A/N Thanks to our betas McGeeksGirl and Alix33. This isn't our normal pairing, but we hope you have an open mind and enjoy!

11:24 AM: Two hours and 36 minutes to go. In the bullpen, Tony was so freaking anxious to get out of there that he couldn't stand it. When Gibbs disappeared for his fourth coffee of the morning, the SFA gathered the scrap paper he'd been hoarding at his desk and started paper bombing McGee.

Pretending he was reviewing a cold case, Tim quickly looked around and seeing no one in the immediate vicinity, the place was a like a graveyard today, retaliated with his own pile of scrap paper. Tony dodged Tim's attempts, quickly lobbing all the paper balls back in his partner's direction.

"C'mon, Probie, at least make this fight a bit more difficult."

While Tony was running his mouth, Tim managed to take his time, aim perfectly and hit DiNozzo square in the forehead. Tim smirked, crumpled up another piece of paper and was about to throw it when he felt a presence behind him.

He tried to be stealthy about moving his throwing arm back to the top of his desk, dropping the paper he'd been holding into his lap while Tony mouthed 'busted' at him. To Tim's amazement and a bit of fear, Gibbs gave a dry chuckle, one similar to what Tim thought a coyote might give, if a coyote could chuckle, before he devoured his prey.

"Come on, you two, I know it's New Year's Eve, we have tomorrow off and you're anxious to get to your fancy ski resort, but we've got two hours and…" He looked at his watch while Tony blurted, "8 minutes!"

"Right, two hours and 8 minutes left, wouldn't it be…I don't know…nice if you two actually got some work done? You know, LIKE YOU GET PAID TO DO?"

The younger men winced and when Gibbs heard each of them muttering "Yes, Boss!" he went back to his desk, inwardly sighing at the time. Two hours and however many minutes…forever.

There were a few moments of silence until Gibbs' phone rang, immediately causing Tim and Tony to exchange worried glances. Each of them was hoping that it wasn't a call out that would ruin their New Year's plans. Gibbs saw the panicked look on his agents' faces and chuckled inwardly. Little did they know that he had his own plans that evening and the caller would be sadly disappointed if they were ruined.

Gruffly he answered, "Gibbs." Tony and Tim held their breaths as the older man listened carefully and hung up. "At ease, guys."

The two agents slumped back in their chairs as Gibbs stood and grabbed his coffee. "I'll be upstairs in Vance's office." As Gibbs headed for the stairs the two men waited until he reached the top of the first flight before uttering a word.

"Wonder what that's about?"

"Who knows, could be planning for next year or maybe Vance is bored too."

They cackled at that impossibility and then Tony's thoughts returned to their plans.

"Hey, did you pack your swim stuff? You know for the water park?"

Tim sighed, "I packed it but for the hot tub, not the water park, Tony. I mean it looks cool but I'm sure it'll be crawling with kids and you'll be off skiing. Rather do the water park when you're around and besides I want to ski!"

Tony looked around and then flapped his eyebrows at his partner, "Hot tub is private, Tim, don't think your swimsuit is needed. Although…it would be fun to start out with it…"

He leered at Tim whose ears were bright red as he hissed at the other man. "Tony, knock it off! We're at work…honestly, what's the matter with you, are you trying to out us or what?"

Tony made a face, but knew his partner was right, they couldn't afford anyone figuring out this ski vacation meant anything more than two friends, two co-workers going skiing together.


When Gibbs reached the Director's outer office, he looked at the man's Executive Assistant who just smiled and nodded him in. Shutting the door behind him, he looked at Vance and in an unnaturally deep voice said, "You rang?"

Leon shook his head and shifted his toothpick to the other side of his mouth, "Lurch from the Addams Family, I'm impressed."

Gibbs nodded. "Thank you, thank you very much."

"So how's your morning going?"

Jethro shrugged, "Probably about as slow as yours. Looking at cold cases. Trying to keep the boys under control."

Leon gave him a sultry look from under a raised eyebrow and Gibbs fought to keep a straight face as he rolled his eyes.

"I meant McGee and DiNozzo, Leon! Get your mind out of the gutter!"

Leon huffed, "Give me lines like that, how can I possibly avoid the gutter? So what time do you want me tonight?"

Gibbs barked a laugh, "Touché!" He shook his head, "What time is your father-in-law picking up the kids?"

"Grandfather, please don't refer to him as my father-in-law, that would imply he was ever a father to Jackie! He said he'd be over at 1500 which probably means 1600, so any time after that. Want me to bring anything?"

It was Gibbs' turn for the eyebrow and both men chuckled. Watching Vance slide the toothpick in and out of his mouth Gibbs swallowed hard. Imagining those full lips caressing a particular area of his body, he felt his cock twitch slightly. Vance knew from the look on his lover's face that he had him right where he wanted him. He enjoyed working Gibbs up into a sexual frenzy at times when neither was able to act on their feelings. Once they were finally able to spend some alone time together all the pent up frustration skyrocketed their love life. Slowly standing up Vance walked around to the front of his desk, brushing up against Gibbs as he leaned over to whisper in his ear, "I asked if you wanted me to bring anything?" Gibbs felt his cock twitch again as Vance's warm breath tickled his ear.

"Leon!" Gibbs growled, spinning around to face the younger man.

Vance chuckled as he took a step back and held up his hands in surrender.

"I'm sorry, Gibbs."He raised his eyebrows slightly, "It's been a while since…you know." He paused, "I guess McGee and DiNozzo aren't the only ones who are ready for a fun night."

Gibbs smirked, "Oh yeah and we don't have to drive over two hours and freeze our balls off to enjoy ourselves."

He leaned in, pursing his lips as though to give the other man a chaste peck on the lips, but instead licked Vance's lips wanting entrance. Leon gave a quiet but heated moan when Jethro thrust his tongue into his mouth as he showed him what they'd be doing later. Smirking, Gibbs pulled back and adjusted himself; with a wink he left the office as Leon sank down into his chair, not able to hide his physical reaction.

After exiting the Director's office Gibbs stood at the top of the catwalk as he worked to control his breathing. He could hear bits and pieces of Tim and Tony's conversation, but his mind wasn't focused on what they were talking about. It was racing with thoughts about what he'd do with Leon once the two were alone and ringing in the New Year together.


Tony looked nervously at Tim as the older man stared off into space.

"You think something's wrong, Tony?"

Tony shrugged his shoulders, "He was just with Vance so it's hard to say."


Gibbs suddenly snapped out of his musing, glaring down at Tony with an annoyed look on his face.

"What is it, DiNozzo?"

"Umm…nothing, Boss." He glanced at Tim, pleading with him to finish the conversation.

Tim huffed, "We just wanted to make sure you were okay, Boss. You seem a little out of it."

"I'm fine." Gibbs growled as he headed back downstairs to his desk. "Have you two made any headway on any of the cases?"

The two agents grinned sheepishly, thumbing through the files on their desk. Finally Tony spoke up, "C'mon, Boss, you know how hard it is to concentrate when it's only a few hours away until vacation." Tony paused, "Actually maybe you don't. I can't remember the last time you took a vaca…"

"Contrary to popular belief I was young once too, DiNozzo. Besides, who says I'm not looking forward to some time away from the two of you?"

He looked at the clock; he could send them for lunch. They didn't usually take a lunch break when they were leaving early but today…oh yeah he wanted some peace and quiet in the bullpen. Ziva being away on vacation meant the bickering was on hiatus but given the opportunity, Tim and Tony could get into bickering mode themselves. So he'd send them for lunch, yeah!

He pulled out his wallet, "Why don't you two go get lunch for the three of us, my treat today."

"Wow, thanks, Boss, you get to pick, then, what do you want?"

Gibbs thought about their various lunch venues, trying to remember which was the farthest from the office.

"Mmm, kielbasa sounds good."

"Uh, ok, great, you know we'll have to take the car, be gone for awhile."

He gave McGee a half smile, "Yep, I do, so you'd better get going."

Tony grabbed the bills Gibbs was holding as the two tried not to run to the elevator. Gibbs figured by the time they drove over, placed the order, waited for it and then drove back aboard the Yard…time for actually eating lunch, yep, they'd be very close to quittin' time.

When they got in the car, Tim looked around the dark garage and saw how far they were from the cameras. Leaning over, he surprised Tony with a sweetly passionate kiss. When they came up for air, Tony grinned at his lover, "Not that I'm complaining, but any special reason?"

"Because I could, no one was looking and we're at work, it's a little naughty."

He said the last two words in a sexy voice and Tony groaned. Tim grinned and then took his phone out as his partner started the car.

"What are you doing?"

"Calling our order in."

"No, no, no! Wait until we get there, it'll take longer!"

"Yeah but…oh." Tim snorted, "Opposite of how we normally operate."

"Yep, he sent us away, his choice and obviously he's in no hurry."

"He did send us the farthest distance."

Tony shook his head, "He's up to something."


"Yeah, he's got something going, not sure what though."

Tim nodded, "He was distracted. Maybe he's got a hot date tonight."

Tony snorted and then pursed his lips in thought. "You noticed him flirting with anyone recently?"

"No new redheads."

"Yeah, me neither."

"Hey, if it means he's not breathing down our necks, I'm fine with whatever is going on!"

"Good point."

They reached the restaurant, placed their order, waited 20 minutes for it and then headed back to the office. "Yes! It's already 1:15!"