~Berry's POV~

"Dad? Are you sure about this?" I ask, my eyes still on the smart board presentation of a school he plans on building. "About this... 'Alvion High'?"

"Yeah, not to sound doubtful, but this isn't something that we were... expecting." My twin sister, Harley, agrees. We look exactly alike. Tanned skin, almond shaped eyes of a chestnut color, and matching hair that falls past our shoulders. Only, mine is normally straight, while her's is normally in light curls with her favorite white headband pulling it in place. You can thank our Italian/Chinese genes for our good looks.

"Of course I'm serious. Just think about it." Our father, Nicholas Verona, stood next to the presentation board with a professional grandeur. A habit from dealing with board members and negotiators. "Verona Enterprise has finger in the production and distribution of many different products. Fashion, technology, airlines, the list goes on." His light Italian accent does him well when capturing the audience's interest. Which happens to be us at the moment, along with a few board members and financial advisors. "But our company is missing something. Something more...human. Everything we're invested in, is actual quite cold when it comes to the general public. After all, even I'm aware that some of our products would take an average person's whole paycheck and then some, but our company is not in any position to lower our prices with the risk of our company crumbling at the base. But reaching out to the people is what this project is about."

"I understand, but where does opening a public school fall in this 'project' of yours." A slightly snobby financial advisor asks, much to my annoyance. He's not an entirely bad person, he just has his mind more on profit and statistics, instead of the welfare of others.

"We were getting to that." Our mother, Ku Lan-Verona, says calmly. She's a very beautiful Chinese woman and is standing beside Dad with an eye catching grace. She was a debutante, and is now a fashion mogul, a household name when it comes to everything from clothes, to makeup, to accesories. She's also Dad's personal assistant and owns a fashion line. Along the same range of fame as Gucci, Prada, Michael Kors, and other greats. "You were just about to explain the benefits to reaching out in education, right?" She says in a way that warns an tone of the consequences of speaking out of term again.

"Of course." He smiles at her, appreciating her assistance. He turns back to us. "As I was saying, while we do provide much to the world already, we have yet to provide something that we can't put a price on. Knowledge. That's why, we are going to expand the company by opening a series of education based programs, starting with the construction of a public high school. And, I have already arranged with several universities and private schools that we are also willing to fund scholarships and other academic programs. If you actually think about it, there are many people, children and adults alike, with the mental capacity to do many great things. To be someone that's successful, but are missing the one tool that will truly help them reach higher heights. Money and education. There are scientific geniuses working cash registers in local markets because they were unable to afford a degree. Angry teenagers that find their schools' lack of educational and extracurricular funding to be stunting their mental growth and creative spirit. For all we know, the one with the mind to find a cure for cancer could be the young woman who makes your coffee at the local cafe. Not many are as fortunate as our families. Fortunate enough to pay for an eye opening vacation to the Pyramids of Giza, or even artistic lessons to fuel their imagination. That's why Alvion High will be the first of many schools I plan to open to make a difference."

I can't help but feel a swell of pride and excitement at Dad's speech. If you can't tell, he's a very generous and charismatic man. I glance around the room and plenty others with smiles on their faces that says that are thinking the same thing as well. A female financial advisor was even trying to hold back tears at his words.

"While your vision is truly awe inspired, who do you entrust with overseeing the school in question?" A female board member asks curiously. "Naturally, I assume the company will handle all the necessary finances for the school, but surely you have someone you trust to keep you properly posted on the school and its student body?" She asks, bringing up a valid point.

"You're right. We do have someone in mind. Two, actually." Dad smiles in a way that says he's about announce a genius proposal.

"Our two daughters, Harleen and Giselle Verona, will be the two to oversee the prosperity of Alvion." Mom announces.


"Are you sure, Dad? Mom?" Harley asks with confusion and doubt. "Surely a member of the Board is better qualified." Many in the audience nod or voice their agreements.

"This isn't about qualifications, but experience. Your future experience, rather. Who better to make a connection with the students and ensure they are comfortable, than another student?" Dad says. "Think about it. If a child was having issues with the system, who would they rather come to? A peer with the connection, or a 'suit' with the same connection, but hardly the connection with the student. Teenagers are more likely to truly vent their frustrations to someone in their age group, than to an adult who see them as another number on the roster. No offense intended." He nods at the adults in the room, most of whom shrug as though he isn't exaggerating in the slightest.

"It can also be a good experience for the girls, becoming liaisons." Mom adds. "Experience not just for them, but for us as well. Imagine how much we can learn about the state of today's teenagers with their help. I'm not suggesting that we build a teenage paradise, but we can definitely improve a teenager's high school experience by ensuring that they get what they need to truly excell. Within reason of course. Sure we can't provide solely ice cream for lunch, or no homework, or celebrity visits, but we can put them in a learning environment that's both fair and enlightening."

Me and Harley share a glance. "What do you think, Berry?" My sister asks, using the nickname that has stuck since childhood. "Want to try and pull this off?"

I look between the expectantly hopeful faxes of my parents, and the curious faces of Dad's employees. I sigh and smile.

"Let's get started."

I hope you guys enjoy this. It's been in my head for a while, but I want to share it. Please review.