This is a humor fic leaning toward crack and it doesn't always follow logic. Or, it at least follows my logic. The first chapter is redone because I didn't like how it turned out and the others are pretty much the same.

Follow the Author and her sister (sometimes both of them) as we search out adventures, friends, and humorous fluff by roaming the different dimensions.



Love is a Sister

(Who Roams the Multiverse with You)

Dandelions are the funniest things. They grow in cracks, in cities, in forgotten places. They are the bane of a garden or yard, and yet, children love them. Blowing the seeds around and making wishes, kids spend entire summers making golden crowns under blue skies and the shade of a tree.

Sitting in the middle of a wheat field, one lonely seeker sighed.

Ropes of dandelions graced tawny wings and a crested helm. On the shorter side, the blue and gold femme watched the wheat stalks sway back and forth under the light wind with dark blue optics. Small patches of pearly white metal lined her plating and shone brightly beneath the sun's rays.

She whistled at the birds and then blew out a puff of frustrated air. Things were great. Wonderful, fantastic, and absolutely awesome. Except her sister wasn't anywhere to be found.

"Where are you?" The seeker growled, glaring at the surroundings and then up at the mockingly empty sky. Not even a cloud dare show itself. Her statement did not make her sister magically appear, unfortunately.

In fact, said femme was many many miles away. Traipsing along a dirt path at the bottom of a canyon, a pale gray and misty lavender seeker with hints of dark blue threw her hands up in frustration and made a very loud aggrieved sound. She was a little lost, okay? Only a little bit. If her right wing didn't hurt from the fall earlier, she would just fly up and find her way to the tree at the fork in the road. Her sister was going to be upset that she was late.

So lost in annoyance and muttering to herself, the bot didn't see the very large dinobot until she walked right past him and tripped over his tail.

"Argh!" Servos splayed before her, the seeker fell flat on her surprised face.

And looked up to see a large muzzle full of serrated teeth inches from her helm. A deep gravelly voice boomed, "What you do that for?"


"You no pay attention." He continued.

Sliding backwards, she could see the muzzle was connected to a body. A Tyrannosaurus rex to be exact. Matte gunmetal gray plating connected to yellow armor protecting his throat. Tawny hipplates moved and a massive gray tail swung into view with a lazy wave. What really caught her attention was the very sharp looking claws and root-beer in sunlight optics staring back at her pale silver ones.

Another slow tail flick as the little bot struggled for an answer, "Right. You're right, I wasn't. Are you okay?"

Mirthful rumbles and a derisive snort from the t-rex, as if she could really do any damage. The seeker was the one lying in the dirt. "You tiny flier no hurt me Grimlock. Now, you Decepticon?"

"No! Nonononono." Hurried the femme. She was sitting on the ground with a very suspicious dinobot two seconds from snapping her in half. "I'm neutral but I like to help the Autobots when I can. You said you're Grimlock. Leader of the Dinobots, right?"

"Me Grimlock king of the Dinobots." He stressed, proudly straightening and puffing up. The femme grinned, even a she narrowed his optics back at her. "And who you?"


A rumbly hum, "Neutral Darkwalk. What you doing here?"

"Looking for my sister." Sighing, the seeker's wings drooped, "She's my height and with similar armor but her's is mostly blue and gold. I don't suppose you've seen her?" His broad muzzle swung back and forth as the big mech settled on his haunches. Sighing again, Darkwalk tilted her helm at him, "So, what are you doing?"

"Looking for Autobots." Grimlock's nostril's flared, scenting the air, "No luck for me Grimlock."

"We're both searching. Could I come with you? I'm not headed in any particular direction."

Her slender wings perked up hopefully but dropped again as the Dinobot mused over it. Toes flexed and claws dug into the crumbly dirt before Grimlock gave her a hard stare and answered curtly, "Me Grimlock not waiting up if you Darkwalk fall behind."

"I won't!" She hopped to her feet and grinned wildly, "And when my wing feels better I can fly up and see what's ahead. Whichever way we go."

He merely nodded and lurched up to start trekking down the canyon path. Darkwalk set a brisk pace to keep up with his long strides. Pulling energon crystals from her subspace, the femme offered one to Grimlock as they walked along, "Want some? I found them earlier."

Taking one between his teeth, the dino crunched happily on his snack and the two started to wander.

It was not until several days later that they found anything. True to her word, Darkwalk kept up. Even when the t-rex ran in his dino-mode to cover large patches of clear land. Flying above, she told him if they were heading for forests, plains, or more canyons. They steered clear of any place that had a lot of humans.

Every evening they would find a place to camp and rest for an hour or two before moving on. While Darkwalk scouted north of their temporary stop, Grimlock checked the south. They didn't want to find they'd rested near a Decepticon mine after all.

In dino form, the gray Autobot walked carefully over fallen logs and through trees that towered above him. He wasn't trying to be quiet (that word wasn't in his vocabulary), but he could remember not to stomp at times. And those times usually consisted of when he was hunting. Grimlock wasn't sure what he was hunting right now. He'd started scouting around their camp per usual and had noticed a faint scent that was similar to Darkwalk's but not quite the same. So he followed it.

Wandering deeper into the overgrown pines, the scent got stronger and stronger until the t-rex stopped at the base of a huge oak. He looked this way and that but the scent just stopped. That made no sense.

After a long pause, the mech looked up. On a large limb as thick around as his neck was a seeker. One that looked a bit like Darkwalk but with light yellow and sky blue plating. She appeared to be in recharge, optics shuttered and ventilations slow.

Grimlock gave a toothy smile and crouched. He leaped up and gave the branch a hard nudge before landing with a earth-shaking thud.

"Gaaaahh!" The femme shrieked and nearly fell off the branch.

While she scrambled to hang on, one foot sliding on the wet tree bark, Grimlock started to laugh loudly. Apparently Wildsky was just as fun to sneak up on as Darkwalk. The femme didn't seem to find him as funny. Sharp blue optics glared at him as she started to slip again.

"Jerk! I was napping."

"Why you nap in tree? Seekers not birds." Still rumbling in amusement, the dinobot tipped his helm and snapped his maw in indolent biting actions as she almost lost her grip, "You Wildsky not bird."

"'Cause I want to." She growled before letting go and finally dropping to the ground to land on her feet. Finding her balance, the femme put her hands on her hipplates and peered up at him with a weird look, "Who told you my name?"


Her white-lined blue wings shot straight up, "You've seen my sister!" A nod. "Do you know where she is?" Another nod.

Getting behind the excited flier, Grimlock started to nudge her forward back the way he'd come. She stumbled in surprise and gave him another look before walking, "I can move on my own you know."

He growled lowly in agreement and kept pushing. For spite, Wildsky dug her feet in and crossed her arms just to see what he'd do, but the t-rex shoved her forward with his snout and her feet started to slide through the dirt. "Alright, alright! I'm moving."

Continuing to trek back to camp, the seeker quickly got over her annoyance and started asking a barrage of questions. By the time they got to the site, Grimlock had settled for 'yes' or 'no' answers and when those didn't suffice he just gave a neutral rumble instead of answering. But he puffed up and marched proudly when he caught sight of the gray and lavender bot. A loud exclamation made her jump.

"Me Grimlock find Wildsky! Me Grimlock best finder!"

Darkwalk gaped in surprise before springing up and running to hug her sisters. There was a moment of tender emotions expressed through strut-breaking, vent-stopping tight hugs where someone might have almost gotten strangled, but it was over soon enough.

"Dude, I was so worried!" the trine leader straightened and exclaimed before turning to Grimlock, "Thank you for finding her!"

A snort issued from Wildsky, "Worried about what? We would find each other eventually. I was just frustrated when you didn't show up at the waterfall."

"Wait," Darkwalk's pale optics tightened in confusion, "Waterfall?"

"Yeaaaaahhhhh...? We were gonna meet at that big oak by the waterfall."

The trine leader's wings flicked up and down, "I thought it was that oak by the crossroads."

Several beats of silence before the lighter femme muttered, "Oh."

"Oh." her sister agreed.

Grimlock's helm had turned back and forth like he was watching a ping-pong match as the sister's spoke. Biting her lip, Darkwalk grimaced, "I wouldn't have been there either. I fell and hurt my wing and got a little lost."

"Phhtttt!" Wildsky struggled to hold back her laughter as the other seeker mock fumed.

"It's not funny!"

She growled and crossed her arms, a huff in her tone while Wildsky giggled, "... a little lost..."

Even Grimlock rumbled a low chuckle as they settled in for awhile. The fliers were happy to be back together and the king of the dinobots was pleased to be in charge of a bigger group. Now they just had to find the Autobots.

Unfortunately or fortunately (depending on how you look at it), they didn't find them right away. The errant explorers did, however, find lots of other things. It's amazing what can be found once one starts looking.

Say for instance a radio. The femmes really liked to turn it on and dance around to some of the songs. Grimlock wasn't sure if that had actually been found, borrowed or stolen. The explanation involved pie and not-stealing. But a few days later it mysteriously disappeared, apparently having been returned.

And then there was the ship, which was definitely the best thing on their wandering adventure. The trio had crested a large grassy hill at the edge of some plains to see a Cybertronian ship half-buried in the opposing hillside. The femme's threw their servos up in glee.

"Loot!" Wildsky cheered.

Her sister yelled at the sky, "Artifacts!" She did a silly little jigging dance.





A pause as the pearl and blue seeker looked at the other with a furrowed optic ridge, "This is a pirate ship?"

"It is now until I see evidence otherwise." Came Darkwalk's solemn reply. Apparently bored of the conversation, Grimlock started down the slope.

"Me Grimlock exploring."

"Wait for us!" After a few minutes of clambering around and a little digging, they found the cargo door. The dinobot insisted he go first since he was the leader. One look at the dilapidated and dark hallway leading inside and there were no complaints.

"This is creepy. What if there are bodies?" Wildsky whispered to her sister as they slipped inside. Without answering, the trine leader gave a wing shrug. She was harder to see in the low lighting of the ship since her coloring was dimmer than her sister's.

"What if the corpses are clutching the treasure and we have to take if from them?" Their quiet conversation stalled before Darkwalk continued, "No more treasure hunting movies for awhile."

Wildsky sighed as they plod along, "Agreed for now. I'm not saying good bye to Indiana Jones, Goonies, and Pirates of the Caribbean." A brief pause as she switched topics. "Hey Grimlock?"

The dino turned to look at the flier, tail nearly whacking the wall of the small corridor. "If we find a sword, do you want it?"

"Me Grimlock want sword." He agreed, liking the idea.

A wheedling reply came from the shadowy area where Darkwalk was, at the back of their parade, "An energon sword that catches fire?"

Narrowing his optics, the t-rex tried to figure out why this felt like a trap. Wildsky was easy to see with her light plating and because she was right next to him. Darkwalk was not and her gray armor blended in with the damaged walls. But he could hear the grin in both their voices which set off his instincts. Something was up. He didn't know what, but something was. Hesitantly, he agreed, "...yes."

"Okay." A cheery chirp of a reply that was apparently the end of the conversation.

Grimlock internally shrugged and continued farther in the ship. Seekers were strange. Femmes were confusing. Put both together and you got crazy confusing weirdness.

They did not find any swords, much to everyone's disappointment. There was some energon cubes, a couple knives, broken machinery and no corpses. It seemed someone had already been there before and wiped out anything useful. They hadn't cared for the dull knives. In dramatic procession, the fliers offered the weapons to Grimlock but he shrugged the gifts off. His claws were bigger blades and the sisters could use them.

He was very pleased about finding the energon though. Grimlock had sniffed the cubes out of a hidden compartment in the cargo hold. There was much applause and a celebratory drink.

So the ship was fun. And wandering through deserts, grassy plains and by the sea shore was quite an adventure. Life was weird. Amusing, but weird. They traversed the world one step at at time and enjoyed every single one of those steps. But alas, the trio eventually found what they were searching for.

Nearly a month after starting their travels and scouting ahead one bright and brisk morning, the fliers glided and twirled loopily on light wind currents. Descending through misty clouds over a mountain range, they basked in the cool air. There were enjoying their flight until the sounds of fighting and blasterfire came from the partially forested slope below. Jetting down, the femmes could see vehicons and eradicons shooting at what looked like Autobots on the rocky mountainside.

"Storm trine to Grimlock, we have Autobots!" Darkwalk messaged the dinobot with the coordinates. It would take a few minutes for him to get to their location.

"Drop?" Wildsky barrel-rolled playfully.

Flicking her tailfins, Darkwalk agreed, "Drop."

"Yeeeeehhhhhaaaawwww!" With twin yells of exhilaration, the fliers positioned themselves before transforming back to root mode and falling front-first towards earth.

The Autobots weren't exactly having the greatest day. Being low on energon, Optimus had sanctioned a raid on a well known energon mine. It wasn't going so well. The plan to sneak in was scrapped the minute one of the vehicons had spotted Bulkhead. Like a kicked ants nest, the Cons had poured out of the mountain tunnels and surrounded the Bots. But the small team was giving it their all.

Some people were hopeful, "Thirty to four. I'd say we're pretty even." Bulkhead tried to joke. Arcee smacked him on the arm before ducking behind the boulder they were using as cover.

"Just keep shooting."

The only warning was screams of pure glee and tremendous clangs of metal hitting metal. Everyone looked up to see two eradicons careening down, engines roaring and flight path out of control. One smacked into the dirt and flipped, throwing his rider off. The femme seeker rolled, wings flat on her back before landing on her feet and servos in a skidding slide.

"That was a landing! I win!" The mainly blue and tawny flier yelled, ignoring the dumbstruck expressions.

The second eradicon smashed into several trees. His attacker leaped off early, transforming into a gray jet and shooting back up into the whirling mess of Decepticon fliers.

"Showoff!" Barked the lighter femme.

Yelping as the vehicons started firing at her, the short bot transformed and flew up to join her partner. The fighting on the ground renewed with vigor as the Autobots realized they had help. Bumblebee dashed toward his teammates and leaped over the rocks to land in a crouch, "Was that Jet Judo?"

"Can jets do Jet Judo to other jets?" Bulkhead broke cover to smash three cons with his wrecking ball.

"They think they can." Arcee replied, getting into a fistfight with several vehicons who had gotten around their cover. Things quickly descended into an all out brawl. A hit to the motorbike's back drove her to her knees.

Optimus jumped in and neatly finished the fight. "Focus."

The fighting did not last long. By randomly dropping on eradicons, the newcomers soon cleared the sky and provided air cover. Going to ground was not safer for the Cons, caught between the seekers above and the vicious fight they had on their servos with the Autobots. And the femmes had no issues landing on anyone who wasn't paying attention. Many poor vehicons ate dirt that day.

Finally, when it was obvious they would lose, the Decepticons retreated through a groundbridge. They were undoubtedly gathering reinforcements to retake the mine and alerting high command of the situation. Letting out sighs of relief, the Autobots stowed their weapons and looked at the seeker femmes. Said femmes were meandering and looking around.

When they noticed the Autobots looking at them, they froze. Optimus put away his battle mask and nodded at them. "Thank you for your help. I am Optimus Prime. What are your names?"

Simultaneously, the fliers looked at each other. They appeared to be communicating telepathically. Darkwalk murmured, "Backup?"

"Yeah, backup." Her sister answered.

And before the Prime or anyone else could do anything, the seekers bolted into the forest. There was a stunned silence before their scout clicked, "Well... that was weird."

"Why run? They could've flown." Frowning, Arcee rubbed her arms and peered at the shadows between the trees. Nothing stared back from the shadows.

"Why run at all?" Optimus sighed, "Gather as much energon as you can. The Decepticons will return soon."

Very quickly the Bots had the groundbridge open and were relinquishing their enemy of energon cubes. A few minutes and about fifty cubes in, loud thuds from the forest drew their attention. A crash, birds shrieked and flew up from the treetops, branches cracked sharply. The team drew their blasters.

Vegetation crunched underfoot. Bee nervously scooted closer to Bulkhead as the Prime stepped in front of his bots. The red and blue mech shifted into a fighting stance. "Show yourself."

The footsteps got louder and faster before a very large Cybertronian burst out of the trees, running full speed up the slope to the bots. A smaller figure followed after. Only Prime's shout of "Hold Fire!" kept the others from shooting.

"We're back!" Yelled the lavender gray seeker happily. She jogged up behind Grimlock and blew out a wheezy breath.

Sitting on Grimlock's shoulder's, Wildsky waved down at the surprised and wary bots, "And we brought a friend."

"Grimlock. It is good to see you." Optimus stowed his weapon and took a step toward the big gray and yellow dinobot. He turned toward the others and gestured that they could put away their weapons, "He is an Autobot and a friend."

Helping Wildsky down, Grimlock rumbled loudly, "Me Grimlock been looking for you Optimus Prime. Found seekers instead."

Said fliers snickered. The white one beamed, "And we found the Autobots. So we win!"

The two cheered and high-fived while Grimlock huffed and turned back to the Autobots as the Prime introduced his team and the seekers introduced themselves. None of them noticed the scout party of eradicons flying closer to find the best spot to open a groundbridge and attack the distracted Autobots.

"I've heard a lot of stories about you and the other Dinobots." Bulkhead seemed the most excited by the new arrivals, "Can you really roar loud enough to be heard across a frontline battlefield?"

Making faces, the seekers clapped their servos over their audios. Optimus looked alarmed, "No! Don-"

Too late. Grimlock had already transformed into dinomode, tail lashing back and forth. Straightening, he opened his maw and a bellowing roar issued forth. Choking out all other sound, the noise howled over them, sending everyone into an instinctive crouch to try and block it out. The bot's armor flared as coding told them to runRunRUN! It was the roar of a very large, very dangerous beast that would make lesser mechs cower in fear.

When it was finally over, the dinobot snapped his teeth together with a quiet click. People slowly opened their optics and stood. A dull cottony sort of silence engulfed them as hearing slowly returned.

The mountain forest was absolutely silent as every creature able was either hiding or had fled. With no other white noise, the eradicon's engines suddenly seemed quite loud. The Autobots looked up. The Decepticons hovered for one long second before turning on their tailfins and fleeing as fast as their thrusters would allow. Chestplates puffed out in pride, Grimlock looked quite smug with his toothy grin.

"Well!" Darkwalk clapped her servos, causing several people to startle, "I don't think they'll be back for the energon."

"Good riddance." Muttered Arcee, mouth quirking up in amusement.

Snickering, Wildsky flicked her wings back and forth in a cheerful wave. "They'll write it off as 'Not worth the cost of retaking'. Hey Optimus?" The Prime glanced at her with an inquiring optic ridge raised, "Can we come with you guys? We're neutral but we like helping Autobots."

Everyone looked at one another before collectively turning to the Prime. Standing tall, the leader studied the seekers with steady calm optics before nodding. "I don't see why not. You are welcome to come to the base."

"Whoo!" Cheered Wildsky as the groundbridge opened once more. "Adventures ho!"

Bumblebee chuckled as the femmes rushed over to help him carry some energon cubes and the others picked up all that they could carry. Passing through the vortex, Bulkhead started chatting with Grimlock about battles. Darkwalk and Wildsky quickly followed, excitement clear on their faces. The bridge closed on Optimus' footsteps as he went through last and the mountainside fell still and quiet.

For all of two minutes that is. One vehicon carefully lifted his helm to make sure the Autobots were truly gone before getting up and telling the others the coast was clear. No longer pretending to be dead, several wounded struggled to their feet and the small group let out sighs of relief. After congratulating each other on still being alive, the vehicons called for a groundbridge back to the Nemesis. They couldn't wait to tell the others they'd seen Grimlock, fought the Prime, and lived. Their comrades wouldn't believe it.



"Where to next?"

"Lets terrorize Bayverse. Ratchet needs repainted."