Welcome to my first fic, some important story notes to know beforehand:

Updates: The first six or so chapters are fully outlined and I know where I mostly want this plot to end up. We're aiming for maybe 15 chapters total. I won't promise weekly updates, but I will do my best to post regularly and barring my sudden demise this story won't likely be abandoned.

Pairings: I have no idea yet which pairings, if any, will happen in this story. I'm open to suggestions though. If there's one in particular that a lot of you guys want it'll probably happen (with some exceptions).

Harry's abilities: This will NOT be a super!Harry fic. He will not become a frost giant or immortal or have any special powers that don't exist in canon.

Loki: This is good!Loki as in he wasn't responsible for the Chitauri invasion. Events of the first Thor still happened. I'll try to keep him from becoming any more ooc than the main premise requires.

Loki's children: There will be references to Loki's mythological children at certain points. Don't panic, they will NOT feature as major characters or possibly at all as anything other than backstory props. No knowledge of the mythology will be necessary to read this fic.

That's it for now. On with the show!

Thunder rolled across the sky sending clouds swirling throughout the ceiling of the Great Hall. Raindrops fell thick and heavy, fading from existence just before impact with the people below. Lightning flashed prompting admiring oohs and ahh's from the newly sorted first years. It was an impressive sight, Harry mused as he recalled the first such storm he had witnessed on this ceiling during his own first year. He reluctantly turned his attention away from the enchanted night sky and back to Professor Dumbledore's speech.

The rest of the Hall seemed either excited about the upcoming tournament, or dead tired. Harry belonged to the latter group; sleepy and full from his first decent meal since the beginning of summer. The headmaster's speech was starting to grow long and had already been interrupted for several minutes by the abrupt entrance of Professor Moody.

"-delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving in October and remaining with us for the greater part of-" Dumbledore was suddenly interrupted for the second time that night by the doors of the Great Hall being thrown open with a mighty bang.

This was no new Professor or late arrival, however. Standing in the doorway illuminated by another flash of lightning was a rather striking figure. He strode purposefully toward the Head table, long blond hair and blood red cape flowing behind him.

"That's Thor!" hissed Hermione from her seat next to Harry. Murmurs and whispers ignited throughout the Hall. Everyone knew who Thor was. The Battle of New York and the Avengers had dominated the news both magical and muggle for the past several months. The reveal of aliens, super humans, and magic-wielding gods all at once had been a major discussion topic in the magical world, sparking several debates about the future of the Statute of Secrecy.

Harry himself had witnessed some of the live broadcast on the Dursley's television. Amongst their fearful mutterings and derisive comments toward "those super freaks", they had forgotten to shoo Harry away from the living room like they usually did.

Thor's eyes roamed over the House tables before he finally stopped before Albus Dumbledore, who for once seemed just as confused as the rest of them.

What possible business could a Norse god have at Hogwarts?

"I am Thor, Son of Odin. I am in search of my nephew. Might I find him here?" Dumbledore's brows raised in surprise, but he quickly schooled his expression as he replied, eyes twinkling;

"I'm afraid I am not aware of any Asgardians currently residing in this castle. If I may, whom exactly are you looking for?"

"Harry James Potter, Son of Loki."

The Great Hall erupted. Thor resumed his visual search of the students, seemingly unconcerned by the pandemonium his answer caused. Dumbledore's eyes lost their twinkle. Hermione was at a loss for words. Ron was shouting questions to no one in particular.

Harry felt like his stomach had just dropped into his feet.

There were hands on his arms, trying to get his attention and voices clamouring to be heard but Harry could not feel them past the ice in his veins, nor hear them past the roaring in his ears. This had to be a joke, or a horrible mistake. Loki's son? This was insane.

It was then that Thor's eyes finally landed on Harry's. The god beckoned him over, but Harry remained frozen in his seat. It was only with a great shove from Hermione that he rose, stumbling towards Thor. The man was smiling widely, looking for all the world like an oversized Golden Retriever happy to see its owner. Harry was abruptly pulled into a bear hug, crushed between two massive biceps that rivaled Hagrid's in size and strength. He stiffened, face pressed uncomfortably against Thor's breastplate.

The god pulled back, hands still clasping Harry's arms, and looked him up and down. "Alright," he said "Let us go home." He turned and began ushering Harry back to the entrance doors.

"W-wait!" Harry spluttered. "What the bloody hell is going on?!" Thor let go of his arm, looking sheepish. Harry quickly took a step back.

"I must ask you the same thing." said Dumbledore as he stood from his chair. "I cannot allow you to abduct one of my students. Please explain yourself." he added with a dangerous edge to his voice. Harry sighed with relief as Thor started to speak.

"My apologies. It is common," he began, "after a great error is committed, for Odin the Allfather to cast down the offender to live as a mortal here on Midgard in order to learn humility. My brother Loki was given this punishment years ago, as I was just recently. Unlike myself, Loki was cast into the body of an infant with no memories of himself or his home. He lived out his mortal life with no idea of his past, until upon his death he was brought back to Asgard with his form and memory restored."

"So… you're saying the baby he became… was my father?" Harry asked, mind whirling as his entire worldview was flipped upside down.

"No, no", Thor smiled. "The form Loki took was female. His mortal name was Lily Evans."

Pandemonium again. Before Harry could digest the news or even react, Thor was talking again.

"Upon his return to Asgard, Loki was very distressed. I was not present at the time, but I hear he fairly decimated the throne room. The Allfather erased his memories of his mortal life." He looked down, ashamed.

"My brother's memories were not restored until very recently." He placed his hands on Harry's shoulders, covering them completely with his palms. "I swear to you, if either of us had known, nothing would have stopped him finding you."

Harry swallowed thickly. He didn't know yet how he felt about Thor's outrageous tale, or if he even believed it, but some small part of him was soothed by Thor's promise. He hadn't just been given back one of his parents and a family only to learn he had been willfully abandoned.

He didn't know what to do. Harry looked to the staff table, hoping for some kind of support. Most of the professors held varying expressions of shock and disbelief. Dumbledore's face was stony and unreadable. At the far end of the table, Snape was looking distinctly ill.

For a few seconds Harry considered resisting but his heart, the part that yearned to know what it felt like to feel the love of a parent was screaming for him to believe. If this was real, his deepest desire was about to come true. Well, half of it anyway.

Thor began leading him to the doors again. Harry shakily followed. He was going to meet his mother. I have an uncle and he's taking me to my mother, Harry thought somewhat hysterically, and they're both gods.

So much for finally having a normal school year.

He didn't know if the Hall was just too shocked to move or if simply no one dared cast any magic at Thor, but they managed to make it outside before anyone tried to stop them.

Thor urged Harry into a run towards the gates as staff members poured out of the main entrance after them. Harry heard their shouts for him to stop, but Thor's hand was warm and real against his arm and that meant his mother could be too. He had to take that chance.

Spells were whizzing past them now. One of them hit the war hammer in the god's other hand, only to be reflected back at greater speed. Thor finally used said hammer to crash the gates open and skidded them to a stop.

"Heimdall!" he cried, and the world was enveloped in bright lights.

The professors came to a halt at the edge of an intricate circle burned into the grass just outside of the Hogwarts wards. Thor and Harry Potter had vanished.

"What is this Albus?" gasped Professor McGonagall. The Headmaster kneeled down to study the symbols. He stood, looking grave.

"I do not know."

Harry gasped as he took in the golden otherworldly architecture of what he assumed had to be Asgard. He felt as though he had just been blinded then thrown forward at very great speed. He had landed upright however, which still made it far more pleasant than any Wizarding form of travel.

The floor beneath his feet stretched on into an enormous bridge, sparkling with thousands of colors. He mentally revised the Great Hall's ceiling placement on his mental list of most impressive sights.

Thor walked forward to center of the dome they were under toward what Harry had initially mistaken for a statue in his peripheral vision. The golden armor-clad man's eyes seemed to look both at and through the both of them as he spoke with deep voice.

"It was as we suspected; I could not See you once you passed through the barrier of the blank space. It would seem that not all of these spaces are blocked by Midgard's natural wild magic, but by man." He seemed troubled by this.

Thor nodded seriously. "Beyond the barrier lied an entire castle, filled with many Midgardian youths."

"I see nothing but ruins and blankness." The Asgardian replied, brow furrowing further.

"Er...Are you talking about the wards?" Harry felt compelled to speak up, "I don't know much about them, but I know that they keep mug- non magical people away with a charm so that they only see a ruined castle instead of the real thing."

He shifted as the man focused his intense gaze to him. "That is...troubling to know that mortals have discovered a way to block my Sight. You must be Harry Lokison. I am Heimdall; my duty is to keep watch over the Nine Realms and control the Bifrost, by which you and Thor traveled here. Please, what can you tell of these wards?"

"Well they keep out muggles and you can't apparate -that is, teleport- in or out of Hogwarts. Er…" Harry tried to recall what other information Hermione had imparted to him and Ron from her recitations of Hogwarts, A History. "There's wards to keep out animals as well, and ones for certain dark or dangerous magic. The library has books about warding, I could er, loan some to you? If you'd like?"

He cringed at himself. Loaning library books to an apparently omniscient all-seeing god? What? But Heimdall just smiled approvingly.

"I would very much appreciate that, Lokison. I'm sure that we will meet again soon. I believe I have held you two from your destination for long enough, however."

"Perhaps my brother could also impart some knowledge-" Thor began as he moved to Harry's side, only to be cut off by Heimdall.

"No," he smiled wryly. "We… are not on good terms. Beside that, I fear Loki must stay far from Asgard at this time. Goodbye, and good luck." He directed the last part solely to Harry as the Bifrost began to shine. In the next moment, he and Thor were gone.

Heimdall continued smiling. He was quite impressed with the lad, not many treated him like a normal being; either intimidated by his abilities or only interested in abusing them for their own means. He had also remained rather calm and reserved despite the extreme shock he must be feeling.

Yes, thought the watcher as he turned his gaze to Midgard. Young Harry will make a fine candidate for a future Prince of Asgard.

So there it is, the first chapter. How did I do? Please tell me your thoughts!

Chapter Fun Fact: During Ragnarok, the prophesied end of the world (and title of the third Thor movie) Loki and Heimdall fight and kill each other. So they're literally destined to hate each other.

Next Time: Harry meets Loki (and an Avenger or two), learns how he came to be, and the truth behind the Chitauri invasion. Dumbledore reacts to Harry's kidnapping.