Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara!

Rating: T (a lot of swearing in this chapter)

My feet stops at a familiar place. It reeks of cheap perfumes and haughty people trying so hard to be cool and fasionable that they just look desperate for attention.

But here I am, DisneyLand again.

It's true that I intend to follow him out of curiousity, but I never picture Izaya going to the same nightclub over and over again. Well, I never picture him going to any nightclub, really.

And the line is hella long. What kind of place is this that people are willing to break their legs to wait for their turn? Are there free pudding here or something? 'Cause if there isn't, I just don't get this kind of entertainment.

"Izaya~ Welcome, welcome."

I jolt a bit when a hoarse voice suddenly comes up as I wasn't paying attention to anything. My eyes look over at the sound of the voice, and see a familiar tall male that I have seen a few days ago.

"Ah, Simon. Good evening," The raven chimes with a hint of smile, he takes my arm in surprise and walks forward to the guard. "Squeeze him in too, will you?"

I am startled as my cheeks rose up at his random gesture. I try to take my minds off this trivial thing, looking up to see the tall male looking at me in a wide confused eyes.

The person called Simon stares at me up and down for a solid minute, not even uttering a word to me nor the smiling raven. He finally narrows his eyes and speaks up to Izaya.

Although, my eyes stare in confusion at the guard due to the words he is currently speaking right now is completely foreign to me because it is certainly not Japanese. And it doubles my surprise when Izaya replies back to him casually smooth to match his language. What the fuck?

The both of them talks for a short minute, and with me hanging my mouth open in bafflement, before they completely stop. The raven displays a knowing smirk, and the guard just frowns at him in disagreement.

The tall person sighs right after and proceeds to move over to the side. Izaya then turns his head to look at the dumbfounded me and smiles, "What are you waiting for, Shizu-chan? Let's go." He beckons, resuming to hold my arm to follow him inside.

I gawk a while before stumbling back to conscious, nodding at him. "Oh, yeah, right." My eyes stare at the tall black male as we pass him, and he looks at me with a stern, strained expression.

I could hear the voices of annoyance and irritation coming from the people in the line, probably think it's unfair that Izaya and I can just proceed inside without having to queue with them.

The raven stops for a moment and look behind, I follow suit to see what he's staring at and I raise my eyebrows when all those people that were complaining aloud suddenly goes quiet and look elsewhere but at the two of us.

For that reason only, I can immediately guess that Izaya is not someone to mess with to even make them shut up completely just by looking at them.



I immediately furrow my eyebrows and feel the need of nicotine in my lungs when I enter this vicinity.

My head is spinning at the loud sound of excruciating noise coming from every direction, smashing my eardrums in the process. I call it noise because this kind of crap could never be classified as music. Do you know what is music? Tsugaru Kaikyo Fuyugeshiki. Look it up, that is music!

But this? This loud annoying heart pounding beat? And this lack of air atmosphere, with people dry humping everywhere and jumping like bunch of retards?

Why? Just... why?

The both of us rope our way through a bunch of crowds, with me bumping some drunkards along the way. My eyes stay on the raven in front of me who shuffles smoothly to make path for us to climb up the stairs. The one thing I notice is that the hand that holds me, never once did he let go inside the place.

And that is endearing in itself.


We make our way to the farthest area on the second floor, and I see what it looks like two doors just beside each other with guards standing in front of each door. One of the guards sees the raven and practically opens the door without being told to do so.

We enter with Izaya muttering 'Thank you' to the guard and I just following him in, while he stares at me suspiciously. Another thing pops into my head: How influential is Izaya in this area, really?

As the door closes behind me, I scan my eyes around the room. Well, to be precise, I am inside a box-like area, with sofas that fill the sides of the wall, and a see-through window. It's probably tinted from the outside because I didn't see this place the first time I come in, and people doesn't seem to notice our presences inside this room.

"Here we are," The male plops down on the window side sofa, patting the area beside him while he looks up to me. "Come here, Shizu-chan. Sit, sit."

"Tch, what am I, a dog?" I growl, sitting elsewhere beside him just to spite the little imp.

"If you were a dog, Shizu-chan," He chuckles a bit at my action. "I'd let you sit on my lap, ne?"

I try to reply to that answer but soon shut up when I know better than to fight him with petty remarks. I shake my head a little to find a better topic to speak of. "That guard just now, it seems like you know him?"

"Who? You mean, Simon?" He jerks an eyebrow, and I nod. "Oh, well, I am an acquintance of the owner of this place, and he's one of the owner's friends, you see."

"Huh? Then, he doesn't work here?"

"Technically no, but whenever the owner is not here, he would come and check upon things." Izaya says sort of dismissively. "Oh, and he likes to greet people, so that's that."

Ah, another weird person. Ikebukuro is so full of 'em, huh?

"...How did you know how to speak Russian, then?" I ask another question again, and this time, his red eyes widen in surprise.

"Shizu-chan? How did you know it was Russian?" He asks me back, locking his eyes onto mine. "Did you hear our conversation just now?"

"A... friend. Yeah, a friend of mine is Russian, so I often hear her speak that language with her family members," I say a bit hesitant just because that friend is not someone I want to mention. "And no, I don't understand what the heck any of you are saying, so you're safe."

"Hmm~ Is that so?" I sigh in relief when he didn't ask further about my relationship with that person.

"Why? Did you speak something that I shouldn't hear?"

"Ah- yes, it was about you, actually," He hums a little when I display a surprised look. "He said that you were the one who caused trouble a few days ago, and that I shouldn't invite you here."

Oh, so they were talking about that incident? Actually, what fucking rude people these two are, talking in front of me just because I couldn't understand. And I bet this imp enjoys people's unsatisfying face, huh?

A sudden knock to door jolts me, and in comes a waiter walking forward and bow slightly to the raven.

The male shakes his head a little before looking at me. "Want anything, Shizu-chan?"

"Ah? Oh, no thanks. I don't drink," I wave my hand to the waiter, and he left quickly right after. I take my gaze back at Izaya as he raises an eyebrow at me. "W-what?"

"You don't drink alcohol, Shizu-chan?"

"No, I don't. Got a problem with that?"

"Hn, not really," He smiles a little at me, before looking out to the people dancing downstairs, "Because I don't drink either."

I stare at the male in disbelief at what he just uttered. "Are you fucking kidding me, Izaya?"

"Hm? What's wrong?" He flicks his eyes to me, looking rather confused at my question.

"You come to this place, but you sit in this secluded room away from people," I frown a bit while standing up to move to the person. "And now you're saying you don't actually drink?" Both of my hands hangs onto the sofa, blocking him. "Why are you really here, Izaya? Because it doesn't looks like you're here to have fun."

"Hmm~ For a brute, you're pretty observant, Shizu-chan," He hums while looking at me in a smirk. The person tugs my shirt all of a sudden, making me face him directly. "It's kind of pissing me off."

"And because you're shady as fuck, it's pissing me off too," My hands make their way to his collar, tugging him forward to me as I frown deeply. "Spill it, or I will bother you for the rest of your life."

We have a staring contest for what it seems like eternity, but it is actually just a moment before he lets go of his hands and gazes elsewhere, sighing tiredly.

"I... am looking for someone," He starts as I let go of him slowly. "Just recently, I found out that that person runs a nightclub somewhere around here, so I came to investigate."

The raven huff a sigh again, looking out the window. I sit beside him this time to hear what he has to say.

"For a week, I would rotate each three nights to two nightclubs so I could gather as much informations about his whereabouts as I can," He says in a disheartened voice. "Once I was sure he is not here, it is time to go to two different nightclubs for the next week."

"Why do you have to go everywhere to search for him? Why can't you use the internet for that?"

"Of course I have done that, Shizu-chan," He chuckles a little at my somewhat dumb questions, waving off his hand dismissively. "But sometimes you need the information from people around the area for a man of his power, you see."

Huh, does that means this man is actually a dangerous individual? If so, then why chase after him? What's the thrill in knowing that you'll be in danger for someone like that, Izaya?

"Here's a question for you," I say slowly, getting close to him to stare into his eyes. "How long have you been searching for this mysterious person?"

"Hmm~ If you want the exact duration," He continuosly taps his chin, looking upwards to think of his answer. "I would say it has been five years since he dissapeared, Shizu-chan."

"F-five years?!" My body stands up in reflex as I shout a bit louder than intended that jolts the raven a little. "Five fucking years? What has that person done that you have to search for him for that long!"

"Well, for me, it's for my personal obligation because we worked together, Shizu-chan." He reverts back to his normal self, laying back to relax his body. "He was in a legitimate business, you know? And I was his personal informant at the time."

The male taps the cushion for me to sit back next to him. I comply. "Then, what happened? What caused him to dissapear?"

"...My information gathering skill has far exceeded my expectations," He speaks a little bitterly at that, with a twitch to his lips. "I found out that he worked for the underworld that I'd rather not mention further, and I guess... things a little out of control from there."

The raven goes quiet after that, the look on his face could be either exhausted or regret, but I couldn't really tell. It looks foreign to me.

"Izaya," I call, and he automatically flick his scarlet eyes to me. "Why are you telling me all these? Because you sure as heck avoided me whenever I ask these personal questions. So why?"

"Hm. Why, you asked?" He says in a little fleetingly. "Honestly, Shizu-chan? I don't know." The male rests his head to the sofa, closing his scarlet eyes. "For some unknown reason, I can really breathe talking to you. It's... comforting, if you put it into words."

I feel a bit flattered by the lazy compliment he gives me, whether what he's saying is just for show or the truth. But he seems to be the most relaxed he's ever been right now than during the times I've known him, and that gives me a little confidence in getting to know him a bit more.

"Maybe if you didn't have to be so hard to deal with, it would've been easy to open up to me, don't you think, Izaya?" I smile at his adorable face, pinching his cheek just because he's such a shitty drama queen.

"Ah- I can't help it, you know," He twitches his eyes at the pain, holding my hand in a reflex. "There are so many people are out to get me, so I have to be on guard all the time. I'm sorry, ne?"

The male didn't let go of my hand. Instead, he just keeps on holding on to it. His fingers are cold, but it soothes me for some reason.

Why do I feel that the way he holds me, it's like he's telling me to stay by his side? There is a look of tiredness in his eyes, and that hurts me for thinking what he has been through all his life.

"Am I one of those people to you?"

Izaya stares at me for a moment without blinking. "No, not at all," The smaller person shakes his head vigorously while he brings my hand to his lips, giving soft kisses to it. "Rather, you look like an irrational brute who is so persistent in stalking me, ne?"

"Well, you're a straight up lunatic to try and kill me, so I think we're even, huh, flea?" I say menacingly, tightening my grip on his hand.

For some reason, he finds that to be so funny that he laughs out loud, holding on his stomach. Tears fill his eyes as the roar of laughter escapes his lips, and it doesn't looks like he wants to stop.

"O-oi, Iza-" I try to control his ragging fit of laughter when he suddenly cups my face and kisses me once on the forehead.

I stare at him dumbly as he radiates the most honest smile he could display. My cheeks rose to a high temperature looking at his face, with my mouth hangs open without uttering coherent words.

"Pfft. What a ridiculous face, Shizu-chan," He says, still giggling like a broken machine. "I like this idiot part of you too."

I can feel my heart beats frantically at the confession, and the sudden image of our rendezvous comes into my mind when I look at his attractive face. My throat goes dry and I couldn't swallow properly, flapping my mouth like a fish. I must look dumb, huh?

He narrows his eyes a little, moving his head forward to mine. I can feel he wants to kiss me again, so my body automatically leans forward to the raven. "Shizu-cha-"


The sound of door smashing against the wall is heard, surprising me immensely. I look to my left where the door is, and sees a beautiful brunette woman with a long-sleaved shirt, and a maroon skirt above her knees, revealing long slim legs. Although, her beautiful face is contorted into a look of disgust and ire combined.

"Oh great, now I have to witness another sick event!" The female says as flails her arms upwards as she frowns at us, her feet stomps the ground loudly, and she sits on the couch while fuming like a train wreck.

"Nice to see you too, Namie-san." The raven lets go of me, slowly pushing me away from him. I find that to be odd, but didn't say anything.

"Ah, even when you're angry, you're still beautiful, Namie-chan." Another voice chimes as he suddenly appears right after the female enters through the door. The person dons a fedora, with a suit that seems like a gentleman. He has a pretty face, I'll say.

"And what happened that the beautiful Namie-san is so cranky right now?"

"Oh, we saw Seiji and Mika-chan kissing in some alley on the way he-mph!" For some reason, there is a pillow somewhere on the sofa, and that pillow is thrown straight to the male's face by the female.

"Shut up about it if you two wanna live." She frowns deeply as her nails dig through the fabrics of the couch. Her eyes make their way to the sitting, dumbstruck me, and she creases her eyebrows. "So? Who the hell are you?"

"Oh, yeah, I just noticed you," The male walks forward and blatantly sits right next to the raven, flinging his hand behind him. That movement instantly irks me. "Who is this, Izaya?"

"Ah, this person is-"

"Before you ask someone for his name," I interject Izaya's words, taking the male's shoulder to stay close to me. My eyebrows crease tightly while my lips turn into a frown. "Don't you know it's common courtesy to state yours first?"

He looks a bit taken aback by my action and I didn't notice the wide smirk the raven displays when my eyes stay at the red haired male. "Er... I'm Rokujo Chikage..." The person says before he points to the female. "And that is Yagiri Namie."

"Chikage?" I raise my eyebrows at the name, flinging my head to Izaya. "This is Chikage? I thought he is a she?"

"Well, apparently you thought wrong, Shizu-chan." The raven muses while looking up to me, giggling like a little devil.

"Wait, Izaya, you've talked about me to him?" The person oddly smiles like a child, looking at the raven excitedly. "What did you talk-"

He didn't finish talking when I grab his hand that is making its way to Izaya's chin, and grip it hard, giving him a devious grin. "I'm Heiwajima Shizuo, nice to meet you, huh?"


A cheery tone suddenly jolts me awake, and I stare at the raven, because clearly this obnoxious tone only belongs to his phone and I am correct when he takes it out from his pocket, and promptly looks at us.

"Excuse this wonderful meeting, I need to answer this phone call." He chirps happily, bending down to avoid my and the male's tangled hands, and speed walks out of the room in a flash.

I stare in disbelief at the front door when the raven leaves me with these two unlikable strangers, and the awkwardness of the room that is filled with silence.

The silence, however, is immediately broken when the brunette suddenly snorts in a mock tone, looking at me with high pride.

"Heh~ So you're the person who caused trouble a few days ago," the female speaks while she crosses her arms, looks like she has calmed down. "Can't believe Izaya hasn't killed you yet, huh?"

"Well, I was almost killed thanks to him." I groan while my eyes look at the sitting female, who is lazily paying attention to me. There is an aura around her that feels like she doesn't really gives a damn about anything.

I don't like her.

A sudden force to my hand jolts me, and I stare back in annoyance at the male as he pulls his hand away from mine. "Hmph, because of you, the police came and interrogated most of us here. That day was disasterous."

Oh? So is that the reason why Izaya was so mad at me? I'm thinking it's probably because of the ruckus I caused, the chances of finding that person was slim that day? But damn, if I caused Izaya trouble, then I've had my punishment. But him? Who the fuck is he to patronize me?

"And just because Izaya knows you, doesn't mean you can follow him like a dog," He claims and my eyes quickly twitches at that. "Just be clear, the only male I tolerate is Izaya, and certainly I don't like you at all."

I look straight into the unfamiliar person's eyes, giving a menacing stare. "Fuck you, and your likes, 'cause I don't give a damn about you. And if you weren't one of Izaya's friends, I would've punch you right in the fucking balls."

He expresses annoyance in his eyes for the first time at my continuous cursings, and I caught a glimpse at the female covering her mouth to contain her laughter. The male in return, quickly tug my collar to close our distances. "Watch what you're saying, this is my territory."

I click my tongue in distaste, feeling my veins starting to pop up. "I don't give a fuck if this is your damn territory or your mom's grave," My hand is on his wrist, gripping it tightly to emphasize my ire. "Let me go, or I'll punch you in every direction instead, asshole."

"Ah, Shizu-chan, that's so rude." The sound of the raven's voice suddenly reverberate the room, and I flip my head to see him walking cheerily to sit beside me again. "And Chikage, what a scary face, ne?"

He stares at me and Izaya for a while, gritting his teeth to contain his anger. "Tch. Whatever." He says before releasing me relunctantly, getting up to take the raven's arm in his hand. "C'mere, Izaya. Let's go away from here."

"Ah? I-"

Izaya is ready to stand up when he is quickly spun backwards as I hug his waist from behind and promptly sits back onto the sofa. That action quickly makes the male to let go the raven completely, and Izaya falls unceremoniously onto my lap.

"Shizu-chan?" The raven looks back to me with wide scarlet eyes, tilting his head at my action.

"He's not going anywhere." I groan with my arms clutching the lithe person's body firmly, glaring at the standing, surprised male in front of me. "I won't let him."

Because damn hell, if I let him follow this fucking suspicious person, I feel that Izaya will never be able to get away from him, ever.

"What the hell!" He shouts aloud at me, clenching his fists in a tight grip. The person then looks at Izaya in a flash, holding out his hand. "Izaya, are you coming or not?!"

Izaya stares at him for the longest time, and then grins like a devil. "Oh, but you heard him, Chika-chan," He drapes his arms around my neck, looking at the standing person sideways. "Besides, I can't move right now, so I'm sorry, ne?"

The person almost moves his fist to punch either of us, but refrain when he curses aloud and promptly goes out with a loud bang to the door.

The female on the other hand immediately burst out laughing as he dissapears, standing up to follow him. She flips her head one last time at us, "I like him, Izaya. Keep him." She says as she exits through the door while laughing like a maniac.

"Seriously, I'm not a dog, damn it," I grumble under my breathe and evidently hear the raven chuckles on top of me. "What the hell's so funny?"

"It's just that Shizu-chan's so cute, I can't help it." His body trembles above me, and a blush appears on my face as he nuzzles his head onto my chest.

I wheeze a little when he puts too much pressure on my chest, but I try to cough to hide my incapability to breathe normally, not wanting him to know that my injury is still hurting me a lot.

Because for right now, I just want to stay like this with him, even if this thing that we're have is just for a fleeting moment. I just want to cherish this little troublesome a bit more.

So that he knows that there is at least one person that truly cares about him.

I'll explain further about Izaya in the next chapter because I'll be focusing on his thoughts next time! Thank you for the reviews people. I love you guys! :D