Disclaimer: I do NOT own Percy Jackson.

"Hello?" Percy's voice came from the other line and Annabeth mentally cursed.

Fuck you, Thals.

Annabeth hadn't seen Percy since the day he left her, 6 days ago, yet the butterflies were there when she heard his voice. Of course, that didn't mean she didn't spend nights thinking about the sexy raven haired boy. Thalia and her had agreed to never bring Percy up, and no more blind dates. Still, Annabeth found herself and her thoughts wandering to Percy fucking Jackson.

"Um..Hi," Annabeth said, strangely blushing. She remembered her promise with Thalia and was tempted to break it. Although, she could use this as an excuse to talk to Mr. Sexy, and she decided, in a split second, that was exactly what she'd do.

When Percy spoke, he sounded surprised, "Annabeth?"

Annabeth took a deep breath, forcing herself to speak. How did he remember her? "Yeah."

Way to be smooth, Annabeth.

"Um, how'd you get my number?" He asked, and Annabeth felt an unwanted tension rise between them.

"Thalia," Annabeth replied, and suddenly she realized she sounded like some sort of obsessed stalker.

Before she could say anything about how she wasn't a stalker, Percy chuckled. "So, wanted to talk to me that bad, huh?"

Annabeth swooned. She could bet anything that his eyes would be twinkling. What the hell? Great, now she was thinking like a stalker.

Her heart rate racing, Annabeth told him, "You wish,"

He laughed again. "Maybe I do."

Annabeth's heart stopped, even though she knew he probably meant it as a joke. "What?"

"Nothing," Percy said and Annabeth heard the faint sound of Green Day playing through the line. "Why'd you call me? I thought you hated me."

You thought wrong, Percy Jackson. "Why would I hate you?" She asked, sitting in her dorm bed, and crossing her legs together.

"Are you kidding me? I was such a bastard to you, and then I left," Percy said, and Annabeth felt the need to grab Percy and kiss him. Which was complety irrational.
"It wasn't your fault at all, it was mine. I was being rude, but why did you leave, though?" She wondered, wanting to have asked the question for six days. "I thought YOU hated me and just used time as an excuse," Annabeth said, somewhat quietly.

Percy sounded surprised when he spoke, "What? No! Annabeth, I had to go to work, and I actually had fun on our date." He said, and Annabeth couldn't help but smile.

"You mean the part where we didn't repeatedly argue?" Annabeth questioned, and she heard Percy laugh from the other line.

"Yes, that part," He said, amusement clearly in his voice.

A smile twitched at Annabeth's lips. Seems like Percy wasn't so bad after all. "I did, too,"

"I'm glad," The hint of amusement in Percy's voice still lingered, and Annabeth could almost hear his smile.

"I have to talk to you for thirty minutes." Annabeth stated randomly, and then blushed for no apparent reason.

"Why?" Percy asked, but Annabeth didn't sense any disappointment in his voice.

"I swore to Thalia I'd talk to whoever picked up, I'd talk to them for half an hour," Annabeth told him, seeing no point in lying.

This time, Percy did sound disappointed, "Oh. I thought you'd want to talk to me or something."

Oh, believe me, Percy Jackson, I do.

"I do, I just thought you wouldn't want to talk to me, but believe me, I do want to talk to you," Annabeth assured him and she was suddenly nervous around him. Get a grip, Annabeth.

She heard Percy chuckle, a sound that she would never get tired of. "Alright, then,"

Annabeth got up from her bed, and checked the clock, realizing it had already been 20 minutes. It had only felt like three or so minutes to her. "So, you're 21, right?"

"Yeah," Percy answered, "Why?"

Annabeth figured she'd learn more about him. "What university do you go to?"

"Columbia," Percy responded, and Annabeth almost grinned.

"I go there, too," She said, and she suddenly felt happy she was near Percy. "What's your major?"

Percy's tone lightened. "Do you? That's cool. Maybe we can hang out sometime, and I major in marine biology, you?"

Annabeth smiled, absentmindedly. "Maybe we can. Marine biology? That's cool, so you like seaweed?" She asked jokingly, and then added, "I major in architecture."

Percy snorted. "Seaweed? Says the nerd."

Annabeth laughed, lightly. "I feel like seaweed fills up your brain, because a nerd is somebody-"

Percy cut her off, laughing. "You're such a Wise Girl."

This time, Annabeth snorted. "Seaweed Brain."

Percy just laughed.

Looking at the clock, Annabeth saw it had been exactly 28 minutes. As much as she wanted to keep talking to Percy, she had to complete her paper, which she still didn't have. "I have to go finish a paper, I'll talk to you later?"

"Wait," Percy said, "I'd like to take you on a makeup date this Saturday, at seven. Would you be willing?"

Butterflies exploded in Annabeth's stomach, and she couldn't stop herself from grinning. "Of course," Then, she added, "Oh, and Seaweed Brain?"

"Yeah, Wise Girl?"

"Make sure you don't have work this time, will you?"

16 years later…

"Mom?" Annabeth's 11 year old son asked her, his sea-green eyes he had inherited from Percy shining in curiousity.

"Yes, Aiden?" Annabeth asked, smiling at him.

Annabeth, Percy, Thalia, and her husband, were in Percy and Annabeth's apartment, having their monthly movie nights, watching Finding Nemo for the hundredth time, due to Percy. Thalia and Luke's daughter, who was the same age as their son, Maria, was best friends with Aiden.

He looked up at her, and then at Maria, and she looked back, smirking, her electric blue eyes shining the same way Thalia's had when she were younger. She had inherited her father, Luke's blonde hair.

Percy wrapped his arm around Annabeth's waist, pulling her closer as they leaned against the sofa, the credits of Finding Nemo playing. Annabeth's wedding ring glinted in the light, and she smiled, looking at it. Percy had proposed right after they had both finished university, three years later. Now, Annabeth was a successful architect and Percy was a marine biologist.

"How did you meet dad?" Aiden asked, questioningly.

Annabeth turned her head to face Thalia, who was smirking at her. She laughed and looked at Percy who was smiling, remembering the old memory. His green eyes twinkled the same way they had done on their first date. She was truly in love with the raven haired boy, and wouldn't trade her family for anything.

"Do you really want to know?" Annabeth asked him, her eyes shining with memories.

Maria and Aiden nodded eagerly.

Annabeth laughed, and looked at Thalia who winked at her, gesturing her to go on.

Annabeth took a deep breath and looked at her husband, who grinned back at her.

"Well, Aiden, it all started with a blind date a certain person forced me to go to.."

A/N: I just finished this, like three minutes ago. It's not perfect. Thank you guys for following and favoriting and reviewing this, it means a lot! Let me know what you amazing people thought about this. And for you beauties reading TWSH, I'm working on it. It may or may not be up before August...I'm hoping it will. I WILL be posting a sneak peek of it through my tumblr if you guys want, let me know. Anyways, keep smiling, xxx.