Disclaimer: I don't own Sekaiichi Hatsukoi; otherwise I'd probably smile a lot more.

It was the moment that Masamune knew he was truly head over heels for this man. The occasion wasn't anything special whatsoever, just a drink between co-workers for yet another New Year finished at Marukawa without breaking down into madness from late deadlines and inopportune vacations from staff and—

Well, it wasn't something really worth celebrating for. And there was most likely no work for the next day, as everyone would be too hung-over to do much of anything except nurse their pounding headaches and try not to vomit when they stood up. Masamune, thankfully, was not one of those people, always ready to work at a moment's notice with no trouble whatsoever.

Anyways, so the editing team of Emerald was at a normal izakaya, drinking away their worries and stress and just enjoying each other's company. Masamune would be the first to say that these people were his friends, if not even close friends.

It wasn't anything special, really, because the others were relieving their burdens on each other and joking around about rumors they'd heard around the office, even if they were true or not. And, for once, Ritsu was actually relaxed as he took a swig of his beer and nodded attentively at a story Kisa was telling everyone else. Something about one time he found one of his old classmates and they'd gotten drunk together over their lonely, single lives? It seemed a depressing story to Masamune, but he was barely listening anyways.

In the presence of his fellow co-workers, Masamune couldn't lavish as much attention on his adorable subordinate as much as he'd like to—and that sweater Ritsu was wearing looked so cute on him—but he was able to at least sneak glances at him while he wasn't looking and was distracted by the warm and friendly atmosphere surrounding them. There was no need to speak, anyways.

And then he saw it.

The curve of pale pink lips. The wonderful, enchanting sound that came out of it.

Ritsu was…laughing. And he looked absolutely breathtaking.

Masamune didn't know what he happened to be laughing about, but at this moment, he found he didn't exactly care that much. The person he loved was laughing and actually letting his inhibitions down around them. His heart beat a little faster at the sight. Maybe he could get Ritsu to laugh like that because of him one day, too.

Before he could even stop himself, Masamune had taken his phone out and quickly snapped a silent picture of Ritsu as he was still laughing. Nobody noticed, of course—they were all too busy chattering—nobody except the person he took the picture of. Ritsu looked at him, face completely loosened of his usual frowns and glares, just the slightest hint of confusion gracing his sweet face. But he didn't say anything, only shook his head and turned back to comment on something that Hatori said.

Masamune felt the corner of his lips tug upward, but didn't give any other indication to the contentment he was feeling inside. It was so difficult for him to get Ritsu to give him an expression that wasn't negative, but when he succeeded, the reward was…gratifying. There really was nothing better than spending time with Ritsu—even though the others were there. Still.

As they left the izakaya, Kisa stumbling out the door and the others shuffling after him, Masamune snuck a peek at the picture he'd taken on his cell phone again. He glanced over at Ritsu, who had his hands in his pockets and didn't look all too sober, either, face red and almost…expectant, like he presumed Masamune would follow him. Masamune smiled to himself and shut his phone, following after Ritsu towards the subway.

His smile grew somewhat into a smirk as he took Ritsu's hand and the other didn't protest.

Ah…I'm happy.

A/N: Random scene. I don't know. What a cheesy title.
