To those who are new to this little reality of Fairy Tail, this is a rewritten version of 'Twins'

I've decided to make this chapter shorter for the sake of the continuation and flow, allowing me to jump right into the full plot. Although I thought I may give you a nice little scene between Lucy's main supporters during this time. (Even if it was more of an inner monologue)

I do not own anything, Hiro Mashima does, or however you spell it.

( X784 after the return from Edolas )

The world felt like it was tilting as she watched silently at the couple in the middle of the guild. She wore nothing in her eyes, if any one were to even notice her it was obvious that her smile was fake, her enthusiasm was fake, but her tensed body was not. She felt stiff standing there watching Gray and Her celebrate their new relationship with everyone else. What hurt even more was the fact that Gray barely looked interested in the whole ordeal. She knew that at some point she would have to go over there and say 'Hi' to them, to go over there and congratulate them on their new beginning.

So she sucked in all the courage possible and walked up to them, she could fake her happiness for just a little longer, maybe then they won't suspect the fact she was breaking inside.

"Gray I'm so happy for you, you must be so thrilled about this." She smiled, trying to give him the best happy act possible. Huh, maybe she should've been an actress.

He looked up in surprise at her sudden appearance, but it was quickly masked into his cool demeanour. How she wanted to slap the facade right off his face.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it." He gave her a crooked smile that made her heart clench in her chest.

"Gray! Come here love!" She called him over to the small group of girls that She was in.

He turned his head to glance at Her and nodded. It took everything inside to not break completely.

"I got to go, but thanks again." And with that he left, making her heart break just a little more. Her pride forced her to stay for a little longer to socialize with those who were there, but like every day life, she could only take so much of it. So she walked to the board and took a lengthy job, not caring whether if paid well.

As she was leaving, she couldn't help but look at the couple, and break.

( The next week )

When she came back, it was a week later and hopefully the news of the couple had passed within the Guild. Hopefully. But then again she usually was wrong. It was an all of six minutes of being in there before she left, this time she requested personally for a long job. Maybe then the thoughts of them together would leave her head. Maybe then, she will finally forget what the pain was like.

Mira watched the her leave the Guild, sighing softly. What she wouldn't do to help that child, but then again there was nothing for her to do. This was a battle unable to be fought by anyone but her.

"Poor girl." She whispered softly causing the drunk Cana to look up with a dazed and confused look. Mira just waved her hand dismissively. "Don't mind me, want another?"

This was enough to get the other to instantly forget anything she may had heard. The brunette let out a cheer of agreement, and Mira set off to get her another drink.

Although in the back three pairs of knowing eyes watched their friend walk away with her head low. They just hoped that she would get over this morning period, or maybe to just find something knew to distract her from this situation.

Then one week she stayed for more than the seconds she was around to grab another job, was the week she was roped into a job with Levy and Gajeel. It was surprising to see those two so close. Especially with the history between the two. What had she missed while she was away on those jobs? She thought with a small smile.

Although it was awkward being there with these two, almost leaving her a third wheel, it was nice to be out with her friends. Which was something she hadn't done in ages. It was a nice change, something she had missed dearly as she was trying to get over her heartbreak. Maybe the others could sense it? If they did no one said anything.

Now as they drank away the night, she couldn't help but wonder what it was like; to be in this kind of a relationship with someone. Sure she had a small thing with a guy at the guild, but that was ages ago and now all he treats her as is a friend. Plus there was that thing with Gray...

She shook her head trying to get the thoughts of the ice mage out of her mind (what a useful thing that was) and turned her attention back to the others, who were singing along to music that wasn't playing; the sight brought a smile to her face. They were cute together, maybe it was a rough start but it was still quite an adorable couple. The way they would hold onto each other, or how Gajeel was so intent on protecting Levy as they fought. It was obvious, how they didn't notice it was beyond her.

"Bravo! Bravo!" She clapped her hands as they finished the verse, drunken smiles wide on their faces. This, this was what she wanted, not what she imagined with Gray. She wanted this connection of goofiness. Maybe she could get over him. Maybe she could move on.

But then Gajeel and Levy began their next karaoke song, she couldn't help but envision herself and Gray in their places. Even if Gray wouldn't be caught dead singing to something as girly as the song that the couple sang, but Gajeel was singing it so it wouldn't be too far fetched. She thought with a small giggle.

No, she wouldn't be able to get over him. Not after everything that they had gone through. Not after everything that they had between them, even if it was one sided; it was still there. No matter what she could say, that was undeniable. She, was in love with Gray Fullbuster, no matter what.

The constant coming and going, leaving without a word and fake smiles had gone on for three months; no matter what she did she would always end up leaving as soon as she arrived. She pretended not to notice the times Mira would shake her head in pity, or the look of utter disappointment from Gajeel, who surprisingly enough was one of the only people who noticed the shift in her sudden attitude.

After the three long months she went back to the guild, except the sounds of cheerfulness was too much for her to bear, and decided to walk away into the cold night. Even after three months she was still feeling nausea, whether the thought of going back being it or not.

The stars above made her think about all the memories she bore inside the head of her's. All the sad times and happy times she had looking up at a grey sky. Tonight, she decided, was definitely not a night to be stuck at home, so she made her way to the bridge where she climbed down to sit by the water.

Quiet was one way to describe this place, which was why she liked it. Always did this place bring forth some kind of peace within her mind. The way that the water from the river slowly flowed down a seemingly still surface, or when a ripple that was caused by something to small to see. What a metaphor for her current state.

She sat down by the wall, letting her back rest against the cool stone. Silence had become her friend these past few months, no matter who she was with, silence always seemed to find her. So tonight she found something else; she found the pain that was eating away at her.

No matter how cold it was, the stream of loneliness washed out the bitter cold, leaving her in a trance. Her gaze was glazed over while she searched her thoughts. She didn't even notice when a soft thump of someone landing echoed through the tunnel.

"I knew you'd be here." A familiar voice said, causing her to shake out of her mental pit.

"I didn't expect you to be here, Lyon." She gave him a weak smile, not taking her eyes off of the water.

The ice mage sighed softly and sat beside her, arms wrapping protectively around her shoulders. The small act sent a smile to her lips that didn't feel strained.

"Gray asked me down here for a job, wanted to talk about something or another." He rolled his eyes exasperated by the thought of his foster brother, but she knew that the silver haired mage cared deeply for him.

"Aw, I was hoping the reason for you coming would be me." She said with a pout, though both of them knew that she probably wouldn't even be here if she took another job.

"That too, but you know it would be better if I got both of my visits done in one trip instead of two." Lyon said.

"Then maybe you should just make one trip then instead of the one to me." She bluntly said as she sat up away from his oddly warm embrace.

"I would never miss a chance to see you, plus I wanted to check up on you," His eyes softened, causing her to shift uncomfortably in her spot. "After all your eyes still scream heartbroken."

She looked away almost embarrassed.

"I'm fine Lyon, this is nothing more than a time for me to forget. Gray is the past, now it's time to look to the future."

"Cut the bullshit. We both know that you still love him, or at least care deeply for him in a way that isn't so friendly." He huffed out crossing his arms like a child. It was almost laughable.

"Maybe that's why I don't want to see him, Lyon. Maybe it's because the fact that if I were to talk to him my guts will spill instantly and I would be a mess all over again!" She clicked her tongue imitating what Lyon did.

"But he needs to know, he needs to know." Lyon said as he shook his head in slight disappointment.

"Needs to know that I'm what, Lyon. That I love him, that t-the night that we..." She trails off looking at the water that seemed so calm, but she knew better. "It meant something. It meant everything."

They sat in silence, one letting the words that were spoken sink in, the other trying to find more to say. Like water they looked at ease on the surface but truthfully they were a river of rushing water. No matter what they did it never seemed to stop. Never could they have peaceful spirits.

"No matter what you do, that night still means something. It still defines your future." He murmurs quietly into his folded arms. "You need to talk to him. Lucy please."

Said blonde looked up, brown eyes staring at the other with widened almost glossy eyes. She knew what he was saying was right, knew that he was being helpful, but the very thought of talking to Gray made her stomach knot up and twist unlike no other. Now it may seem like she was letting a boy over take her life, but the truth was, she was scared of what would happen when it all went down.

"What if I don't want him to know? I have every right to withhold this kind of information." The blonde tried to reason, using a more stern tone, but it was brushed off when her voice cracked.

"Yes but still, he also has a right to know. Especially since he's the-" A wave of nauseous washed over her, sending the blonde scrambling to the edge of the water, unleashing the bile that raised itself from her stomach. The sound was disgusting and caused Lyon to scrunch his face up slightly, but that didn't stop the boy from moving towards his friend, and rubbing small soothing circles on her back. This was sign enough for him to say what he knew she needed to hear.

"You need to tell him Lucy," He murmured quietly, the blonde having calmed down in her emptying of her stomach, now listened to what he was saying. "You need to tell him you're pregnant."

End of chapter one rewrite! So many mistakes whoops. I'm glad to say that I'm redoing this and will try to get MONTHLY updates...yes monthly, I'm terrible with time management and that's the best I can offer atm.

Bye bye little butterflies ;)