabbed the old man by his shirt collar, paying no attention to his distaste for undead and their stench.

Did a brown haired man just come through that door!!

The old man shook slightly, shocked by the youth's assault, No! I-I-I haven't s-seen anyone with b-brown hair! I was in the b-b-back room...

Yami scowled in disgust and tossed the ghastly man back behind his desk. Damnit. He had either been imagining it or had missed that brunette completely. He whirled around and yelped as he slipped on something and fell down, landing painfully on his ass. After muttering a few well chosen words and rubbing his aching bottom, Yami turned his frustrated and angry glare down at the floor. Only then did he notice the puddle of water and wet footprints on the carpet heading towards the staircase of the west side of the building.

DAMNIT!!! He must of went up the west stairs at the same time I was going down the east stairs!!! Yami yelled as loudly as possible and threw a tiny tantrum there on the ground.

Some unnamed deity out there was laughing its ass off at the moment...


AnimeFan: (is giggling like a crazy person) I'm so mean! ^-^ Yami looks so cute when he's pouting and throwing a fit. (has mental image in head) ^o^ Well, there you go people. Now what am I planning for the next chapter? Only that unnamed deity knows. (P.S. Points to herself when saying unnamed deity and laughs some more) Ooooo! I got some really awesome yaoi pictures of Yami and Seto together! I got them from the Ryou Bakura Shrine web site. They're actual pictures done by Himuro Shizuku! They're so kawaii! ^-^ I also have some pictures of Ryou/Bakura and one of Seto/Joey from the same great Shizuku! Maybe if you ask nicely, I'll send you three of them. But only three, my computer won't let me send more then three attachments. lol. ^_____^'