Hey Chapter three is here. Sorry it took so long, I was having a bit of bother with the website on saving this as I was writing it. I know some of you want a bit more every time I post and I agree there needs to be more, but I don't always have the time to post as regularly if I write as much. I shall try though :)a

WARNING: There is a memory of Alec's past that reader may not like to read (contains violence and unwanted sex) . I shall warn you when it comes to that scene and when it ends although it is near the end of the chapter.
You have been warned!

Character's belong to Cassandra Clare.

Alec finished the hot bowl of soup in no time at all. He'd lost all of his manor's after going without food for so long and then finding a some thrown on your lap. It was something he'd always hated about other's whilst growing up.

His parents came from money and were well known in their part of the city for being as wealthy as they were and always held little get together parties for the neighbors. Really, it was just a way to show off their home and flaunt the money they had. Alec always remembered sitting at the table and watching how they ate. It was disgusting. Some of them stuffed their faces to full, other's fussing over the taste being too strong or lacking there of. The table was always crowded with food and the always threw out around half of it by the end of the night.

Ironic really. Here he was struggling for food when his parents had three times more than they needed. And now he ate in the manor that he hated; stuffing your face full.

Resting the spoon in the bowl he made to get up of the chair when he felt a hand on his thigh making him flinch.

"It's fine, I'll deal with it." Magnus' voice was soft as he removed his hand and took the bowl, heading to the kitchen to deal with it.

Was it sad that he really wanted another bowl. His stomach felt like it would burst, but he wanted more. Felt such a need to keep eating as if he could store it away and keep it for when he needed it most instead of most likely bringing it back up.

His tired blue eyes glanced around the room once again and he noticed that even though there was colour in every corner of the room it still held a sense of loneliness. Something like that didn't register with Alec when he looked at the man that owned the house, but who was he to judge?

Letting his eyes drift back to the doorway leading to the kitchen he saw Magnus coming back to him with a small smile on his face. Such a small gesture warmed him from the inside. How was it possible for a smile to lift someone's heart so high? Magnus lowered himself next to Alec on the sofa so he was facing the younger blue-eyed boy. "I'll show you to your bedroom, if you like?"

As much as Alec loved the idea of a bed for the night, the usual fear was still there lingering under his skin. Would this man want him in his bed? Would he want Alec to do something for him?

"Come on," his soft voice pulled Alec from his thoughts as he stood and stretched his hand out for Alec to take. Swallowing what little saliva was in his mouth, he took the large hand and let Magnus pull him up before following him down the hall way. He hadn't failed to notice how close Magnus had pulled him in when he helped him up from the sofa. At that point Alec knew this wasn't just a friendly gesture. Magnus wanted something Alec would have to give him, whether he liked it or not.

Following the taller man down the hall, his mind ran wild with thoughts of what Magnus wanted until they stopped at one of the doors which the said man pushed open. "Here we are."

Stepping inside behind Magnus, Alec took in the room. It was obviously a guest room judging by the difference in exterior to the living room. He imagined Magnus having just as bright a bedroom as his living room yet this room was plain in comparison. The walls were cream with one main one with the double bed pushed against it being a jade green. The essentials of a bedside unit and large chest of drawers were there, but it was basic.

To Alec it was heaven.

"There are towels sitting in that cupboard." Magnus said walking to the cream door on one of the walls and pulling it open. It was small space with some shelves for extra storage. "Feel free to use the shower."

After turning on the shower Alec pulled his t-shirt off and folded it before resting it on the bathroom vanity and looking into the mirror. He knew he looked bad, but what he was staring at was something worse. His skin was a deathly pale almost grey and his dull, grey eyes with outlined with black from the lack of sleep. Alec's cheek bones and jaw stood out with the lack of fat on his body, his ribs rippling the skin on his torso. And he couldn't miss the bruises. The blacks and yellows and purples painting his canvas skin from those men who were a little violent with him.

Little was an understatement.

Turning away, his eyes closed to stop the tears threatening to push past, he couldn't look at himself any more. It made him sick thinking about his body, the bones, stretched skin clinging to them. The paleness and black around his eyes.

Biting his lip, he pulled his trousers down, not daring to look at the bruises he knew were down his legs and pelvis, and folded them like his top.

Not wanting to wait any longer he slipped into the shower, welcoming the scorching heat against his skin.

Slowly he lost himself in the heat pounding against his shoulders and slipped away;

*Warning starts*

"Now, now little boy." the rough voice whispered in his ear as large hands trailed lower down past his waist, "We don't want the neighbors to hear you."

Alec bit his lip trying to muffle the noises threatening to escape his lips as the man continued his assault. Was Assault the right word when Alec consented to it in a way? He needed a bed for the night and the man offered with this price; the price of Alec in the man's bed for the night.

The pain of not being prepared for the man had tears welling in Alec's eyes and biting his bottom lip.

"Beg for it." His voice came again, "Beg for it harder, faster!"

The tears finally spilled over his eyes earning him a slap across the face. His blue eyes widened right before he felt the larger man pull out and then the rattle of the buckle on his belt before the leather met his already bruised back.

*Warning ends*

Tears once again slid passed his cheeks as he fell to the floor of the shower stall hugging his grazed knees to his chest. His body was a battle field, a money maker and a canvas of violence.

"Why me?" Alec whimpered burying his head between his knees.

It was something he couldn't answer. Something he really didn't want to know the answer to, but it still nagged at him; why was he still here?

Chapter three. Hope you guys liked this and do tell me if you think I should add a few of Magnus' pov or keep it all Alec?

Reviews and favorites are very much appreciated and thank you for them so far :)
